Saturday, April 30, 2016

why BLACK (and Minority) ENTERTAINERS ...

...don't GET PAID (like they ought to)??
PRINCE died, while in a struggle to "control" his Creations.  Michael Jackson faced similar struggles with those who wished to "own" his Creative Products.  Decades ago, Freddie Prinze Sr faced "contract troubles".  Kareem Jabbar tells us how he was told, years ago, by his "Manager", that they were broke!
Stories are Legion of NFL and NBA athletes who are "dead broke" within less than 5 years after winning their first $M contracts.  What's up with all of this??
For many, if not most; the PAY, itself, is the issue!  They are simply paid less, or not at all.  For others, the problem lies in the Management of the money, after they are "paid".  For others, still, (Technology Creators, "listen up"):  MONEY is more powerful than Creativity.  Zuckerberg is an exception, rather than the rule!  In my RDT&E Careers, I have learned that the people with the most wealth, after all is said and done, are NOT the ones who were the most creative technologists -- instead;  they were those who were best at capitalizing on the Creativity of others!  MONEY, alone, is clue-less!  When coupled with the Ideas of others (who often don't get paid), MONEY wins over all else!

The Creators of new things and ideas must act as Individuals to protect their Interests.  Money-Interests have Institutions to assist them!  Those who offer to HELP the lone creators of Artistic Products; most often, "help-themselves" FIRST!  The SAD outcome of the death of PRINCE is that  Money-Interests may manage, in the end, to plunder all of his Creations, anyway!

From the days of minstrel-ski, when  MASTERS owned everything; no  Slave had, or could create anything that they could OWN!  In 2016, large organizations exercise that Power.   Black Entertainers and Creators have been especially vulnerable.  The Recording Industry has a sorry record that stretches back to its founding.

It is really like taking candy away from babies, if you think about it:  Minorities and the Poor are taught nothing about managing money -- they are left to over-consume!   Kept in segregated Bantu-Stans by Housing Segregation and the Real Estate Industry; any Minority who manages to have any  Money is quickly set-upon by Family (extended) and Friends!  The Big MONEY Boys (white) have known and profited from this for centuries!

Stay Vigilant!  There is much more to "having MONEY", than "making MONEY"!!  The Marginalized have a long road ahead to reach any recognizable success at earning and protecting their Wealth!
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Friday, April 29, 2016

Guv'na PENCE "picks" his SIDE of the GOP Civil War

It gets "Cuirouser and Couriouser"

Maybe he is attempting to side with the more "intelligent" Demagogue??  The more popular one, has won the "heart" of the White Voter on the RIGHT; perhaps, and, also knows that Voters in this Country have always shied away from "intelligent Presidents".  If you throw in "Sanity", and "Experience"; you might understand why White Voters on the Right can't hear, or see, Guv'na Kasich!

If TRUMP and CRUZ aren't outright Fascists, they're so damn close, the difference doesn't matter!
The Republican Party's long-running Faustian Bargain with RACE and Ethnocentrism, has taken it to the brink of extinction.  Boehner refers to CRUZ as Lucifer!!  On that subject, I trust the judgment of Boehner.  (Wonder what he really thinks of McConnell)??

Stay Vigilant!  Watch closely who comes out of hiding to stand with CRUZ or TRUMP in this Civil War that is raging within the Republican Party.  I thought Clint Eastwood's performance, and the Campaign of Romney marked a nadir for the Repoobs; but, it seems they're still searching for their absolute bottom!!
Will the Country be taken down with them?  Will TRUMP release his TAX REPORTS??  (read about the History of FASCISM in the Americas)

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Thursday, April 28, 2016

what BLACKs need to understand about FASCISM (at home)

 "Communism", and "Antisemitism" (always in the News);  "FASCISM" (never)
My most vivid memories are my earliest, from the days of World War II.  I remember the popular, and racist, references to all Japanese.  Never any bad references about Germans or Italians, however.  I had to learn from the History Books about the alliance between Hitler and Stalin; before he switched sides, to fight against Hitler, alongside FDR and Churchill. 

It seems that the ink was not dry on the Agreements to end the War, in Europe, and, later,  Japan, before we were deep into McCarthyism, and the Cold War against Stalin's Russia.  The American people were not told in the Newspapers, that huge numbers of Hitler's forces were admitted to citizenship in the U.S. at the end of the War.  Public School curricula "whitewashed" away, any references to Nazis or Fascists! The Hard Right swung, immediatelyk into Gestapo tactics, hunting for "Communists", everywhere.  One of the Geometry students I tutored in San Francisco, in 1960, was a member of a family from Hitler's Germany.  Her father served Hitler, and yet, they were allowed to buy into the brand new suburb of Daly City; at a time when Blacks and Jews were restricted  from that by Housing Segregation Laws.  

McCarthyism was not interested in the Fascists among us.  Before the War, Lindberg and the America First Committee  formed to keep the U.S. from entering War II.  Pearl Harbor reversed that push; turning the American People against that push by the Hard Right.
J. Edgar Hoover, Ronald Reagan, Richard Nixon; all rose to political prominence on the back of McCarthyism.  All Civil Rights activities were suspected by the Right to be inspired by Communists.

TRUMP brings all of this to life in his "America First" Foreign Policy Speech.  He seeks to take us to the Right of Reagan, but not as far to the Right as CRUZ.  Those who know CRUZ best in the Congress, know he thinks he is a reincarnation of the Fuhrer!  It is amazing the response TRUMP enjoys in the MEDIA and within the population at large.  They rise, as if a Ghost has been conjured! 

Stay Vigilant!  Those Blacks, and other non-whites who "play ball" with the Republicans have been kept ignorant of the real intentions of this tribe of Hate-filled Folk.  The Cold War provided complete cover for them to organize and grow, for the past 70 years!

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Wednesday, April 27, 2016

TRUMP "Blame's" OBAMA (for 911/ and everything BUSH)!!

