R we about to see TRUMP, on "Steroids"??
Seven years ago I decided to write down my "take" on what was unfolding in the United States, as the "Cracker" element of White America reacted to the first Black President in our History. My grandchildren are too young to understand, in language they would grasp, what transpired, and how it came about. Approaching 1500 Blogs on the Internet, now, I am sure my decision to do this is a good one. Since the Global Criminal Elements find the Internet useful for their purposes, as well, as States that sponsor Terrorists; chances are that the Web will survive well into the future. Congratulations to those of you who hung in there, and followed THE OWL the entire way.
Unfortunately TRUMP, and his MEDIA hounds, have one more Debate to inflict upon the world! We have to wait another week for it, though. Twenty days later, we'll know what USA Voters will decide.
Stay Vigilant! Guv'na PENCE, strangely going "wobbly" in his on-again support of now "unshackled" partner in this crime; is predictably attempting to brush all of this under the robes of JESUS!! Our literature is full of situations where Slave Masters, approaching death, hobbled down to the Slave Quarters in search of Christian "Forgiveness" from the Slaves. Such is also the story of AMAZING GRACE!! Now, CATHOLICS are spreading their version to cover TRUMP (and Christie, and Giuliani)?? VOTE AGAINST EVERY REPUBLICAN you find on your ballot!! Only by retrieving the House of Representatives from the clutches of the filth therein, can we hope to reach a future we all long for! MAKE AMERICA "CIVIL" AGAIN??
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