Wednesday, August 31, 2016

GIULIANI: TRUMP's (not-so-obvious) "Missing Link"?? ...

... to MEXICO, Guv'na Christie; PORT AUTHORITY; 9/11; RED STATE "Take-Overs";
2014 Voter "no-show"; the list is much longer ...

First thing this morning came the hasty announcement that TRUMP will fly off to Mexico to a Press Conference with Pena Nieto!!  It wil be "sandwiched-in" between his IMMIGRATION extravaganza on prime-time TV tonight in the USA!

While the ashes of 9/11 were still warm in places, it seems that Guiliani and his Security Partners were off to Mexico to advise  Mexico's Cops of Rudy's spectatular feats against the poor and non-white citizens of New York City!!   (does anybody remember Amadou Diallo?)  Could Rudy explain the mass killings by Cops in parts of Mexico??

I am slowly reading Mike Morell's expose of Tenet's CIA.  The Clinton years, followed by "W" and Cheney will take on a very different light than what the MEDIA left us all with, for anyone who reads The Greatest War of Our Time.

The  behaviors of Republican Party were strange during the days of Nixon and Reagan (Watergate and Iran/Contra), but its behavior since (driving all sane members from the Party, Master Direction from The Heritage Foundation and ALEC, for examples) are, as Bernie Sanders would say, H-U-G-E!! 

Stay Vigilant!  Keep your wits about you;  keepwhatever drug TRUMP has fed to our MEDIA, from infecting YOU!; and VOTE AGAINST THEM! (tell your FRIENDS)!! Watch The Sting again!  You can bet PUTIN has!

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Sunday, August 28, 2016


is it all about PIGS in "Pokes"??

Parents, born before World War II, (BEFORE our current "Helicopter"  trend became so popular, and produced Millions of Kid who can't do much for themselves) taught their children to "never BUY a PIG in a POKE" !!

A poke was a "gunnysack", or some other type of bag big enough to hide a pig.  Ever since our Bloviating DONALD took over our whoring MEDIA, it has managed to present us with a "new" Poke and PIG; every day!

If the Elephant somehow disappears, along with whatever becomes the fate of the ashes of the old GOP, the PIG will have to be the new Animal for it. EDUCATION; TRUMP's TAXES; "FIX" for our ECONOMY; Clean-up for TRUMP's Father's Ghettos; Our TAX Code; Putting Sewer State Blacks back under CRACKER control; IMMIGRATION; the list is miles long.  NONE of these claims are made visible to us by TRUMP; or, those Sleazy Republicans who still SUPPORT him!!  ALL of them ARE pushing PIGS in a POKE!!

NO one should BUY any of it!!  Sure; we see pictures of TRUMP surrounded by slick HISPANICS and BLACKS (separately, of course); but those are the Usual Suspects -- like Clarence, or Condoleeza, or "9-9-9" or "Dr. Ben -- who could always be found "sucking up" to Evil-doers on the Hard White RIGHT!!

Stay Vigilant!  Our two largest World Religions have amassed their Power by teaching their followers, BLIND BELIEF in things they've never seen; while moving Heaven and Earth to DENY any scientific evidence to the contrary!!  Now both of them are reaching new extremes in their attempt to maintain their Power!  B. S., in any form, smells the same, up close.  The Religious Stuff has recently returned to its Deadly Past!  Learn to listen for the squeal??

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Saturday, August 27, 2016

Do U "know" TRUMP'S "Socialist" SECRET??

Socialists on the LEFT, on the RIGHT, and in the Middle??

Could it be that TRUMP and his Double-Speaking Republican "Supporters" are banking on a special ignorance that has been cultivated deeply within the USA Citizenry since the end of World War II??
We all were propagandized, over the past70 years, to the extreme, regarding Communists; to an extent where we saw them everywhere; especially among people of color!  strangely, we almost never heard about Fascists, or Nazi's!  The US flung open its doors to hundreds of thousands of them, however, as new immigrants!

Almost immediately after the War ended,, the Republican Party was invigorated by their presence in its hatred of Harry Truman, and then recently passed FDR!  Nixon rode that wave to his doom, opening the way for Joe McCarthy, Ronald Reagan, and today's Pitiful Republican Party!