Read his vaunted "Foreign Policy" Speech

For about 45 minutes, I couldn't believe what I was hearing, as TRUMP rambled through his speech, heralded in advance by the likes of the vacuous Andrea Mitchell.  He is clearly NOT a politician, and his credibility as an "entertainer" can be seriously questioned.  His "cred's" as a slick Con Artist, Propagandist, or, something "worse" is apparent!!  Although he is running as a REPUBLICAN, his PARTY  afilliation can also be questioned; after listening to this speech.

He worship's REAGAN, but "air-brushes" everything the Bush Presidents did (Soviet Collapse,  9/11, Iraq Invasion, Economic Disaster, Middle East intrigues with Israel, Abu Ghraib, al quaeda in Iraq)!  He  artfully blames all of that on Obama!  He even blames Iran's beneficial position in the Region on Obama, when that derived from the Iran'Iraq War, during Reagan's Administration!  Of course you have to know how to think, and read, and remember things -- his followers are socially-functioning Morons, with that qualifying I.Q.!!
Those of my age have seen this Movie before!!  He gives Obama CREDIT for NOTHING!!   White Supremacists are notorious for never giving their repair and maintenance people credit for anything! 

He promises White Male Supremacy for the World!!  It is too kind to describe him as Authoritarian!  He is far worse.  He loves Putin and Netanyahu, and HATES Obama.  Read the Speech.!  American Citizens who want what he promises, want to return to our very dark PAST, on this planet!

Stay Vigilant!  It started with the BUS (for desegregating schools), and, NIXON. Those White Supremacists, admitted to the GOP by NIXON; were joined by Archie Bunker Democrats, when Reagan promised that they would become Middle Class.    During the GOP Rule of Hastert, in our House of Representatives, Dick and Dubya threw all Poor Whites "under the BUS", when they "tanked" the Economy.  The "Lipstick" of teleprompters, and "Presidential" settings, provided a poor disguise for this Demagogue!

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Monday, April 25, 2016

"Amerikka" for SALE?? (ev'ry 4 years) ...

... maybe, its the DELEGATES, (stupid)!!

Wonder why our Presidents have been so much "less" than we have expected; (from the time of the Assassinations of the 1960s, until the election of Obama in 2008)??  People have been right to point to the decline of Political Parties; after Television brought us those first televised Debates, between Kennedy and Nixon.  However, the "revolution" that took place at the Democrat Convention, in Chicago, in 1968, might be where we ought'ta look??  Maybe that "revolution" is still going on??

We older ones might remember white kids gettin' their heads busted by Cracker Cops; a fore-runner for Rodney King, and Police Riots in Southern California, more than twenty years later.  Four years after Chicago, Cracker Cops gunned down students on Campus in Ohio (an escalation?)!!

Let's go back and take a look at the DELEGATES at that Convention in 1968.  Sure, the Political Party has never been the same since 1968; but the real story may be told by the transformation of the role of the DELEGATEs in both Political Parties.

Convinced that my fellow voters may have had enough of Reagan in 1984, I helped by teen-age daughter in her Private School class project to get out the vote for Mondale/Ferraro.  I learned from a very rich Democrat on Palos Verdes Peninsula that there was a price tag, for just about every political office in the Country (above the level of Dog Catcher, that is).  Nor all that MONEY that politicians beg for in elections goes to MEDIA.  Much of it is used to BUY DELEGATES!!  TRUMP is dis-robing the Parties and showing us their their ugly guts!!

Stay Vigilant!  Both TRUMP and BERNIE are in the right Church!  They're in the WRONG Pew!  
The FOUNDERS worried about FACTIONS (what we know as Political Parties).  Their Constitution did not prescribe these.  The Delegate System and the buying of Political Office has grown, mysteriously, since the 1960s.  WHO gets to be a Delegate?  HOW?? Are they CONSTITUTIONAL??  WHOM do they Represent??  Should each STATE set the rules for DELEGATE Selection?  These are the issues TRUMP and BERNIE should be campaigning on??

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Saturday, April 23, 2016

when "Desperado(s)" DIE, (alone) ...

... the DOVEs "Cry"

Frederick Douglass, almost two hundred years ago, told us where this SOUND, the world has come to know as "Black (american) MUSIC", came from.  It reflected the "hollers" from the Fields, in our Sewer States.  It was evidence of  PAIN, from the lash and the labor; that still resonates today.  The Terror in the "bones" of Whites in the Americas, began with their fear of hearing "drums in the night"!  That Terror has only grown; to the absurd point of belief that ISIS will invade their neighborhoods.

Bernard DeVoto told us, almost a hundred years ago, that Black MUSIC was the "best in the World"!  Time continues to prove him right!  From the DUKE, and the COUNT, and the PRINCE; that  river continues to flow; as do the Injustices and TRAGEDIES, it reflects.
Montesquieu revealed how Europe is locked in an Eternal Battle to prove that its version of Christianity is REAL.  That Religion was kept alive in Africa for centuries after the death of Jesus; before the Romans adapted it; and the Roman Church was born! Europe seems determined to prove that Whites are the real HUMANS, and non-Whites; especially Africans, and their descendants, are less than HUMAN!  Montesquieu says that Europe learned it from the Egyptians.  The situation in the Middle East today, bears that out!  Where is Lawrence, when Arabia needs him so much??

That "sickness" is with us, as we agonize over our choices of whom will replace President Obama.

Minneapolis, MN continues its outpouring of genuine acceptance of PRINCE as a neighbor.  Not many places in the United States will do that for someone is is not WHITE.  The Minnesota of Humphrey (who was the real architect of our Civil Rights Legislation) had a history of that.  That State, like so many of our States, was invaded by "knuckle-dragging", "Bible-quoting" sewage from our Southern States, in the name of the Republican Party.  They elected Jesse Ventura, a buddy, and a political role model for Donald Trump.  Minnesota learned that that element (throw in Schwarzenegger) cant' GOVERN.  Maybe, come to think about it, THAT is what these sons of the "Ol South" really want??  Our last Civil War, in the 19th Century, was, perhaps, too bloody?

