Thursday, November 12, 2015

GOP and "Stealth" CIVIL WAR! (via LEGISLATUREs)??

"Before the Eyes" of "Babes" ??

Last night's episode of  "The Brain" with David Eagleman that airs on PBS, there was an "experiment" with babies that were less than "crawling" age!  A puppet show was held for the babies in which a stuffed "duck"-yellow, and two equally brown stuffed "teddy-bears" were the performers.  The Duck struggled to get the top of a box open.  The bear on the "left" struggled to HELP the duck.  The bear on the "right" exerted his strength to PREVENT the duck from opening the box.  Following the show, the bears were presented to the babies for "play".  Each of the babies, after some hesitation, chose the BEAR that appeared on the LEFT in the puppet show!  Earth to GOP!! --  even babies know the "value" of COOPERATION!!,d.cGc

The Third DEBATE(?) starring the GOP Clown Car, showed, without a Doubt, that all of their so-called "front-running" Candidates for 2016,  solidly support the NON-COOPERATION wing of the GOP!  Those with higher I.Q. capabilities may realize that this is a symptom of a much more ominous, but less obvious part of the "picture" we all see.  "Take-over" of LEGISLATURES, in the STATEs, and our House of Representatives and Senate in Washington, represents the combined dream of the "Tex-icans" and the other Sewer-State elements of our Population.  Sometimes billed as SECESSION, there can be little doubt that their "Think-Tank-driven efforts are driving us toward a new Civil War!  As our State Legislatures are turned RED, and our own "Christian-Taliban" grows; it is becoming clearer that the HARD-RIGHT will COOPERATE with Nobody other than "their own".  During the Century and a Half, since our Slave-Owning Sewer "fired" on Fort Sumter, in the Harbor of Charleston, SC, that began our first Civil War;  the Rabble have learned that "this time it must be different"??  Disguised as Secession, the strategy that appeared in 2008, pursued by McCain Voters, has operated  to oppose ANYTHING the new Black President tried to do, while in Office.  We have seen that this included McCain, himself, traveling Abroad, to undermine our Foreign Policy!  Boehner hosted Netanyahu, supporting similar goals  They will stop at nothing; they will Cooperate with NO-one!  They don't care if our Nation Defaults on its Debts.  Yet, they beat their breasts, trying to convince the most gullible among us, that they care about the Fiscal Future of their Grand-Children?? They have totally abandoned our Fiscal Present, for the past 7 years or more!  They are courting our total collapse!  They've trained their Young; (Rubio, Cruz, Roof) to collaborate in these efforts!  It should be no surprise to people who remain SANE; and, who do not believe in the DEVIL (in 2015); and, who realize that the ability to GOVERN is important; that they are all IRRELEVANT to those Clown-Car Members, like, Carson, Trump, Rubio, Cruz, and Fiorina!!

Stay Vigilant!  Research shows that GENOCIDE events have INCREASED on our planet, since the HOLOCAUST of the early 1940s!  (Bosnia, Rwanda, Darfur, and now, the line of guerrilla bands that started with Bin Laden, the Taliban, Al-Caida, ISIS, and now, ISIL!!  BAD-GUYS don't come only in non-white colors; as our GOP loves to believe!!  Is TRUMP selling a "palatable" Holocaust for "Mexicans"??

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