Thursday, January 31, 2013


From "Movie" to "Reality"??
We all remember the movie.  We also remember the region of our country, the severe deprivations of the people living there and their extremely limited world view.
Those "debilitations" are spreading rapidly across our country as the rot of paranoid "conservatism" continues to prove that the "Peter Principle" works also for politicians!  Are these the kind of people we want to lead this nation into our future?  Too many of our MONEY CLASS seem to think so.
When their leader, "Ol'-Triple-Six" took the helm of this country in 1980, there were enough people around with "common sense", personal integrity, and courage,  to save us from immediate harm.
We can do better than this!  We DESERVE better than this!  There should be no place in this country , no matter how small, where this kind of rot can remain safe from correction.  I know the Constitution permits better.  The voting public has to insist on better; EVERYWHERE!  The Congressional elections of 2014 denote the time and place for our "deliverance"!.. Be sure to SHOW UP; AND VOTE to get rid of the office holders who are spreading the filth currently crippling our nation.
We are asked to believe that there are still decent people who are also voting Republicans in this country.  I'll believe that if the current rot is tossed out of office in 2014.  Money should not succeed in protecting this rot -- any more than it succeeded in obtaining the Presidency in 2012! 
Stay Vigilant! Stay Involved!
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Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Poison Pill?? 
Has the Republican half of the bi-partisan Senate group putting together an Immigrant Bill slipped in a "poison pill"?  Have they slipped in a requirement for sealing a border than cannot be sealed, let alone "secured".  Have they also muddied the waters by seeking, in the name of immigration, to keep alive their stealth civil war, used in the 2012 Election?
You can't lose much betting against the level of knowledge or awareness of the citizens of this country.  Especially if that knowledge is of their own history.  The run-up to our Civil War was fueled by shenanigans of President Polk in his land grab for territory belonging to Mexico.  The "Texicans",(Houston, Austin) and their buddy President Andy Jackson, had little or no respect for Mexico or for Mexicans.  Read:  RACE and Manifest Destiny, Reginald Horsman, (1981), and The Year of Decision 1846, Bernard DeVoto (1942).  The trumped-up invasion of Mexico, like that of Iraq, is cited as a cause for our Civil War.  That's because their aim was to take Mexican territory and use it to extend slavery to the West Coast; thereby, guaranteeing chattel slavery forever in this country.  (Mexico had outlawed slavery in its Constitution of 1824).  That failed and we got the Fugitive Slave Act and the 1850 Compromise.
For more than 100 years, people travelled across our Southern Border without concern on either side.  The four current states who comprise our current border with Mexico are unable or unwilling to "secure" their portions of that border in a way that will satisfy all four states.  They are also unwilling to approve of the efforts of our Federal Government to "secure" that "border".  Ergo, the POISON in the negotiations??
The 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hildalgo, ending the war with Mexico, left the residents in the lands ceded; many of whom had been in place since arriving with the Conquistador, Onate in 1598.  The "border" crossed the inhabitants -- not the other way around.  The states we have on that land today(Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California)  provide, with their southern borders, what constitutes our present day Southern Border.  Our Northern Border,  derives from our squabbles with Great Britain; is longer and much more porous; and is of no concern in our present immigration politics.  (you can guess why??)
Of the reported "12 Million Illegals", only 60% cross our Southern Border on foot, the rest fly across all of our borders; as do the millions of non-Mexicans who are here illegally.  The "Latin-leads" (Rubio, and others) are mostly CUBAN.  They are protected wards of the Republican Party who do not share the predominant Hispanic history, have special benefits, and suffer not at all from current immigrant policies.  Does something smell not quite right here?
Stay Vigilant! Stay Involved!
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All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Annihilate Repoobs??
You, of all people, should WANT Repoobs annihalated!  Those are the rascist, white supremacist, crypto-fascist, nativist  creatures on full display during Election 2012 and the run-up Republican Primary clown show.  That fiasco, unabashedly, put the entire world on notice as to what really motivates your party!  And you want to blame the President (again)?? I'm thinking on "pots and kettles", but then I have a hard time imagining a Republican or a Repoop embracing the term "black" -- for any reason!  The lie you tell about being fiscally responsible never uses terms like "return our national finances -- to the black".
If you r-e-a-l-l-y are interested in restoring a smidgeon of respect for the Republican Party, you must first repudiate in public ALL of your party members who engage, in any part of the media, in utterances that diminish, be-little, or de-humanize any person of non-white identity. 
For those few party members remaining, you all must  wear an 18-wheeler lapel pin at all public appearances to signify the Billions of Dollars your party sent, by the plane-loads,  to Iraq that promptly "disappeared".
That $12B, off-loaded into all those semi's, was taxpayer money, and, to date, the Party has shown no interest in retrieving that money!
Then, the Party must own up to all of its failed riverboat-gambles in Iraq.  We were told all sorts of lies to cover your failures in leadership.  Coming clean, admitting it was a failed oil grab, among many other things, could help to restore the Party's image.  Oh, yes, what was that "W"-with- Sharon" drama on our television really about?  Was there some strategy never revealed to the the public?
Your party sits a-top a reeking pile of garbage in the public's eyes.  Playing the victim and blaming the President who "overcame" your crap, (with the backing of a lot of voters, of all colors), does not give us confidence in your ability to survive.
Stay Vigilant! Stay Involved! Get Clean!
Copyright © 2013:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC 

Monday, January 28, 2013


A Widespread "Legacy"?
Long-term readers of this blog know that I am a "motherless child", since the age of 6.  In her book entitled  Children of Longing, (1970), Rosa Guy edited a collection of essays written by children who were in many ways similarly impacted.  In the Introduction to the book, Julius Lester wrote:
     "We are not taught the history of America or the history of Western Civilization in school.
     ...It is a concept of history that makes it all but impossible for us to look at ourselves and
     like what we see.  Each day the newspapers continue the dehumanization process.  Television
     intensifies it and we fill our lives with fantasies.  Our children grow up wanting to be an 
     image, a fantasy, instead of a person. ... We never have the opportunity to learn and to know
     what we are."  Julius Lester, Gayhead, Massachusettes, March 26, 1970
Fast-forward more than 40 years, and we find his observation to have been rock-solid!  We have also witnessed the tragic life of Michael Jackson, who was born in 1958.  All of our children are deeply in trouble on this score today.  In addition, they face far greater physical danger on a day-to-day basis.  As the skin color of the child darkens, so does the extent of the dangers they face.  We can't kid ourselves and believe we've made any real "progress"!
Driven by an impending "minority-majority" demographic for the United States; Red States are proliferating, along with poverty in those states.  So, too, is the frenzy for gun purchases by poor whites.
The sense of longing increases and deepens.  We long for sanity, civility, common sense, honor, truth, justice, and honesty.  Is it too much to long for??
Stay Vigilant! Stay Involved! Stay Informed!
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All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC          

