is it all about PIGS in "Pokes"??
Parents, born before World War II, (BEFORE our current "Helicopter" trend became so popular, and produced Millions of Kid who can't do much for themselves) taught their children to "never BUY a PIG in a POKE" !!
A poke was a "gunnysack", or some other type of bag big enough to hide a pig. Ever since our Bloviating DONALD took over our whoring MEDIA, it has managed to present us with a "new" Poke and PIG; every day!
If the Elephant somehow disappears, along with whatever becomes the fate of the ashes of the old GOP, the PIG will have to be the new Animal for it. EDUCATION; TRUMP's TAXES; "FIX" for our ECONOMY; Clean-up for TRUMP's Father's Ghettos; Our TAX Code; Putting Sewer State Blacks back under CRACKER control; IMMIGRATION; the list is miles long. NONE of these claims are made visible to us by TRUMP; or, those Sleazy Republicans who still SUPPORT him!! ALL of them ARE pushing PIGS in a POKE!!
NO one should BUY any of it!! Sure; we see pictures of TRUMP surrounded by slick HISPANICS and BLACKS (separately, of course); but those are the Usual Suspects -- like Clarence, or Condoleeza, or "9-9-9" or "Dr. Ben -- who could always be found "sucking up" to Evil-doers on the Hard White RIGHT!!
Stay Vigilant! Our two largest World Religions have amassed their Power by teaching their followers, BLIND BELIEF in things they've never seen; while moving Heaven and Earth to DENY any scientific evidence to the contrary!! Now both of them are reaching new extremes in their attempt to maintain their Power! B. S., in any form, smells the same, up close. The Religious Stuff has recently returned to its Deadly Past! Learn to listen for the squeal??
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