Saturday, June 30, 2012

A "CHOICE" or a "TEST"??

Some Old Questions to be Answered

Readers of this Blog know by now that the most vivid memories of my life rest in that period between 1943 and 1945; days of World War II.  One item of memorabilia I treasure is a War Ration Stamp Book with my name on it (age 4, with unused stamps remaining). A question that haunted me as I began my studies in college was how, between the Wars, the German people and the German Jews; neither of whom were considered lacking in intelligence, befell their fates.  The German people lost their Democracy to a virulant demagogue, and the majority of German Jews remained in the country and subsequently faced annihilation, after more than a decade of clear warning.  Somehow, their denial of knowledge of events around them rang hollow. I've learned that anybody living in Germany during those years knew full well what was happening.  In the back of my mind rang the question: "could this happen here?".

Over the years I have met and talked with Holocaust survivors and Nazi immigrants to the U.S. concerning my questions.  None of them had clear answers, or seemed interested in knowing what went wrong.

I'm currently reading a couple of books that provide amazing insights into these questions: Gail Collins' As Texas Goes - How The Lone Star State Hijacked The American Agenda  , and Hitlerland, by Andrew Nagorski.  Nagorski shows, from memos, diaries, and other writings of artists, writers, diplomats, and very famous people, that a lot was known about what Hitler was up to from the early 1920s through his becoming Chancellor.  Collins shows how just about every bad thing that has happened to this country in the last 40 years has the thumbprint of a Texan on it.

Gang-style militias were a constant key to Hitler's rise.  The German Democracy was a Parliamentary System, which made it easier for strong factions to topple governments and spark new elections.  The KKK in the United States, an organization that was used as a model by Hitler, has morphed into underground militias in this country, and to political factions like the Tea Party.  They have adopted what Gail Collins described as "knee in the groin" politics and infiltrated the branches of our government.  There also has been a proliferation of "rogue" para-military elements within the branches of our government that are secretive and un-regulated.  Collins also shows that  close-to-zero-regulation is also a facet of Texas-style governance.  Both Hitler and the current crop in the U.S. successfully linked their activities to "big business" and wealthy donors.

By Nagorski's telling, the German Jews felt they were of a higher class than Hitler's thugs, and viewed themselves as innately German.  One-way affiliation can be a dangerous thing, it seems.

Stay Vigilant!

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Friday, June 29, 2012


Last Days for the Deadbeats?

Because of John Roberts and Angela Merkel, today is quite different from what the Repoobs expected.  The Markets are raising their rooves, and the President has dodged all that those Hooligans had in mind for him.  The Repoobs and their sympathizers in the Media were getting set for a "lynching" of the planet's most "uppity" black man; on the scale of Paris, Texas, near the beginning of the last  Century.  Their disappointment is quite clear.

They had the world's economies in a slow roll while they were cooking up their shenanigans; riding the "Monetary Horse"  (The Federal Reserve) to stave off total disaster.  While riding that horse  they were making political hay by beating the horse unmercifully and threatening to kill it.  All the time, they did everything they could to keep the "Fiscal Horses" locked up in their stalls.

Our forebears, early in the last century, took control of the "Monetary Horse" away from the politicians because they learned how unstable that bunch could be; thus averting future disasters (they thought), for everyone.  Read Monetary History of the United States, 1867-1960, by Miton Friedman and Anna J. Schwartz, (1963).

Monetary Policy is the control, supply, definition, and management of money.  That is the responsibility of our Federal Reserve System of banks across the country.

Fiscal Policy  is the responsibility of our elected officials in Congress, and is the raising of taxes and the determination of spending, hopefully in agreement with budgets worked out with our Executive Branch (The President).

The Repoobs have started this century off with a bang by screwing our fiscal policy to a fare-the-well.  Our politicians are all rich guys, now and we all know how the rich hate to pay bills.  So they just borrowed and spent for everything and never bothered to raise taxes to pay the bills.  DEADBEATS is the name we used for this type of person in the old days.

The worst run-up of bills came in our health care system, starting somewhere between Liddy Biddy Johnson and Tricky Dick Nixon.  All of this crap has mounted over the years to what we now face as a FISCAL CLIFF.  Read my blog: Pig in a Python.

Sanity will not return until the Repoobs are roundly flushed from the system, and we find a way to start raising money and paying our bills.  Roberts and those Supremes who are not deadbeat-sympathizers, took a critical step yesterday to make this possible.  It's up to the voters to follow through in November and get rid of the Deadbeats.

Stay Vigilant!

Copyright © 2012: Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Thursday, June 28, 2012


Repoobs On The Run?

From the top; an uexpected part of the Court, came a ruling today that could be seen as a move toward "atonement" from our Supreme Court.  Could it be that "Bush v. Gore" and "Citzens United" are too much, even for them, to bear?  Not so, evidently, for the hard-core trio of Thomas, Scalia and Alito.  I always thought there was the spark of a human being in Roberts' smile.

Those of you who have read my blog; "Black Graveyards"  (May 29, 2012), know how deeply the issue of medical care has shaped my life.  Even as I shook the dirt of "Misery" (Missouri) firmly and finally from my feet in 1959, the twin factors of race and class were wreaking havoc in the lives of those who found themselves on the wrong side of those lines and in need of serious medical care.  Many say, in the wake of today's ruling that perhaps we will come to see health care as a "national good", the way "defense" is regarded.

Let's hope!

The vote this Fall will tell us more about where the citizens of this nation come down on the subject.
Mitt and the Repoobs are "doubling down" it seems, so the show in on!  Perhaps the Court is beginning to sense that the best of our lives as a nation occurred in the 1940's when we were the least selfish and most united in the face of a foreign threat.  That foreign threat "moved in" following the war.

