Thursday, May 31, 2012


South Carolina is a "Region", Now!

The Repoobs have become a metasticized cancer inside the Republican Party.  The decent Republican members are retiring, or being pushed out.  Curiously, the Repoobs like Warren Hatch! Wonder why?.  They are now in reach, with unlimited financial backing from  extreme Right-wing Money Boys, of placing a cipher in office through which they can run the "whole she-bang!" -- Civil War vindication through the ballot box?

I pulled from the shelf my first edition copy of Paul W. Litchfield's The Industrial Republic .
Published in 1946, the book sets forth principles for worker/mnager relations that bear no resemblance to what we see in this day of Venture Capitalists.  Litchfield served Goodyear, founded in 1898,  for 59 years.  He is credited with building the company.  He died in 1959; twenty years before Lilly Ledbetter became a Supervisor at Goodyear.  As I thumb through the book, I'm aware of the widely shared belief of the U.S. citizenry in those principles during my formative years.  We took a sharp turn in 1980.

Another book, Mr. Kennedy and the Negroes, World Publishing Co., 1964, by Harry Golden outlines the tradition in U.S. presidential politics of going to South Carolina and shouting the "N" word as a prerequisite for gaining nomination to that office.   We see in this run-up to the 2012 presidential election that South Carolina now has become the Solid South (include Texas, of course), the Middle and Mountain West, and parts of the Southwest.  This spread parallels the rise of the Repoobs.  POLITICS IS NO LONGER LOCAL; it is regional.  The full charachteristics (income, education, wealth, ethnicity, religion) of this new region is yet to be fully explored.  To some extent it has modified as it grows, but not by much.

It's not clear that this nation can make its way back to some sane industrial policy.  The Repoobs take an oath to "Support and Defend" our Constitution, but set about undermining it and attacking the nation from within.  They have pushed the country into near-default, causing national downgrade of credit, and have been a consistent drag on the economy by effectively shutting down the national legislature.  With help from their financial allies, layoffs are constant, and economic growth is stifled.  All this, to gain full control of the country. 

What about the voters?  They seem to be in a place, psychologically, the German voters were in between the World Wars.  As "Representatives" within an immigrant nation, Repoobs; who are just about all descendents of immigrants, are seeking to end it.  The color of the immigrants is the real issue.  We voters must do everything we can as citizens to avoid repeating that history.

Stay Vigilant!

Copyright © 2012: Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


"Follow the Money"

Amid talk of "term limits', "leaderless revolution", "get the money out of politics", and other some-such in our run-up to the 2012 election, I'm reminded of an interview I watched of "Bad Barry" Goldwater as he was retiring from the Senate.  I met Barry at a reception in Los Angeles, sponsored by the French Embassy.  (More stories on me and Barry in a later blog).

In the interview, on T.V., the interviewer asked Barry what he thought of Lyndon (Liddby Biddy) Johnson.  His answer was something to the effect of:  "He entered politics a very poor man and left politics a very rich man.  Our system is not supposed to work that way."

From the mouth of Barry, these many years later, comes our solution!  We now have the computing power to run a check on the net worth of every elected member of government, to include the Supreme Court members who are "placed" by elected members.  Establish the base at the time they entered, determine their net worth now (or when they left office).  The difference, minus their legitimate salary, can be considered "graft".  Those still alive should be made to explain the difference, return the difference, or face jail.

Simple, easy to do, and we will "get the money out of politics".  AND YOU CAN BET IT WILL NEVER RETURN!

Stay Vigilant!

Copyright © 2012: Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC


"Niall IN Denial"?

Last night I watched the conclusion of  "Civilization: The West and the Rest", narrated by Niall Ferguson.  It is a very impressive, attractive (the "shots" of Niall), and expensive defense of the West and White Supremacy.

Among the supremacist nations, Ferguson contrasts Spain with England; favoring the English, of course.  Catholicism versus Protentantism; favoring Protestantism, of course.  It takes him more than a full hour of the four-hour "special" to even mention slavery, or any of its many impacts on the world.  He did mention the assertion of Ghandi's that the term "Western Civilization" was an oxymoron.  (As the Morons in the Cheney/Bush period very recently proved.)  Curiously, of all the factors he mentioned that could have caused the perceived "decline" of the West, he did not mention "Generations".  Both "W" and Clinton were of the same generation (I think, born in the same year).  If you check out William Strauss and Neil Howe's series of books (ISBN 0-688-1192-3),(1991), you might better understand why the West is now "in the crapper".  Do we really want to return to that generation?

Niall travelled the globe to many beautiful sites contrasting the roles of the French, British, Spanish, and other Europeans to show their superiority to the "Moslems".  He wove through his narrative a theme of six "Killer-Apps"; Competition, Science and Technology, Property, Medicine, Consumerism, and the Protestant Work Ethic.

