Thursday, January 24, 2013


A Major Turn in TIME!
For those of us who believe that the affairs of mankind "turn" in cycles of time, the 2nd Inaugural of President Obama (2013) marks just a "4th Turning".  For many of us who have lived several decades past mid-life, this looks like a positive event,  after decades of negative events.  If major events in human affairs require recovery periods, the following "recoveries" have been on-going and over-lapping since my birth: the Great Depression; World War II; The Cold War; Vietnam; the 60's Assassinations; Civil Rights Movement, (to include court rulings and legislation); Integration & Backlash; and Great Recession.  These 8 major events consumed the time between today and the 3rd Turning (1937) marked by the 2nd Inaugural of  FDR.  The 1st Turning (1833)  was marked by the 2nd Inaugural of Andrew Jackson; the 2nd Turning (1865) was marked by the 2nd Inaugural of Abraham Lincoln.

After reading the four Inaugural Speeches delivered over the past 180 years of the history of our nation, I am struck by the recurrence of the driving issues: slavery, economic deprivation and struggle, conquest, and white supremacy.  The struggle goes on!  Will this turning be significantly different?  If Romney had won the 2012 election -- as the monied and religious interests desired -- I think not!

But they didn't win.  And they haven't yet devised a means for gaining complete control of this country.  The eight years of George W. Bush gave them their best chance, and they blew it -- through greed!

The basic forces driving the 4 turnings wafted to these shores in 1619; driven by religious and economic interests operating in the Caribbean and Mexico. These can be characterized as the "3 "M"s of Missionaries, Military, and Mercenaries.  After festering here for more than 200 years, they erupted in Civil War.  Those were the days of contained nations and national economies, made rich by foreign wars and intrigues.  We now have global economies and multi-national corporations whose interests dominate the affairs of all human beings on this planet.

The opportunity to overcome the forces of evil still exists, but the tasks involved in containing or subduing them are much more difficult.

Stay Vigilant! Stay Involved!

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All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC 


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