Saturday, November 23, 2013

BEWARE the "JACK-BOOT" (here)!!

Growing Strong and wearing Many MASKS 
At the time of my birth (1939) a major Democratic nation had completely "succumbed" to an incipient attack from within by forces seeking Dictatorship for purposes of taking over the world.
They did so in pursuit of instituting a Master Race for world domination.
Today, as they see overwhelming demographic forces foreshadowing their decline, the remnants of those people on the planet who have harbored and fed these sentiments since the end of World War II are busy undermining the Democracy of the United States of America; from within!
With the aid of Media powers that are orders of magnitude greater than those available to the 1930s bunch; today's forces have seized control of our images, our thought processes, and our ability to discern Right from Wrong.  You see it most vividly in the refusal of their adherents in the Federal Government to acknowledge the Will of the People, and to serve the Constitutional purposes of our Founding.  You saw the "Jack-Boot" in the Florida Courtroom (ask the "bullied" Juror). 
They wear many masks: "public safety", "religion", "party politics", and "law".  They've combined with our historic and eternal forces of repression in our nation, from the "Region of the Lash"; and are spreading rapidly their poison to states outside that region.  An attempt by them was defeated at the ballot box this week, here, when those "Jack-Boot" forces, wearing their mask of "religious zealotry" attempted to repress the rights of women to choose their own health measures.  Last week also presented our nation with "Jack-Boots", wearing the mask of "public safety", who fired live rounds at a lone Mother, driving on an isolated mountain road with her five children.

Check out Radley Balko's book: Rise of the Warrior Cop  You will see a picture of the "Safety Forces" defending the Republican National Convention in Tampa in 2012.  Is this what the Extreme Right plans to use to replace the image of "Bull Connor"??  Read the book, before you "knee-jerkedly" accept the drivel of the Right-Wing-Media.  Republican Governors are the "spearheads" of this phenomenon in many states.  Mayor Bloomberg was caught aiding and abetting this in New York City.  As he is replaced by a more fair-minded, and less racist Mayor, the Media has mounted a fear and smear campaign of his administration; before he enters office!

Stay Vigilant!  This war against White Supremacy will be long, GLOBAL, and ugly.  Don't allow your religious beliefs to be USED  for the purposes of these forces.  Do what we're doing here: hold your elected officials, from City Council, to Mayor, to County and State Legislators, to Governors, Representatives, Senators, and Judges ACCOUNTABLE!!  VOTE: NO REPUBLICANS IN 2014!
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