Then he turned to Misery (Missouri), citing Max Weber's trip to the Worlds Fair in St. Louis in 1904.
Public Administrators, among other professions tout Weber and his support of Capitalism and the Protestant Work Ethic.  Niall blames the crash of 2008 on a people who practiced the Work Ethic, but declined the part that required "saving".  He spent a lot of time discussing the present day virtues of Springfield, Missouri (a few miles down U.S. 65 from my home town).  He got a lot of the Missouri traits right; the confluences of the French, Spanish, English, and Germans; the excessive religiosity (a church on every corner); the early embrace of railroads, but he failed to mention the very oppressive form of white supremacy, (derived from a past of chattel slavery), practiced there. 

But, all is not lost, Niall shows that the Chinese will save the world for the West.  They now print the most Bibles in the world, and he posits that Christianity (up-dated version to please the Communists) will lead new business development in China.

His stop on the continent of Africa was very brief and dwelled almost exclusively on French West Africa.  He heavily implies that Europeans were correct in their sorry history of dealings on the continent.

The Foundations that funded this debacle should be ashamed. 
 Stay Vigilant!

Copyright © 2012: Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


An Historical and National Tragedy!

One week after accompanying me to school as I entered C.C. Hubbard for first grade, my mother died a bloody, brutal, and horrible death, unattended, in a black "Hospital", giving birth.  Neither she nor the baby lived for more than an hour following the delivery.  She was buried in a Black Cemetery with the baby at her feet in the same casket.  This event shaped my life.

That cemetery has haunted my dreams, and otherwise remained a central image, for more than 72 years. The fact that she, a deeply religious woman and worker in our Church had to be buried separately from those others who followed the white Jesus, taught me many lessons of the "original sin" that sustains the Christian religion and accounts formost of the wealth of Western Culture. 

Black Graveyards, from Mt Zion in historic Georgetown, Washington, D.C.; which was saved during the Bi-Centennial activities of the 1970's, face neglect;  and are quietly disappearing in small rural towns and districts, as well as large cities, across this country.  Its a mark of shame for the county governments who bear responsibility for maintaining graveyards for all citizens.

It would seem that the Mormon Church that thrives on "baptizing" people who died in other races and religions would find it simply "good business" to step up and fund that upkeep.  They also keep records of the deaths and are a major source for "ancestor hunters".  People who are making large amounts of money from the new craze of "finding your ancestors" would also find it in their interest.  It would be good public relations, at minimum.

Why, you ask, don't the Black Communities do that?  Good Question!  They say a people are defined by how they treat their dead.  But, though it's rarely reported, Integration killed off many "Black Communities"; mine included.

I pleaded with the county and city leaders where my family is buried in Missouri, to no avail.  They keep well, carefully  record, and place on the internet, white gravesites; but not for blacks.  At minimum, I wanted a good record of the burials in our cemetery.  Finding that those records were hand-written in large books that would not be released for copying, I had to find another way.

I found that a company in Canada produces a "fountain pen" style copier that can be taken to a site to record documents.  I bought one, called my brothers, and went back to Missouri to complete the task.
Those records are now available on CD.  Anyone can do this if they have relatives in a graveyard somewhere that you don't want to see simply "grown over".

Stay Vigilant!

Copyright © 2012: Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Monday, May 28, 2012


A Tale From San Francisco

This tale is for those of you who have followed The Owl since my first blog in April of 2011.  Incidentally, thank you; I purposely provided only a "sketchy" profile, so that you might pay more attention to what I have to say than to me.  I'm sure at least some of you have figured out a lot about who I am by now.

When I arrived in the Bay Area in 1959, I was transferring from Lincoln University in Missouri to San Francisco State College to continue my studies in Physics.  After a harrowing drive across country (I had just turned 20; had never driven more than 60 miles at one time before...more about this in a later blog); I lived in Berkeley with my sister and her family for a few months.  But I had to find a job and a place to live so I could pay out of state tuition ($150 per semester; a LOT  of money then).

Because I learned to type at C.C. Hubbard, I passed a typing test (2nd try), and landed a job with room and board at the U.S. Marine Hospital "Estates" located at 15th & Lake in San Francisco.  To say my living quarters were elegant would be and understatement.  The grounds were adjacent to The Presidio and Fort Scott at the tip of the San Francisco Peninsula; snuggeled up against the Golden Gate Bridge.

I would fall asleep many nights to the fog horn; hike during the days, when I could, to Baker Beach to study in the sun.  The chefs at the hospital packed a lunch for me when I went to classes across Golden Gate Park every day.

I think the buildings on the elegant grounds were constructed during the Depression.  I lived in abandoned nurse's quarters.  There was a grand foyer with an opulent marble stair case ascending to the second floor.   More than 200 rooms on three floors; except for mine, ALL OF THEM were EMPTY!  Thick marble lined hallways and outfitted the bathrooms.   Periodically, another student would move in for a few weeks or a month.  The basement of my building was so huge, only half of it was used as a very swanky Officers Club for the Public Health Service Officers who ran the Hospital.

My job was to type medical records, dictated by doctors from all floors of the huge hospital, and to assist with the filing of the massive number of medical records.  I was paid $14 every two weeks.

