Monday, October 24, 2016

must BLACKS, also "Teach" ...(as we get "better"; going forward)??

"Unpacking" JIM CROW

Before we plunge blindly into the next round of JIM CROW that is being staged for us by the Republican "Barbarians", as they busily prepare for the 2016 election results; Citizens, of ALL skin shades, should strive to learn from someone who is a different shade than themselves; exactly HOW they perceive the World they occupy!!  BLACKS, as Willie Lynch makes clear, much learn from BLACKS of different skin colors, generations, gender, sexual orientation, and Region of Birth!!

The Obama years have shown to the entire World the many "different" Realities we each inhabit.  Some effort must be made to quickly learn from someone we have been sure are "beneath" us!   If so, BLACKS can begin by Google-ing Willie Lynch, and explain it to their children?  Whites, who have insisted on controlling what is taught to our children in schools, have been engaged in much more than taking power from the PTA!!  I have, on many occasions, found by "dropping in" on classrooms my children attended, horrific lessons coming from the mouths of (mostly white women) teachers.  I never hesitated from challenging those crimes I caught being committed.  I have changed Teachers, and Schools, to protect my children from "brainwashing" and ignorant "teachers".

Blacks have survived, mostly, by being inventive, and by being what we, today, call "street-smart" . That practice has launched our recording industry, and made a lot of whites rich.  A nation-wide "Teach-IN" could work wonders.  Unfortunately, the Republicans have taught us all they know; and that "ain't good"  (for anybody)!!

Stay Vigilant!  Let's not allow this election to simply put "lipstick" on the JIM CROW pig, and "spin" it forward into the 21st Century??

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