Monday, May 7, 2012


The Public Household

Whether at your federal, state, county, city, or district level, you live in a public household managed by GOVERNMENT.  They make the sewers work, the traffic lights work, the streets safe, your water clean for drinking, etc., etc,. etc!  This is what the Repoobs seek to destroy, or shrink to a size where it can be "drowned in a bathtub".  Then what??  Google R.A. Musgrave to learn more about the public household.

Ronnie started that lie that government was'nt the solution, it was the PROBLEM.  What he should have said is that we have a government that is poorly managed, and improperly funded.  But either he wasn't smart enough, or thought the public wasn't smart enough to know the difference.

Their true agenda was to ruin government further by starving it of funding; mostly TAXES.  Repoobs are rich, you see, or they "wanna be", so they have learned that one way to get and stay rich is not to pay your bills.  Ergo, Repoobs don't want to pay for their government; especially their wars!  Since they have more and derive more benefits from government, especially the defense of their persons and their properties, you'd think they'd be glad to pay more.

But, NO!  After springing their black ticket at the Supreme Court, and taking charge of government at the federal level in 2000; the Repoobs took large sums of money OUT of government, for the richest among them, and refuse to give it back.  Jesse James would be jealous, I'm sure.  He had to work hard to rob those trains.

After they got government by the throat (or by a more tender part) the Repoobs proceeded to "screw-up" everything they touched,  These Neo-Nin-com-poops ran open loop for more than six years until they wrecked the joint so badly the entire economy teetered on collapse.  Jobs hemorrhaged through the hole they blew in the floor of the economy, leaving no sound structural support.  When Money Boys cause a Recession (think 1929 and 1933), it takes a LONG TIME and a lot of LUCK , along with smart LEADERSHIP to recover.

Even though the Repoobs think we were all born yesterday, they need the Yin-Yang Media to make us unaware, or totally forgiving, of what they DID yesterday.

When I received my degree in Physics in 1962 at San Francisco State, a college mate, also black, had to agree to stay out of sight in order to get a job with Merrill Lynch.  In those days, little or no private industry hiring of non-whites for professional careers was possible.  President Kennedy put a stop to that practice.  I chose to stay with a military career because it seemed more "secure".  At the end of my military career, I joined management in private industry to find that those blacks who chose to integrate with industry in the early sixties had a much rougher road to tread that I did.  Just about all of the Board Rooms were populated by white males with little or no college education.  Now we're witnessing the wholesale destruction of those companies by Money Boys; and record-high unemployment. 

 Stay Vigilant!
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