What We Can ALL Learn
Remember the days shortly after 9/11 when "W", with Giuliani at his side, proclaimed a "Crusade" against the perpetrators? Wiser heads on our extreme Right advised him to avoid that kind of rhetoric, and those sentiments went "underground". They bubble up now and then in the strangest of places. In "Flawida" for instance where we return, scarcely a year later, to another dead black teenager; gunned down by an irate citizen, un-provoked, who is claimed to be "white". The same "GOD-Complex" appears on this shooter; Michael Dunn, http://www.latimes.com/nation/nationnow/la-na-nn-jury-resumes-deliberations-michael-dunn-murder-trial-loud-music-20140215,0,1523783.story#axzz2tQW4cZ3w that has shown in one way or another on all of these white guys from Tim McVeigh in Oklahoma, to Zimmerman in Sanford, FL, and media operatives like Ailes and Murdoch, and: "justice officers" like the Florida State Prosecutors who helped Zimmerman escape justice. The same little "dumpling" Prosecutor for the state of Florida figures prominently in this trial. Jury is still hung-up in deliberations; although they managed to get one black juror (male) impaneled. The smell in the air is the same as that for the Trayvon Martin Trial.
We are in a stealth war; a religious one; and a racial one; and its is against those who are "not Christian" in the way that these shooters seem themselves to be "Christian". Unfortunately, Florida Blacks, whose enslaved forebears, as Professor Derrick Bell cites, "despite lives as chattels - things - somehow managed to surmount the burdens of servitude and evolve a new theology out of the religion given then as a pacifier."; unfortunately, for these two Florida black teenagers, produced a "new theology" that has proven inadequate; when up against the "STAND YOUR GROUND" law in Florida, as applied to the activities of white males. The white male "theology" (GOD Complex) is backed by large sums of money and loaded guns. These black teenagers stand defenseless; their GOD, either un-caring, or pre-occupied. Around the globe, Putin and Assad are betting that the inability of Islam to escape Tribalism fast enough to contend effectively against a rapidly-renovating-and-newly-marketed "Western Christianity", will assist them to a take-back control applying some combination of Stalinist Communism and Hitlerian Fascism??
In his latest speech https://www.dhs.gov/news/2014/02/07/remarks-secretary-homeland-security-jeh-johnson-woodrow-wilson-center on Homeland Security, Jeh Johnson, the new head of that agency, on February 7, 2014, makes it clear that Homeland Security is directly tied to recent activities here in our Home Land! He cites the Boston Bombing, and Syria, but we can add local Sheriffs (in Arizona). State Police (in New Mexico), and all of the activities funded for and by the NRA. Expand your thinking to the curious trail of events involving Snowden, and you can wind up feeling mighty unsafe in a very short span of thinking.
As the Republican Party, as we have known it, continues to collapse, the progeny of Fascist Latin America, currently slithering around on the floor of our Senate, are obviously targeting a run in 2016, with all of the backing formerly given to the likes of Romney, Bachmann, McCain, and others. They are concentrating the many un-yielding factions on the extreme Right, in hopes of launching TED CRUZ as their standard-bearer in 2016. Don't think, for a moment, that all of this may not be "of-one-piece"??
Stay Vigilant! The funding to "flip" the Senate in 2014 is something we should all examine. What's YOUR VOTE worth??
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