While in San Francisco on my recent 50th anniversary trip, I visited my sister's grave in the El Cerrito hills.  She has a wonderful ""view" of the Golden Gate, Bay Bridge, and San Rafael Bridge.  Yesterday was the 75th anniversary of the Golden Gate.

I also visited and was given a tour of the old U.S. Marine Hospital; which has been converted to a very elegant and very expensive apartment and town house complex.  I was told by the tour guide that the marble from my building was used in the conversion of the Hospital. 

I told my guide of a practical joke played on me by one of the visiting medical students.  They tricked me into "visiting Herman", who turned out to be a cadaver kept in the morgue; located at the time, next to the medical records facility in the basement.  The guide told me the morgue had become an expensive apartment, and asked if I wanted to re-visit the basement and show her where the medical records rooms were.

Stay Vigilant!
Copyright © 2012: Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC 

Sunday, May 27, 2012

"AWAKENING??" Race in the 21st Century

The "Obama Effect" on the Planet

As we get closer to the 2012 election, even the more established "talking heads" are openly acknowledging "race and religion" as driving factors in the ultimate choice that will be made in November.  A fleeting knowledge of world history will tell you that these two forces have a unique impact on the Americas.  As the move from indentured servitude for debt "progressed" toward chattel slavery linked to biology, skin color, and African linkage, so did the unique nature of life in the Americas, for everyone; to include Central America and the Caribbean, bear the heaviest impact. 

 Born in the bowels of the Christian Religion (Roman version), the Spanish approach  to race contrasted somewhat from that of the English, but both concentrated heavily on skin color as they pursued wealth from the "New World". (Re-read "Paint" my, April, 2011 blog).

Fast-forward to the 21st century; take a close look as what's really happening in the "Obama Phenom", and you might see that this could be an opening for All Americans, regardless of skin shade, to escape this curse.  The "throw-backss" (Repoobs and their funders and supporters) are doubling down on all of their efforts to take final control; and to  re-fashion our Constitution and Democracy to suit their purposes.  Those who want to really put an end to the madness may have their last chance to put them in the dust-bin of history and finally "get free".

How?  Stop playing the game(s)!  In all of its manifestations!  (1)White women must stop playing their unique advantages of being white and using their recent freedoms to oppress non-whites while getting even with men. (2) Non-whites, regardless of the amount of "African" or "Indian" lineage must reject the government's forcing identification of all citizens into five OMB boxes. (3) Whites and non-whites ("all" genders) must stop running from any lineage that strays outside "white" bounds.  (Any fool knows there has been an incredible amount of "bed-swapping" in the Americas over the past 500 years). (4) Politicians and Religions have to stop "pimping" race to get and hold supporters.  (5)  Religious citizens have to stop brain-washing their babies on race (they still are "getting the message" before they"re five years old).  (6) Corporations and businesses have to "get serious" about employing and fairly rewarding all talent, regardless of gender, race, and sexual orientation before its too late; and only the idiots will be running the country and our economy.

This half-dozen steps could work wonders for the Americas and for the planet.  What is the alternative?

A world led by Repoobs!  Listen to their drivel!!  Read a few history books!!  If you think the struggle is between which religion should reign, you're being Mushroomed!  If you think "He's Not One Of Us!" is the proper bumper sticker for this election, you're heading for a Dark Age of severe poverty and social unrest. (Read About The Thirties).

Lets "Make Lemonade while the Sun still shines!"  Make this an Awakening!  Take this to YOUR Church. 
 Stay Vigilant!
Copyright © 2012: Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Friday, May 25, 2012


What Happens when we Run Out of "Natural Markets"?

As a retired Marketing Director for a Blue Chip corporation, I know a few things about Markets and Marketing.  I was taught Marketing and Finance by Peter Drucker, twenty-five years ago.

Some things, like groceries, that require wide distribution are "naturals" for markets and marketing.  Other things, like the water we drink and the air we breathe, ARE NOT!  This country achieved greatness partly because we expanded education, mostly for free, and to the public (only for the whites, initially).

But watch out: We're entering the period of widespread "Artificial Markets" in which people who control large sums of money "create markets" by cornering substances like food and water; substances the buyer can't "live" without (Literally!).   Then, they limit availability to  only those who can pay their price.  Sound familiar?

Google: and you can read the story of the "privatization" of water in Bolivia and it's consequences for the citizens who couldn"t pay the prices.  This source shows that even the water that fell from the heavens onto Bolivian roofs belonged to Bechtel.

Listen carefully, and you will hear Mitt and the Repoobs pushing for the privatization of our K-12 education system.  If you think K-12 education can't get any worse, you're wrong.

I'm old enough to remember when insurance companies sold insurance (life, death, property, etc.) and stayed the hell out of health care.  Health transactions were between patient and doctor or hospital.  In places where I grew up, the patient had to find a medical care provider of the same skin color, or had to go without or died; whether you could pay for it or not!

There is healthy and trustworthy market making, and then there are the more sinister players.  Its time to remind U.S. Citizens that "Caveat Emptor" or "Buyer Beware!" has never been more critical than it is today.  That goes for politics, health care, and perhaps, your food and water.