Stay Vigilant!  It's not too late to save our Nation, and our Constitution, by wiping out the Republican Party at the Ballot Box!!  In the run-up to our Civil War, that is what happened to the Whigs!!

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Thursday, April 21, 2016

4-21-16: (date of) DEATH of PRINCE!!

(also, the birthday of a 90-yr-old Queen)

Born 4 years before the birth of my first child; PRINCE, like Michael Jackson, were  icons
 for my children, and, for their Generation.  Both were born in the early days of what has become known as the Civil-Rights Era.  I, as well as most parents of  Black, or African-American, Negro, or, "Colored" children was confident that these children would all enjoy better lives than we had, that far, experienced!!  It was especially horrifying to watch them die so young, and so tragically!

Our Nation mourned, but, I'm sure no other part of this Nation felt the special pain that We, as the parents of those children, felt.  They were both "our" children"!  Their deaths tugged at that special fear that haunts all parents: the death of their children!  Parents are not supposed to lose their children!!  That's not Nature's Way!  

Modern Media was a persistent menace, to the lives of both Michael and PRINCE.  Media is particularly destructive when it decides to single out well-recognized non-white males as targets for "Tabloid Attention"!  The list of victims (both living and dead), grows longer each day!  (You are receiving this unique message from a BLOGGER, who is Black, and approaching 77 yeas in age!  I've seen a lot!

On this day, also, we are warned to brace ourselves; for what is surely to become one of the most blatantly racist, and generally low-down Political Races for the Presidency in the memories of anyone in the USA!

Billions of dollars to fund "DIRT" on Television, is readily available to fight what might be the dirtiest campaign in more than 100 years!  REPOOBs (Republicans) will very likely be stuck with either TRUMP or CRUZ as their front-runner.  To DEFEAT Hillary; both of them will rely on racial HATE, to couple with the FEAR hidden in the bowels of White Voters!

Stay Vigilant!  We may never know how many Whites, who "Love" PRINCE, will also VOTE for TRUMP or CRUZ; in the secrecy of the Ballot Box??  Only in Amerikka??

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Wednesday, April 20, 2016


"history" UNVARNISHED??

Last night, as the New York Primary election results rolled in, I watched Charlie Rose's Interview of President Obama.  The topic was the recent Goldberg Interview, and the so-called "Obama Doctrine". (President Obama disputed the term).

It is obvious, the White House hasn't had such a brilliant MIND in charge, since Abraham Lincoln!  Small wonder that those running to succeed him have so much less to offer!  Catch the comments at the end of the Interview, and you'll see what I mean.  It is quite possible that Obama has saved  many more lives than DickandDubya managed to slaughter!!  

Where does the American lust to slaughter people come from?  I trace it back to those "Barbarians" the Romans feared.  I have no doubt that my forebears and I have had to contend, for centuries, with their descendants, in these United States of America.  We know them as Mountain Men, Gunslingers, and Texan "Filibusterers".  Their likes are fond among followers of TRUMP and CRUZ.  CRUZ followers are cut-throats with a Religious caste; while TRUMP's followers are cut-throats, looking to get rich at the expense of some non-white Minority.

Among the long list of reasons given by those who most viciously oppose President Obama, (I'm often not sure whether Charlie isn't one of them),; the one thing that sticks most in their craw;( of people like McCain, Netanyahu, and the T-Party folk), is his refusal to play "John Wayne" in the Middle East!

Stay Vigilant!  The Barbarians ultimately managed to "sack" Rome!  Upon its ashes, they built a church, and a religion, that waged Crusades against non-Whites, and employed various variations of  "fasci";  weapons used to keep Roman Citizens "in line"!   As we enter the 21st Century, their exploits, ranging from creating the worst form of human slavery known, in Human History, to the Genocide of many Nations of People,  may be catching up to their Kondratiev Cycle Limits.  Their Religion, also, is losing its powers to keep their victims "in line" ?

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Monday, April 18, 2016

"Foreigner(s)" (in the USA)?? (wanna GO where LOVE is)??

seeking VALUE(s)?? ...  LOVE? or, MONEY??

New York City, historic Port of Entry for "foreigners", is raging over "Values", one day before the New York Primary.  It turns out that CRUZ, appeals to his "VALUES Voters", by disparaging "New York Values"!  TRUMP, his Rival; whom everyone knows is a "paragon of Values" , and a life-long New Yorker, has taken offense, and mounted his "high-horse"!  Both are singing to their respective "choirs", and,  bring our attention to those who most ardently follow them -- their Voters!  Both CRUZ and TRUMP have mostly  "knuckle-draggers" for followers; but, the VALUES of each "base" differ significantly!

The Values-Voters who follow CRUZ are mostly mean, hateful, scheming people.  Because they are also super-Religious,  all is "forgiven", if they lack LOVE for anyone who seems "foreign" to them.
TRUMP followers are more of the cut-throat, street-brawler types -- No LOVE there!

They have one (value?) in common:  they view all people of Color, as "foreign", for some reason.
As a result, the Political Right in the USA have retreated to a point of "last stand" defense of White Supremacy.  Most vulnerable are the children of Persons of Color.  The world they are born into is fraught with dangers created on purpose by White Politicians of the Right, and, tacitly supported by White Politicians of the Left.  As the final days in office of President Obama approach, and the view of what comes after looms larger, we see that the conditions for Black and Brown children are not likely to improve much.  I'm sure many, if not most of them dream daily of "Going Where LOVE IS!!

Stay Vigilant!  We still have a lot more to do, to undo the wreckage caused by Dick-and-Dubya!

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Sunday, April 17, 2016

Anita HILL: "IF only", she were "BELIEVED" (in 1991)??

No "Justice" Clarence Thomas; NO Dubya?
NO Dubya: NO Iraq War? NO Financial Collapse?
NO IRAQ war: NO ISIS/ISIL?  NO "Syria"?  NO Migrant Crisis in Europe?
NO TRUMP/CRUZ Tragedy Looming?
NO "Hillary" first-woman OPPORTUNITY?

