Thursday, March 10, 2016

ANIMAL FARM: where the PIGS "Rule" (??)

FAT Pigs; SKINNY Pigs, or, BOTH (??)

THIS TIME, its "different" ... that "sense" prevailed, as President Obama held his Press Conference with Canada's Premier Trudeau, this morning.  You might get the impression that
Canada's new Leader was hastening to get as much accomplished as possible while the United States still had a President who was not from the "funny farm"!  The Front-Runner for the Presidency, from the Republican Party appears regularly on Television as a Hooligan inciting a street brawl.

Obviously, the Educational System (K through Graduate School), in the United States, in spite of spending untold Billions of Dollars "educating" our population, has failed, miserably, to produce citizenry who understand how Civil Societies function, and how Democratic Government works!

Many, if not most American school-children were assigned to read Animal Farm, published in 1945 by George Orwell to satirize the Russian Revolution, and the rise of Stalin.  Using barn-yard animals as main characters, the book was taken as a "children"s book.  Misapplied, and poorly taught, most children who read the book, remember it only vaguely, as adults, and are puzzled by its meaning.

Pigs; ever the symbol of GREED, were the controlling characters.  That symbology is everlasting, it seems.   As the United States faces the stark possibility of being led by a couple of men who have
obvious mental and emotional difficulties; there is finger-pointing and denial in every sector of our Society, as we seek someone to BLAME, other than our own GREED, Ignorance, and Racist Proclivities.

Ronald Reagan gets my vote for this unique outcome, because he "invented" the SKINNY PIG -- the low-class, and no-class, Racist White, also known as "Archie Bunkers" who became the Reagan Democrats!  Joining the Bull Connor and KKK groups in the Former Confederate States, these mostly Northern White Ethnics became convinced by "Ronnie" that they were entitled to membership in the Morning in America, because of their stand against Civil Rights!  Even though they were as "Poor as Job's Turkey" they hitched up their britches and moved right in!  Shabbily treated by the Elites who were "in charge" in Morning in America; this bunch has become "Fed-up", and ready to return to the Anarchy of the mid-19th Century.

Stay Vigilant!  This Year's Election requires "Come to Jesus" Sour-Searching for every White American, whether or NOT they are supporters of either TRUMP or CRUZ.  We'll know on the 15th (the Ides of March Primary Elections in Florida and Ohio)!

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