Stay Vigilant!

Copyright © 2012: Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


"Blame really must be Left for God and Small Children"

Funny, the way Repoobs beat their chests about "not putting off" facing our debt problems, while pushing draconian cuts off until after the 2012 election.  This is designed, I'm sure, to permit maximum opportunity for them to cause "failure" for this President; who had the temerity of taking on the jobs of stopping the free-fall of this economy, stopping the hemorrhaging of jobs, and to begin to restore the damage they caused.  Their's is clearly a tactic taken by small children.

Small and Greedy children, it turns out.  We've been on this sorry path as a nation since Mad Ronnie ushered in the age of Greed in 1980.  There are at least two things that Greed cannot abide; one is Good Government and the other is Scientific Reason.  Both of these are pillars of Western Culture and the "reason" this nation has served as a beacon for the rest of the world.

These greedy children have chosen Religion and Race as their major weapons; and to great effect over the past 30 years.  Now, not only this great "experiment in Democracy" is threatened, but the future of Western Culture itself.  The voters of this nation have a somber task ahead of them this Fall.

I have spent just about all of my military career in government research laboratories and testing centers, over a period spanning 1962 to 1982.  I have personally known the thanklessness of performing "dirty missions".  Two of those missions were in the underground testing of nuclear weapons, and one was to break a mutiny and direct the vulnerability testing of the B-52 to EMP.  It is sad to see what "private industry" has done with the technology break-throughs we produced.  Incidentally, WE won the Cold War; not Mad Ronnie!

Check out the spending numbers and compare the amount spent when the Repoobs had control of both houses of Congress, the White House, a "black stopper" on the Supreme Court, and a Latino "top-cop".  Add to these two "auxiliaries"  Condi and Colin, and the entire regime has produced mostly "chagrin".

Add to these facts the tendency of their so-called-leaders to tout "Exceptionalism";  a euphemism for white male control, and you can see the racism.  Where were these "leaders" when the crap hit the fan?  Hiding from responsibility.

The Yin-Yang Media is high on "Opinion".  They push for  " Two prevailing Opinions" on just about every subject.  If we as voters continue to allow "Opinion" to trump "Fact", we can kiss our Democracy goodbye!
  Stay Vigilant!
Copyright © 2012: Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Monday, May 21, 2012


Mushrooming Minorities and the Poor about "Small Business"

I'm back from San Francisco. A wonderful trip!  Before leaving the Bay Area I visited Menlo Park and had a picture taken in front of the Facebook sign (with Sun MicroSystems on the back side).

I woke up this morning to some slick guy on C-Span who was a former worker in the Cheney/Bush Debacle.  He was shilling for Romney/Rubio and offering small business advice to Latinos.  I heard calls from mostly whites, some poor, one poor black male, but no Latinos.  Most of the callers could see through the "mushroom" treatment he was speiling.  He was also hyping a book, as so many talking heads on the Yin-Yang Media do these days.

Hype about small business is everywhere it seems.  I guess most citizens are getting over their denial about the disappearance of jobs and are thinking they can always start a business.  They can.  But the emphasis should be on the word "start".  More than 80% of small businesses in the United States fail within the first two years of operation.  But the mushroomers don't tell you that.  Also, if you didn't like working for other people, you're probably going to hate working for yourself.  Be prepared to work 18-hour days for 7 days a week.  Oh, and by the way, be prepared to hock everything you own, and tap your relatives and friends to get started.  Bet they don't tell you any of this either.

All of this is because the people out their pushing you to start a business are, more than likely, Money Boys; or their shills -- most likely book-sellers, or politicians.  Why do they do what they do?  MONEY, honey!  Worse yet, it's probably poor people's money that they "lend".   

Drucker taught that Money Boys know money, and very little else.  They need others to provide ideas, inventions, business concepts.  They will not "lend" money to "skinny pigs" (minorities and poor whites) unless you have all of your money on the table and you sign over some or all of your rights and interests to the business, on condition of getting the loan.  They have to protect their "collateral".

There are variations of this game for people of all colors, classes, and income levels.  Witness the fall-out from last Friday's IPO.  There are a great deal of things to learn about making a business successful.  Most, who start small businesses, need a mentor who concentrates only on his or her problems and will be available 24/7.

What to do?  Before you take money or advice from anyone, look hard at any business they have owned and taken full responsibility for.  Second, check out the source of the money they "lend".  Fat pigs rape skinny pigs; or, Sharks eat smaller fish, if you like a gentler analogy.

I would be interested in any comments or experiences you would care to share.  Gmail:

Stay Vigilant!

Copyright © 2012: Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Friday, May 18, 2012


"Handi-work of  the Repoobs, the Supreme's and the WAR on Drugs"

I am writing this from San Francisco.  I've taken a week of vacation here to celebrate the 50th year since my graduation from San Francisco State.  This city, the "Old Girl with the Dirty Skirts", still has her charms; even if this older body, weakened by war wounds, has trouble bounding up the hills as in the old days.  Revisiting the campus, I find the Science Building now bears the name of  my mentor and physics professor, Dr. Robert Thornton.  Experts on campus provided useful advice for my blog. 

