Sunday, October 28, 2012


Voters Must Call Their Bluff
As a Mighty Storm inches up the East Coast, threatening to "Occupy" Wall Street and wreak all sorts of havoc from floods to snow storms and power outages in several states; the dreaded election of 2012 draws ever nearer.  It's now less than ten days away.  It seems that, after many years of damning the thing, the country may yet again be "saved" by the Electoral College.
Upon retirement a couple of decades ago, Justice Thurgood Marshall warned that the Ku Klux Klan was trading in their white sheets for the black robes of Judges within our Judicial System.  Had he remained a few years longer with us, I'm sure he would have added that the Klan was taking over the Republican Party (that's why I now call them Repoobs).
The leadership roles known in history as Grand Kleagle, Grand Dragon, and such, I'm sure have been inherited by the likes of McConnell, Boehner, and Cantor, with supporting roles for the likes of Limbaugh and Rove.  Somewhere in there, they'll have to assign a role to Mitt, but he's such a slippery character, I'm sure nothing will stick.  The last time the Klan exerted so much political influence in this country was about 100 years ago, under Woodrow Wilson.
What's their bluff?  Well after achieving a credit downgrade and a pall cast over the creditworthiness of the United States, Repoobs continue their kidnap of government and their blackmail of the national economy; all in pursuit of limiting our President to one term.  I'm referring specifically to the dreaded "Fiscal Cliff".  It is cited by our best and brightest corporate leaders as striking such paralyzing fear in them that they had to cause mass joblessness and threaten more layoffs.  All the while they continue to hoard cash on their balance sheets and hide personal and corporate wealth off-shore.  All of these tantrums continue because, it seems, they didn't quite kill the economy in 2008 and need dearly to get Mitt in to finish us off.
But what if Mitt gets the popular vote and Obama wins the Electoral College?  Well, the Repoobs will just have to stop holding their breath (and their bodily fluids) and begin to "play ball".  Maybe that's why the President stated, matter-of-factly, in the last Debate that the Fiscal Cliff "won't happen"!  Such a move by the voters will end the nightmare and bring on the brisk recovery everyone is looking for.
Stay Vigilant!  Its up to the voters, storm, or no storm!

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