Sunday, January 27, 2013


" ... May Be In Syria"
This morning's "news" brought us an interview from Davos of King Abdullah II of Jordan.  Fareed Zakaria was the interviewer.  He is important as an interviewer in that he does not exhibit the "white think" tendencies of other right, left, and center media talking heads.  Much of the information we need, to understand what is going on in the world today, is contaminated by "white think" -- or is simply ignored.
The title and sub-title of this blog is a quote from Fareed"s interview.  The King, like Assad in Syria, took power following the death of a father (Assad in 2000 -- Abdullah II in 1999).  Unlike Assad, Abdullah just completed, successfully, an election wherein he is making progress toward "democratizing" his kingdom.
Whether here in the United States or abroad, three powerful forces have intersected since the end of the Cold War in such a way as to dominate our concerns.  They are economics, religion, and race/tribe.  These combined forces have shifted both faces and places to keep world stability under serious threat.  Now, the Middle East and Northwest Africa are places of fighting as Afghanistan and Pakistan decline in intensity.
These elements do not stand alone; there are racial/tribal aspects of religions and economics, and so on, throughout all permutations and combinations of these forces.  Here at home we see it in the spread of the Red States.  Following our election of 2012 and the gun violence of Newtown, the frenzy to buy guns has increased as governments at both the state and federal levels are moving to quell the contagion. 
Economic action and focus, post-election, has shifted to our states; as the pre-election squabbles between  Executive and Congressional interests at the federal level diminish.  Those tensions are now manifested within the parties inside Congress, led by religious and racial factions that are supported by the gun lobbies.
The states have to find ways to reflate their economies after drastic cuts spurred by pre-election attacks on our economy that were driven by extreme personalities within the Republican Party.
The average salary of a state governor, $130,000, is more than 8 times the income of minimum wage workers in their states.
Stay Vigilant! Stay Involved! Stay Informed!
Copyright © 2013 by Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Saturday, January 26, 2013


Native . African . European . AMERICAN !!
As "Moms", a Vaudeville-linked comedienne, would ask: "Why does anybody in this country have to spend their life locked up in some "box" that other peoples are busy shoving them into? Ain't Nobody Got Time fo' Dat!!"
Exactly!  Although I have not lived as long as she did, I have found that the most fundamental question that everyone in the United States must ask over their life span is this basic question of identity.  In a heavy-handed "culture" that dictates racial and ethnic status with the power and backing of the federal government, we perpetually remain mired in race-based issues infecting every aspect of our daily lives. 
A Blackfeet Encounter   aired a few nights ago on PBS.  Blackfeet is one of several Native tribes in my lineage, along with several European lines along with a "drop" of African heritage; the Blackfeet connection derives from Missouri, my place of birth.  The mighty river washed down a lot from the far Northwest, it seems.  That tribe is suffering mightily in this new 21st century from the phenomenon observed by De Tocqueville in the 1830's.  It appears that the "extermination" goal of the United States government  persists "on the Rez"!
Richard M. Brace, in his The Making of the Modern World  (1955) shows how this system was imported to the Americas by the Catholic Church, arriving around the time of Cortes and Bishop de Las Casas (early 1500's).  By 1800, there were an estimated 18 million persons under Spanish and Portuguese rule; more than half of whom were Natives and Negroes.  The Creoles (whites born outside of Spain) and Gauchupines (whites born in Spain) comprised the remainder.  The oppressive caste system was established and maintained by the Church.  That poison showed up in the 2012 election, directed toward our first black president.
For me, I decided long ago to be me!  All parts!  I reject the immigrant-based notion that one can or should reject his heritage and "start over" in this country;  "refreshed" with each new generation!  Down that road lines insanity; for individuals, for families, for communities, and governments at all levels.
So, Be yourself! We now have DNA and the Mormons to help us find out who that is.
Stay Vigilant!  Stay Involved!

Copyright © 2013:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC  

Friday, January 25, 2013


The "New" Republicans??
The fractious Republican Party, in its death throes caused by a Repoob invasion, is moving swiftly to "reform", not their party, but the nation's electoral system!  They're throwing in the towel!  After the dismal performance of "Mitt and Miss Anne", they've decided that they don't have enough whites to win elections any more.
So, what to do?  The party still has a significant base in the state houses.  The state legislatures are the seat of the electors who elect our President in national elections.  It is the responsibility of the state governors, under our Constitution, to protect the electoral rights of their citizens.  BUT THEY DON'T HAVE TO RESPECT THE CHOICES OF THEIR CITIZENS.  Hence, the Republicans, in the "battleground" states, are moving to change the "winner-take-all" distribution of electoral votes in those states where the most voters are.  The Republicans want to win without being the choice or the voice of the majority of voters.
Their rationale parallels their logic in the abortion battles they have waged over the past several decades.  The party has no respect or regard for persons who are not white.  They have demonstrated through their "lawn jockeys" their ability to "buy" non-whites to help them with their efforts to suppress the numbers,  desires, and voices of non-white persons.   There are many names that spring to mind,  but Clarence Thomas is exhibit "A"; both, for enabling the rise of "W" and Cheney in 2000 and for Tea Party shenanigans to undermine President Obama and our Health Care Law.  The interests of Republicans are the interests of "whites";  whether it's more white babies or white voters!
The Republican path arose from the death of the Whigs before our Civil War;  proceeded to their "switch" to the segregationist Democrats under Nixon; and to their Tea Party incarnation today.
Keep peeping behind the curtain!  These wackies are up nights plotting new ways to steal control of this country.
Stay Vigilant! Stay Involved!

Copyright © 2013:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC 

Thursday, January 24, 2013


A Major Turn in TIME!
For those of us who believe that the affairs of mankind "turn" in cycles of time, the 2nd Inaugural of President Obama (2013) marks just a "4th Turning".  For many of us who have lived several decades past mid-life, this looks like a positive event,  after decades of negative events.  If major events in human affairs require recovery periods, the following "recoveries" have been on-going and over-lapping since my birth: the Great Depression; World War II; The Cold War; Vietnam; the 60's Assassinations; Civil Rights Movement, (to include court rulings and legislation); Integration & Backlash; and Great Recession.  These 8 major events consumed the time between today and the 3rd Turning (1937) marked by the 2nd Inaugural of  FDR.  The 1st Turning (1833)  was marked by the 2nd Inaugural of Andrew Jackson; the 2nd Turning (1865) was marked by the 2nd Inaugural of Abraham Lincoln.