I'm also reading Michelle Alexander's new book, The New Jim Crow.  All patriots, and those who care deeply for the future of this country should read this book carefully.  Michelle, an attorney, carefully documents the rise and progress of the War on Drugs and its corrosive impact on our Bill of Rights.  Especially the Fourth Amendment, designed by the Founders to make us safe in our persons and our privacy, as well as safe from unreasonable searches and seizures.  It's ironic that I'm writing this on the day of the Facebook IPO.  Facebook opens new chapters into how we will live in a future where privacy is de-valued.

As I read the book, I see the War on Drugs as the "3rd Face" of slavery; following the familiar chattel slavery and the less-recognized Jim Crow or Peonage system that prevailed  for more than 80 years, from the end of Reconstruction in this country until the end of Segregation; as a result  of the Civil Rights Movement.

Slavery, originally indentured servitude driven by debt for persons of all colors, "morphed"  into a more comprehensive and perpetual servitude system designed for non-whites.  After the trans-Atlantic phase of slavery was outlawed, the "Colonial" form continued it outside our shores.  Slavery in the Modern age comprised the most lucrative generator of wealth known to mankind.  The Repoobs have labored long to bring it back; the War on Drugs is the mechanism they have chosen. 

Black and brown, mostly male, youth are their target of choice.  Trayvon Martin  comes to mind as an example of the type of target this War pursues.  The stalking and killing of Trayvon should serve to awaken our citizenry to the plight of similar youth in our country today.  Michelle's book portrays the virtual "army" of individuals trained and equipped to do what Zimmerman did.  The Government role (at all levels) in this movement centers mostly in the Judiciary and in Law Enforcement.  Congress plays a great role also in the laws it has placed on the books (Byrne laws) to spur the growth of the movement dubbed "The War on Drugs".

What's a concerned citizen to do?  Get and read the book, then VOTE to insure that no Repoob escapes the wrath of a concerned public.

Stay Vigilant!

Copyright © 2012: Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Friday, May 11, 2012


The Results of Hooliganism in Government?

My 1972 Master's Thesis documented the early days of "Backlash",  made famous by Nina Simone's great tune.  Those were the days when Nixon, our first backlash president, was busy ushering the Dixiecrats into the Republican Party and bringing on the Repoobs.  They succeeded in "bumping off" Senator Lugar a few days ago; perhaps eliminating their last claim to "civility".

For those of you too young to remember, "backlash" was the term for the hostile reaction to early racial integration efforts; taking place mostly in the schools, but also in the military.  Every destructive tactic under the sun was employed in states around the country over the past several decades since the 1954 Supreme Court decision outlawing school segregation.  The past half century or more of government hooliganism has succeeded in destroying K-12 education, forcing us to go outside the country to find the brain power we need to operate our "knowledge-based-economy".

The reports have been released showing the 2010 data on foreign-born members of the United States population (two-thirds of which is "legal").   Check it out; the graphs are stunning!

After more than two hundred years of legal and social actions to make this a white nation, led in the early years by the Exterminator-In-Chief, President Andrew Jackson, we're now more and more dependent on "brains" located in non-white heads.  The challenge is to gain access without respecting the owner or paying for the output.  Hiring discrimination is strong among non-white immigrants.

The hooligans are currently all in a lather over "The Mexicans"; but immigration from Mexico is down sharply, replaced by immigration from China and India.  God must be having a great belly-laugh!!  After all that rape and murder and slaughter of natives; after ushering in any white face that was not diseased, WITH NO REQUIREMENTS FOR VISAS, the whites are heading for minority status in this country.

What's a hooligan to do??  VOTE, seems to be their answer.  But for whom?  The hooligans scared hell out of themselves when they got full control for six years and wrecked the place economically.  So much so, some of them might have even voted for the first Black President.  It seems he was the only one on the scene when the crap hit the fan who had a plan and was willing to try to save the country.

Now, they think they've found their Great White Hope.  He's a Financier of the Hedge Fund type, posing as a "Business Man".  You believe that, and we're headed for the final slide to Hell.

Stay Vigilant!

Copyright © 2012: Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Thursday, May 10, 2012


INHERITANCE: Where Race Intersects Class

What sets this country apart, many would argue, is the fact that, since its inception, inheritance has been the key to advancement and "success".  How can that be, you ask; didn't the early European settlers come here escaping poverty and religious persecution? 

De Tocqueville observed the three races that inhabited the United States in 1830.  He observed also the differences in their 'inheritances' or their fates: death by extinction for the native, and death by protracted labor for the Negro.  Both under the laws and by the hand of the whites.  We now have a fourth group, the Hispanic or Mestizo, formed from mixture of the three.  The Chinese, brought here to work on the nation's railroads were allowed to work in the gold fields, but any gold they found could be confiscated under the "Supreme's" ruling that no non-white held rights to anything a white man wanted to own. Hence the historic phrase "Chinaman's Chance".