Because of the life-shattering events that happened to me during the Forties, my memories of that decade are frozen and still vivid.  Lightweights, like Brokaw, herald some portions of our society then as "The Greatest Generation". His writing shows he didn't have much of a clue as to what was going on with those of us on the wrong side of the color and class lines.   I especially remember learning early what a Jew was, because they were so roundly hated by the whites and were forced to live and keep their businesses on our side of the tracks.  The Wassermans would venture outside their store only in the twilight hours of the day. 

McCarthy polluted the 50's, the assassinations polluted the 60's, integration polluted the 70's, and backlash and greed polluted the remaining two decades of the 20th century in the United States.  After a horrible first decade of this century, we can all pray that the Supremes can help lead us back to our better selves.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

MASTER MARCO: too cute by half?

Sarah Palin Redux??

Charlie Rose got his hands on Rubio last night, for the hour.  If you missed it, Google it.  Charlie "vetted" the little fast-talker much more than I've seen anyone else do.  Rubio squirmed, ducked, lied a lot, and pretended to speak for "Hispanics" and for "Cubans" and Cuba; speaking very differently about each.  McCain might have been spared a lot if someone like Charlie had done the same with Palin before she was "sprung" on us, full blown, so to speak, by the Yin Yang Media.

When under intense pressure, fast-talking liars and politicians (I sometimes stutter) let strange truths slip out.  Charlie asked pointed questions about when Rubio's parents, and grandparents, enterered this country, returned to Cuba, and then re-entered this country.  When asked when his grandfather returned, Rubio responded "in 1963, just before the Cuban Missile Crisis".

As a young Air Force 2nd Leiutenant, making $2,223.32 per year, my wife and I and our newborn son were stationed at Fort Meade, Maryland in 1962; quite sure we were witnessing our last days.
President Kennedy and his brother, Robert, saved our lives, while countering the pressures of dangerous jerks like Curtis LeMay and others of the Extreme Right.  So, you can see that I take it quite personally that this upstart, a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, doesn't know when the Cuban Missile Crisis took place!

Marco danced all over the place, refusing to challeng Mitt's stands on immigration, defending the Tea Party, and pointing fingers in all directions with blame for our fiscal and monetary mess.  He contradicted himself as to whether he does or does not speak for "all Hispanics". 

He seems to think that Hispanics in the United States all "came here" as immigrants.  He defends Arizona's draconian Immigration Legislation.  He doesn't have a clue, it seems, that the original
 "Hispanics" in the Southwest never crossed any borders!  The border was drawn under terms of  the Treaty of Guadalupe Hildalgo in 1848!  Even the Cubans, as he states, differ in party affiliation because of the politics where they settle.  Cubans in New Jersey are Democrats, while those in Miami are Republican. Rubio claims to be a center-right, Constitutional conservative.

I spent two years in Miami, living at the Claughton Island end of "Calle Ocho".  I worked with many groups through their separate Chambers of Commerce.  It is a highly complex and divided political territory.  It would be interesting to find someone in our Media who had the "cahones" to find Elian Gonzales, who should be somewhere in his twenties now, and put the same questions about Cuba to him.

I believe you should pose your questions to people who know what they're talking about!

Stay Vigilant!

Copyright © 2012: Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

DO THE MATH! Calm Your Fears!

Can Our Economy Withstand a "Transition"?

Following the 1988 election, I attended a Washington Think Tank presentation on the "Transition" from Mad Ronnie to Daddy Bush.  Illuminaries like Ted Koppel were presenting.  I naively asked who was charged with coming up with the strategy for governig in the new administration.  That prompted titters in the room.  I quickly learned that presidential politics in this country is modeled on our old city-immigrants gang behavior.  One gang arises to push out the gang in power.  There is little or no thought of "transition" until the battle is won.  I was told that the new administration would be lucky to "find the light switches" in the White House.  And, remember, Daddy Bush was Ronnie's Vice President.

Fast forward to the end of Dubya's administration and the never-ending series of debacles that period wrought.  Their crowning achievent came in 2008 with an atttack on our economy, and on this nation, unlike anything seen since the 1929 Wall Street Crash.  In September of 2008, just days before the election, they brought us the "come to Jesus" moment for all in power, but especially for the two candidates running.  One froze, the other had a plan.  The guy with the plan won.

When he tried to "transition" into governing, the Repoobs, who just finished 8 full years of frigging up everything they touched, set about to destroy all chances of his succeeding.  They made it impossible for him to get the staff he needed to govern (that part requiring Congressional approval); and used filibuster rules in the Senate to hamstring just about everything else.  In spite of them, the new guy stopped the rate of  job-hemorrhage by bailing out the auto industry; repaired the banking system so our ATM's would continue to work; and passed an historic Health-Care bill to break our habit of out-of-control spending on the health care for an aging population.

The gang who, with the help of the Supremes, seized control in 2000, is now lining up behind a bunch of rich backers; none of whom anyone with an I.Q. above 50 would "follow to the bathroom".  They want to regain power and subject our fragile economy, and the more fragile global economy, to the shock of another "transition".

Throw off the calculations of what "peanuts" you might gain at the expense your neighbor in this election, and figure instead what you might lose in another "transition" to this new "gang with no plan"!

Stay Vigilant!

Copyright © 2012: Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Monday, June 25, 2012

A "FIX" for "Citizen's United"?

