Oh, How Far We've Strayed"
I'll say again: "Where is Walter Cronkite?; when we need him so desperately?" On this morning's Reliable Sources, http://reliablesources.blogs.cnn.com/, (we can hope) on CNN, the Behghazi "flap" reared its ugly head again (see earlier blogs). It appears that CBS' Sixty Minutes was "duped", and, therefore "made a mistake" when they reported as fact, information that was not true. Isn't it funny, when the MEDIA only "makes mistakes", while a perfectly understandable variance in interpretation of a statement by the first Black President is widely reported as "A LIE"?????
This isn't just some routine subject. A Presidential Candidate in the 2012 election staked a great deal on this "story"; first by "breaking it" early in the campaign, and then again during, what was perhaps, the most dramatic moment in the Presidential Debates of 2012. Other high visibility "politicians" have their "tender parts" caught in a "door-jamb" also. Maybe the Pols will get away, yet again, by "kissing this up" to the stupidity of the average MEDIA "consumer".
Shall we review the "bidding"? The LIE, in today's media can be any perceived variance in anyone's perception of TRUTH. Then there's a question of MONEY taken under questionable conditions (STEALING?). Lastly, there's a matter of lives lost (KILLING?). That old triad seems to "pop up" repeatedly and inescapably. Our MEDIA celebrities, drawn by the gravity of the FOX model, seem to get "tripped up" constantly. Somehow, I don't feel sorry for them. We all should feel sorry for US; that we're subjected to this very dangerous CRAP!
I was going to write today about POPE-TOO, and his recent "moves" to shore up his "flock". (see earlier blogs). I will return to him shortly. The Real HELL we all face today is what the three Abrahamic Religions are subjecting us to as they war over possession of Nuclear Weapons. Given this MEDIA, and the certainty of annihilation of life on this planet as a result; the mixture of the two should keep us all up nights.
I've had to take a couple of weeks to recoup from health problems (It's HELL getting OLD!) Hoperfully, I still have time left to pursue my goals of waking up those who can be; thereby preserving a measure of freedom and sanity.
Stay Vigilant! Siren Songs are still what they were of old.
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