Monday, January 28, 2013


A Widespread "Legacy"?
Long-term readers of this blog know that I am a "motherless child", since the age of 6.  In her book entitled  Children of Longing, (1970), Rosa Guy edited a collection of essays written by children who were in many ways similarly impacted.  In the Introduction to the book, Julius Lester wrote:
     "We are not taught the history of America or the history of Western Civilization in school.
     ...It is a concept of history that makes it all but impossible for us to look at ourselves and
     like what we see.  Each day the newspapers continue the dehumanization process.  Television
     intensifies it and we fill our lives with fantasies.  Our children grow up wanting to be an 
     image, a fantasy, instead of a person. ... We never have the opportunity to learn and to know
     what we are."  Julius Lester, Gayhead, Massachusettes, March 26, 1970
Fast-forward more than 40 years, and we find his observation to have been rock-solid!  We have also witnessed the tragic life of Michael Jackson, who was born in 1958.  All of our children are deeply in trouble on this score today.  In addition, they face far greater physical danger on a day-to-day basis.  As the skin color of the child darkens, so does the extent of the dangers they face.  We can't kid ourselves and believe we've made any real "progress"!
Driven by an impending "minority-majority" demographic for the United States; Red States are proliferating, along with poverty in those states.  So, too, is the frenzy for gun purchases by poor whites.
The sense of longing increases and deepens.  We long for sanity, civility, common sense, honor, truth, justice, and honesty.  Is it too much to long for??
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