The Power of the Voter

"A Republic, Ma'am, If You Can Keep It"; words, we're told, uttered by Benjamin Franklin, founder of our Constitution, and a white "escaped slave" (check it out!).  He was citing the immense power our founders gave to the voter in this nation; and, at the same time, warning of how easily the voters can lose that power.  The "Supremes" (or the radical 5 of them) doubled down today on their position regarding vast sums of money as "free speech" in a ruling against the State of Montana.  But, remember, Elections Have Consequences!

Adelson, big money backer of the Repoob insurgents, has openly stated his intention to spend however much money it takes to defeat President Obama and other Democrats in the election of 2012.  Mitt and the Repoobs met over the weekend with their other mega-donors to raise even more money.  Condi Rice, that "soul sister" of Clarence Thomas, was in attendance and gave a speech.

So the "fix" becomes clear.  Adelson tells us all what to do to keep them from overthrowing our government.  Their hooligans in the House of Representatives are not able, alone, to accomplish this task with their goose-stepping, Big Lie tactics.  VOTE AGAINST ANY AND ALL REPUBLICANS.
That will save your country, and give you a chance to re-structure our government with the current cancer eradicated.

But, you might say, you don't know anybody who sells their vote for money.  There are many tactics that accomplish the "buying" of your vote; without your conscious "sale".  Media barrages are the principal way their money works.  Hiring poll workers; changing state laws in state Legislatures; hiring people to flood the streets and knock on doors to "capture" voters; are most of the ways this excess money will be used.  The BIG LIE spoken in lock-step (goose-step?) by the Repoobs, has the psychological effect used so sucessfully in Germany during the 20's and 30's  to overthrow a Democracy from the inside.

The "army" that defends this nation must be the army of voters in 2012.

Stay Vigilant!

Copyright © 2012: Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC 

Sunday, June 24, 2012


Is the 2012 Election Mis-cast by our Media"

I'm beginning to feel that our Yin-Yang Media has it "all wrong" in their reporting on the up-coming Presidential Election in the United States.  This morning's results from Cairo (the results of the first democratic election held there in 7000 years of history) should make it plain to all citizens of this country that something much bigger than we thought is taking place on this planet.  It may break their foolish little hearts, but our media has to realize its not just about us!  We are members of the planet's population, but that  may be about the extent of our importance in the play-out of 2012.

In typical fashion, what they're beating their gums about is perhaps the smallest part of what is unfolding.  What if  demographics meets new communication technology in such a way as to produce a global revolution in the way people will be governed, as well as feed themselves, in the future.  Maybe the question should be which candidate can make a difference that will help this country survive what is coming. 

A common thread in recent events (evidence 9/11) has been the activities of young males, many of whom are highly educated, in and from countries that have an explosion of such populations under the age of 21.  These people see no future for themselves and are ready and able to commit drastic acts as a result.  The Arab Spring (Syria today, but Libya, Tunisia, Egypt, who knows what or where next) may just be the beginning.

Our media has obsessed about the other end of the age range (baby-boomer retirees) and the impending collapse to our economy.  Mitt and the Repoobs are running much of  their campaign on the aging issue;  to scare their base of older, white voters.  The "Browning" of our population scares Hell out of this political wing, also. (Another "demographic").

Demographic forces will have their way.  Aging populations with huge economic demands, and young populations with no path to productive work are separate wings of the same economic catastrophe.  Jobs disappear because the old way of providing health, retirement, and other benefits, cannot be borne by private industry anymore.  I think most of our politicians have known this for the past forty years.  National economies, the world over, weaken and decline in the face of the slowing economic activity that results.  "Europe" shows that remedies are beyond the capabilities of single governments and single "leaders". 

Old concepts may have to be resurrected; like, Cooperation, Fair Competition, Equitable Trade, Shared Interests, and maybe new ones have to be developed.  Throwing around foolish terms like "Socialist" don't help, even though they may appeal to the ignorant and greedy (and racist).  Such actions may only fuel and hasten the decline; calling into question the patriotism of those so engaged.

Stay Vigilant!

Copyright © 2012: Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Friday, June 22, 2012


To The Americas -- Unfortunately!

The Americas have always held a door open for Europe's outcasts and failures; since the days of the Conquistadors.  The old folk used to say, those guaranteed to find a better place in the  Americas had to be white, male, over 21, own at least one white shirt, and know the magic English "N-word" or its Spanish equivalent.

Although some of the ex(?)-Nazis were sponsored, many, if not most, were allowed in on various pretexts.  Drucker told us how the NAZI scientists were treated in the South following World War II.  The connection between the early days of  NASA and those post-War NAZI Germans should be studied more closely.

Looking back, it is more evident that they brought their racial hatreds, gangster tactics,  and love for plutocracy and oligarchies with them.  They grafted these onto right-wing politics in the United States driving it farther and farther toward the extremes we see today.  Mitt Romney is a Plutocrat's wet dream!

Looking back, we can see the progression.  In the United States: McCarthyism, Nixon, Reagan, the Bush(es), and Tea Party hooligans. Throughout Latin America, we saw the rise and devastation of the oligarchies.  The remnants of those oligarchies found a home in Repoob politics.

Our struggles to win the Cold War with Russian Communism masked much of this.  The public was "conditioned" to forget that Stalin was our ally in World War II.  We were also "conditioned" to forget the damage done to this country by the Nazis and their leaders.  History has a way of repeating those things conveniently "forgotten".

Let's also not forget that is was the loss of World War I and the terms of the Treaty of Versailles that provided the fuel for the rise of Naziism in Germany and the fall of the Weimar Democracy.  The poverty that ensued from the war debt tore German society to shreds.  I am reading Hitlerland, by Andrew Nagorski.  (2012, Simon & Schuster).  He tells us how Germany suffered a "Nervous Breakdown" under the impact of the war debts on German society.  Sound familiar?