After reading the four Inaugural Speeches delivered over the past 180 years of the history of our nation, I am struck by the recurrence of the driving issues: slavery, economic deprivation and struggle, conquest, and white supremacy.  The struggle goes on!  Will this turning be significantly different?  If Romney had won the 2012 election -- as the monied and religious interests desired -- I think not!

But they didn't win.  And they haven't yet devised a means for gaining complete control of this country.  The eight years of George W. Bush gave them their best chance, and they blew it -- through greed!

The basic forces driving the 4 turnings wafted to these shores in 1619; driven by religious and economic interests operating in the Caribbean and Mexico. These can be characterized as the "3 "M"s of Missionaries, Military, and Mercenaries.  After festering here for more than 200 years, they erupted in Civil War.  Those were the days of contained nations and national economies, made rich by foreign wars and intrigues.  We now have global economies and multi-national corporations whose interests dominate the affairs of all human beings on this planet.

The opportunity to overcome the forces of evil still exists, but the tasks involved in containing or subduing them are much more difficult.

Stay Vigilant! Stay Involved!

Copyright © 2013:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC 


Tuesday, January 22, 2013


"Seeing" What's "Not Seen"
My best memories of studying with Peter Drucker include those times when we would argue "race".
I learned from his insights, even though Peter had never been "black" at anytime in his life.  We argued about those things "seen" and those "not-seen".  We often used "gender" to make a point.
The eyes are the culprit where race is concerned.  The "eyes and ears" become the culprit when "gender" is the issue.  For example, how many women have experienced situations when they "say" something in a meeting, or to and individual who is male; only to find that what they "said" can only be "heard" when a male (or a "white" male) "say's" it??  Got the point??   All persons of color, regardless of gender, experience this.  It's most severe for non-whites of either (or any) gender.
Just about all citizens of the United States refer to ourselves as "Americans" -- and we are.  But we are not THE Americans.  We use the term (even the first Black President) as short-hand for the citizens of the United States.  This habit really reveals our poor educational system (ignorance of geography) and our racism.  When we think a little, we know that everyone, from the poorest Alaskan Native to the poorest citizen of the Falklands, is an American!  This small change in thinking can revolutionize everyone's view of the world, their place in the world, and open tremendous economic possibility.  We might stop our habit of trashing, and thereby wasting, people and their potential.
The dichotomy paradox, among Zeno's paradoxes's_paradoxes,
is the key to full understanding of our tendency to cling to practices that prohibit us from reaching our goals, in life, and in business.  Think about it!

Stay Vigilant!  Stay Involved!
All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC

Monday, January 21, 2013


"Inspiration" -- Sorely Needed
Today, President Obama was inaugurated for the 3rd time!  Once for each term of office, and once again to get around the Sabbath issue.  Inaugural  Poet, Richard Blanco, delivered a very timely and inspiring poem that was uplifting, both to this viewer, and, according to C-Span call-ins, to the nation as a whole.  If words can heal, these words should melt the heart of the most staunch Obama-hater.
(Some Republicans left town to avoid attending Inaugural Festivities).
Richard Blanco's bio states: "I was made in Cuba, assembled in Spain, and imported to the United States -- " .  The road back into the mainstream for the Republican Party will almost certainly lead through the rising "Hispanic" demographic.  From the size, enthusiasm, and selection of that vote in the 2012 election, citizens of this nation, of all backgrounds, must pay close attention as this part of our future unfolds.  Chances are great that events in Cuba and surrounding regions will erupt into prominence during this second term for the President. 
Because of the history of Cubans in Republican politics since the Bay of Pigs, many expect Cubans, especially those in Florida, will figure prominently in what unfolds.  Marco Rubio has a lead in the media and among the extreme right  Ted Cruz, the winner for the Texas Senate seat vacated by K. Bailey Hutchison, may be a surprise choice for both the Republicans and the extreme right. . 
Voters with Mexican roots, however, form the bulk of the Hispanic demographic in this country.  Check out the twins from San Antonio, Texas Julian and Joaquin Castro   ://  Which of them will gain the strongest voice?  Stay tuned.
Let's all stay involved in this unfolding future.  We have a lot at stake.
Stay Vigilant!

Copyright © 2013:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC  

Sunday, January 20, 2013


It's So Nice, They'll Do it TWICE
For the record, it's because January 20th, at high noon EST, falls on a Sunday!  Once before, they waited until Monday (in deference to the Christian sabbath) and the nation went hours without a President that was "sworn".  We now "swear" on Sunday, evidently.
It appears that a solid quarter of the nation has not accepted the first black President, yet.  As he approaches his 3rd Inauguration, they probably never will.  They prefer to continue hugging their guns.  Hopefully, that's all they will do.
We've made some progress since the awful 60's.  Holder is not J.Edgar!  Liddy Biddy is no longer around.  We're still struggling with Texas, however.
Two things all persons of African lineage (even "one-drop") whose roots are in the former slave states must see are Soul Food; appearing on PBS - Independent Lens    and Blacks Without Borders 
Two critical topics are addressed here that are important to understanding the coming economy, both at home and abroad; and to personal health, the most economically sensitive behavior we all engage in.  In short, your money and your food.  The First Lady, Michele Obama, has been revolutionary in her willingness and ability to surface these critical issues and push for heightened awareness among those most severely harmed by any lack of knowledge in these areas.  I strongly recommend that you see both of these websites!
As you enjoy this long weekend that includes the Inauguration and accompanying festivities, and the celebration of Martin Luther King, reflect on the connection between religion, food, and health as you view the sites recommended above.
Stay Vigilant!

Copyright © 2013:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC 

Saturday, January 19, 2013

"REPOOB" surrender??

Rats in a STEW??
Great News!  Some elements of what was the GOP may be coming to their senses!  They decided not to confront the President over the Debt Ceiling -- this time!  They're fighting among themselves to get a 3-month extension on the ceiling, while threatening the Senate with no pay if  "they" don't produce a budget by March, 2013.
Maybe they consulted the Constitution and learned that there are Presidential Budgets, Senate Budgets, and House Budgets.  It's called SEPARATION OF POWERS.  The President seems to have been cured of his "cum bi hy'ar" teachings, and miracles are sprouting in the wake.
Maybe this country can work its way out of this horrendous mess by focusing on what has already been agreed upon.  For instance, in the "Cliff" debacle, a dollar amount was set for the tax hike agreement.  NOW, let's use that figure for raising the levels on payroll tax deductions!  That will help the Social Security problem, relieve revenue pressures on our final national budgets, and set the stage for the next step in reducing deficits, debt, and all this asinine blather in the media!
Another thing we have to do to prevent this nightmare from ever occurring in the future is:  TAKE RE-DISTRICTING out of the hands of political parties; at the state and federal levels.  Set up a bi-partisan commission, with veto power by the President for member selection, and give it the authority to redistrict after each census.  That re-districting plan will have to pass an up-or-down vote by both houses of Congress.  Let's pressure these cowards into doing what's right for everyone!  Guess what! The MONEY IN POLITICS issue just might go away also.
Think about it!  The Founders "got it right", after all!
Stay Vigilant!

