I will VOTE Early!!
I voted for the first time at the age of 21 (minimum eligible age, then) in 1960! 2016 may very well be my last vote in a Presidential Election in this "Land of the Free and Home of the Brave".
The WAR of my life-time was the COLD WAR. Vietnam, was really a FRENCH incursion that went awry, dragging us into it.
The WAR of my life-time was the COLD WAR. Vietnam, was really a FRENCH incursion that went awry, dragging us into it.
I can report, proudly, that I fought valiantly for the USA, for twenty years, on the front lines; standing alone often, to preserve our bulwark TRIAD, to use against our Foe.
We won that War! That's why it's imperative that we not let someone, so adept at mesmerizing a significant segment of our population, to "open the door" to our enemies, both foreign, and domestic!
Many of the scientific and technical discoveries we made to win the COLD WAR have found their way into, what we all know as Silicon Valley. One strange outcome of those developments, include a "Alice-in-Wonderland" reality that MEDIA spins for TRUMP, and his fellow "deal-makers"! The Republican Gang that has captured both Houses of our Congress, does not care much for GOVERNING our Country. They have seized upon every conceivable method to sow distrust and disrupt our government (all levels) function, and to cripple our Infrastrucure, through neglect.
These Thugs have a lot of company around our Globe, today! From Syria to Moscow, we see Governments under siege; many of them have turned, murderously, against large percentages of their own citizens in a fight to their death, with no holds barred! Former Governments are disappearing from the world map, as a result!
Stay Vigilant! The United States of America must not become one of those collapsing Nations!
Vote against REPUBLICANS, and everything they have done to our Country since 2000! Send them back to their KNOW NOTHING roots; a path chosen for them by Richard Nixon in 1973!
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