Hitler was a Fascist enemy of the USA, and a Nazi, and the Leader of the National SOCIALIST Party!!  Stalin  was a Communist ally of the USA, and the Leader of the Union of Soviet SOCIALIST Republics!  Hitler led a RIGHT-wing movement that served the UPPER Classes, Big Business, Bankers, the Medical Establishment.  Stalin led a Country where the LOWER Classes were the source of their Revolution.  Russian Communism was LEFT-Wing!  The Socialism we hear from Bernie Sanders is rooted in our Middle Classes, Left of Center.

TRUMP's Mask hides a Demagogue who is LEFT of Center, while Pretending to lead a Revolt of the RED, Lower-CLASS Sewer-State inspired take-over of the Republican Party and whatever States they can turn RED in our Nation.  They DESPISE our Constitution (except for the Second Amendment).  TRUMP champions what Martin Luther King called Socialism for the Rich!  

Stay Vigilant!  The Right-of-Center Movement led by TRUMP uses the poor and ignorant TRASH in our Country to fuel a, so far, brilliant movement that has seen the inhalation of what used to be the Republican Party.  MEDIA-WHORES, who would sell their Mothers to gain Prime-Time seconds before Television Cameras (all Colors, both Genders), multiply by thousands the power of Dr. Goebbels, and Tokyo Rose in World War II!  The Hour is Late!  The only way to save Democracy in the United States is to banish with your VOTE; Donald TRUMP and every forked-tongued Republican you can vote AGAINST!!  Only Spoiled Children think they can BUY anything with their VOTE in the USA today!

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Sunday, August 21, 2016

trump: S-O-S!! calling "All" TRUMPIANS!!! regardless of COLOR??

SICK people come in ALL COLORS!!

TRUMP's Campaign is in a Death-Spiral!  Caught RED-handed with his Campaign Manager in PUTIN's "Cookie Jar", his entire organization is in a rout!  President Obama, who has trod this lonely road against the Republican Neo-Fascists for the past 7 and a half years, warns us to RUN-SCARED, UNTIL THE DAY After our election in November, 2016!!  The Crazies in this Country can be expected to leave no stone un-turned in their effort to destroy our DEMOCRACY and, the REPUBLICAN PARTY!  trump's latest "Trick"?? Visit an white suburb in Pennsylvania, and Pretend to be appealing to AFRICAN-AMERICAN VOTERS!  We should all be ASTOUNDED by the SUPPORT Donald receives from RYAN, and Preibus, and Master MARCO RUBIO!

For JESUS there was JUDAS!!  For AFRICAN-AMERICANS, there have been every stripe of collaborator (a.k.a Black "Conservative") who willfully assists their enemies; ranging from Booker T. Washington, to Condi Rice and Clarence Thomas!  Now, we hear TRUMP is convening Unavision, and other HISPANIC "businessmen" to sign up for his latest "sales-pitch".??  MONEY is the logical next step, when you can't win-over their "pea-brains" for FREE!!  SMART Blacks, like Obama, can rely on more than 400 years of experience with charlatans like TRUMP and his Followers, who have derived from our SEWER States!

Stay Vigilant!  People, of ALL Colors, have to learn the tricks of Con-Artists, like Donald and his Kids!  They NEVER tell the TRUTH!  Whenever their lips are moving, you can safely bet they're LYING!!

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Friday, August 19, 2016

"How-in-HELL" did the USA get it's DEMOCRACY in so much TROUBLE??

We WILLFULLY "Ignored" more than 150 years of our HISTORY!!

Caught up in our Founder's desires to build a haven for White, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant, Male, Landowners; President Andrew Jackson and his rag-tag-Hooligans from the "Wilds" of our Lands, twisted that Franchise to include White Males who had no Wealth, or Breeding, or Education!!  It has all been down-hill since 1830!

Rather than admit the truth about our Civil War and its immediate aftermath (JIM CROW), the romanticized, and preposterous fictions about that Tragedy became Hollywood "Classics" that persist in our culture in 2016!  Our Children, a a result have their heads stuffed with nonsense that they believe is our HISTORY!!  Shame on White Educators for that.  Beginning around 1870 with JIM CROW, we elected Presidents, both Democrat and Republican who, first-and-foremost, preserved the National Myths about Slavery and moved our Nation steadily to the Political Right on all matters pertaining to the divide between White and Non-white Citizens.  Outside the USA, the rest of the World's White Nations were busy with Apartheid and Colonialism, the Global equivalent for JIM CROW.