Fast forward to the 21st Century: The Big Casino!  Global stock markets, derivatives and related trading "opportunities"; and you find the same pattern, largely, in inheritance by grouping.  Trust Babies,  almost exclusively white males, who "day trade" stocks and other investment instruments to extend their inheritances, and everyone else, mostly minorities, who have no inheritance to "invest", except for job-related "savings", managed by others.

What to do?  Well, for starters, minorities should read David Copperfield and diligently "save" ten percent of every dime that crosses their palm.  Then they should learn how to grow that saving by investment.  Technology (computers, especially) makes it possible and even easy today.  And, best of all, you can hide your holdings among all those trillions of other "bytes" and MANAGE THEM YOURSELF!  

All of those "bytes" look the same, and you can keep them!  Unless!!; you fall prey to the traps set by Congress to tie your money up in the hands of others (most white males) until you're fifty-nine and one-half!  Therein lies their ability to take your money when investment bubbles "bust".  (why the one-half? go figure!)

So, get busy and make sure your children and grand-children also have "inheritances".  But you had better put some smarts "between their ears" so they know how to avoid the multiplicity of scams that make our casino economy run today.  Remember, our economy depends on "a sucker born every minute". 

  Stay Vigilant!
Copyright © 2012: Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


When the "Government" plays "Doll House" 

A fascinating and tragic story unfolds when I look back over the past seventy-two years of my life through the lens of "housing".

It begins when my parents, married in 1930, scraped together $900 to buy a dilapidated "fixer-upper" shotgun house in Missouri.  They scraped through the Depression, having children, raising chickens (also "time-shared a cow for milk), and running an early version of McDonald's from the side porch.

My mother took care of the neighborhood children whose mothers worked for the "Miss Hilly's" of the early 1940's.

The house was on a block of fifteen homes, counting both sides of the street. It was a tree-lined, concrete paved and guttered street with homes set-back on rolling embankment lots.  Ours was a small one-story "shot-gun", but others were two story and some quite elegant.  We could keep up with the latest trends in automobiles, because two of our neighbors got a brand new Buick or Cadillac every year.  We added indoor plumbing to our house in 1944.  I found out much later that we lived much better than most on the other (white) side of the tracks.  The only anomaly was a Catholic Church with white preists on the corner of the block; a left-over from the days when whites lived there. The parishioners returned for services on Sundays.  A tornado destroyed the house long after all the children were grown and gone.  It was buried in 1976.

When it was my turn to leave the State, I landed in San Francisco where I lived in abandoned quarters on the rolling estates of the Marine Hospital at 15th and Lake.  When I married and needed better housing, I ran into the segregated housing issue and learned about "Fair Housing".  Thankfully, that organization found me a place to rent.

With my new Air Force Commission I was assigned in 1962 to Waco, TX.  A real, racial "Hell-hole" where Liddy Biddy and his Wife owned the Television stations and we were referred to by the "N-word" daily.  Hispanics, called "Mexicans", and "Negroes" were separately segregated in housing and on the Air Force Base.  Graduating as Cadet Commander of the AFROTC in San Francisco, I travelled as a new 2nd Lt to Waco, and found that my fellow (white) officers could buy housing, but I couldn't.  They were pressured by their neighbors when I visited them.   This opened a sad chapter of fighting for decent housing (government-sponsored) inside the military.  That spread from Texas to Maryland to New Mexico; ending when I bought my first house in New Mexico in 1970.

In 1965, my brother, an Army Officer returning from a second tour in Vietnam, needed a place to live in Washington, D.C. He was entering school for a Master's Degree.  D.C. was "lilly-white" then, and no one would rent to "Negroes".  It took me more than a month to find him a place in Oxon Hills, MD.  When the Columbia Towers were being built near Laurel, we were offered a chance to "integrate" the place on the condition that we would not associate with the three other Negro families hand-picked to live there.  We turned them down.

The picture turned much brighter after 1970, because the government kept moving me, and I kept buying and selling houses throughout the 70's.  That was quite an escalator to ride and I made enough money to help fund the college education of my children.

My siblings (there were eight of us who survived) had different experiences in widely different parts of the country.  The most tragic was, again, public/government housing at Redfern, Far Rockaway, NY.  One of my sisters found herself there after marital difficulties.  She learned she was dying of ovarian cancer in the mid-70's and was desparate to save her children from being placed by "the welfare".  The worst horrors of hell could not describe what happened to her and her children in that God-awful place.  We were able to rescue her and her children by getting them out of New York.  When the government plays with housing, the people suffer.

All of the rest of my siblings have been successful homeowners, and so have their children.

Shortly after Liddy Biddy signed HUD into law, the politicians in Washington discovered that a lot of the property owned by "Negroes" was worth quite a bit of money.  They had the power to "condemn" that property and sell it to their buddies.  That partially explains how the extensive holdings of my Aunt Mattie in Tulsa are now part of the campus of  North Oklahoma State University.  This practice, mated with Urban Renewal,  was also dubbed "Negro Removal".

