Is the 2012 Election Mis-cast by our Media"
I'm beginning to feel that our Yin-Yang Media has it "all wrong" in their reporting on the up-coming Presidential Election in the United States. This morning's results from Cairo (the results of the first democratic election held there in 7000 years of history) should make it plain to all citizens of this country that something much bigger than we thought is taking place on this planet. It may break their foolish little hearts, but our media has to realize its not just about us! We are members of the planet's population, but that may be about the extent of our importance in the play-out of 2012.
In typical fashion, what they're beating their gums about is perhaps the smallest part of what is unfolding. What if demographics meets new communication technology in such a way as to produce a global revolution in the way people will be governed, as well as feed themselves, in the future. Maybe the question should be which candidate can make a difference that will help this country survive what is coming.
A common thread in recent events (evidence 9/11) has been the activities of young males, many of whom are highly educated, in and from countries that have an explosion of such populations under the age of 21. These people see no future for themselves and are ready and able to commit drastic acts as a result. The Arab Spring (Syria today, but Libya, Tunisia, Egypt, who knows what or where next) may just be the beginning.
Our media has obsessed about the other end of the age range (baby-boomer retirees) and the impending collapse to our economy. Mitt and the Repoobs are running much of their campaign on the aging issue; to scare their base of older, white voters. The "Browning" of our population scares Hell out of this political wing, also. (Another "demographic").
Demographic forces will have their way. Aging populations with huge economic demands, and young populations with no path to productive work are separate wings of the same economic catastrophe. Jobs disappear because the old way of providing health, retirement, and other benefits, cannot be borne by private industry anymore. I think most of our politicians have known this for the past forty years. National economies, the world over, weaken and decline in the face of the slowing economic activity that results. "Europe" shows that remedies are beyond the capabilities of single governments and single "leaders".
Old concepts may have to be resurrected; like, Cooperation, Fair Competition, Equitable Trade, Shared Interests, and maybe new ones have to be developed. Throwing around foolish terms like "Socialist" don't help, even though they may appeal to the ignorant and greedy (and racist). Such actions may only fuel and hasten the decline; calling into question the patriotism of those so engaged.
Stay Vigilant!
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Stay Vigilant!
Copyright © 2012: Williams LLC
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