It won't "FIND" you!
In my work with Minority Youth, and in Programs designed to help them; the most difficult thing I learned to understand was their "difficulty" with leaving the, so-called, comforts of the environment they were born into; to search for a better life! Often, it was fear of loneliness; pain of separation from family and friends; letting go of the "familiar" in exchange for the "unknown"; or some combination of things.
The small percentage that succeeds in graduating from a four-year college program, often faced being lured back into the same squalor, violence, and discrimination they wanted to escape. From that first day at the age of 17, or later, when they decided to "leave"; a path (sentier) began to unfold, that would continue its formation until their last breath is drawn. It takes courage, dedication, drive, and doggedness to stay on that path, as it unfolds, with each,, unseen, step!
Contacts made along the way have defined my life, since that day in 1959, when I shook the dust of Missouri, permanently, off my feet; and set out to find my sentier.! I learned that everyone I thought to be a Friend, often was NOT! Likewise, everyone I thought to be an Enemy, often was NOT! The speed and clarity with which I learned what was True in my relationships, determined the amount of benefit or damage that occurred. Ending bad relationships, always hard, takes steel, and some talent (you learn that as you go).
Stay Vigilant! GO WEST!! Even these many years later, I find that Blacks and other non-Whites fare better in that part of the United States that lies to the West of the Mississippi River. North of the Mason-Dixon, is a given, for Blacks, as discovered by Millions who migrated during the days of World War II, and thereafter. It gets easier as you "GO"!! Avoid Slums and Ghettos, and similar places that are set aside by Whites who Govern; with the assistance of the Real Estate Industry.
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