Tuesday, November 15, 2016

a DEATH in the "Family"??

If only Blacks and Whites in the USA could "see" ourselves as Family??


Twenty years ago, Jim Lehrer stopped in Albuquerque to promote his book, Purple Dots.  I bought a copy, and gave Jim a copy of my 1972 Thesis: American Values in Black and White (UNM).. After hearing Lynne Cheney, Reagan's  choice for Chair of the National Endowment for the Humanities, spew so much misinformation on Race and Racism in the USA, I decided to hand out free copies to our media Talking Heads; as my small attempt to give them an historically accurate accounting that they were either unaware of, or chose toignore, to  deliberately spread Racial Propaganda. So far, I've made my "awards" to more than 100 of our prominent media sources.

In my conversation with Jim Lehrer, I asked when he would announce a replacement for Charlayne Hunter-Galt who had departed for South Africa.  Very shortly thereafter, we were gifted with Gwen Ifill.  I have always felt there was some connection.  Whatever prompted Jim to do so, Gwen's short tenure with us has been a Blessing for Millions of People!!

Because of an historic "White-lash" Vote for President of the United States, we have an Elect that remains a mystery to our Citizenry in profound ways.  BORDERS between "Right and Wrong" "Respect and Dis-respect"  and our concepts of Morality, Fair Play, Good vs. Evil, have all been cast into the TRASH that characterized the 2016 Presidential Campaign!  As a result, what will our children become?  Multi-Cultural versions of Dylaan Roof??  All of the values we cherished in a person like Gwen, were forsaken by the winners of the Election of 2016.

Stay Vigilant!  Now is the time for all, truly GOOD Persons to come to the aid of our Nation!!

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All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC

Saturday, November 12, 2016

how do WE (all) "Survive" TRUMP??

is it nowTIME for People of Color, and their Genuine Fellow Citizens, to GET-It-Together!??

We're on our fourth day of the Global Shock delivered by TRUMPSTERS!!  As of yet, there's NO 
ASSURANCE, that works, for those scared enough to take to the streets!  Trumpsters have just
"blown a hole" in the bottom of the Titanic" that provides their only means of transport; and, whatever hopes they had for not only their (white's-only WE; but also the WE that genuinely includes us all!!

There seems to be no Obama on the horizon to patch this hole, like he did the one the Republicans left for us  in 2008!

I am reminded of my own fear in the 1950's, when I see our school children taking to the streets in terror, in 2016.  My Grandfather calmed my fears by carefully explaining the situation for me.  Brown v. Board  scared me by the threat that I would be forced, as a high school senior, to finish my last year in a white school, in a rigidly Segregated State.  His advice served well, as I used it to protect my children from the abuses of the Public Schools that were put in place by the JIM CROW Backlash, unfurled in the 1970's.

White Talking Heads on T.V. proclaim that they do not understand why White Voters who voted for Obama, now voted for TRUMP.  Those talking heads appear ignorant of the fact that JIM CROW has always operated by the knowledge of JIM CROW Presidents, of TWO Black Americas!   They were established when JIM CROW was created; to maintain the benefits of Chattel Slavery. They are  BOOKER T. WASHINGTON America; and FREDERICK DOUGLASS America.  These two Americas allowed the formation of our present  White America "Bubble" ; making it possible to keep JIM CROW's benefits intact,  forever

BOOKER gave us Clarence Thomas and Condoleeza Rice: who were so handy to the Bush era.  No Clarence?  No Bush v. Gore,  Cheney. Iraq, and so forth.
DOUGLASS gave us Thurgood Marshall: who gave us Brown v. Board, and many of the Civil Rights victories that have come in so  handy for white women, Gays, Hispanics, and the rest.

Daddy Bush, dedicated himself to making sure our Supreme Court would have "Conservative" Blacks like Clarence, and Lee Atwater, and Roger Ailes -- who made TRUMPSTERISM possible.  Their stated goal is to lock JIM CROW inside our Supreme Court -- forever!

Stay Vigilant!  Everybody, Check your Mirrors: whatever your image,  from "chalk to charcoal", you can "unzip" the two Black Americas, at will, and feign ignorance, all-the-while, perpetuating our Peculiar Brand of RACISM; forever!  Our Survival depends on our ability to understand this, and, come to some consensus for what to do about TRUMPSTERISM!!  (Incidently, Obama was not BLACK in the thinking of many whites -- his roots are not included in either Black America!!)

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Saturday, November 5, 2016

ENOUGH!! ...(said, at least)??

Time to PRAY; ..for your COUNTRY ... and VOTE!!

Anybody heard any "hopeful" sounds from REPUBLICANS??

Stay Vigilant! 

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All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

TRUMP: is COMEY the "Plant"?? ...

... and, WHY was TRUMP "there"?? (at BREXIT)

I'll bet you are thinking we're Past Halloween??  Not so; in a world that includes Trumpism,
and ANY elected REPUBLICAN!!  Putin must be "lickin' his chops"!

He's bagged Britain, the U.S. is the best he can do, at this point.  He's also locked up Syria, mesmerized Israel, and terrified the EU.  

Daddy Bush, as I remember, was prompted to whip out our checkbook, when the Berlin Wall fell in 1989; and offer to buy Siberia.  He didn't; and, our Intelligence Apparatus went into decline, as revealed by the 911 Commission Report https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/9/11_Commission_Report.

Putin, and his KGB obviously DID NOT!  Now we have a serious Presidential Contender who wants to Wrap UP our Democracy, and our Constitution and give them to Putin as a getting-acquainted Gift! He is offered to the American Voter as a bona-fide REPUBLICAN, by a Party that is Hell-bent on Authoritarian Rule!

Using Hitler's tactic of REPEATING LIES until the public continues to believe them, long after the Village Idiot figures out the were not true; TRUMP is making his last dash for the Electoral College!

Stay Vigilant!  ALL Republicans have to be turned out of office to save our Nation from this sickness!! 

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