Sunday, July 10, 2016

DALLAS!! ...53-yrs, "later"? ...

...Have we now come "full-circle"??

a Note for "Millenials" who are eligible to vote

I cast my first vote for President of the United States, in 1960.  I was 21, that year, and the choices were between Kennedy/Johnson, and Nixon/Lodge.  21-yr-old citizens, and older, were eligible to vote in 1960.  Today, 18-yr-old-and older citizens are eligible.  As I was, in 1960, anxious about my career opportunities; I'm sure those citizens born after 1998 are even more anxious.  I thought my decision was difficult, but today, those first-voters worried about their futures are, perhaps, terrified ; given their choices!

Less than 3-years later, I was a young Air Force Lieutenant, assigned to the NSA in the Washington area.  Kennedy was our President.  The Bay of Pigs, and Fidel Castro, in the embrace of the Russians, were twin "gifts" left for him, by the Eisenhower/Nixon Administration.  The Cold War was  red-hot!  One year after successfully defeating the Russian advance into Cuba, with a hair-raising blockade of War-Ships, President Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas!  Also inherited from Eisenhower were our entanglements in the Vietnam War, and Civil Rights conflicts over the Integration of Schools.

JFK's assassination set in motion Lyndon Johnson' decision to advance Civil Rights for Negroes, as a tribute to the Legacy of our slain President.

Then began the 53-year, tragic slog of events that have led us back to DALLAS!  All of the hope of those early JFK years (Camelot), have redounded to the despair we face, after the Republican Party, led by Nixon, chose to put our Nation on the Road to Racial Backlash, and steadily-mounting tensions between Whites and Blacks. Pressed harder to the Political Right on Race issues, by Nixon, Reagan, the Bushes, and Bill Clinton, we've come full-circle! 

Stay Vigilant!    Every event that, we thought we could Overcome, was compounded by more terrible events; until the GOP has managed to work its way to a Racially-Polarized Nation, and TRUMP as their Candidate for 2016!  The world we live in today does NOT make us safer, more prosperous, or more confident than we were in1960!  Millenials must VOTE, as if their Lives, as well as their FUTURE depend on the outcome of our coming Election! 

Copyright © 2016:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC 

Thursday, July 7, 2016

this "Ain't" your Grand-Pa's FBI??

Comey must have J. Edgar "spinning"??

Look's like FBI Director Comey has the Republican Party "cornered"; and, fighting for its life!
The White Right GOP was happy as clams with the FBI when it was "playing Ball" with outfits like the Mississippi Sovereignty Commission. By artfully preventing the Grand Old Party from  using the FBI as a "tool" in their sleazy campaign against Democrats and the Presidential Bid of Hillary Clinton; Comey has saved the reputation of an extremely important Agency, as we face a Global Economy infiltrated with Organized Crime, acting under the "Color of Law", and/or posing as Sovereign Nations.

Stay Vigilant!  This ain't over!  Not by a long-shot!  The GOP missed Comey, it appears, in their drive to eliminate from Office all Republicans who do not share their sleazy values.  NOT ONE REPUBLICAN should get the Vote of any Citizen who wants to see Law and Order restored to our Country!!

Copyright © 2016:Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

r we "Allowing" SOCIAL-MEDIA to turn our KIDs into "LAB-RATS"??

is it Too-Late, to STOP it??

Psychology is more powerful than Atom Bombs, when it comes to owning and controlling the ultimate spaces on our Planet.  Those are the spaces between the ears of human beings!!  The HUMAN Brain!

Western Societies laud Physical Sciences, while ignoring Social Sciences and "Humanities".  We pay a terrible price for that!  The gap between social, and technological advancements in human affairs has always been huge, and is rapidly growing infinite.  That is because Technology has been employed, along with long-standing practices, and teachings ,of our Religions and Politics, to slow down Social Advancements; where they cannot be stopped, altogether!  In our Red States, Laws are written to reverse Social Progress, for Political Gain!  Religions remain complicit, as ever, in fomenting pain and suffering among our World's Populations.

We manage to Institutionalize past bad-practices; like greed and racism, and their spin-offs.  MONEY interests, POLITICS, shored up by Religions, along with wider issues of Public Safety, and Community Definition; are then pursued in a manner were denial of personal culpability, or responsibility,  can be asserted.

To keep this syndrome alive, and promote its growth, Social-Media, driven by technologies that are easier, and more readily acquired by children at very young ages; steps in!  Driven by a natural human hunger to become visible in a world where visibility is controlled, globally, by a few White Males; ALL children flock to Social Media!

Stay Vigilant!  Voluntary, and eager to "belong", Children become "outfitted" for control by others in ways they may never detect.  This is not unusual when technological breakthroughs occur.  Their uses and power are discovered slowly, over time.

Copyright © 2016:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC  

Monday, July 4, 2016

is MEDIA making All of Us "SICK"

How?  Why? What's the "Dis-EASE"??

If you're like me, you often scream at your TV, and then; turn the Damn Thing OFF!  Why is this plague cast upon us?

For Money, of course!  How?  By raising Mass Anxiety to an ever-increasing, and, very unhealthy level!!

Television Revenues and "Eye-Balls" rely on Excitement, in story content, and rapid-fire, fever-pitch, verbal delivery of all associated speech.  To raise excitement levels; Incitement, by Network Operatives is provided  Then, there is their added hype the story, provided by "experts" who spout their opinions.  Facts, be-damned!  Truth, be damned! Only steady manipulation of EMOTION; no appeal to the MIND.

TRUMP has mastered the art of spewing extreme-emotions -as-weapons!  TERROR is hyped; 24/7!

No one can question your sanity, if you feel that some type of Psychological Warfare has been launched by TRUMPSTERs, to shape the outcome of our Presidential Election in November.

Stay Vigilant!  Technology, linked to multiple Global Interests, has brought this on.  The best defense may be, to limit your exposure, while THINKING through the motivations of the sources; the biases of  "talking-heads", Network strategists, and the Political Outcomes sought??

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