WHERE is the "CAVALRY" ??
At this point in their 2nd Term, past U.S. Presidents (those who won a 2nd Term; all of whom were white and male) usually entered a kind of "Doldrums" in which, as a Lame Duck, they had to struggle with Congress to "complete" their "Agendas" and to "preserve" their "Legacies". Reminiscent of Slick Willy's 2nd term, the Hyenas in the House (Republicans) are set in earnest to find some grounds for "Impeachment" of the President. Also reminiscent, Netanyahu is sticking his nose into our domestic politics; as if the Congress of the United States is his "plaything". He also enjoys a special "relationship" with our Zealot (nut-job) Right-Wing Politicians and their followers. Its awfully hard to shoo some "flies" away!
"Queen Ann" (almost) Romney is back in the News http://twitchy.com/2013/11/15/cbs-this-morning-interviews-mitt-and-ann-romney-haterade-overflows/ A clip I saw for and up-coming CNN interview with Piers Morgan shows her shedding "crocodile tears" and faux "concern" (or glee?) that President Obama's entire legacy may be: "at jeopardy".
Against the background of FDR's Presidency, Barry's "run", so far, portends a glorious place in the history of this nation. No other President (any color, any gender) could have achieved what he has ALREADY against the dedicated opposition and sabotage of the scurrilous creatures he's had to face.
But, "where is the Cavalry"?? The sad truth is that there isn't one for the first Black President of the United States. The history of the Presidents for the United States clearly shows that they each had their "gang" of "backers". The uniquely horrific performance of the "trash" that conspired to grab power in this country in 2000, presented us with a situation in which no "white male" really wanted to take on the task of cleaning up and restoring our economy, our honor, and our country. They lacked the BALLS, and there was nothing in it for any of our many white FACTIONS.
Everybody (including Slick Willy) is busy preparing for our next chapter in which we switch back to White, and change Gender!
Stay Vigilant! As we move forward from here, our Citizenry (white, non-white, male, non-male) should seriously contemplate the history of the German Democracy in the early 1930's!!
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