Ironically, Hitler's dream of total domination of Europe may be coming true before our very eyes; achieved by a shy little woman from East Germany.

Stay Vigilant!

Copyright © 2012: Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


A Hundred-Year Phenomenon?

"Baby-Boomers", that population cohort born, roughly, between 1947 and 1964, includes at least 76,000,000 people.  The broader public in the United States first took notice of this group as they entered first grade, around 1953.  That's also a year before our Supremes ruled "Separate-But-Equal" laws to be unconstitutional for this nation's schools.

These numerous births began to happen, some thought, because of the returning soldiers from World War II establishing families.  But it didn't happen only in the United States.  Many countries around the world experienced a similar phenomenon; although they hardly got much attention.  For instance, 21 years from 1947 brought us to 1968; a year in which it seems the entire planet went to "Hell in Handbasket".

So, as this 76-million, large group cycled through their life stages, they have had tremendous impacts on this nation's institutions and life-styles.  They have been deemed "The Pig in the Python". 
K-12 schooling, and college education were severely impacted, causing much of the damage we're struggling to repair today.  They exploded the cost of education, both in size and maintenance of physical structure, as well as the very nature of what was taught.

This population cohort cycled through their lives in what was, then,  the richest nation on the planet.
They now control much of the private wealth left in this country.  This year, 2012, they begin turning 65, and are headed directly toward the demolition of what remains of our health care system.

 In a python, the digestive juices would dissolve the ingested pig over time.  Not so in this case.  The pig has not shrunk much in size.  The "tail" portion turns 48 this year; while the "snout" turns 65.  Paul Briand,,  says there are still 78 million of them alive.  Some of the women in the cohort can be expected to live well past 100 years.

Stay Vigilant!

Copyright © 2012: Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC 


Why are white voters, in 2012, so Afraid?

Everyone in this country, after 2008, seems to be shaken to the core by the seemingly impossible destruction of our national economy; perpetrated by other U.S. citizens.  In place of pervasive curiousity to uncover the details of what happened, we seem to have taken to blaming each other for just about every petty thing imaginable.  It is especially true of the way the President is regarded by the Repoobs and their followers.  The disrespect, distrust, petty jealousy and thinly masked hatred is there for the entire world to see.

That bunch has singled out people of color, Gays, and women who prize their independence, for especially degrading treatment.  They are now going out of their way, Klan style, to humiliate the Attorney General of the United States; misusing and abusing the subpoena power of  the Congress.  What a mess!  The President never laid off any workers; he has, instead, saved their jobs by the millions.  No one in any of their target groups has done anything to harm the Repoobs and their followers.  Is there some type of displaced guilt or transferrence taking place here?  At the same time, the Repoobs ingratiate themselves to the Big Money perpetrators of the decline.  Can't we all get along?

1991 brought us the horrific Rodney King beating, and all of its terrible aftermath; stretching well into 1992, and the L.A. Riots.  We can no longer pretend that the citizens of this nation have turned some important corner in the way we relate to each other.  That is especially true when race is taken into account.  Rodney was found dead at the bottom of his swimming pool this past weekend.  Perhaps he is finally relieved of his pain and suffering.  An autopsy is underway to determine if there has been (any more?) foul play.  From Rodney to Trayvon in a span of 21 years!  This is not progress!  This nation deserves a better future.

1991 also brought us the replacement of Justice Thurgood Marshall by Clarence Thomas.  In the June 9, 2012 issue of TIME magazine there is a full page chart depicting the 100% correlation of Thomas' votes with those of Scalia.  Looks like Poppa Bush got what he wanted.

Those of us who don't share the Repoob mindset can imagine a much better future for this nation and the world.  Let's get busy bringing it on!

Stay Vigilant!

Copyright © 2012: Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Thursday, June 14, 2012


A Losing Strategy for the 21st Century

The history of  this country, stretching back almost 400 years, depicts a struggle from an agricultural, slave, economy in the beginning to the present information-driven Global Economy. It is also a history beset by an attitude of "keep-em barefoot and ignorant", or "keep-em barefoot and pregnant and ignorant".

Because making babies, keeping labor tied to the land, and women totally dependent on men, were essential to the success of the slave system, these attitudes became embedded in the psyche of this country.  A careful study of the Congressional Record will show a litany of attempts to legislate our way out of that past and to achieve a citizenry that was adequately educated to make the journey from the agricultural, through the industrial, to the current Information Age.

We have fought this battle, first to consolidate the disparate poor European immigrants into a cohesive white majority, and, today, to make our slog toward an adequately educated citizenry succeed across the color line.  It has been extremely expensive and has corroded  the social fabric.  It's time to end this insanity; it's time to correct our thinking.  The old way of thinking has produced a present population of inadequately educated whites and miserably under-educated non-whites.  Throwing money, blaming teachers, getting rid of schools and programs that have worked because they don't comply with the reigning attitude in our history, while praying for some technology-driven miracle; have to stop. 

Every person in this country involved with bringing a child into this world must realize that they have to be on the front line, 24/7, to get that child from birth to functioning adult-hood with the best prepartion of that space between their ears that wil lenable them to compete successfully in a global economy.  Government must be a tool, used by those responsible.  It cannot be the responsible agent.  Separating the education of children by color, class, region, religion, political philosophy, is insanity on its face.  This nation has pursued this course for too long.  Our future success as a nation is at stake.

For all males involved in the birthing and rearing process, I'm reminded of an old saying I learned
from my father:  "any dog can make a pup, but that don't make that dog a dad!"

