In 2006, my Consulting Company gave a briefing to a Vice President of a major Bank regarding an approach to developing Entrepreneurialism among historically underrepresented groups within our citizenry.
I was assisted by a young H-1B from Mexico that I hired. Mid-way of our "pitch", the bank executive interrupted with the question: "Where's the White Guy?" Assuming his vision was not impaired, I asked for clarification of his question. His response was, essentially, that his bank would not deal with any company that did not include a "white guy" in its leadership. Needless to say, that Bank continues its historic practice of shutting out entrepreneurial innovations that do not have white males in a "lead" position.
I was quite aware of the history that I had lived in this country, and many obstacles faced by minority business persons; but I was startled at the bluntness of his outburst. This country was created by our founders to provide permanent advantages to all persons who were European (commonly considered to be "white"), male, and with "means" or wealth. After the Civil War, the original, WASP founder class disappeared; to be replaced today by current "Overseer" whites who dominate our government and economy It has been my experience that these whites operate under, what a young technology worker described as, a policy of: "what they can't control, they must destroy!" This posture was prevalent within research laboratories; both within government and within private industry R&D organizations. Early in the last decade, many of our best and brightest technologists abandoned R&D to "get rich quick" in finance. Their skills at creating advanced computing tools were key. Over the hundreds of years since our founding, these attitudes and practices have infiltrated virtually every level of our social and economic fabric. It has become a belief system. All talent not "fitting" their template will be shut out, stolen from, or "encouraged" to allow white males to take credit for their innovations.;
Over that time, those groups on this planet who do not belong either to Native Peoples in the Americas, or the Africans brought to this side of our planet as slaves, are increasingly finding ways to benefit secondarily from those founding "benefits" originally reserved for white males; Asians (especially from India, to include those who became Pakistani); some Africans; and Hispano/Latinos, are becoming more prominent as they fill the "space" between white and black. I noticed this phenomenon forty years ago when the Defense Department "set aside" a percentage of defense contracts to permit historically disadvantaged groups a chance to compete. The "invasion" from India began at that point and has grown to its present predominance in Silicon Valley and within key Corporations. Backed by the GOP, as converted at that time by President Nixon, Hispano/Latinos are courted; so long as they are not "from Mexico".
The performance of Congress since the GOP re-gained access in 2010, embodies this policy "on steroids". Weakening or destroying the nation's economy is a tactic they openly use, as they re-design their strategies to retain white male power positions. Two facts have emerged since 2008: Big Money no longer displays its historic interest in creating jobs; and anyone reaching for political or economic power, who is not white and male, will be viciously attacked and thwarted, with the intent of denying them any success.
Stay Vigilant! As our economy shrinks, this "issue" emerges as a key policy issue harming everyone!
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