Copyright © 2013:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC 

Friday, January 18, 2013


Gun-Runner/Dope Dealer "Delight"?? 
As we all shudder while "terrorism" comes home to your movie theater, our mall, the house next door, the bedroom next to yours; we have to ask ourselves: "how did we let this happen"??  FDR warned this country in the 30's:  We should "fear" fear!  We didn't get the message. Our "politicians" did, though.  The events in 2001 delivered a gift to those among us who knew best how to "profit" from them.  Nikita said we'd "sell" the rope used to hang us!
We got an early warning with the anthrax attacks on some politicians within Congress.  Still, we didn't pay attention.  We allowed the media to bullsh*t us; and put us back to sleep!
Combined forces now have had free reign since 2000, to smother a pre-conditioned nation with anti-personal weaponry of every imaginable sort.  If you ever wondered how a marginally gun-crazed nation would respond to such an overdose; even "the blind" should see by now -- except for the criminally stupid, that is.
Our media is flooded, post-Newtown, with nuts who are emboldened enough to come out on T.V. and spout their defiance of attempts by our saner elements to "get a grip".  Oh, by the way, we can guess now where the flood of "dirty money" that has corrupted our politics comes from.
Since we're all "minorities" now, maybe the emerging white minority is learning how to live with the terrorism that non-white minorities have faced since 1619!  Its not a pretty picture!  The self-deluded among us should "take the cure"!; WAKE UP!
Our media tells us to not ever utter the names of the shooters.  Why? They're afraid that we might discover that its the a-holes with the guns that we should focus our attention on.  Not just those who are "mentally ill" (in a nation on the brink of sanity at just about every level?? -- give be a "break").  This evil has invaded relationships of every kind,  and just about everyplace.  What was the relationship of the Newtown shooter with his brother?; his father?; his neighbors?.  Even the stupid can now guess that there was some kind of un-healthy relationship with his mother!
In my 65 years of business and professional travel throughout this nation, I've seen, up front, the seeds of this morass.  My hairy-knuckled Libertarian buddies in the Pacific Northwest included a kindergarten teacher who was "packing" every day in her classroom.  It didn't prevent anything important.  I've never met many "psychiatrists" and "psychologists" who weren't as "effed up" as their patients!
Stay Vigilant!

Copyright © 2013:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC 

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


A Much-Needed "Awakening"!!
My Dad taught us: If you want to live in a safe neighborhood, clean up your own house!  That teaching extends from your home and neighborhood, all the way to the power centers in the nation's capital!  It pertains, especially, to your HOUSE (of Representatives); because all bad things that need funding (just about all of them do), go to the "House" for the money.  Dirty money is paid in large sums to members of both houses of Congress, but it is mostly targeted to the House -- where all government spending is authorized.  Why was "dirty money" passed out on the floor of the House by the Speaker??
We're a gut-sick nation, right now, because 2012 fed us a steady diet of gun-carnage, from Trayvon to Newtown.  Instead of a public outcry, centered on the House, we only wept and prayed.  Its long past time we stood up and made our move against the House of Representatives!  We each need to get their names -- EVERYONE of them (and their phone numbers).  We should make it a personal thing to check how each one of them votes to quell gun violence in this country.
We should get to know the "Hastert" Rule; who Hastert was; and why it became a rule.  Who were his accomplices?
Why does the House pass laws and then cripple them by not funding those laws?  Why can't this President (and the last one) get effective control of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms??  Why can any  faction within the House cut off funding for any law on the books, making that law moot?
Let's do the homework; lets get on the phones; lets TURN UP THE HEAT!
Stay Vigilant!

Copyright © 2013:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC   

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


"Revealing" Intersection??
"Revelations", is the name of a book in the Bible, and also describes startling things that emerged from the President's last news conference in his first term.  Yesterday, the President of the United States made clear to the world, and our House of Representatives, that he will not allow this country to become a "Deadbeat Nation".  He also noted that "optics" explains much of the difficulty our Congress has in performing its tasks.

In this case, optics means "image"; and there is a HUGE image problem; centered on our House of Representatives.  They are the "skunks at the party"; as our economy shows every sign of real recovery after 4 long years of trudging back from the huge implosion the Republicans bequeathed to us in 2008.

To "reveal" their evil intentions, they are, like cornered rats, threatening to welch on our nations' debts.  We all know that we can't have ANY debt without the House of Representatives "spending" the money in the first place!  Our Constitution requires that all money spent by our federal government must originate in the House.  After ignoring the voters in our 2012 election, its becoming clear that a massive House Cleaning by the voters is necessary to remove this serious threat to our economic future.  They pretend to do this to "cut" spending.  They "overspent", THEN decided they didn't want to "pay" for what they "bought", THEN demanded that SOME of the contracts they made, be abrogated.  We have inmates of psychiatric hospitals that behave in a more sane manner!

The other part of the "image-optics" is their problem with our black President.  After treating him like a dog for the past four years and trying every trick under the sun to defeat him, these "sicko's" are still screaming their same old bullsh*t; only louder!  The voters of this country MUST end this madness in 2014.  Remove the bottle-necks!

Then; there're the Guns! Or, Money! Or Money and Guns!  The Republicans, who run the House, are also the "Bad Guys" who protect the gun runners who enable the murder of our children.  We beat them when they spent all that "Bad Money" to defeat the President.  Now they're doing everything they can to protect an illicit gun trade.

We all need to "pull our heads out" of Reality T.V. , or some other darker and warmer place, and get busy to do the work required to make SURE this crap is removed from our government in 2014!

Stay Vigilant!