Stay Vigilant!

Copyright © 2012: Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


"If you Can't Beat-em, Join-em"

If you think a bit about it, just about all roads to and through Washington, D.C. (except for the kind you drive on),  lead to Lobbying.  For the purposes of this blog, a Lobbyist is anyone who acts in anyway to get the federal government to favor some person or group in a way not available to others.

Now that the Supremes have saddled us with "Citizens United", and,  barring any possibility of the"targets" of any lobbying effort to grow some backbone and principles,  we probably have no choice except to check out our own prospects to gain some of this "representation".  Let's be fair, some of the targets of the Lobbyists (paid and elected government officials and their staffs) are simply overwhelmed with their jobs (to include constant fund-raising); while others are stupid, venal, or all of these things.

As Mom's would say, "Don't nobody know" just how many lobbyist there are.  There are legal ones, illegal ones, those representing private interests, and those representing public interests (often private interests in disguise).  Just about nobody does it for free.

Lobbyists range from Corporate and Church leaders to ex-Presidents.  What do they all seek? Money, power, private laws favoring their interest and punishing their competition -- the gamut runs wide and long.  Church members are lobbyied-for, whether they know it or not.  Their church leaders probably are not in the habit of discussing this subject with their membership.  That's how the role of religion grew so strong in national politics over the past three decades (along with just about all of the other rotten trends we've picked us since 1980).

They've moved from influencing the writing of laws and regulations to actually writing them, and, then, moving into the regulating agencies to direct the way they work (or don't work, in the case of those Money Boys who brought us the Meltdown in 2008).

Where to go to get your lobbyist?  Start with your church, they've got the best gig of all -- tax freedom, no accountability, and a gullible public.  That's why they own so many businesses, and why the poverty numbers keep growing so rapidly.  If not a church, join the explosion of groups who pretend to work "on the behalf" of some poor, endangered, or sick group.  (Think, Haiti; what really happened to all that money?).

Lobbyists continue to grow like a virus because they have nothing that "preys" on them.  They have plenty of people who "pray" to them, however.
 Stay Vigilant!

Copyright © 2012: Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Sunday, June 10, 2012


"The White Horse"

A business associate of mine was raised Mormon, and he recently told me something that I did not know.  He said that Mormons are taught that they would gain the Presidency, take over the United States, and run the country as a Mormon Theocracy.

After a little research, I found "White Horse Prophecy".  on Wikipedia  The White Horse is described in their "Revelation of John".  From early in my life, there was an often repeated phrase that voters in this country were always thought to be "searching for the man on a White Horse".  The story, and the claims associated with what my associate told me Mormons are taught today, are attributed to their founder, Joseph Smith, in 1840.  The role of Glen Beck, who converted to Mormonism in 1999, in perpetuating the Prophecy of the White Horse, is cited by Wikipedia.  Mitt Romney's statement, regarding the prophecy, is also cited.

What's up with all this?  Why is there no mention of this aspect of Mormonism anywhere.  Does the Yin-Yang Media think it doesn't matter?  Why doesn't Romney have to explain to the citizens what this does or doesn't mean, before we vote?

Could it be that the profits $$$ ... that would ensue to Romney and his Big Money cohorts, are too immense to jeapordize in open discussion of this question?  Consider the Pension Funds that would be made available by "busting unions".  Who would get them?

Romney's financial records, released on the same Friday as the May unemployment numbers, revealed half a billion dollars in gold!.  As a prominent member of a religion whose believers are basically survivalist, he should have to explain his rationale, and whether he beleives our economy will ultimately collapse.  "Profits" here, too, are of concern, maybe?

Voters need to "get smart"; that's what matters!  Do we have a classic "wolf in sheep's skin" here?
 Stay Vigilant!

Copyright © 2012: Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC


Saturday, June 9, 2012


Yet Another National Disgrace?

As a Service-Connected Disabled Veteran of the Vietnam War Era, I am especially sickened by today's headline news in one of our first-run newspapers.  It appears we're averaging more suicides than combat deaths among our active duty military; about one a day, so far this year.

This issue is one that every citizen should grab hold to, and not let go until a workable solution is found.  Thanks to citizen outrage, Zimmerman is now back in jail, and may even receive "justice".  Shows what we can do when we speak out.  Even Repoobs can be made to move in the right direction.

I was on the front lines, so to speak, when Nixon got rid of the Draft.  As one of a couple of dozen officers on special assignment to counter some of the immediate effects, I saw up close, the massive structural change and degradation that took place within the military.  Other degradations were to follow as the transition to All-Volunteer status proceeded.  The entire fabric of our society suffered when the military ceased to perform its traditional role in the maturation of males in our society.  I have heard from many rural area judges on their experiences.

Who serves today?  We should all know.  There are many studies available (Google: "military service and socioeconomic status).  Dubya told the citizens not to worry about sacrificing for the wars he started.  He told us to "go shopping". " Figures!". 

 Lets list what else we know.  Injuries from current day veterans (physical and non-physical) are more serious, longer-lasting, and more expensive to treat.  The non-physical injuries are the most harmful to families, the veteran, and to society.  We are still using some of  the old approaches to our returning veterans; ranging from shooting at soldiers in uniform in the mid-70's to "Thank you for your service" .
That's pitiful!

We've turned into a nation of "chicken-shits", as we used to call such people in the old days.  Now Captain Vacuous is being lauded for keeping his prize sons from exposing themselves to harm in defense of this nation.  All the while he was busy enriching himself!  Let's be clear:  not everybody could serve; nor needed to enlist; but they could and should support the nation's soldiers in other ways.  Don't give me that crap about Mormon's having permanent deferments.  That might have been true for Mitt, but there were Mormons serving with me in the days of the Draft.

