Saturday, April 21, 2012


Our Nation's Future Depends on the Outcome

Talking heads in our media have often declared that this nation needs a long-overdue "Dialog On Race".

I submit that we've already entered that dialog.  It's disguised as the electoral campaign of 2012.  Judging from the race-laced filth coming from the Repoob candidates and their backers, it will be a lop-sided "dialog".

I refer to them as Repoops out of respect for Abraham Lincoln.  The current imposters killed the Republican Party in the early 1970's.  They've damn-near killed the country economically, and are engaged in an elaborate media-driven campaign to pin the blame on the first Black President; who was able to plug the hole in the economy and put the nation back on the road to recovery.  Looks like they might get away with it.  No good deeds will go un-punished, it seems.

My ancestors and those from surrounding communities must be rolling in their graves if they can see the sorry stage this country has been reduced to.  The grounds were set at least 30 years before the turn of the last century, but this first decade of the 21st century is a "doozy"; due to 6 years of un-checked power wielded by the Repoobs.  The list of their crimes, mis-demeanors, and severe mismanagement will be the stuff for historians for decades to come.

But not today, it seems.  We've devolved to a nation that prefers "hee-hee" and entertainment over thought and introspection.  This has led to a break-down in government function that has the entire world scared for the future.  The Repoobs have joined in lock-step to bring our governments function to a stand-still, and have pushed it toward default on its debts to get their way.

My relatives rest in eternity adjacent to the site of the historic George R. Smith College, the place where Scott Joplin invented Ragtime.  My grandfather's business was two doors away from the Historic Maple Leaf Club.  The town was a Union Headquarters during the Civil War, but the residents were evenly divided in that War.  The Klan reighned well into my life-time.  Supreme Justice Thurgood Marshall warned in 1991 that the Klan switched their white sheets for the black robes of Judges. 

The Klan burned George R. Smith College to the ground in 1925.  My mother's siblings attended  that college, but because it was burned, she attended college in Kansas, graduating in 1929.  Ridgidly divided by race, the entire state operated in a manner more racist than the deep south, according to fellow students from the South whom I met in College in 1957.  In spite of that history, the citizenry was more engaged in public affairs and exhibited a common sense that permitted everyone to survive, however tentative their survival became.  For instance, health and dental care were denied because of race up until the time I left in 1959.  Income had no effect.

Having served for fully half of  the Cold War in uniform, standing at one point toe-to-toe with live nukes, I think I'm qualified to engage in such debate.  Perhaps the internet (a Cold War invention) is the proper place for it to take place?

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