Friday, December 30, 2016

no! ; "AMERICA will NEVER DIE!! ...

... because, That's NOT who we ARE!!

TRUMP, ASSAD, PUTIN, and NETANYAHU, may be "Riding High" today; but; you can continue to produce all of the Dylaan Roofs, or wicked white COPS who choose to hunt non-whites for their "Sport";  and,  all of their wicked supporters inside our "Justice" System: and, those on TV who "shade" their infections of White Supremacy; and there will be  too many of us who have enough HEART; to permit our America to DIE, and become some "heartless" caricature designed by these individuals!

Since Alexis de Tocqueville studied our approach to imprisoning people in 1830, and wrote Democracy in America,  the World has known that this Nation was inflicted by some Evil that it could not, or would not expunge!!  Why? The Evil pathway was trod along a road that led from Latin America where Fascism was injected, to Willie Lynch and the Slave Trade.  That Evil  led to JIM CROW after our Civil War.  America became the home of the Fascism that was embraced by Adolph Hitler.  Far Right-Wing politicians welcomed it back home with open-door immigration for Hitler's supporters.

Yet; as President Obama has clearly shown the World; "That's Not Who We Are", in 2016!!  Those who took time to listen to ABE of Japan at the Shrine to Pearl Harbor, know this to be true!!  TRUTH, and TRUST cannot live in a World, or an ECONOMY, ruled over by the 4 Horsemen who ride high today!

Modern Media, and it's dissemblers like Andrea Mitchell, and Joe Scarborough,who struggle mightily to hide their support for this gaggle of 4, show Dr. Goebbels and Tokyo Rose just how far we have come since 1945! The Curies made the deadly mistake of thinking radioactive uranium was a TOY.! It has not been unusual for scientific breakthroughs to attract approach, first, by weapons or toy makers!  Media has become the WEAPON, itself, in the 21st Century.

To MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN; by their logic and manipulations, this Country will have to fool too many people for TOO LONG!!

Stay Vigilant!  (the "mike" drops here -- at Blog #1470) -- while OBAMA; our REAL President has 21 more days  to pin tails on these JACKASSES!!

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Sunday, December 18, 2016


Dedicated to Heroic "40th" VOTER 
(who may, still, Save US,
from US)

From Sam Houston, to Peter Drucker; from Elmer Gantry Arkansas (Clintons), to TRUMP; the half-Millennial Mistake is made: American Blacks are viewed as White Americans with darker skin color!!  Black Lives Matter pleads, what every child with white and black Crayons knows: White and Black People DO NOT EXIST!!  This 500 years-Illusion was created in Mexico by Catholic Leaders as tools for managing the multi-colored societies that flowed from a flourishing Slave Trade.

TRUMP, if Elected tomorrow by 270 or more Electors, may return our focus to Mexico; in a way similar to President Polk, in 1846.  We can't afford to go down that road again!  Putin ain't Santa Ana!

The American Institution most responsible for our predicament is EDUCATION!

Stay Vigilant: PRAY (for #40).

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All Rights Reserved:  WILLIAMS LLC

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

r WE "Witnessing" the DEATH of our DEMOCRACY??

r the Generations to Blame??

From the Baby-Boomers, who are "retiring" at alarming rates with little or not Savings, to the most recent X,Y,or Z kids, who can't get jobs; there seems to be plenty of places to point blame.

A Faction is now hosted within the Republican Party, and it is busy carving up what is left of our Constitution. The months ahead will, undoubtedly, be rough ones for the USA!

President Obama spoke to our Troops today in Tampa -- His Farewell Address to the Troops.  READ IT!  It contains all the values my generation, and those before me held dear, and fought for, and, are being pillaged for big bucks, in great haste, before the World.  

Thanks to all who have read the OWL since it took flight on the Internet in 2011.  It provides a Chronology of,what History may recognize, as the waning days of our American Democracy. A Faction, fashioned from the worst of our PAST events, demonstrates its lust for Power and Wealth.  There have been 37000 readers, both at Home and Abroad; and almost 1500 Blogs posted.

Our Founders did leave a Trap Door in our Constitution, however.  Electors to the Electoral College are elected, in their own Right, to Vote their Consciences!!  One Republican,  from Texas, with others who will surely follow, has come forth, to declare his Love for Country over Power for the Party, however, and will NOT vote for the Republican Nominee who is now declared President-Elect!. 39 more such Voters could still save our Democracy!

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