Our national decline is more psychological than economic.  We know how fish rot!

Stay Vigilant!

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Friday, June 8, 2012


It's the BUS!, Stupid!!!

One of my favorite stories, told by "Moms" Mabley, is the one about the Little Ol' Lady on the Bus.  Somewhere down South in the "old" days, a little old lady boarded a bus for a trip to the next town.  She spied a young man sippin' on a bottle hidden in a paper bag.  After observing him for a while, she tapped his shoulder and said: "Don't you know you're on your way to Hell?  The young man replied: "Here, Lady; take a sip; we're on the same bus!

Indeed! We all are, it seems, and we're still learning just how big the bus is!  You see, in addition to a piss-poor job of governing between 2000 and 2008, the Repoobs blew up the bus we all depend on.  Among my most stark memories of late 2008 are ones of our Treasury Secretary threatening Congress, and the U.S. Citizens, that ATM machines would no longer work, and demanding billions of dollars, immediately!  Another is of Dubya blankly asking "what's happening?".  Then there was McCain, frozen like a deer in headlights, with no clue of what to do.  Way to go!, Repoobs, seems like that qualifies you to take another whack at it.  At least half of the voters seem to think so.

During their time at the wheel, the Repoobs passed laws that made their actions "legal", or, at least, "not illegal".  They thereby escape accountability for their "actions" and "failures to act" while they held "leadership".  All of this appears too complicated for the average voter, and the Repoobs know it.  Hence, Captain Vacuous, the top Money Boy, is their choice to regain control of the bus.  And "failure to act" is their key strategy for tricking the public into voting for them again; aided by more Cash than ever-before seen in Presidential Elections.

The Repoobs, most of whom come from places where the prevailing "world view" does not extend beyond the county, now see themselves as "expert" on an economy that is permanently global.  Even though President Obama fulfilled his campaign promise of "fixing" the bus, he restored the Money Boys who engineered and paid for the Meltdown.  The Repoobs knew that they would always "ride in front", no matter what condition the bus was in.  But they left it in a ditch, with pieces missing. Even though they lost the keys, they still claim "ownership".  It is still to be determined whether the voters will be stupid enough to give them back the keys.

The President has to realize that even though he fulfilled his promises:  he miraculously halted the job loss, restored more jobs than the Repoobs created during their entire time in charge; and patched up the banks and brokerage houses for the Money Boys; WE ARE NOT A GRATEFUL NATION!!.. Voters don't care that you did what you promised; they care whether you will do what they want next!

Oh, who is consigned to ride in the back of the bus?  The poor and the powerless, naturally.

Stay Vigilant!

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Thursday, June 7, 2012


Think "Peanuts" amd "Bananas"

Sometimes, people can get so involved in fighting over peanuts, they fail to look up to find the bananas!
Now, is when this is true for the United States and for Europe.  This phenomenon has driven the entire world into a slump.

After Wisconsin, however, we all have to re-think our definitions of "Big Money" (bananas) and renew our search for "Big People" (traditional Republicans of the Eisenhower and Brooke variety).  We are now saddled with destructive Repoob "leadership" from the "Little People" (think yahoos, trash) who think peanuts are big money! 

In my youth, even the Democrat party had "big people".  Today, Lilliputians prevail within the leadership of both parties.  It all started when Eisenhower chose Nixon as his Vice President.  Nixon was trash and everyone knew it.  The voters made that decision in 1960, in spite of the Checkers Speech.  We know the path of Nixon's return to "leadership" and the further deterioration of our politics.  Liddy Biddy was a mirror reflection in the opposing party.

But even Nixon knew that not all states of these United States were "created equal".  That's why he dabbled with Revenue Sharing.  Now, voters send their "Representatives" to Washington to loot the federal government on their behalf; and then wonder why we're in the crapper financially.  The most ignorant people, from the poorest states, have risen to power and put sand in the gears of government at all levels.

But lets not let the "Big People" off the hook.  Take the Keating Five and the Savings and Loan bubble; the first of ever-increasing financial bubbles.  The greed was ushered in by Mad Ronnie and that last bubble, in housing, brought everything down!  Perhaps permanently, if we can't shed ourselves of "little people" leadership.  Thank God that bat-shit bunch thrown up by the Repoobs in their Primary was not taken seriously by more voters.

Little People with Big Money explains Wisconsin, "Birthers", Fox News.  Big People have been banished from the Republican Party by the Repoobs, and are more than less responsible for the 2008 meltdown.  That "selection" of 2000 also is continuing its catastrophic effects.  The Supremes can take credit for that along with Citizens United.

Scurrying around on the ground, struggles over peanuts (cutting "waste" in spending) is proving disastrous for those who've tried that approach in response to 2008.  Its strange to hear these yahoos speak of "we", when claiming credit for the output of rich and smart localities like "Silicon Valley"; never realizing that education, intelligent "big people" leadership, and wise use of resources produced that output.  Repoobs need a lesson in "utility theory". .

Stay Vigilant!

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Wednesday, June 6, 2012


"2012 -- Taking Stock"

Last night's results from Wisconsin bring a message somewhat different from the labor-vote results in Ohio.  Now that we're almost through with the "Nut-Jobs" phase of the Repoob campaign (the "nut-jobs" have faded to background, and "Captain Vapid, or Vacuous" -- the guy with the most money -- is their "choice" for the tip of their ticket).  What remains to be done is their Veep-Pick.  Their heavily financed game of Global Chicken continues.  The United States and the European Union continue to be held hostage.

