A Hundred-Year Phenomenon?
"Baby-Boomers", that population cohort born, roughly, between 1947 and 1964, includes at least 76,000,000 people. The broader public in the United States first took notice of this group as they entered first grade, around 1953. That's also a year before our Supremes ruled "Separate-But-Equal" laws to be unconstitutional for this nation's schools.
These numerous births began to happen, some thought, because of the returning soldiers from World War II establishing families. But it didn't happen only in the United States. Many countries around the world experienced a similar phenomenon; although they hardly got much attention. For instance, 21 years from 1947 brought us to 1968; a year in which it seems the entire planet went to "Hell in Handbasket".
So, as this 76-million, large group cycled through their life stages, they have had tremendous impacts on this nation's institutions and life-styles. They have been deemed "The Pig in the Python".
K-12 schooling, and college education were severely impacted, causing much of the damage we're struggling to repair today. They exploded the cost of education, both in size and maintenance of physical structure, as well as the very nature of what was taught.
This population cohort cycled through their lives in what was, then, the richest nation on the planet.
They now control much of the private wealth left in this country. This year, 2012, they begin turning 65, and are headed directly toward the demolition of what remains of our health care system.
In a python, the digestive juices would dissolve the ingested pig over time. Not so in this case. The pig has not shrunk much in size. The "tail" portion turns 48 this year; while the "snout" turns 65. Paul Briand, http://www.examiner.com/article/baby-boomers-by-the-numbers, says there are still 78 million of them alive. Some of the women in the cohort can be expected to live well past 100 years.
Stay Vigilant!
Copyright © 2012: Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC
In a python, the digestive juices would dissolve the ingested pig over time. Not so in this case. The pig has not shrunk much in size. The "tail" portion turns 48 this year; while the "snout" turns 65. Paul Briand, http://www.examiner.com/article/baby-boomers-by-the-numbers, says there are still 78 million of them alive. Some of the women in the cohort can be expected to live well past 100 years.
Stay Vigilant!
Copyright © 2012: Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC
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