We WILLFULLY "Ignored" more than 150 years of our HISTORY!!
Caught up in our Founder's desires to build a haven for White, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant, Male, Landowners; President Andrew Jackson and his rag-tag-Hooligans from the "Wilds" of our Lands, twisted that Franchise to include White Males who had no Wealth, or Breeding, or Education!! It has all been down-hill since 1830!
Rather than admit the truth about our Civil War and its immediate aftermath (JIM CROW), the romanticized, and preposterous fictions about that Tragedy became Hollywood "Classics" that persist in our culture in 2016! Our Children, a a result have their heads stuffed with nonsense that they believe is our HISTORY!! Shame on White Educators for that. Beginning around 1870 with JIM CROW, we elected Presidents, both Democrat and Republican who, first-and-foremost, preserved the National Myths about Slavery and moved our Nation steadily to the Political Right on all matters pertaining to the divide between White and Non-white Citizens. Outside the USA, the rest of the World's White Nations were busy with Apartheid and Colonialism, the Global equivalent for JIM CROW.
Along the way, Nation-States replaced Crowned Heads, and the Christian Religion steadily regained the power it held over Chattel Slavery and its Derivatives since they fomented it in Mexico (Bishop Las Casas using the Power of early Popes, and the Inquisition in the Americas)!! As a result, the Religious Right has aligned itself firmly with Fascist Dictators in Latin America and elsewhere. Following each of the World Wars that sprang up along with the rise of the Nation-State and the decline of the role of Agriculture in the face of rising Industrialism, we've worked our way to the Malignant Christian "Theocracy" that Kevin Phillips wrote about in his book on the subject, published two years before
Cheney/Bush destroyed our Economy in 2008! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Theocracy.
Our Ivy League Colleges endowed us with "Scientific Racism" as a complement to the bogus "Social Darwinism" that sprang from Britain.
Following the last World War, the Hard-Right Republicans managed to drive President Truman from Office in 1952, leaving us with the Evil Richard Nixon as Vice-President to Dwight Eisenhower. Nixon loved Joe McCarthy and his tactics for undermining our Democracy. Russia launched the Cold War, and German Nazis found an "open door" to immigrate to the United States. I met one of Hitler's soldiers and his family in San Francisco, in 1960. They enjoyed "Freedoms" denied to Jews and Blacks. https://www.mtholyoke.edu/~molna22a/classweb/politics/germanhistory.html
FDR warned Churchill NOT to try to restore Colonialism in Asia. His advice was ignored, winding up in our loss of tens of thousands of our Citizens; from bailing the French out of their failed attempt to re-establish Colonialism in Viet Nam. Succeeding Presidents have engaged in more foolish Foreign Capers, winding up with our Shattered World Order in 2016; courtesy of Cheney/Bush and their unprovoked Invasion of Iraq in 2003.
Stay Vigilant! All of this has produced the unique Monster in our Politics, named DONALD TRUMP! Good News is that your VOTE can get rid of him and the entire Malignant Right Republican Party!!
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