No "Justice" Thomas:  No "Money is Speech"? No "Mute" support for Scalia?
No "gutting" of Voting Rights? No Alito!! (Scalia would not have succeeded in driving Justice O'Connor from the Court)?  No "collaboration" for the Tea Party (Ms. Thomas)?

I shared the dread expressed by Justice Marshall, in 1991, when he spoke of the dangers ahead, should the "black snake" be placed on our Supreme Court.  Thomas, and his appointment to our Supreme Court by Daddy Bush, succeeded in stopping all progress toward Civil Rights and Human Rights for marginalized citizens of Color, in the United States.  The Racist Senators, like Hatch and Thurmond, were amply-served by the Timid Senators; who were quite comfortable with the "Old (white) Boys Club the Senate was operating in 1991.  Senator Danforth and Daddy Bush "put a cork" in American Social-Economic Progress!

Anita Hill was a "gift" offered to our Nation, that time has proved would  have been far more valuable than Rosa Parks, and all she achieved!  Our Senate threw that "gift" away.  Who Benefited? (mostly White) Women in our Nation's work-force!!

By exposing the expertly-hidden cancer of on-the-job sexual harassment; Anita Hill almost certainly did more, singlehandedly, for the Women's Movement, than anything else that comes to mind.  I'm sure that our female population, below the age of 25 (all colors) does NOT recognize this!!

Stay Vigilant!   Last night's HBO Special (4/16/16), shows clearly the maniacal dedication of our Racist Right, the persistent pain the Bushes have inflicted upon us all, AND the clay feet of Liberals!
The use and abuse of Anita Hill by the Feminist Movement was nothing short of Criminal!  Treat YOUR Vote for President, like the Lethal Weapon it can turn out to be!!

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Saturday, April 16, 2016

should BLACKS "re-focus" on "WEST-INDIES"??

A Puerto-Rican Leads the Way??
A Puerto-Rican, exploiting Black RAP, from the Mainland USA, has achieved quite a feat!  He got  tacit admission from the White Establishment, that Alexander Hamilton was BLACK; according to the standards of that time!!  An infectiously exciting and informative Play on Broadway: "Kudos" for HAMILTON!

Hamilton, a Founding "Father", and, first Secretary of the Treasury, came to us from the WEST-Indies.

We all learned in White History, as taught in our Public School System, about the Dutch and British EAST India Trading Companies.  Mentioned, only in passing, were the corresponding WEST India Trading efforts.  Turning to Wikipedia for a "refresher", we learn that the French, British, Danish, Spanish, AND Dutch (Netherlands, today), formed the WEST Indies.

The Greater Antilles (Cuba, Puerto Rico, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Bahamas, Turks & Caicos); and Lesser Antilles   ( the smaller Islands, from the Virgin Islands, down to Trinidad).  The region also includes Venezuela, Columbia, Panama, what is now Central America, Can-Cun, and Cayman Islands -- ALL of the PRETTY PLACES!

WHY should BLACKS be interested?  Because, shortly after Columbus landed there, the Catholics inspired the establishment of the African Slave Trade.  As Herskovits clearly documents in his 1941 book: The Myth of the NEGRO Past; The TRADE failed to erase AFRICAN roots of New World Cultures.  The multiple forms of Genocide practiced in what is now the United States, from 1619 until 2016,  failed to turn Blacks in the USA into what Drucker called "White Americans with dark skins"!  The Republican Party makes that fact evident in their choices for President in 2016.
As the entire world enters into Global Identity Crises; Persons with African Roots, traceable back to the WEST INDIES, may find this region a treasure trove of customs, beliefs, and wisdom; as well as enlightenment, regarding the ways Whites brought about the tragedies "we" (all races) suffer from in 2016!
Stay Vigilant!  The Herskovits work, was part of the larger Gunnar Myrdal project commissioned by the Carnegie Corporation, and announced in its Annual Report of 1938.  All Blacks should read it!
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Friday, April 15, 2016

"Contempt" (of) CONGRESS? OR (for) CONGRESS??

Check Gallup:

Want to live a life ABOVE THE LAW??  Run for Congress!  Want to use LAW to punish people you don't like, or want to SCREW, for some reason?  Run for Congress!  Want to destroy our Democracy (from within)??  Run for Congress!  Want to get RICH and Powerful, while fully lacking any virtue or real talent?  Run for Congress!

As every child knows: when everybody's guilty, NOBODY is guilty!!  Therein lies the dirty little secret of Congress.  The People believe that the People are represented by Congress; so, whatever they do, we ALL, somehow, are responsible!

Since 1970, Congress, through committee action, and the power of Committee Chairpersons, has steadily undermined the Executive and Judicial Branches of our Government; producing the horrible mess we have on our hands in 2016.  We waste too much time blaming Wall Street, or Silicon Valley, or the Health Industry, or Doctors, Lawyers, (I guess Indian Chiefs are next?)!!

Sometimes single individuals distinguish themselves as the lowest of the low, within Congress.  Since McCarthy, this phenomenon has only grown.  Orrin Hatch (Judiciary) doesn't fare so well in an up-coming HBO documentary

Want to change the way Globilization impacts on your Job and your Life?  Change Congress by getting rid of those Law-Makers who made it possible!  Hate the Do-Nothing "theft" that is taking place as these folk, highly-paid (by the People, AND by the Lobbyists), SCREW the entire Country?? Vote them ALL out of office!  Tom Delay and Dennis Hastert have made it very difficult; but NOT impossible to do!

Stay Vigilant!  In their never-ending game of Old Maid, Republicans now are pushing Ted Cruz as their "Hail Mary" missile.  Look into the details that show how Terrible Teddy made it into our Senate.  Pay careful attention to his activities to undermine Speaker Boehner in the House of Representatives.  Why would ANYONE want him to become President of the United States, if they love and respect this Country!!  Don't say you haven't been WARNED!!

