Friday, October 26, 2012


"Trick" or "Treat"??
From "Isaac" , before the Repoob Debacle in Tampa, to "Sandy", destined to strike Pennsylvania on Halloween, what's a sane person to think?  Could it be that God continues to weigh in on this election?  "Isaac" outed Eastwood's shocking bigotry; what will "Sandy" bring us?  Remember, all of these hurricanes begin off the west coast of Africa and pursues the path of the "Passage" plied in the horrendous trade that funded Western Civilization.  Could it be that the "ghosts" of those millions of Africans pushed into the sea along the Passage to lighten the load of the slave ships that plied the path for hundreds of years, are now "sitting at the right hand" of God and calling down wrath upon the wicked?  Something for the pious to consider before they vote?  Did we gain Amazing Grace, or only Amazing Wealth?
Now to Masks:  we've progressed from Tricky Dick to Tricky Mitt, the wearer of masks.  Behind each mask Mitt hides something very important for voters to know; --But, N-o-o-o!  Mitt the Mask Wearer gets away with hiding his money, his taxes, and the truth about what he intends to do to this country.  Are we a Ship of Fools, A Cuckoo's Nest, or simply a people consumed by greed, racism, and fear of the economy that is coming in the wake of the Collapse of Capitalism that occurred under the Repoobs in 2008?

Stay Vigilant!

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