Is it "In Our STARS" ??
I think it was in one of my books by C.P. Snow, where he remarks that the elites (white?) on this planet have essentially "screwed" it up so thoroughly (take your pick for "ways"); that they know it can't be "fixed"; and are, therefore, looking desperately for another habitable planet to "escape" to. NASA is promoting a photo, taken from a point in space beyond Saturn, of the "blue dot" that is the Planet Earth.
The other night, I saw Krauthammer, "for the hour" commiserating with Charlie Rose about President Obama's "weaknesses" and how the White Right is succeeding in destroying his "credibility"! The episode reminded me of one of the novels in my collection about the Antebellum South, where the Idle, White, Rich are lolling around wondering what the "Darkies" are up to. Krauthammer declared that the United States, post Cold-War, is a "Reluctant Hegemon". The White-Right has swallowed its own brand of CRAP!!
Pope-Too is striking out in a massive reform of Catholic Propaganda to attack Post-Cold War Capitalism, and convince the greedy that money ain't "everything". He's also getting a lot of "color" into his photo-shoots. Is that all "too-little, and 500-yrs too-late"? We'll have to see how gullible the non-white "targets" remain in 2013.
How did we (on this planet) arrive at this sorry state? It all started with the fall of Rome, and the rise of the European version of Christianity (around 475 A.D.). Over the ensuing 1500+ years, Europeans, plying technological advances in ocean navigation, roamed the planet laying siege, at the point of the sword, to all they could reach. The treatment of the people they "discovered" was pretty much the same everywhere: "convert to Christianity on the pain of death", and then "serve the whites until you die".
Led by the Popes, the crowned heads of Europe obeyed the methods and practices dictated by Rome until Henry in England "flipped off" the Pope, and started his own Church. (All Hail the Horny Crowned Head?) Later a "twisted" dude in Germany, named Martin Luther, pulled a similar caper; to be followed by another, John Calvin. The world was off and running; with a legion of Slave Masters seeking slaves all over the planet. Many employed lesser-whites (Overseers) to do their dirty work. That class of white remains in power in the United States today. All the while, Christian Missionaries were "breaking new ground"; finding more non-white suckers to "Mind-eff" and enslave, or kill (the order varied). Either way, the whites got rich and the grandma in London wound up "owning" almost all of those parts of the Earth not covered by water. We got the African Slave Trade, Colonization of non-whites (all sorts, and shades) ; Institutions and Governments: (white-dominated or controlled), corporations, non-governmental organizations, and Charitable Foundations; all of which complete the web of white-control on the planet today. Units of currency will do the dirty deeds henceforth!
A complete, global, folklore has grown along with the spread of white dominance. Much of it comes from the institution of slavery in the Americas:
"You Can't Believe anything a non-white says: "they all LIE"
"Some of them might be Bright, but only if some white person trained them"
"You can't TRUST anyone who is not white"
Fortunately, for all of us, these purveyors of their true "religion" have come out from under their sheets and are "in our faces" in the media, in the courts, and in our governments. They define themselves as Conservatives or "Tea Partiers"; or both. Many adherents can be found in the Democratic Party.
Stay Vigilant! There is an all-out assault by this bunch, to take over this nation (state-by-state).
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