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Thursday, April 14, 2016

how "Slavery" AND "Genocide" (produced) HISPANICS; in the Americas!!

HISTORY "reveals" ITSELF??

White America, in the USA, in 2016, still insists on teaching "Dime-Store Novels" as HISTORY, to its children!!  That version of U.S. History is backed up by poorly-written Hollywood and Television scripts, and  "re-enactments".  Our Military learned the hazards of doing this, from the fate of our POW's in Korea; but, nothing much changed; except for Military Training.

The 2016 Election, as pursued by our more Racist Republicans, is forcing to the surface the "Genocide" part of our History.  How-so?  By repeating the "Genocide Era" initiated under the Administration of President Andrew Jackson.  From 1830 to 1870, when Jim Crow was invented to return our nation to a new form of Slavery, without chains, Genocide among Native Indian Tribes flourished in the United States.  From the time before the arrival of Catholic Clergy, Genocide flourished throughout Spanish Territories in the Americas; both, among African Slaves AND Native Indian Tribes.

Sam Houston, an ass-hole buddy of Jackson, claimed that the "Hispanic" was created by a blend of Poor European Clergy, and Poor European "Overseers", with Slave and Native women.  Many survivors of this HISTORY, in my Generation, were taught these facts as children!  Only white kids, then, were "mind-f*cked" with the Dime-Store and Hollywood versions of that period in our History.

 TEXAS, to this day, tells the Alamo Story, without surfacing the "Tejano" Role in that Event.  Live on Lies long enough, and they engulf everything you care about??  There is a line that connects Conquistadors, the Inquisition in the Americas, the Spanish Military, Cracker "Overseers of Slaves" and killer Cops on Police Forces and inside Sheriff Offices throughout the United States, today!!  Ignore real HISTORY, and face disastrous duplication??

Stay Vigilant!  Will American Citizens, once again, retreat into the Past, rather than embrace a FUTURE that genuinely offers Freedom with Dignity, for EVERYONE??

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Wednesday, April 13, 2016

R "WE" a Nation?, a TRIBE?, a "Community"??; or, "None of the ABOVE"??? ...

... OR: "ALL" of the ABOVE"??

If you listen to the verbiage emanating from the carnage on the RIGHT, or, from the "more civilized" spatting on the LEFT; you will hear the word "WE"; as much, or more than any other.

We're all left to deduce, on our own, (with the not-so-subtle shoving from the likes of Scarborough, little "Chuckie" Todd, or, Anderson Cooper); just who in Hell are 'WE"??  TRUMP and CRUZ make it easier for us.  We simply compare ourselves to the Cro-Mangnon's they have on display at their Rallies.  We see a great deal of inferences to RACE, Class, COLOR, Education, Intelligence, and Gender; but not a lot about PLACE!  That indicates that COMMUNITY is an empty word; whenever its used.  Community almost always implies some kind of Geography!

No matter what patch of Geography you, and those you care about, occupy; all HELL is breaking loose around you, as the Global Economy continues to do what it has been doing since the Multinational Corporations were invented by our Congress (1973).  Later, (1989), the collapse of the old Soviet Union accelerated the collapse of Governments around the World.  Long-buried animosities surfaced to new Strongman "wannabee's".  The Politicians who serve their bidding, all resort to FEAR and suspicion of some "Other".

Triangulators were best at this, whether in Elected Office, or serving within Agencies or Institutions.  The best Politicians in my lifetime to fit this designation, for good or for ill, have been figures like Churchill, FDR, LBJ, and Bill Clinton.  Then, there are the outright Dictators, who lack the skill or patience to work their prey into a posture of participation in their own downfall!

Then there are people, like American Blacks, and the Catholic Faithful, who have been groomed for hundreds of years to participate in their own Degradation.  Regardless of your view of yourself as a Predator, or as Prey; you are being seduced by Media, and skillful Politicians to envision yourself within one or more of the proclamations of "We" ; as it tumbles from the lips of TRUMP, or CRUZ!  Both of these Demagogues are relying on the Mirror, and the TV Camera to fill in Color, or other Cultural ingredients!

Stay Vigilant!  The COMMUNITY word may be the most important, even if it is also the most vague.  When you hear the word, ask yourself, WHERE is the "Community"?  Can I visit it??  Are the people there really of the same Mind-Set?  Pray to GOD there is NO Such Place, like those referred to by the likes of TRUMP or CRUZ.  If you elect either, I'm sure they would be very happy to CREATE such places.   (Electronic, or Social, "Communities" are most likely Potemkin Villages??)

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Tuesday, April 12, 2016

R "we" LOCKED IN "Civil War"; and ...

...too Brain-Dead to NOTICE??

What can be said for a Nation that bans from utterance, the one, four-letter English Word, that best describes what is happening to its BRAINS??

Misery (Missouri) chooses TRUMP; by a "hair"! (surprise, surprise!)  Misery barely, as it did 150 years ago, chooses the old North (TRUMP); over, the new SOUTH (TEXAS, aka CRUZ)!  TRUMP offers a kinder/gentler Putin (or, Netanyahu); while CRUZ offers us our very own TALIBAN.

Ever since the day, in 1962, when the Air Force landed me in WACO; I've been aware of the power that STATE holds over the USA.  I didn't understand, before then, what Elizabeth Taylor and Rock Hudson wanted us to learn from their film: GIANT!  It only took me 4 months to get the HELL out of that HELL, for a much better assignment!  I learned, in my first year in the Air Force, how to become a damned good "jail-house lawyer"!  It stood me in good stead throughout my 20-year military career.

TEXAS, the Lone-Star State, is on the precipice of becoming the Lone-Star Nation!  It never did accept its "place" among those other 49 Stars (the White-folk, in Texas, that is)!  From the School Books Texas controlled for our Nation, to the Depository, from which President Kennedy encountered his Murderer, the darker, and whitest, element in the Lone-Star State remained steadfast in its desire to rule the Nation.

