Another Drucker Story
from THE OWL
For Black and Brown Folk
From My Drucker Notes in the Mid-80's: Governments devolved from the Religions of Mankind, in their earlier tribal stages. From Hunter-Gatherers to Farmers, the tribes warred among each other for sustaining their populations. Within their Societies, the Religious Leaders ruled. They ruled principally by controlling access to information. All information; when to plant, how to procreate, they had rules for everything. Punishments were swift, and often severe for rule violations. Many societies on the planet today are still close to functioning at that level. In Mexican towns today, many civic functions are performed by the Catholic Churches.
As mankind moved beyond that stage, to more modern ways of living, GOVERNMENT emerged, promising their citizens everything that Religion provided, and, in addition, they promised to PROTECT
the people. Hence we get this political madness that besets our world today.
Why? Because, in this Information Age, it is becoming more and more impossible for Government to limit access to information. We also learned, following World War II, that Government is finding it more and more impossible to PROTECT anyone !!
Stay Vigilant! Hope this helps to explain the Arab Spring, Lithuania, Netanyahu, Assad, Putin, our Tea Party Nuts, FOX "Phews", Snowden, --- the long and growing list of otherwise "confusing" MEDIA
STRESSES we're being bombarded with hourly!
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