Race, class, greed, housing, and the government;  all figured into the greatest Economic Decline in the United States since the Depression.  What a surprise!

Stay Vigilant!

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All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Right, Left, or Center; them's the choices in 2012

A note for you who will turn of age to vote in the 2012 election; that happened to me in 1960.
You had to be 21 in those days.  My choices were between "Tricky Dick" (who much later quit in the face of impeachment) and, opposing V. P., Liddy Biddy Johnson;  a buddy of the Segs in Congress.  Neither of them did this country much good in the long run.  I won't tell you my choice.

But even Tricky Dick knew that this country is governed best from the "Center".  Ever since Johnson took over from our asassinated President, this country has moved steadily to the Right. Today,  President Obama would probably fit best in Ed Brooke's Republican Party; he's too far Right for today's Democrats.

The money bomb has detonated inside U.S. politics and produced devastation on a level we then feared an atomic bomb would produce.  No one could have imagined such in 1960.  Then, the marvel was television, credited for giving Kennedy his squeaker victory over Nixon.

I'm writing this as the Markets slide in response to recent election results from Europe.  There, the voters have taken a sharp turn to the Left in response to austerity measures taken globally in response to the Great Recession.  It was caused by the Money Boys in the United States in 2008; aided and abbetted by the Repoobs.  The Repoobs want to get back in this year to "finish us off" by killing the piddling growth Obama has started after repairing gigantic holes in the economy.  They showed their hand in the Debt Ceiling Debacle, wherein they gleefully paraded their willingness to push this country into default; a first in its history.  Remember the job rout started with, and was continued by the Money Boys.  Obama never laid anybody off!

About fifteen years ago, as we were approaching the Millenium, the talk was about "The Box".
Top and bottom sides were formed by "Let Them Eat Cake" and "Social Safety Net" believers, respectively. Left and Right sides were formed by "Globalist" and "Nativist" believers, respectively.
The box was purported to represent how the United States was governed then.  The stresses from the opposing sides were evident, and the worry was whether or not the center would "hold". 

In the interveneing years, the Money Boys have played hop-scotch on the Globalist and Nativist sides while siding with the Nativists to destroy the Social Safety Net side.  For those of you who don't know, "Nativists" are nationalists, racists, and similary extreme Righ-Wing characters.  You saw many representatives of those believers in the Repoob Primary that is just wrapping up.  Seems they have chosen a Money Boy as their candidate.

Going forward, you have a choice between a future in which those in your generation have a chance to re-build from the wreckage handed to you, or blindly trust the wreckers to "save" you.

Stay Vigilant!

Copyright © 2012: Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Monday, May 7, 2012


The Public Household

Whether at your federal, state, county, city, or district level, you live in a public household managed by GOVERNMENT.  They make the sewers work, the traffic lights work, the streets safe, your water clean for drinking, etc., etc,. etc!  This is what the Repoobs seek to destroy, or shrink to a size where it can be "drowned in a bathtub".  Then what??  Google R.A. Musgrave to learn more about the public household.

Ronnie started that lie that government was'nt the solution, it was the PROBLEM.  What he should have said is that we have a government that is poorly managed, and improperly funded.  But either he wasn't smart enough, or thought the public wasn't smart enough to know the difference.

Their true agenda was to ruin government further by starving it of funding; mostly TAXES.  Repoobs are rich, you see, or they "wanna be", so they have learned that one way to get and stay rich is not to pay your bills.  Ergo, Repoobs don't want to pay for their government; especially their wars!  Since they have more and derive more benefits from government, especially the defense of their persons and their properties, you'd think they'd be glad to pay more.

But, NO!  After springing their black ticket at the Supreme Court, and taking charge of government at the federal level in 2000; the Repoobs took large sums of money OUT of government, for the richest among them, and refuse to give it back.  Jesse James would be jealous, I'm sure.  He had to work hard to rob those trains.

After they got government by the throat (or by a more tender part) the Repoobs proceeded to "screw-up" everything they touched,  These Neo-Nin-com-poops ran open loop for more than six years until they wrecked the joint so badly the entire economy teetered on collapse.  Jobs hemorrhaged through the hole they blew in the floor of the economy, leaving no sound structural support.  When Money Boys cause a Recession (think 1929 and 1933), it takes a LONG TIME and a lot of LUCK , along with smart LEADERSHIP to recover.

Even though the Repoobs think we were all born yesterday, they need the Yin-Yang Media to make us unaware, or totally forgiving, of what they DID yesterday.

When I received my degree in Physics in 1962 at San Francisco State, a college mate, also black, had to agree to stay out of sight in order to get a job with Merrill Lynch.  In those days, little or no private industry hiring of non-whites for professional careers was possible.  President Kennedy put a stop to that practice.  I chose to stay with a military career because it seemed more "secure".  At the end of my military career, I joined management in private industry to find that those blacks who chose to integrate with industry in the early sixties had a much rougher road to tread that I did.  Just about all of the Board Rooms were populated by white males with little or no college education.  Now we're witnessing the wholesale destruction of those companies by Money Boys; and record-high unemployment. 

