Sunday, September 11, 2016

Does it come down to what "we" mean, by "TOGETHER" ??? ... (in the USA)

Distortions upon distortions??

Today, the 15th Anniversary of "9/11", our malodorous MEDIA shows the the "Convenience" of Collective Memory, and Group-Think.  Often heard is the lament for the loss of the "Togetherness" we achieved immediately following that Event!

The two leading candidates of our two major political parties are emphasizing the "togetherness" concept.  One, does so openly, fully supported by facts and dialog; the other hides it,  as dog-whistle signals to select groups among us!  Where is the LOVE, today??  Gone With The Wind??

Truth is, the DIVISIONS that are so obvious to everyone today, as Election 2016 draws nearer, have
ALWAYS been here!  They're simply harder to hide in the wake of the Repoob Wreckage of 2008!! 

Blacks, Native Americans, and the Very Poor, of all Colors, have continuously faced the TERROR meted out by Politicians and Governments in the USA, since our Founding!! Biases, so readily expressed by individuals 50 years ago, have become INSTITUTIONALIZED today; permitting individuals to pretend they are bias-free!  No person of Color, or of female gender, with sound minds,  will buy into the Group-Think our MEDIA is dishing out.  Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, John Kennedy, and perhaps, Barack Obama will rate the History Books as "rattlers" of the status-quo, but Education is being destroyed by "School Choice" (pay to learn); Crooked Judges, Cops, Prosecutors, etc, have permanently rigged our Justice System to withstand any serious attempts for change.  Other prominent biases have found their respective nests within our Institutions.  We all know of some part of our town, city, or county, where the Tax Dollar does not extend!

Stay Vigilant!  Only Citizens who see clearly what is before us, can do anything to bring about the CHANGE everyone proclaims to desire!  Incidentally, why does NO ONE mention the ANTHRAX Terror that occurred in the USA after 9/11?  Was it not terror, because it was an act that was based at home??   Keep playing games with sanity, and you'll feel right at home in the Cuckoo's Nest?

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