Copyright © 2013:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC 

Monday, January 14, 2013


Entrenched Insurrectionists??
What's left of the Republican Party has shrunk into a highly ideological and destructive FACTION!
Ignoring the voice of the voters in the 2012 Election, this group of domestic enemies are hell-bent on destroying this nation by wrecking the House of Representatives.
Using powers granted in our Constitution (Power of the Purse, and the 2nd Amendment), this faction is intent upon destroying the country -- through gun violence, women's health, financial bankruptcy, massive lay-offs, -- the list grows daily.
Do not despair, however, the same Constitution grants us the power to eradicate this faction: it is your VOTE!  in the off-year election for the House of Representatives.  A strong national campaign to vote against every Republican on the ballot in 2014 will do the trick.  It's a two-step cure:
   (1) Make sure you vote in 2014!
   (2) Make sure that Not one Republican (NOR) gets a vote from you!
Stop believing they care one bit about our national deficit and/or debt. 
Stop believing they give a damn whether your child is safe, or gets a good education, or gets a job after graduation. 
Stop believing they give a damn whether our economy grows or gets unemployment under control.  Stop believing that they want a sane Immigration Policy!
They represent that "foaming at the mouth" faction in our nation that will cheerfully destroy anything they can't control!
Stay Vigilant!

Copyright © 2013:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC 

Sunday, January 13, 2013


"Can" Colin Save the Repoobs??
On one of the Sunday shows today was Colin Powell, former Secretary of State for the "W" and Cheney Administration.  Colin defended, under attack by the talking head, his votes (twice) for President Obama; yet said he was still a Republican, because he "was raised that way".  A panel followed which included Governor Barber of Mississippi (home of Tarantino's "Candi-Land") implored Colin to lead the GOP back to sanity.  Cory Booker, Mayor of Newark, NJ, appeared to be the only sane person on the panel.
The election is over.  The GOP lost -- big time!  The Gun-Nuts in the party (the Repoobs, or Tea-partiers) are in the media threatening open insurrection.  The GOP leadership in the House and Senate are "hunkering down" in their opposition to just about anything our government needs to do to keep the country running.  Next stop (after being out-foxed in their stand at the "cliff") is a threat from the idiots to push the nation (again) into bankruptcy.
Where the Hell are the voters of this country?  If the nuts carrying on in the GOP had dark complexions and wore turbans, we'd all be in the streets (with or without guns)!    But No!  We remain mesmerized by our "entertainers" on the right, left, and middle. We have to dial back to 1861 in our history to find our country in this much difficulty.
The Democrat Party members seems to be confused in the face of all of this.  There are more and more resignations among Cabinet leaders.  Have we no clear thinkers?  Is Colin the answer?
Colin and I are two years apart in age.  Our military careers both started with Army ROTC.  We were commissioned when no private employers would employ African Americans (then called Negros) for any job that was not menial or "stoop" labor.  Negros in professions were in the JIM CROW establishment formed by doctors, lawyers, preachers, and teachers.  With a degree in Physics and a commission in the Air Force, my career led to Cold War technology and weapon development.  I retired at the 20 year point as a Lt Colonel.  Colin went on to the General Ranks with the aid of Caspar Weinberger.  Colin's total career contains many troubling events.  That, and the penchant for the GOP to continue to cling to the past on social and economic issues, makes the proposal unlikely.
Stay Vigilant!

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Saturday, January 12, 2013


Let's "Tell It Like It Is"!!!
(Kudos to Aaron Neville)
I  rushed to my keyboard this morning before I "lost" the term I just heard on one of the T.V. channels  (us old guys don't have a lot of short-term memory left).  GENDER SENSITIZATION  -- What the Hell??, You might ask.  Upon reflection, and taking the program for which it was used into account, the term is an update for the list of feminist code words that have hounded us since the 70's. 
Last I checked, "gender" also includes male animals, but their focus is on the "rape" awakening that is taking place in India.  It appears to be their "Arab Spring"??  Well, bring it on! -- because we're ALL involved in this someway, aren't we?
I was commissioned in 1962.  During the next 20 years I rose through the ranks in the Air Force.
I wrote my first Master's Thesis (American Values in Black and White)  in 1972; largely to get at the history of "race" as practiced in the United States and how that impacted the "Hell" of race tensions taking place in the United States Military, both here and around the world.  These were still early days of the Truman military integration Executive Order.
As we struggle today to replace our current Secretary of Defense, its becoming clear that the new guy will have to face a repeat of that racial Hell in the guise of a "rape epidemic" that has arisen and cannot, so far, be "managed", "controlled", "extinguished",  -- take your pick.  It seems that the military has been a constant "laboratory" in which this nation continues its "domestic wars" of race and, now, gender.  It has always been a portal for economic advancement.
As I entered into my 20 years of service, the military was ushering out the remnants of WW-II and Korean War "leadership"; replacing it with more "culturally sensitive" leaders.  As I was leaving, there began around the time of Reagan's ascendancy a replacement of the "culturally sensitive" leadership with a raw, racist, Neo-con group who buried the "Hatch Act" and became openly involved in right-wing politics.  This led to the debacles of the "W" era.  Those "political Generals" are well known by now.
In between, 1973, Nixon got rid of the Draft; causing an immediate mass exit of those officers and enlisted with high I.Q's.  Finance is not the only headache the military of today presents to the new Chief!
This new phrase (title) is now "sprung" and, I'm sure, will rapidly spread.  But don't laugh!  These racial and gender traumas are real and not just a game of language.  They are deeply buried in the psyche of our total population, and are being reflected from other parts of the planet, due to the technological advances we created to win the Cold War.  Could it be that our mean-spirited, heavily armed, and fringe-infected part of our white male population is the result of these movements within our military over the past 50 years?
You bet'cha!!
Stay Vigilant!

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Friday, January 11, 2013


Or Demeaning "Betrayal"
For those of you who have  seen,  or plan to see, Spielberg's Lincoln , a subtle, but critical, message is buried in the film.  That message involves the basic humanity of persons of color; especially those with one drop of African blood.  In this film, as in his rendition of The Color Purple, Spielberg imbeds his answer to that question.  He votes for white supremacist views on the subject.  He demeans the African-African minister in the Color Purple and shows other black male characters as craven or tyrannical.
In Lincoln, he omits the role of Frederick Douglass in our Emancipation, , while confirming the conjugal powers of white males and the conjugal powerlessness of black women.  The "great compromise" celebrated in the film is based in the belief that non-whites are less than human.
The 2012 election results show that a sizeable portion of the U.S. electorate still holds those beliefs.
Fast-forward to the early 1970's and the Feminist Movement in this country.  Flo Kennedy  visited the University of Kansas to speak to an audience of young feminists.  She interrupted that speech to beseech the black and other non-whites not to mistake feminist issues for those involved in fighting racial issues.  She compared racial issues in this country to feminist issues by likening them to a comparison of menstrual cramps to cancer! 
That message was not heeded by younger non-white generations, and as a result, we are still confronted, 150 years later, with the need to fight for human rights to replace "civil" rights; that can be eradicated  at any time by a majority vote in some legislature.
Lest anybody be confused at this late date, Quentin Tarantino has provided Django Unchained  to remind you what that sentiment derives from and why it persists.
Stay Vigilant!

