Saturday, October 20, 2012


A Sad Saga of 4 Assassinations
I VOTED EARLY TODAY!  Since my first vote in a Presidential election in this country, IN 1960,  I have never been more convinced of the importance of a single national election.  At this point, following two of three scheduled "debates", it should be clear to everyone that this country is headed toward a new economy; both nationally and globally.  This President is being castigated for doing everything possible over the past 4 years to save our national and the global economies FROM TOTAL COLLAPSE.
The vitriol, disrespect, and thinly veiled contempt, available for all to see, are clearly driven by racial anxieties and fear of the final status of our national economy.  This is a huge contest between monied interests, led by a prominent "financier",  and the people's interest in stable and accountable government; for everyone!
In the recent PBS Election  Special, Race:2012  the intentions of our Founders to establish the United States as a country for persons deemed to be white were revealed as part of the Naturalization Act of 1790
In my 50 years of voting in Presidential elections, beginning with Kennedy/Nixon, I have noticed violent swings within the voting electorate.  I have a theory that they are tied to the 4 assassinations that occurred during the 60's; beginning with the President, in 1963.  As a 2nd Lieutenant, stationed at the NSA during the time, I was at "ground zero" for the unfolding of theses events, along with those Cuban Missile Crisis and War in Vietnam issues that proceeded them.  Kennedy, looking forward to 1964, felt that the voters knew Richard Nixon, full well, and would never vote for him as President.
The period was dominated by Cold War fears and racial anxieties associated with Cuba and the Civil Rights Movement.  Lyndon and his rascist and reactionary buddy, J. Edgar, have been shown to be pivotal in those lurches of the electorate since Kennedy's death; and catalysts for Watergate.  Johnson resigned, causing Nixon's election; Nixon resigned, causing Carter's election (J.C. Can Save America); Carter's failures caused the extreme-right lurch to Reagan.  From there is a straight-line path to the Economic Breakdown of 2008, with financial greed and racial anxieties fueling the ride.
The Economy we knew is now permanently gone, and what will replace it is yet to be determined.
As Race:2012  clearly shows; the new economy will be formed by some new structure of  our country.
Fueled by the fact that our population growth is driven by persons (both immigrant and native-born) who are not deemed to be white, a faction disguised as one of our two major parties, is poised to achieve what their forebears failed to do when they fired on Fort Sumpter.
Regardless of the winner in this election, this nation is in for much rougher sledding as we struggle to achieve an economy that will work.  The French Government failed, devolving to City States before engaging in their Revolution.  Let's hope that does not lie ahead for us.  VOTE LIKE YOUR FUTURE DEPENDS ON IT!

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