PUH-leeze! Re-think this?
Black America, and their well-meaning White supporters, must NOT fall, again, for that old "sucker-punch" proposing "more dialog on Race" !! The shock of Blacks being mistreated on TV has, long ago, worn off, for White America! TRUMP and his followers know this! Expecting it to work, yet, one more time, is frankly, insane!
Catholics, after their Inquisition in Mexico, concocted 16 races, for purposes of delineating status among persons of color, relative to Whites. The British system, in what is today the United States, reduced that number to 2: White and Black (everybody who was non-white). Only WASP Males of Wealth, were clearly accepted as White, from our beginning. President Jackson widened that definition to include White Males who were neither Protestant, nor Wealthy. The problem in Mexico was that Whites who were not born in Europe could not be accepted as White!! This caused Hildalgo and Allende to literally lose their heads!
Too many Black Americans, and their well-meaning white supporters fail to recognize the difference Jackson made to the "Race Dialog". Most oher citizens did also, until 2008, when Whites with Wealth, threw poorer Whites, back "under the (economic) bus" ; from which they had been freed by LBJ, along with Blacks, in 1960's Civil Rights and Anti-Poverty Legislation. It's time to move-on??
We can all start with re-reading, and understanding the Willie Lynch Sermon of the 1700's. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Lynch_speech It is a Primer, on how to reduce People to sub-human status, and destroy TRUST in virtually ALL of the places where Nature and Human instinct require it for our human survival. TRUMP, and his CHAOS merchants,, understand THIS also!!
The prescribed 300 years expired in 2012!!
Stay Vigilant! There's still time to get back to the drawing boards, and come up with answers that will STOP the likes of TRUMP, Giuliani, Putin, and Assad, in-their-tracks! BEWARE: TRUMP-Blacks, are, like Clarence Thomas, (brought down on us by Daddy Bush) are from the Emperor Jones variety of Blacks in America!. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vgRHF1ROtSM
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