 Stay Vigilant!
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All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Saturday, May 5, 2012


"Money" vs. "Knowledge"?


"The End of 'Western' History?

My copy of the "Americas Quarterly" arrived in the mail yesterday.  After thumbing through the articles, themed "Social Inclusion", I was struck by the similarities with "Integration" that started in earnest in the United States in the 1960's.  It seems they are pushing a similar path for "The Americas"; which really turn out to be non-white America, stretching south from our border with Mexico.  Good Luck with that!  "Integration" has not worked too well for non-whites (and lately, poor whites, women and Gays) in the United States.  Maybe "Social Inclusion" is somewhat more accurate a term because it implies "Exclusion" which is the proper way to look, both at our past and toward our future.

I pulled my copy of Peter Drucker's Post-Capitalist Society (1993) from the shelf and reviewed his description of "The Transformations".  These are periods in Western History when social and economic orders changed in such a way that grandchildren did not understand how their forebears lived. 

 He cited the new City-States of the 13th Century; 1400-1500;  Martin Luther's rebellion against the power of the Catholic Church, 1776-1816; and the rise of Capitalism and Communism.  He writes that the one we're in now began in the 1960's , is global, not just 'Western' (ie., European, or "white").  He calls it the age of "Knowledge".

My ticket into Peter's program in the 1980's was my master's thesis in Public Administration, U. of New Mexico, 1972, entitled American Values in Black and White in which I proposed that this nation has two core values: white skin and money.  What I argued with Peter about was the change that took place in the Americas in the late 1800's, when the U.S. Supreme Court enshrined in law the "one-drop" (African link) principle; learned in slavery in the Americas, and used earlier in our history to transform servitude from one based in money (indentured) to one based in biology.  It can be argued that the current version of the principle can be found in our prisons, where black and brown males, mostly, are enslaved, under law, to serve Wall Street investors in a privatized prison system.  The process permanently strips them of citizenship rights by virture of their "felonious" past.

What is most prominent at this time, however, is exclusion based on wealth.  We're in a period wherein money, not knowledge, prevails.  Those who have the money will get everything else they want.  They will also be able to enslave those who have knowledge, but lack money.

Peter discussed with us our antiquated views of "education" and the fact that Western Education has not essentially changed since the Guild Period of the Middle Ages.  He predicted the collapse of our education system; and he may yet be proven right.  He's been right-on about everything else.

Except for the power of race, that is.  Look what is happening to our first Black President! Thankfully, Peter did not live to see this.
Stay Vigilant!

Copyright © 2012: Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC 

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


"Liars" (and everyone, these days) "Figure"

I managed to avoid being "bit" directly in the Great Recession Bubble, or Melt-Down of 2008, after being a victim in both the "Savings and Loan" and "Tech" bubbles.  In this "bubble-liscious" age, starting in earnest with Ronnie Reagan (like so much else that plagues us today) we're all drowning in FIGURES, or, better, being beat over the head with NUMBERS by some screaming advocate of impending doom.  All number-weilders today are in part a "salesman" whether they present themselves as a politician, preacher, hedge fund money boy, banker (they're different), or talk-show hosts; the list is long.

NUMBERS like The Dow, The Debt, Demographics, Interest Rates, Unemployment, Your Retirement number, Life Expectancy, etc., etc., etc!

But these screamers will all be the first to tell you they're not LIARS!  Thanks to the religious nuts that reign in the media today, nothing is a LIE if you BELIEVE it.  Voila!  Tell all those "Occupy" and "Tea  Party" screamers to get out of the streets and the media!  They have to go home and grab a mirror!
THEY'RE to blame because they BELIEVED in the bulls**t!  They have to withdraw to some place of solitude and divest themselves of their propensity to BELIEVE; and everything will turn right again!

Now about the LIARS.  Nobody "lies" anymore; they simply have an opposing view.  Every issue has its opposition.  The Yin-Yang Media will see to that!.  Therein lies the essence of their business plan. Therein also lies the root of this Democracy's inability to govern itself.  The MUSHROOM becomes the symbol of the future (read earlier blog).

The magic "potion" to ward off  this evil, (this insanity?), is our ever-expanding computing capability.
Technology "giveth" and it "taketh away".  You can derive and manage your own NUMBERS.  After all, isn't it YOUR NUMBER that matters?

While in your place of solitude to over-haul your beliefs, re-think your ICONS also.  Here are some from history you might consider.  We're told that Benjamin Franklin thought our national symbol should be the Turkey Buzzard, not the Bald Eagle.  Think about the symbolism of that!  My grandfather told me that his view  was that the patron saint of the United States should be P. T. Barnum, who believed that "there's a sucker born every minute" in this country.  My grandfather succeeded at running a business from 1907 to 1957, against stupendous odds. 

It's not too late to wake up -- drive a Repoob into stark fright!

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