South Carolina is a "Region", Now!
The Repoobs have become a metasticized cancer inside the Republican Party. The decent Republican members are retiring, or being pushed out. Curiously, the Repoobs like Warren Hatch! Wonder why?. They are now in reach, with unlimited financial backing from extreme Right-wing Money Boys, of placing a cipher in office through which they can run the "whole she-bang!" -- Civil War vindication through the ballot box?
I pulled from the shelf my first edition copy of Paul W. Litchfield's The Industrial Republic .
Published in 1946, the book sets forth principles for worker/mnager relations that bear no resemblance to what we see in this day of Venture Capitalists. Litchfield served Goodyear, founded in 1898, for 59 years. He is credited with building the company. He died in 1959; twenty years before Lilly Ledbetter became a Supervisor at Goodyear. As I thumb through the book, I'm aware of the widely shared belief of the U.S. citizenry in those principles during my formative years. We took a sharp turn in 1980.
Another book, Mr. Kennedy and the Negroes, World Publishing Co., 1964, by Harry Golden outlines the tradition in U.S. presidential politics of going to South Carolina and shouting the "N" word as a prerequisite for gaining nomination to that office. We see in this run-up to the 2012 presidential election that South Carolina now has become the Solid South (include Texas, of course), the Middle and Mountain West, and parts of the Southwest. This spread parallels the rise of the Repoobs. POLITICS IS NO LONGER LOCAL; it is regional. The full charachteristics (income, education, wealth, ethnicity, religion) of this new region is yet to be fully explored. To some extent it has modified as it grows, but not by much.
It's not clear that this nation can make its way back to some sane industrial policy. The Repoobs take an oath to "Support and Defend" our Constitution, but set about undermining it and attacking the nation from within. They have pushed the country into near-default, causing national downgrade of credit, and have been a consistent drag on the economy by effectively shutting down the national legislature. With help from their financial allies, layoffs are constant, and economic growth is stifled. All this, to gain full control of the country.
What about the voters? They seem to be in a place, psychologically, the German voters were in between the World Wars. As "Representatives" within an immigrant nation, Repoobs; who are just about all descendents of immigrants, are seeking to end it. The color of the immigrants is the real issue. We voters must do everything we can as citizens to avoid repeating that history.
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