2003 found me, once again, resident in Texas!  Dennis Hastert was on the throne as Speaker of the House, and Cheney was busy running the Administration for "W".  Texas, lacking the brain-power it needed to build the high-tech Empire they dreamed of, starting with Texas Instruments, had spent years buying brains from California.  Under Cheney/Bush, Texas, with the help of Enron and Cheney, was caught extorting funds from California, through its "management" of access to the Power it needed to keep things running.  We were kept guessing (like Speaker Ryan?) as to whether "W" would invade Iraq.  In February of that year, I stepped out my back door, and, looking up, could see fiery streaks of debris on their way to locations near Bush's Ranch.  It was a disaster much worse than 51-L in 1986, when we lost the Nation's School Teacher, but, somehow, the Nation didn't care as much!  (Never understood why) ...

In that same year, with the assistance of Cheney/Bush, and overseen by Hastert; Tom Delay was busily chasing Texas Democrats out of their Power in the Texas Legislature, and hunting them down, from their hiding places in Oklahoma!  What resulted was the beginning of the Frankenstein Gerrymandering that has made America Safe tor Republican Shenanigans.

Stay Vigilant!  Get the Picture??  Who really controls YOUR State?  Considering the intellectual level, and the economic resources of the typical Delegate for the up-coming Republican Convention; I suspect TEXAS is feeling pretty confident right now.  How about you??

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Monday, April 11, 2016

"SUPER-PREDATORS": "Black", or, "White"??

Dylaan takes the "prize"???

"Bubba" Clinton, in his argument with "Black Lives", points to the crux of what ails our Planet: "disintegration" -- on every level, in every culture, among rich and poor!  As things fall apart, violence rises to fill-in for the massive sense of loss that results.  Robin Wright, in 1982, pointed to the fact that people were retreating to the "Pillars" of their cultures as their faith in the collapsing Order was shaken.  She made this observation, when Sharon, the Israeli General, was destroying Lebanon as he pursued the Palestinians, and Arafat.  The trend has accelerated, and become Global, since.  Europe hangs in the balance, in 2016!  The World may never again experience the social or economic stability it knew in the middle of the last Century.

"Bubba" referred to Black Youth in the Hell Holes, designed for them by White Legislators, and White "Policy-Wonks"!  They were called  "Super-Predators".   The "real"  Super-Predators are those peiple who design, police, and maintain these death traps into which black and brown babies are born.

For those Blacks, of the Southern and Conservative Mind-Set, who think white women will be somehow "different or better" than white males on this issue; I strongly suggest they re-visit the film: The HELP.  No white woman stood openly to defend the ill-treated black maids, or stood against the Mississippi Sovereignty Commission that was obliquely referenced.  That was the normal state of affairs in th 1950s,  Any Progress since then, is being reversed, today.    Whites in South Carolina have produced their own Super-Predator!!

Stay Vigilant!  I defy anyone who suggests that Whites don't have a fundamental, asymmetric,view of Racial Integration!  Blacks see "Acceptance", while  Whites see "Divide and Conquer".  The Election of President in 2016 will not change that fact.  What it can do is keeping an already dangerous threat from growing worse under TRUMP, or CRUZ!  They model themselves on Super-Predators like the Conquistadors, or the Catholic Leaders who set loose the Transatlantic Slave Trade!

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Sunday, April 10, 2016

"SOULs" of WHITE-folk (in our MEDIA)??

"You cain't LIVE wid-em'; an' you cain't LIVE wid-out-em'"

Mom's Mabley told us all that, about "white-folk", in the 1950's.  After our experiences with Post-Watergate MEDIA, and early 21'st Century Television, we learn that Mom's, and her wisdom, need re-visiting; and, perhaps, revision??

Megyn Kelly, famous for her tangles with TRUMP during the Repoob Primary Debates, was on, this morning, concerned for her "Soul", as she contemplates leaving her FOX Den.  Anyone with a brain, and two years of age more than Megyn' knows that our MEDIA lost its soul; in the wake of Watergate Reporting.  The Nobility of our Media has been "long-gone"!  The young and hungry, today, of all colors, persuasions, and backgrounds, are busily lusting after fame and fortune; while caring little for what it does to their Country!  Du Bois wrote about the Souls of Black Folk, because he knew people who HAD Souls!  Their tormentors, then, and now?  Maybe NOT??

The same, "soul-less" technology break-through s that amplified, on steroids, our Tabloid and, other-wise, most low-down fascinations; can serve the wiser ones among us, in our search for Freedom!

In 2016, following our experiences with Republican Denigration of President Obama, and White Justice, as demonstrated in the Trayvon Martin Murder Trial; we KNOW that escape from the clutches of White Media becomes foremost. White Media is rapidly turning back the clock on Civil Rights.   Attempts to turn White Media to the advantage of the down-trodden, only strengthens the Media!  The televised exchange between Bill Clinton and "Black Lives Matter" demonstrators; proves that point.  Every condition that Bill described was, over-time, put in place by actions of white Legislators and Rule-Makers (both Political Parties).  Such Media tactics dig the holes for Blacks, even deeper, while creating more opportunities for "Black Conservatives" and "Black Clergy" to cash-in; selling their services to White "Conservatives".

Stay Vigilant!  Obama has won every encounter with his Haters in Congress; and throughout the Sewer States!  As a result, they're busy ripping each other apart, while we all watch on T.V.!  Obama's weapons are intelligence, patience, and discipline!  Both, the Media, and Republicans, lack  these qualities.  HINT:  The filthy lucre that attracts whites in MEDIA, also chains Non-Whites to their Oppressors.  Current technology, linked with Obama's qualities, can lead to FREEDOM from their clutches!

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Saturday, April 9, 2016

can WHITE MALES (find their) PLACE?? ... a 21st Century; "Post-JIM CROW" aMERIKa??
We have several "Races" in play, simultaneously, in the United States; in a count-down to November, 2016!  White Males are wracking their brains, attempting to Master, and Control, and Dominate; all  CRAP they think is their Birthright; in ALL of them!

