Sunday, March 13, 2016

Is the MONSTER "Loose" ??

from TRUMAN to TRUMP: this "Monster" has a LONG-TAIL??

Maybe we will have to look all the way back to the contested election that produced Rutherford B. Hayes, and the betrayal of Abraham Lincoln's prayerful speech at Gettysburg??  Because we have an intense dislike for any History that may not betray White People as Angels, we have set ourselves up for the Monstrous Devils that have remained in the "shadows" controlling all of our daily lives.  We simply won't see what we don't want to see!  It makes the job of our Incompetent and Greedy MEDIA even easier!

Don't get me wrong, TRUMP is the spoiled 2-year-old, "Bart Simpson", MESSENGER for the Bad Guys!  Check out Authoritarianism and Polarization in American Politics, by Weiler and Hetherington!

Starting in the 1870's, we find Lincoln assassinated, a deeply divided electorate, warfare between the two Parties, and we got Hayes and JIM CROW as a result.  Fast-forward to the late 1940's; we find the Beloved FDR dead, Truman wrapping up the loose ends of World War II, and a USA that has an "open-door" to Nazi Immigrants.  Growing up in a KKK family (my Aunt worked for them, until she found the Klan Robes), and familiar with Organized Crime that backed the KKK (our Baath Party-equivalent?); Truman had a "belly-full" of the damages Segregation had caused to our Military and our Society.  His Civil Rights program was met with vicious Republican opposition and he was hounded out of office, in favor of the "aversively-racist" Eisenhower.  Eisenhower's Vice-President, Richard Nixon joined openly in support of the rising Republican McCarthy Movement.  Borrowing the tactics and strength of the McCarthy Movement was J.Edgar Hoover.  His power grew, after the Bay of Pigs; keeping him in office until his death in 1972, and, in control under Johnson, Nixon, and the Congresses of that time (through Blackmail)!  Bad Stuff happened during that time:  Assassination of President Kennedy, Malcolm X, Martin L. King, and Atty General Robert Kennedy.  Mayor Daly in Chicago, a Democrat, worked to provide Nixon's "Law and Order" platform that had brought us to our School-to-Prison Industries of today.  Throw in Ford, (Hoover's "stooge") on the Kerner Commission, Reagan, the Bushes (and Cheney) -- and you wind up with the HUGELY "Pisssed-off" Voters we have today!

Stay Vigilant!  As Governments weaken around the world; Global Crime Syndicates grow in power!  It is well documented that Organized Crime was "friendly" with J. Edgar Hoover and his FBI.  The FBI supported the Mississippi Sovereignty Commission, and ran COINTELPRO!  BBC, and many other MEDIA sources report on TRUMP's connection to Organized Crime.  CRUZ, another Authoritarian; is reportedly ready to "launch" this news at the right time!   The MONSTER AT HOME may be much larger and more real than any from abroad??

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