Saturday, August 27, 2016

Do U "know" TRUMP'S "Socialist" SECRET??

Socialists on the LEFT, on the RIGHT, and in the Middle??

Could it be that TRUMP and his Double-Speaking Republican "Supporters" are banking on a special ignorance that has been cultivated deeply within the USA Citizenry since the end of World War II??
We all were propagandized, over the past70 years, to the extreme, regarding Communists; to an extent where we saw them everywhere; especially among people of color!  strangely, we almost never heard about Fascists, or Nazi's!  The US flung open its doors to hundreds of thousands of them, however, as new immigrants!

Almost immediately after the War ended,, the Republican Party was invigorated by their presence in its hatred of Harry Truman, and then recently passed FDR!  Nixon rode that wave to his doom, opening the way for Joe McCarthy, Ronald Reagan, and today's Pitiful Republican Party!

Hitler was a Fascist enemy of the USA, and a Nazi, and the Leader of the National SOCIALIST Party!!  Stalin  was a Communist ally of the USA, and the Leader of the Union of Soviet SOCIALIST Republics!  Hitler led a RIGHT-wing movement that served the UPPER Classes, Big Business, Bankers, the Medical Establishment.  Stalin led a Country where the LOWER Classes were the source of their Revolution.  Russian Communism was LEFT-Wing!  The Socialism we hear from Bernie Sanders is rooted in our Middle Classes, Left of Center.

TRUMP's Mask hides a Demagogue who is LEFT of Center, while Pretending to lead a Revolt of the RED, Lower-CLASS Sewer-State inspired take-over of the Republican Party and whatever States they can turn RED in our Nation.  They DESPISE our Constitution (except for the Second Amendment).  TRUMP champions what Martin Luther King called Socialism for the Rich!  

Stay Vigilant!  The Right-of-Center Movement led by TRUMP uses the poor and ignorant TRASH in our Country to fuel a, so far, brilliant movement that has seen the inhalation of what used to be the Republican Party.  MEDIA-WHORES, who would sell their Mothers to gain Prime-Time seconds before Television Cameras (all Colors, both Genders), multiply by thousands the power of Dr. Goebbels, and Tokyo Rose in World War II!  The Hour is Late!  The only way to save Democracy in the United States is to banish with your VOTE; Donald TRUMP and every forked-tongued Republican you can vote AGAINST!!  Only Spoiled Children think they can BUY anything with their VOTE in the USA today!

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