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Thursday, January 10, 2013

"This Little Piggy . . ."

. . . Must Become a SMART Buyer!
"Moms" Mabley warned us, in the 50's, to stop lying to our "babies"!  We missed that message, it seems.  Tired, finally, of only white male super-heroes (from Jesus to the Fat Man), we're turning to a prominent black rapper to create a "black super-hero"!  Enough!, already.  It can be argued that super-heroes are not good for any child; but they have certainly failed to produce anything of real value for non-white children.  There might be a message in the fact that the Aurora mass-murder took place in a super-hero movie??
As for fairy tales of the "piggy" variety, my favorite is the Three Little Pigs.  That one is about wise economic choices -- not some "savior" that will protect you from your own poor choices.  My favorite pig is the one in the brick house.
The recent mass murder of babies in school galvanized the nation, once again.  The scatter-brained media would have us believe this a "first"; because they were white and wealthy babies.  They have "forgotten" Tim McVeigh and the "Oklahoma" mass murder.  Those were really "babies" -- in a nursery!  There were white babies killed then also.
But, so goes the power of our mind-effin' media and the N.R.A!  We have to, first,  easily lie to ourselves, before we can easily swallow the lies of our media and the power of our home-grown Taliban.  The lawyer in the McVeigh court case wrote a book, as I remember, attempting to warn us of an evil portion of our society who are given a pass because they are white, male, and armed to the teeth!
If we continue in this penchant for self-deception and deception of our children, we truly become our own worst enemy.  But don't get me wrong, I don't believe that we should transfer our anger to guns.  That won't work, because we're all convinced that guns are the "American Way".  It is the gun-nut and their backers we must identify and deal with.
Stay Vigilant!

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Wednesday, January 9, 2013


. . .Is "Colder"?? 
My grandfather opened his dry-cleaning and tailoring business in 1907 on the north side of East Main St.  He struggled to keep his doors open for just short of fifty years; until the local politicians destroyed (razed to the ground) all black businesses on the north side of that block (to include the historic Maple Leaf Club).  The white-owned businesses on the south side of that block were left un-touched.  He weathered periodic thefts of funds from his accounts in the white-owned banks, and being burned out by his white competitor, but his most difficult business threat was the buying habits of his "Colored" customers.
We had customers of all colors, but the majority were from the north side of town where the "Colored" people were segregated.  The white customers  and some non-whites paid cash for their drycleaning or tailoring.  But the majority of "our people" asked for, and got credit.  We had to institute a "30-day" rule of confiscation to keep up with the drycleaning waiting for the owners who could no longer get credit from us.  We became their "closet".  When times got better, however, those same customers took their trade to our white competitor.  Some-how the white man's services were preferred.
From my experiences and conversations over many years with people from a wide portion of this country, I found that this phenomenon is common among segregated communities, and a surprising parallel exists within immigrant communities (many of them also segregated in their beginning).  The need to display economic advancement among oppressed and poor peoples takes on an exaggerated expression in this country -- it persists until this day!  This behavior leads to poor economic choices because they are driven by social, not economic, needs.  I saw this most recently in Miami among the Cubans.  Tom Wolfe brilliantly displays this phenomenon in is recent book,  Back To Blood;  shows how this thinking has spread to a wide range of behaviors among persons of color of all economic levels. 
Since the 1960's, when pressures from Integration led the more educated and economically advantged "Negros" to leave the ghetto to pursue white suburbia, this phenomenon has contributed mightily to the grossly over-leveraged financial conditions suffered by all of us.
Stay Vigilant!
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Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Why we're still functioning -- Thus Far!
Were it not for the wisdom of our forebears, the United States of America would be "toast" economically!  We're NOT -- yet!  Why do I say this.  If not for the Federal Reserve System (bitterly opposed by the political insurrectionists in operation during 2012) our economy would be comatose.  They took Monetary Policy away from the politicians; after decades of financial mayhem.
To wake up from this nightmare, Social Security and Re-Districting must ALSO be removed from the clutches of politicians!  We can do this!  Take away the "honey pot" of Social Security, used to get us into wars and to fund tax cuts,  and force our politicians into "cold turkey" withdrawal!
Stay Vigilant

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The "Docility" Argument
The movie: "Django Unchained" features a key argument for the "success" of the chattel slavery system.  That argument centers on the "natural docility" of the African, based on the formation of their brains.  Most of the "scientific" arguments supporting the natural subjugation of Africans and anyone with a drop of African blood have been "scientifically" refuted -- although without the prominence required to delete it from human belief systems.  It is known that all tyrants, whether butchers or popes, or other crowned heads, realize that to succeed you have to be very careful in your understanding of the 80% of the subjugated who maintain the system.  Ten percent will be rebellious, and ten percent will be strong supporters of the tyrant.  The middle 80% can be relied upon to "go along" so long as they see themselves as "safe" or to otherwise benefit.  The tyrant must be careful not to ask for "too much" from the 80%.  From Hitler to "W"; I've seen this principle applied in my lifetime. 
As for the nonwhite, and especially the Colored/Negro/African-American/Black groups, this rule has starkly been in evidence in three instances:  Booker T. Washington vs.  Frederick Douglass;  W.E.B. Dubois vs. Marcus Garvey; and Martin Luther King vs. Malcolm X.  White opinion, expressed through religions, government,  and all forms of media, pushed the "choice" for blacks, in the direction we see today. 
Economics and "struggle" are factors missing in current discussion; but they become highly visible when examining the arguments of the protagonists. Blacks and other non-whites in the Americas today must re-inject economics and the appropriate form of struggle into these arguments.  The picture "flips" dramatically.  Tarantino put forward his method for doing so in his movie.  In my 73 years, I've seen no other script released by Hollywood that took his approach.
Stay Vigilant!

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Monday, January 7, 2013

"DJANGO" A 2013 Expose'??

