Thursday, June 7, 2012


Think "Peanuts" amd "Bananas"

Sometimes, people can get so involved in fighting over peanuts, they fail to look up to find the bananas!
Now, is when this is true for the United States and for Europe.  This phenomenon has driven the entire world into a slump.

After Wisconsin, however, we all have to re-think our definitions of "Big Money" (bananas) and renew our search for "Big People" (traditional Republicans of the Eisenhower and Brooke variety).  We are now saddled with destructive Repoob "leadership" from the "Little People" (think yahoos, trash) who think peanuts are big money! 

In my youth, even the Democrat party had "big people".  Today, Lilliputians prevail within the leadership of both parties.  It all started when Eisenhower chose Nixon as his Vice President.  Nixon was trash and everyone knew it.  The voters made that decision in 1960, in spite of the Checkers Speech.  We know the path of Nixon's return to "leadership" and the further deterioration of our politics.  Liddy Biddy was a mirror reflection in the opposing party.

But even Nixon knew that not all states of these United States were "created equal".  That's why he dabbled with Revenue Sharing.  Now, voters send their "Representatives" to Washington to loot the federal government on their behalf; and then wonder why we're in the crapper financially.  The most ignorant people, from the poorest states, have risen to power and put sand in the gears of government at all levels.

But lets not let the "Big People" off the hook.  Take the Keating Five and the Savings and Loan bubble; the first of ever-increasing financial bubbles.  The greed was ushered in by Mad Ronnie and that last bubble, in housing, brought everything down!  Perhaps permanently, if we can't shed ourselves of "little people" leadership.  Thank God that bat-shit bunch thrown up by the Repoobs in their Primary was not taken seriously by more voters.

Little People with Big Money explains Wisconsin, "Birthers", Fox News.  Big People have been banished from the Republican Party by the Repoobs, and are more than less responsible for the 2008 meltdown.  That "selection" of 2000 also is continuing its catastrophic effects.  The Supremes can take credit for that along with Citizens United.

Scurrying around on the ground, struggles over peanuts (cutting "waste" in spending) is proving disastrous for those who've tried that approach in response to 2008.  Its strange to hear these yahoos speak of "we", when claiming credit for the output of rich and smart localities like "Silicon Valley"; never realizing that education, intelligent "big people" leadership, and wise use of resources produced that output.  Repoobs need a lesson in "utility theory". .

Stay Vigilant!

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