Most urgent, is the RACE to determine the fate of, what used to be, the Republican Party!  TRUMP and CRUZ are busy choking it to death, while Ryan and Kasich are busy laying Life-Lines.  Second; what will be the fate of the Clintons?  Will they go down Jeb's "Sewy-Hole"??  If so, what, then, happens to, what used to be, the Democrat Party?

White Males, Rich, Poor, and, those "faking riches"; all think they can FIX the outcome, and turn it their way!  Women, however, are, finally, both AT the table, and, ON the table; in 2016!  Women also hold the key to the VOTE in the General Election.  The Complexities of  "Hill and Bill" are now beginning to show, everywhere!  There are an unknown number of  White Folks, all genders, who are "Lyin' like HELL to Pollsters about their feelings for TRUMP.  Put all this Crap in your pipe and "smoke it"; if you dare!

Golf gives White Males some hope.  In what was always "their" Sport; Tiger Woods was "done in" by those Whites he allowed to do it to him!  In Golf, at least, there seems to "Life After a Black Guy", for White Males, in aMeRiKa!  They're keeping their fingers crossed that something similar will work for White Males at the White House?  Yeah, but what if it's TRUMP?  His followers seem perfectly willing to "Burn Down the House"!!  What if Hillary Wins??  You can bet; there will be a HOT Time for the Country!! ... UNLESS the Voters get rid of ALL Republicans in the House of Representatives!!

GOD took Scalia too soon!  McConnell has been "headed off at the pass"!  He has "hunkered down" in the Senate!  His ass-hole-buddy, Boehner, got the F**k "outta-Dodge"!  Ryan, lie a professionally "shrinking" VIOLET, is timidly making noises about taking the Prize??

Stay Vigilant!  There are still White Males with Common Sense, out there!  The question is whether they will turn TOWARD or AGAINST Trump and Cruz (as V.P.), in the secrecy of the Ballot Box.  Order extra ammunition, or extra Booze, or Both!  These are TIMES that try all ass-holes!  CONGRESS is to blame for every damn bit of it!!

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Friday, April 8, 2016

are MINORITIES (their own worst) "Enemies"??

Women; Blacks; Natives; Immigrants; "Other" ??

Take your "Pick"!  No matter how, or, whom, you view a "Minority"; tragedy lies in the fact that the list continues to grow; in 2016.

It is also a tragedy that Rachel Robinson, at the age of 93, reportedly asked Ken Burns to tell the story of Jackie Robinson, once again, to a young generation that does not know him.  Ken told Charlie Rose about it last night.  Why not somebody, anybody; who is NOT White, for Heaven's Sake!  Do Blacks still believe that a White Person is the only legitimate source from which to learn of their Experiences in this Country??  Could it be, that Blacks with the mind-set of Ned McCaslin in The Reivers, by Faulkner (1962); might, still feel that they are "more Kin" than regular White Trash; and, thereby, achieve  "validation" by having their experiences related by someone who is White?  Our White MEDIA clearly prefers to speak only with other Whites about people of "Color".  Non-whites in Media in the USA are used predominantly as "Tools", or "Background", in 2016.  Heaven forbid!; some Non-White discussing their plight on T.V. with only fellow group members!!

I reflect back on those days back in the late 1940s when Jackie Robinson's name was on the lips of all Black Children.  Whether or not; we liked Baseball (I loved to play the game; but, didn't care for '"The Game"); Jackie; Roy Campanella, Satchel Paige, were names we all knew, along with Joe Louis, and Jesse Owens.  We all KNEW our athletes were often better than White Ones!  Even Hitler  admitted that!!  It is hard to believe; that World was "cashed-in" for the results we now have with "Integration".  Whites do NOT view Jackie Robinson; either in those days, or, NOW; in the same way he has been viewed by Blacks!  Ken Burns and Charlie spoke of him, last night as some kind of "trophy" that credits White "management" of Racism in this Country.  That view of Blacks, circa 2016, by Whites is certainly confirmed by popular treatment of President Obama, Trayvon Martin, or, by the followers of TRUMP and CRUZ.  The recognition of fellow human beings  is absent in white dialog.  

Women; Immigrants; (from Mexico, and Muslim Nations), and other "marginalized groups" are finding their futures further in doubt; as expressed by Republican Candidates, Judges on our Supreme Court, and, by the Republican Members of Congress.

Stay Vigilant!  Minorities have to recognize their failure to face squarely current  White attitudes, and  failures resulting from their stubborn belief that they can "win-over" the kind of White who would choose TRUMP or CRUZ.  They have to take charge of their image, and their narrative!  Continuing to allow dominant Whites to treat these anyway they choose, only prolongs their difficulties and deepens their pain.

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Wednesday, April 6, 2016

REPUBLICANS: Wisconsin and Ohio WATERLOO (2016)

From Ripon, WI (1854); to TerribleTeddy" CRUZ(2016)
From Ripon -- to Rip-OFF?

Thanks to the Wisconsin Voters, yesterday, the United States of America may have a fighting chance to secure a future with neither; a President CRUZ; nor, a President TRUMP!  A "brokered" Republican Convention, in July, is much more likely now!  Neither of the current "front-runners", in, what remains of a GOP that is suffering from a 36-year-long Curse of Reagan; appears to be able to win, outright, the required number of Delegates to become their Nominee; on the First Ballot!

What remains of the GOP, (Republican Party) is garbage; caused by a Mob of uneducated, Bigoted, Violence-Prone Members from the Sewer States, mostly, who TRASHED it -- in their defense of White Supremacy!  As, with any mass revolt, the participants are incapable of managing the results of their disruption; whatever is left; that they failed to destroy, or crap on, in their anger!  What passes for GOP Leadership, is now struggling to "finish-off" the threat of TRUMP, and, later, to find a way to "snuff" CRUZ!  A disgraceful End, to what once was a respectable Political Party, looms  ahead for them.