Antebellum Slavery
My introduction to the daily lives of slaves on plantations in the "old South" occurred when, as a teenager, I read Kyle Onstott's Mandingo.  The novel lays bare the violence, cruelty, greed and lust that were daily conditions; much in the way Tarantino does in his film.  That book, and this movie, "sure ain't ROOTS".  I was lucky to meet Alex Haley in the Spring of the year he died, when he visited Seattle prior to shipping out to sea to work on his last book.  I wonder what Alex would think of this film? 
Spike Lee, reportedly,  has "spiked" it; in what is becoming a media controversy.  To see what all the fuss is about, I saw the film today.  It's long, (2 hours and 45 minutes), fast paced, and it managed to keep the viewer engaged for the most part.  There were very strong performances by Samuel L. Jackson and Leonardo Di Caprio.  Jackson's performance makes it possible to understand why this country could produce both Thurgood Marshall and Clarence Thomas.
I was born and raised in Missouri, a border slave state, 74 years after slavery formally ended.  The movie starts in Texas, a pivotal state in the history of slavery in the United States.  Bernard De Voto explains how Texas was proposed to be split into four slave states; yielding total political control to the slave states and extending chattel slavery to the Pacific Ocean.  2012 brought back a whiff of that dream for those Repoobs struggling to launch Mitt.  Texas uniquely links old-South slavery in its Louisiana border region; Mexican legacy in its southern third; and law-less gun fighting in its northern and western regions.  A gun-slinging Western, then, fits!  Tarantino also "hints" that Europeans were somehow "better" than the slave-holder here in the U.S.  In fact, Europe prospered more than the Americas from slavery.  Check out David Brion Davis' accounts.  
The controversy expressed in the media centers on the use of the "N" word.  In segregated Missouri during the first 20 years of  my life, that word usage fits, by both black and white users.  I'm sure it was used a lot more in the interior and deep South, 100 years earlier.  I say "shame on those" who would seek to "sanitize" the violence, language, blood and gore, greed and lust, that was commonplace during that  period by silencing it.
The movie is worth seeing by everyone who can stand a more credible depiction of chattel slavery.
It will definitely not be the "cup of tea" for those who are fans of "Gone With The Wind"!
Stay Vigilant!

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Sunday, January 6, 2013


A Global Contagion?
The continued rumble of the rabble that remains after stunning defeats from their attempts to destroy President Obama, and, to commit mayhem at the "Fiscal Cliff", reveals the power of wealth concentration, unequal earning distributions, and small or declining Middle Classes.  Repoobs still control what's left of the Republican Party in the United States and now threaten another "hold-up" over the Debt Ceiling.
All this goes to show what money will buy -- and what it won't buy.  Remember, Mitt Romney paid handsomely to have the "kool-aid" delivered to him.  We can all, rich and poor, white and non-white, learn from the Jonestown, Guyana Suicide  The anti-rape uprising that threatens the government in India shows what can happen when elements of a society decides to end their complicity in societal "norms".
Grossly disproportionate income and wealth distributions inflame crime and corruption, lack of good order, gross abuses of societal elements, starvation, and degrade overall public safety.  The nativist (read white supremacist) elements of our nation refuse to admit that the economy that rules today is the global economy.  There is no going back to their "good old days"; no matter how much mayhem they threaten.
Non-whites everywhere, have to learn to end their complicity in the old societal "norms".  They have to take a crash course in the new economies around the world and discontinue individual and group failings in the "old economy" that the Repoobs fight to re-establish.
Quality education, basic and advanced technical and business skills, racial sophistication, have to become of more concern to non-whites because their survival is at stake in ways not so before.  Religion in less-developed parts of the world still contain the racial, ethnic, and tribal factors it incubated in the more-developed societies.  That "nut" will be harder to crack, but a peaceful and more prosperous future for all lies in the balance.
Stay Vigilant!

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Saturday, January 5, 2013


Are You "Killing" Your Child?
Our media is a-buzz with a new "discovery":  Children must learn to read before 3rd grade (8 yrs of age). After that age, they must read to learnThose children who fail to attain "grade level", it appears, will henceforth be "held back"!
When I was a child, I was taught that the slaves in this country taught their children how to read; even though they were illiterate.  The did it by stealing a book from the "big house" they heard being used to teach Massa's child.  They forced their children to struggle with the book until they "sounded" like the Massa's child.  Remember: any slave who was found to be able to read was executed, by law!  The slaves risked their lives, and those of their children, to teach them how to read!  There was a Senator Bilbo, when I was young, who pushed national policies to keep all persons of color "barefoot and ignorant".  Today, Senator Graham and others are "channeling" those old politicians.
In 2004, I worked in Miami with black applicants for college scholarships (funded by a Korean entrepreneur as "insurance" for the tiny Korean community there).  I was told that the state of Florida's plans for their prison bed inventory, were based on the number of black males in Florida who failed to read at grade level by 3rd grade.  One Haitian applicant (a "Dream" case) "maxxed" the SAT, but because of his immigrant status, no college would admit him.  He was deported to Haiti.  No politician, black or otherwise, would lift a finger to help.
Fast forward to 2013:  It is a national scandal that children (minorities, especially) are failing to meet that reading standard, in large numbers, across this country.  Why!  Because "educators" (all colors, classes, genders) care more about their jobs than they do about the reading abilities of their students.  The greater the "social distance" between the educator and the student, the greater the problem!
If you are reading this blog, check out your mirror!  If the image comes back non-white, and you're in the United States -- your child has a huge problem.  A slave from the "old days" may just have provided the solution!
Stay Vigilant!

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Friday, January 4, 2013


In Search of "Conversation"? 
Last night, Charlie Rose aired an interview with Evan Williams and Biz Stone, founders of TWITTER.  They spent a lot of time grappling with the concept of "conversation" on the WEB, and the ability or lack thereof, of accomplishing that on TWITTER.  Evan spoke of "creating a bird" to achieve this.
THE OWL was created in April, 2011, to reach those citizens, mostly non-white, who are ignored, maligned, or otherwise poorly served by our national media. A bird that "sees" in the dark; the owl is a powerful tool to reach a new, rapidly expanding audience. 
Born in Missouri in 1939, I remember a world in which people who were not white had their own media, and had no difficulty "communicating" among themselves.  Most of that was destroyed in the 60's and 70's.
Thanks to Google, Facebook, and Twitter, my blog, THE OWL, has spread rapidly in this country, and throughout the world.  But "conversation", which requires effective feedback, is not something that has resulted.  Twitter, to me, is analogous to the headlines of  newspapers in our past.  My blog, heavily documented with references to expand my messages, can, at best, provide information for the reader to hold conversations with their friends.  My readers go "deep"; well beyond the headline. 
I worry that popular technologies, most of them developed by my co-workers during my days in the military, may fall short in any attempt to provide images for those masses of non-white persons that world media ignores (except for those images that prove beneficial for wealthy and white consumers).
Communication between parallel worlds is difficult at best, but almost impossible when massive forces work to prohibit it.  Communication within non-white parallel worlds are also disrupted or destroyed by current technology applications.  Perceptions proliferate that serve to convince non-white consumers of media that they don't NEED to be reflected at all; not simply more, and more positively.  I know of no successful efforts to restore the effective communication that many of us had before the 1960's.  Reports of efforts to stymie Al Jazeera's reach through purchase of Current TV have surfaced recently.  Junot Diaz of MIT, told Bill Moyers of the emotional difficulty that young students have when they struggle to speak the language necessary to break the spell of the pervasive white images in media.
If "natural" non-white images are successfully erased from dominant world media, their "voice" will follow.
Stay Vigilant!

