Saturday, February 22, 2014


Maybe; but what KIND of PEOPLE??

Are they the kind of people who are infiltrating our State Governments in states like NM, LA, SC, UT, TN, and NJ?  (What's up with Christie and Martinez, by the way -- Is NM about to be "Diaz"-ed?, or worse?)

These people, like the "Spooks" who replaced the "Toms" in Black-lore, are "CRAVEN":  They cheerfully turn guns against their fellow citizens (NM troopers under Martinez), they abandon, or turn on their own children  to save their miserable hides or earn a bigger "buck".  They are contemptibly "faint-hearted", and, like their white variety, will meekly and blindly serve "power" -- no matter what!  Hispanics have to learn about Malinche!! (before its too late).  White Southerners have to "pull their heads out" before they are literally "eating dirt"!

People all over this planet are beginning to sense that something is terribly wrong when the Republican Governors of states like Louisiana, Tennessee, Utah, and South Carolina, enter the "corporate" space and act as "snipers" against their own citizens, who are trying to protect themselves in extremely difficult economic times!!  Whatever they're hiding has to be worse than what we can already see!

Both white and non-white voters have to STOP encouraging and electing these people.  NO REPUBLICAN should be elected (by anybody, of any color, who is NOT a Ga-Zillionaire!) in 2014.  If the American People lose the Senate in this Fall's elections, their fates are sealed by these Craven Corporate Interests.  Inspect your Democrats carefully, also.  Remember those fools who thought "Bubba" was our "first black" President!  Wrong: according to the History Books, many voters thought Lincoln was!.

Here's where non-white racism comes into play.  Poppa Bush knew that many, if not most blacks would support the advancement of anybody who was not white.  That African-American version of this malady has been used by the Republicans to import non-whites (mostly from India) as "stand-ins".  The Hispanic version of this malady produces Craven "operators" who hang out with the likes of Christie, and are carefully "handled", at terrific cost in NM dollars, by the NM "Karl Rove".  (look it up on Google!)

Stay Vigilant!  Pray, THINK, Read, "work some bones"; whatever you have to do -- but STOP THIS TRAIN!

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