Along the way, Nation-States replaced Crowned Heads, and the Christian Religion steadily regained the power it held over Chattel Slavery and its Derivatives since they fomented it in Mexico (Bishop Las Casas using the Power of  early Popes, and the Inquisition in the Americas)!!  As a result, the Religious Right has aligned itself firmly with Fascist Dictators in Latin America and elsewhere.  Following each of the World Wars that sprang up along with the rise of the Nation-State and the decline of the role of Agriculture in the face of rising Industrialism, we've worked our way to the Malignant Christian "Theocracy" that Kevin Phillips wrote about in his book on the subject, published two years before
Cheney/Bush destroyed our Economy in 2008!
Our Ivy League Colleges endowed us with "Scientific Racism" as a complement to the bogus "Social Darwinism" that sprang from Britain.

Following the last World War, the Hard-Right Republicans managed to drive President Truman from Office in 1952, leaving us with the Evil Richard Nixon as Vice-President to Dwight Eisenhower.  Nixon loved Joe McCarthy and his tactics for undermining our Democracy.  Russia launched the Cold War, and German Nazis found an "open door" to immigrate to the United States.  I met one of Hitler's soldiers and his family in San Francisco, in 1960.  They enjoyed "Freedoms" denied to Jews and Blacks.

FDR warned Churchill NOT to try to restore Colonialism in Asia.  His advice was ignored, winding up in our loss of tens of thousands of our Citizens; from bailing the French out of their failed attempt to re-establish Colonialism in Viet Nam.  Succeeding Presidents have engaged in more foolish Foreign Capers, winding up with our Shattered World Order in 2016; courtesy of Cheney/Bush and their unprovoked Invasion of Iraq in 2003.

Stay Vigilant!  All of this has produced the unique Monster in our Politics, named DONALD TRUMP!  Good News is that your VOTE can get rid of him and the entire Malignant Right Republican Party!!

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Monday, August 15, 2016

TRUMP "signals" RISE of USA FASCISM?? no more "Immigrants"??

We can no longer be known as a Nation of Immigrants??

Nixon sowed its seeds in 1972.  Reagan nurtured the ugly weed  in our Sewer States in 1980.
In his "Presidential" Speech detailing how he will "handle" Immigration ("Extremely, "Viciously")
TRUMP told the World HOW he will set up and run our first Police State in America!!  When Adolph "scape-goated" Jews in Germany, only Fools believed that he would stop with them!!

The Republican Party, in 2016 has given full flight to our first National Fascist Candidate!!   TRUMP voters value the Second Amendment, but despise the First Amendment of our Constitution.  Thanks to our woefully ignorant and stupid MEDIA.  The Monster is out of its box!

Thomas Paine and Patrick Henry are SOBBING in their graves on 8/15/16!!  America has lost its Common Sense, and, will now have to atone for its Cowardice under Cheney/Bush!  They can't blame TRUMP on Obama!!  We won't know how many White (and non-white) Males and Females resonate with TRUMP, until Election Day.  "Have You No Shame?"  will no longer work against this element of our Electorate!

Stay Vigilant!  Only those who truly love Liberty can be expected to stand up to TRUMP!  Whites have always lied to themselves, and others about their Racism.  Lying to POLLS is what TRUMP and PUTIN are counting on!  To destroy America, both our Democracy and our Immigrant History and Character must also be destroyed!!  Will Voter let that happen??

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Friday, August 12, 2016

r we "Finally" Witnessing TRUMP's SUNSET?? GOP also??


As Dylaan Roof showed all of us, across our Planet, there's something "Putrid" in the Souls of Sewer-State Crackers!!  It has remained for every generation of them, from the rise of JIM CROW in the 1870's.  The roots trace back to the days of President Andy Jackson; the first "Outsider" who made it to the White House.  Read about Jackson's War against Blacks and Seminoles at Fort Negro.