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Thursday, January 3, 2013

HELP! (Again)??

"2013 Resolve: No Return to Bigotry"
As we begin 2013, we're greeted with the news that Miss America, a legendary white-supremacist organization in the United States, is getting a make-over by the Right Wing.  This may signal a return to the "Bimbo Bigotry" of the past (anybody remember Anita Bryant?)  That was a double-header; anti-non-white, and anti-gay!  Check it out!  Young white women are being "encouraged" now to engage in politics; while they were "discouraged" from doing so in the 50's and 60's.
The rest of us need Help! (see my earlier blog, dated 23Mar12).  Joan Walsh's new book, What's The Matter With White People ?  arrived today.  I encourage all citizens to break their silence and join the conversation on racial, and other social issues in this country.  We all have stories to tell.

Evil succeeds best in "silence".  We should have all learned that from the events of World War II.  Let's not let the Republican Party roll back this nation's progress toward a free and fair society.  Their spread into the "Red" states and their frenzied grab for guns should be alarming to us all.  The "Backlash" that began, mostly in the South, in the late 60's is alive and spreading across our country.  Demographics (shrinking numbers of whites and the ageing of our total population) inflame this movement.  We don't want to turn into Syria!

They will attempt to re-elect John Boehner as their leader while they plot to shut down the government in the name of "fiscal sanity".  This same element "wounded" Boehner in the last fracas over the "fiscal cliff".   When their patron saint, Dick Cheney, famously declared just a few years ago that "deficits don't matter"; they had no problem with that.  Their claims will be accepted only by those who choose to remain deceived.

We will do the country and the Republican Party a favor if we keep the pressure on and drive these elements out of that party and out of our politics.  Harry Truman was forced to join the Klan for political reasons; we can stop that practice from returning in a new disguise.  Beware also of this same phenomenon in "black-face" or "brown-face"; it is simply another variation of this element's fight to preserve white supremacy into the future.

Stay Vigilant!

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Wednesday, January 2, 2013

"OUT" With The "OLD"??

"Way to Go!, Joe"
With Nancy and Harry "Wheelin' and Dealin' " through the night, (back at the "Hole In The Wall"), we've seen our best, and better, guns work together to clean the place up.  Looks like the wheels will NOT fall off the wagon!
Did we just witness the "white ace" up the "black sleeve" in some sort of strategy by the President to finally put this country on a path "past race"??  The dregs in our society, with all the money and racial animosity they could muscle, both here and abroad, held their last stand (in this round) at the hole in the wall.  They went soundly down to defeat!
Now the "mucking out" has to begin.  Hopefully, this time, someone "big" goes to jail!  What we've been putting up with, since 2000, has been nothing short of high crime -- not misdemeanors!  To get our economy fully repaired and on a path to healthy growth, the scum must be identified, by name, and properly dealt with.  They tried to scuttle this country!
Don't buy the BULL that this was all about "Spending"!  The rich "spend" by purchasing breaks in our tax codes, the non-rich struggle to "spend" the old fashioned way.  Can we now halt the blood-letting from our nation's treasury and put an end to all the frenzied "misinformation" from our screw-ball "media"??  It looks like the first twelve years of the 21st Century can be called "the horror years"; a time when the inmates took over the asylum and wreaked havoc.
Can we now pay our bills, and "fix" Social Security by taking it out of the hands of the politicians??  Our forebears, thankfully, did that with our monetary policy; that's what "saved our bacon" in this fight to ward off serious threats to our national survival.  kudos to Ben, by the way!
There's still a lot of work ahead.  Let's hope the "wheels" stay put!
Stay Vigilant!

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Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Long lines queue in Washington, D.C. to see the hand-written original document of the Emancipation Proclamation.  Today is its 150th Anniversary.  My Second Edition. Ten Thousand. copy of The Tragedy of the Negro In America,  published in Boston in 1897, has a signed copy of the Proclamation.  There is a copy of a letter from Frederick Douglass addressed to the author, Rev. P. Thomas Stanford, A.M., M.D., D.D., LL.D.
No rational mind, or moral mind, for that matter, can justify our  present-day Slavery System, a.k.a. the Prison/Industrial Complex, running full bore at the pleasure and for the profit of Wall Street investors.  Young males of color, born into this country and economy, are "tracked" into this 21st Century version of slavery.  Only the luckiest of ovarian lottery conditions can save black and brown male children from this fate.  Social pressures in language, music, dress, and other media, drive even  "privileged"young non-white males to exhibit behaviors that make them candidates for this new "trade".  It is long past time for a movement to ABOLISH this trade system and free the talent that is stunted and/or destroyed.   The life chances for these individuals, as well as the economic benefits for mankind are being destroyed also.  Only public outrage and steps taken against the profiteers of this trade will abolish it!
Our "Justice System" enshrines and supports this trade.  Our Churches and Religions ignore, or make peace with it.  The system's "overseers" are drawn from the groups who provide the young candidates for the the trade.  This new trade has surfaced in the wake of the Civil Rights Movement.  That Movement appears to ignore the trade also.  Could this be proof that the Movement has been thoroughly corrupted, and like the Chattel Slavery System, the new penal Slave Trade is purely economic; not moral in any way?  The Environmental Movement consumes a lot of energy and money from our wealthy white citizens; but this new slave system doesn't! Why?
Why are our black and brown parents and their fellow citizens silent?  A careful reading of W.E.B. Dubois' Souls of Black Folk,    and E. Franklin Frazier's Black Bourgeoisie  might go  a long way to explain how these evil practices survive across generations and corrupt the 21st Century for all of us. 
We've all witnessed during 2012 open exhibition of these evil forces in our Presidential Election.  We learned that 47% of our voting population are candidates for "anti-abolitionist" sentiment.   Is it time that we must "free ourselves" .. at last??   Welcome to 2013!
Stay Vigilant!

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