First, consider the money.  Not even the state of California has seen so much  "loot" spread around in a state or local election.  It is reported that all that money was used to "buy" both boots on the ground and  most of the "air time" available.  This can be studied as a text-book case of how government, in a country where the "People are Soverign", can be bought.

Any voter who still thinks we live in a Democracy, has some serious thinking and strategizing to do between now and November.  Unless the voter abdicates, betraying those of us who have sacrificed for freedom, there is still, shall I say, "hope"?, that our Democracy can be saved.

Lower-class whites who belong to unions, or work in state and local government jobs, are clearly being kicked off the "Reagan Wagon". Those who think they will survive the economic storm, stuck with Walker and the Fat Cats.   Families were split in the Wisconscin vote.  A close study should be done as to which citizens were left standing on either side of the "divide" that clearly shows in the voting.  In this country that operates on a color-based caste and class structure, the "shrinking of the middle" has probably been mis-cast.

"Citizens United", the weapon awarded to the Repoobs by the Supremes, clearly is highly destructive of the Democracy the founders thought they crafted for us.  Jefferson warned that "remaining ignorant, and expecting to remain free" would be fool-hardy.  E-mail evidence is surfacing that shows how long-running the Romney-train has been; and the depths to which his strategists have stooped.  The "nut jobs" (excusing Huntsman) were clearly trying to derail that train, to promote their own, more bizarre, agendas.

Please review tactics for "blowing off" Bullies, and check out my earlier blogs: The People vs. The Money (4-11-12), and Will The Center Hold? (5-8-12).

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

CASTE: The Hidden Factor

"Caste and Gender" meets the "Ovarian Lottery"?

Today Elizabeth completes her celebration of 60 years as monarch of Britain, or England.  We fought a revolutionary war so we would not have to bow to royalty from Europe.  In that, this nation is unique among all nations in the Americas.  For this reason, most of our citizens know little and understand less about caste.  They live with it's ravages daily, however.

I woke up this morning to a spirited debate between two white women, one closer to my age, the other closer to my daughters' ages.  The issue was "equal pay" (for equal work).  The U.S. Senate debates today the "Paycheck Fairness" act.

Quick definitions for this blog: Caste (about your birth facts); Class (about the wealth you have); Race (defined by law or social custom; usually involving color); Color (whatever the eye perceives, or society declares).  Overlay all of this with a parallel heirarchy of Gender (what nature provides between your legs or within your hormones).  Since most us enter this world through the birth canal, the Ovaries have a major role in setting the stage for everything.   Because we are so poorly educated in this country, most of us put all of these in a psychological pot, stir it up, and set about living our daily lives; interacting with each other in all sorts of relationships.

We fought a Civil War because that portion of our nation below the Mason-Dixon line kept an economic and social system that was fully caste-driven.  That region has clung to its traditions, while spreading it's ideology, through the Repoob movement within the Republican Party, to about half of our country.  The original plan for Texas was to split it into 4 slave states; thereby ensuring slavery forever in this country. 

The 1963 "Equal Pay Act" is what the Senate is revisiting in its debate today.  Having entered the adult work force, (I worked many years as a child), in 1962, I have a unique view of the history of this subject and the "progress" of the nation, in its "carrot and stick" efforts t to enlarge our economy and fully utilize all of the talents of its citizenry.  When I earned my Air Force commission and my degree in Physics, the military was the only "equal opportunity" employer available to me.  I completed a 20-year career, retired; and then completed another career as an executive in a blue-chip aerospace company.  I experienced both; government and private employers, and the pay and promotion systems they employed.  Both had severe implementation problems! 

The change of or work force from all white male, to an early trickle of non-whites, in both the military and industry, began with President Kennedy's executive actions in 1963. The military option was made possible by President Truman in 1948.

The debate between the women this morning was sad in that you would think we have learned very little over the past 49 years.  Pay discrimination is real, despite the Repoob efforts to deny it, both for women and men of color.  Hiring discrimination has returned with a vengeance in the wake of the Repoob-driven economic melt-down.  The 2012 election will really provide a choice between a brighter future for us all or a return to a very ugly past.  To read more on caste :

The younger woman evidenced the same "sickness" that young blacks showed during the civil rights period.  They are terrified of the "stigma" of caste and gender (without knowing the source); and thereby join forces with their opponents to hobble their own achievements. They suffer both in rewards and overall treatment on the job.  Minorities and women of higher castes are "used" by Repoobs in their efforts to slow or stop progress.  Only a very gifted psychologist could untangle their logic, and explain their positions.

Stay Vigilant!

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Monday, June 4, 2012

"FEAR ITSELF" (Race-Based)

"F.D.R.'s Warning" - Revisited

The Romneys (both) and Repoob talking heads, are all over the media now speaking of "fear".
In addition to using the word "fear" itself;  they also use euphemisms, many of them race-toned, like "birther", and "socialist".  By stoking fear, the Repoob 2012 campaign is displaying how the use of "the race card" by whites is much more powerful than when non-whites use it.

One wag cited as an example: Bill Clinton could successfully claim to be "the first black president", and Obama cannot.  The entire affair is a testimony to the primative view of "race" that works in the United States at this point in the 21st century.  What really is in play here are caste, class, race, and color.  These practices in human interaction date back past the Egyptian Civilization.

Each of these is different (they intersect each other, however).  The Americas' version of all of these has developed over the past 500 years to a highly complex pattern of human interaction; one that works to the advantage of whites and to the disadvantage of non-whites.  In many ways, President Obama's hands are tied by these factors and give tremendous advantage to people like Rove, Limbaugh, the Romneys, media figures, and to the large contributors that fund their activities.

