The "New" Republicans??
The fractious Republican Party, in its death throes caused by a Repoob invasion, is moving swiftly to "reform", not their party, but the nation's electoral system! They're throwing in the towel! After the dismal performance of "Mitt and Miss Anne", they've decided that they don't have enough whites to win elections any more.
So, what to do? The party still has a significant base in the state houses. The state legislatures are the seat of the electors who elect our President in national elections. It is the responsibility of the state governors, under our Constitution, to protect the electoral rights of their citizens. BUT THEY DON'T HAVE TO RESPECT THE CHOICES OF THEIR CITIZENS. Hence, the Republicans, in the "battleground" states, are moving to change the "winner-take-all" distribution of electoral votes in those states where the most voters are. The Republicans want to win without being the choice or the voice of the majority of voters.
Their rationale parallels their logic in the abortion battles they have waged over the past several decades. The party has no respect or regard for persons who are not white. They have demonstrated through their "lawn jockeys" their ability to "buy" non-whites to help them with their efforts to suppress the numbers, desires, and voices of non-white persons. There are many names that spring to mind, but Clarence Thomas is exhibit "A"; both, for enabling the rise of "W" and Cheney in 2000 and for Tea Party shenanigans to undermine President Obama and our Health Care Law. The interests of Republicans are the interests of "whites"; whether it's more white babies or white voters!
The Republican path arose from the death of the Whigs before our Civil War; proceeded to their "switch" to the segregationist Democrats under Nixon; and to their Tea Party incarnation today.
Keep peeping behind the curtain! These wackies are up nights plotting new ways to steal control of this country.
Stay Vigilant! Stay Involved!
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