Black targets appeal automatically to TRUMP's Sewer-Base, (found in all of our Red States) and Obama is the "red-meat" TRUMP uses to accomplish his goal!  That goal, assigned to him, no doubt, by Putin, is to destroy the Republican Party!  It is truly amazing how well Reince Preibus and Paul Ryan have played into TRUMP's hands!!  With Netanyahu and Assad well in hand, Putin seems to be "on a roll"!!

Our witless and bone-headed MEDIA have inflated this specter of TRUMP, like some inflatable doll!
Triggered by TRUMP's behavior post-GOP-Convention; the same MEDIA can make even more money deflating it!!

Stay Vigilant!  STAY Awake, also!  The 80 days that lie ahead of us before November 1st will be nerve-wracking for all of us.  TRUMP is hoping to put all Whites in the USA in play??

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Sunday, August 7, 2016

TRUMP and REPOOBS versus OBAMA: "Blazing Saddles" -2016??

Richard Pryor and Mel Brooks gave us the SCRIPT??

Forty-two years ago, Pryor and Brooks wrote a Script that became "Blazing Saddles" (1974).  It was a movie about the First Black Sheriff, in a small town way our West,during the days of Leland Stanford's Inter-Continental Railroad corruptions.  The ability of the Black Sheriff to single-handedly
outwitt stupid Rednecks made a great story, charmingly told.  The film has become a Classic.

Mitch Mcconnel stepped into the role of head villain in the 2008-2016 real version, and Joe Biden serves as Obama's "Waco Kid"?  Check out the film and see if you can come up with a candidate for
the mindless lummox who knocks out a horse with one punch.  

Stay Vigilant:  Organized Crime is clearly what motivates today' Repoobs.  It is amazing how many of these "Politicians" are former Judges, Prosecutors, and other agents of our corrupted "Justice" System. The vacancy left by the death of Scalia is looming larger, as these Rats scurry in fear of of a tip back toward normal on our Supreme Court.

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Friday, August 5, 2016

EXTRA, EXTRA: TRUMP and GOP "Destroyed" by separate LOYALTY Squabbles??

TRUMP Expects everybody to be LOYAL; only to HIM!

GOP prays TRUMP will be LOYAL only TO Them!

Neither of them value, nor show much LOYALTY  for the USA!!

TRUMP voters fail to learn, or to heed the lesson from Germany, in the early 1930's:  DEMOCRACY and Personal Freedoms can DISAPPEAR,overnight; as a RESULT of Electing the Wrong Person!!

Elections are not where where you go to BUY someone you want ! ... its where you go to Protect your Freedom and your DemocracyStupid!!  But TRUMP knows that his beloved uneducated citizens can't understand that!

I noticed KUDLOW-slime crawled out, early this morning from that place where the likes of Greenspan and Cheney abide.  Joe Scarborough was no place to be seen, and Mika was able to read the riot act to black-slime like Steele: "Fat Chance"? ... exactly!

Stay Vigilant:  Something is waking up our Electorate, and bringing enough of it to it's senses; in this late hour before potential disaster strikes in November!!  HOPE Springs Etern-ally, thanks to Bern-ally??
Spot a Republican?  Vote them out of Congress!! Save Your Country!!

P.S:  I personally argued "School to Jail"  Issues with Governor Johnson; when he was in Office!  It will take more that a "Smack" to bring that  guy around, I'm afraid!!

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Wednesday, August 3, 2016

now, we ALL know ...TRUMP's "C-r-a-z-y" !! ...

... We can ALL "Pity" the GOP, as we watch it render itself asunder??

The Grand Old Party was able to "manage" Mad Ronnie; and old Newt-the Toot-Gengrich; but this third attempt with TRUMP under management, seems to be their bridge too far??

We hear that Manafort is abandoning TRUMP.  Could this have been Putin's Plan, all along?? The BREXIT Caper did-in Prime Minister Cameron, and left a weaker Britain.  Will a permanently weakened GOP leave the USA weaker as it continues to rely on two strong Political Parties to function properly??  We can all hope that all of the defective fools who participated in this debacle, within the Republican Party, are permanently banished from Politics in the USA!!  They swallowed this hook, fully aware of the dangers to our country!!

Stay Vigilant!  Patriotic Americans may now "go after" every person running in 2016 as a Republican!! A thorough House Cleaning can quickly restore our Nation to its former health!  OPEN SEASON for bagging Repoobs??

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