To The Americas -- Unfortunately!
The Americas have always held a door open for Europe's outcasts and failures; since the days of the Conquistadors. The old folk used to say, those guaranteed to find a better place in the Americas had to be white, male, over 21, own at least one white shirt, and know the magic English "N-word" or its Spanish equivalent.
Although some of the ex(?)-Nazis were sponsored, many, if not most, were allowed in on various pretexts. Drucker told us how the NAZI scientists were treated in the South following World War II. The connection between the early days of NASA and those post-War NAZI Germans should be studied more closely.
Looking back, it is more evident that they brought their racial hatreds, gangster tactics, and love for plutocracy and oligarchies with them. They grafted these onto right-wing politics in the United States driving it farther and farther toward the extremes we see today. Mitt Romney is a Plutocrat's wet dream!
Looking back, we can see the progression. In the United States: McCarthyism, Nixon, Reagan, the Bush(es), and Tea Party hooligans. Throughout Latin America, we saw the rise and devastation of the oligarchies. The remnants of those oligarchies found a home in Repoob politics.
Our struggles to win the Cold War with Russian Communism masked much of this. The public was "conditioned" to forget that Stalin was our ally in World War II. We were also "conditioned" to forget the damage done to this country by the Nazis and their leaders. History has a way of repeating those things conveniently "forgotten".
Let's also not forget that is was the loss of World War I and the terms of the Treaty of Versailles that provided the fuel for the rise of Naziism in Germany and the fall of the Weimar Democracy. The poverty that ensued from the war debt tore German society to shreds. I am reading Hitlerland, by Andrew Nagorski. (2012, Simon & Schuster). He tells us how Germany suffered a "Nervous Breakdown" under the impact of the war debts on German society. Sound familiar?
Ironically, Hitler's dream of total domination of Europe may be coming true before our very eyes; achieved by a shy little woman from East Germany.
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