F.D.R. was right in warning us against the uses of "fear" by public figures seeking power.  After seriously disabling our national economy, the Repoobs are doubling down to make sure the economy does not recover before they get a chance to regain power.  Note the barely disguised joy shown by the likes of Romney, McConnell, Boehner, and their fellows when last week"s employment numbers and the stock market plunge were announced.

Over the weekend The McLachlin Report  (Demography rules), spent a large portion of their show decrying the "minority" status of white births in the United States.  They seem to wring their hands over how to regard "mixed-race" births.  The eternal questions still prevail: who is white?; who is not?; who decides.  According to census practices, even those "mixed race" people who self-declare, need not be respected in their choice.  Insanity!  This crap could destroy the country.

Stay Vigilant!

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Saturday, June 2, 2012


Does 'Winner Take All' mean 'We All Lose'?

The polls say the voting electorate is almost evenly split today, with a slight edge to Obama.  Given the performance of the Repoob Primary candidates, the general public should be quaking in their knees.  We're heading for a "shoot-out" election  like the Kennedy v. Goldwater election that never took place in 1964; due to national tragedy.
Homework is required, going into this election, to save yourself, your family, your fortune, and your future.  Most people are worried about "jobs".  They believe, wrongly, that "government creates jobs".  Both sides have their version of this lie.  The truth is that demographics have made "jobs" as we used to know them impossible.

 People are living much longer and we have a 76-million strong "baby-boom" cohort in our population that is retiring in droves; with very little saved.
 No business can continue the old practice of providing benefits like retirement and health-care for workers.  So we're in a new world.  The politicians have known this was coming for at least  40 years!
Drucker used to say that any business that mistreated its workers was begging for a union.  Litchfield (see earlier blog: All Politics are Local?) describes the "industrial policy" that produced large successful corporations like Goodyear and Boeing.
Given the new demographics, companies have to completely overhaul their worker/management relations.  Germany has moved a long way toward this "new way", and has a strong economy; the U.S. has not.

Stay Vigilant!

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The adversarial model between management and unions began in government, when Reagan fired the PATCO union ( Air Traffic Control) workers and started a war on unions.  The Archie Bunker's of that time were a-swoon to Reagan's duo-toned song of race and class, so they helped Mad Ronnie destroy their unions.  That is when our old industrial policy died.

2012 is sold as a Union vs. Business shoot-out.  But it is not!  It is 'weakened' unions vs. 'venture' capital.  The Yin-Yang Media is steadily confusing the voter by mixing "venture" capital with
"private" capital, and with "business".  Venture capital is capital of the vulture kind!  Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against vultures.  They have thier role to play, both in business and in nature.  But nothing remains alive in a world wherein aggressive vultures reign.  There can be benevolent venture capitalists, but most benevolent capitalists are private capitalists who are not venture-based.  Venture capital is proving to be the bain (no pun intended) of truly small, high-tech businesses.

To paraphrase John W, Gardner ; a society that worships  its politicians while disdaining its plumbers will find themselves living in a world in which neither their government nor their toilets work.

Stay Vigilant!

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All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Friday, June 1, 2012

CAN BLACKS (and other Non-Whites) BE RACIST??)

Absolutely!!  End the Finger-pointing!

Allport, in The Nature of Prejudice,  shows that in hard economic times people seek solace by returning to their "roots" (racial, tribal, religious, national, etc.).Our politicians remind us that although we don't have a state religion, the United States is a ""Christian" nation.  Moreover, it is a Protestant, Christian nation.  This means that in this country "every-person" has direct access and can interpret the Bible and to define God.

The Bible, re-written by Europeans in 1611, states that God is white.  This message has been promulgated by religion since the founding of the Roman version of Christianity.  Which also might  explain the "re-make" of Jesus, the Palestinian, into Jesus, the European.

When you believe in a religion in which your God has cursed you, and your" kind", in perpetuity, you have a problem.  In order to extinguish a harmful belief, it seems logical to concentrate on the majority of those who hold the belief.  Since the overwhelming majority of Christian believers, and those on this planet under the control of Christian institutions and governments, are not white, what to do?

In this country, and, in most of the Americas, you can revert to some "work-around"; such as the "paper-bag test" in which those closer to the Chalk side of the skin-color spectrum discriminate against those of darker hue; closer to the Charcoal side.

In that part of the Americas dominated by Roman Christian and Spanish influences, that trend goes to absurd lengths to include eye color, hair texture and color, and skin color.  In all of the Americas you can find evidence of this type of discrimination among siblings within a family.

Then, there is the intersection of racial and tribal factors, such as Native American lineage.  In the United States there are people like Tommy, an Alaskan Native I be-friended in 1960, who was a permanent paraplegic from injuries inflicted upon him by children of other tribes in an "Indian School".  These places, set up and enforced by our government and many churches, were designed to eradicate,  under duress, any tribal attributes among these children, who were forcibly removed from their families.

So, unlike white racism, which is unidirectional; non-white and black racism is bi-directional.  In favor of those higher up the color scale and against those below.  This practice, long-standing, causes many types of personal and societal maladies.  Politicians, aware of these conditions, select thus- afflicted individuals to perform special roles in our government -- like making sure there will never be another Thurgood Marshall on the Supreme Court.

I am not claiming the Christians "invented" all of this.  The separation of good and evil by distinct source is traceable to Zoroastrianism, and to Persians of the 6th Century BCE.  Color appears to have been applied to their distinctions of good and evil by the time the original Bible(s) were written.

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