Friday, September 9, 2016

Must the USA have it's own TALIBAN, to become "GREAT" (again)??

In a Nation formed to provide "Religious Freedom"??

Until I was about to choke on the images relayed, I watched TRUMP deliver his "diatribe" against his list of "bad people"; to the mesmerized delight of his deeply religious and virtually all white audience, today.  

As a 100% disabled Black Veteran who spent decades on the front lines, pursuing technology break-throughs, in search of ways to win the Cold War; I am particularly saddened to see the potential for our arsenal falling into the hands of a theocratic, radically-ignorant, band of our citizens; who advocate for what could become a home-grown Taliban!!  Foreign interventions in this process have also become openly visible in our MEDIA. .

Putin visited the United States, twice, in 2001, and mesmerized "W" Bush with his 'baby-blues".
Not so impressed, has Obama been with Putin.  Rightfully so!  This guy is more ruthless than Stalin and Hitler, combined!!  Obama had this guy's "number", early on.  I don't think Obama, or the World, for that matter, was prepared for the extreme nature of Putin's actions in Syria, and Eastern Europe,  Like Nixon, it seems that both Putin and Trump have mastered the hocus-pocus techniques for convincing the Public that they did not do, whatever they were obviously engaging in!  Trump has made the Wizard of Oz look like a piker with his ability to make people believe things that are preposterous to anyone with even limited intelligence.  Blind Faith from Religions has been generously brewed with Trump's spell-binding skills, to convince his "BASE" that invective and raw hatred directed against individuals, are acceptable substitutes for FACT, Reason, or even Bible Verses!!

Stay Vigilant!  We can all agree that the World does not need MORE RELIGIOUS EXTREMISM!!

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