The FIGHT, ahead, in the GOP, can be better understood, if you have seen, and understand, the Movie: The Big Short.  Buy a copy and watch it a few times.  It's a film that you have to listen to, intently!  It tells a tale in which  "Suckers" agree to be "screwed"; only, if their Assailant first explains how he intends to "screw" them!!  We've come along way from P.T. Barnum, folks!!

We live in a world where vultures are reproduced instantly! Their victims turn into vultures, in the process!  They seem to believe there is some "bigger-fool" available for them to "Screw"!  So it goes with Politicians in the Republican Party.  McConnell, who runs the Senate, set the scene for his fellow Repoobs, when he set out to to make sure President Obama served only One Term!  He, and his side-kick, Boehner, tried every trick they could come up with; and FAILED to cause Obama to Fail!!  Now it looks like the Citizens of the United States may find a way to stop the bleeding caused by this "Ship of Fools".

Stay Vigilant!  The RULES everyone talks about, are really LAWS!  LAWS that were passed by Congress, (Senate and House).  Republicans have HIGH-JACKED our Congress.  They did so to get control of the MONEY.  Not for themselves, so much, as for their BIG MONEY BOSSES.  To stop the bleeding, the Voters have to TAKE BACK the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES!!  That's where OUR MONEY is held hostage.

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Sunday, April 3, 2016

TRUMP: "Uniter"? ... of MOBs? ... with GOP??

This stuff, just won't stay "Hidden"!!

Since Nixon and Reagan, the GOP has not been too shy of its "links" to Racism.  They deny it, of course, as do most White Americans,  The evidence has been in plain sight; for as long as we've been a Country.  They shrink, however, from being "linked" to Organized Crime, or, "The MOB"!!  Maybe, MEDIA is getting the courage to look closer at this?

Blacks in my Generation have always known about the MOB; from stories told by Louie Armstrong and Lena Horne.  Whites, comfortable in their "Bubble", have not only feigned ignorance of this Past, but have managed to fashion it into popular "Entertainment".  These "Bad Guys", were converted to "Good Guys" for this Generation of Whites!  Thet have, really, ALWAYS been "bad guys"!!

MOBs penetrated Labor Unions, Teacher's Unions, and now, Political Parties; -- just about anywhere they found someone they could Bully or Corrupt, or both.  The corruption has spread to Police and Sheriff's Organizations, and Prosecutors.  Maybe one of them is now brazen enough to run for the Presidency??

Enter TRUMP into Politics -- on the GOP stage!  His welcome, and his stardom, so far, furtive, is now beginning to wane.  The GOP would like for us to believe it's about the KKK; but nobody really believes that!  Can the Republican Party survive their links to both types of MOBs?? 

Stay Vigilant!  This is not NEW; Truman was linked to the Pendergast "Machine" (Google it)!  The GOP sent the White Middle Class to the Poor House, under Bush and Cheney.  Maybe, as a result, we're returning to the raw and crooked 1930s??

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Saturday, April 2, 2016

is DYLAAN ROOF a "Threat" to White Folks??

Why they "Should See it, that way"!! ...
Dylaan will "turn 22" tomorrow!  He marked the year he "became legal" by slaughtering Black Worshipers, in their Church, in Charleston, S.C.  That was almost 9 months ago; and already, our Racist MEDIA has swept all mention and views of the event from earshot and memory!  His plea was "not guilty" (of course; the witnesses were all BLACK)!  On the same day, CNN announced DONALD TRUMP's candidacy for the Presidency.

Almost before the gun cooled, Blacks who survived that incident offered their "forgiveness"!!
That should scare HELL out of White Folk!!  Why?  There's plenty of evidence around that Blacks like these are "dyin' off" !  Old, literal-believers, in the BIBLE are not being reproduced as plentifully as they once were.  The Black Mindset of the Old South may have suffered a "shock" from this Event. Obama, singing the old Slave Ship Captain's Tune at the Funeral, may have consoled Whites much more than it consoled Blacks.

More on the Classic Black-Mindset in the USA:  It came from the BIBLE!   My Dad, with a 6th Grade Education, developed his "Wisdom" from the Bible.  That "education" served his Generation well -- it HAD to!!  My Generation, and those who follow, will need to know much more -- starting with European tampering with the Bible; that took place in 1611. Reza Aslan's Zealot, is a good place to start learning the real story of Jesus!   (Google it)!!

Too many Blacks, in 2016, still believe that Jesus is GOD, and, GOD is WHITE!  They proudly show this in the stained glass windows of their Churches.  People outside of the Old South know the REAL Color of Jesus!  It wasn't WHITE; as defined by Taney's SCOTUS, in their Plessy Decision.  It was NOT WHITE, even, as defined by NIXON's Five Boxes; used to paint colors on all American Citizens.  It's unmistakably clear that a white skin has been consistently used as a basis for ruling this country!

Stay Vigilant!  GOD, certainly, did not construct these FEARS: kept alive by White Politicians to cling to Power in the United States. as it was designed by our Founders, more than two-hundred years ago!!  Erdogan, President of Turkey, cites Islamophobia on Rise in the U.S.  Politicians obviously feel Whites are in need of another FEAR; to keep them "in their place"?? 
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Friday, April 1, 2016

do BLACKS need "PROTECTION" (from CRUZ and TRUMP)??

Is Carson a Sonderkommando for TRUMP??

Throughout our History, Congress has steadfastly refused to Pass an Anti-Lynching Law to protect Blacks from lynchings throughout our Sewer States!  Today, with CRUZ and TRUMP holding sway over these Dregs, who delight in such violence, the question arises as to whether Blacks should continue to depend on the Southern Poverty Law Center as their sole DEFENSE against such scum??

Pick up your Mirror!  If you don't see blue veins peeking out from a pale white skin; YOU have something to worry about, should either of these Reprobates get elected President this Fall!

Stay Vigilant!  Pull your heads out of the Butts of the Talking Heads who run our MEDIA!  Grab a book, go on line; Google the Internet; tell your friends -- and VOTE  like your life and property, and that of anyone you care about, is under grave THREAT!!

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