Who were they?? .. anyway!
A lot has been "said" in MEDIA about the "Obama-Voter". Tomorrow; Iowa, first in the Nation, Caucuses: we may get some answers. That's assuming we KNOW who voted for Obama in 2008, and 2012.
I remember a Black Woman who called-in to C-Span before the 2008 Caucus in Iowa: "who's gonna vote for a black guy for President?? What's a name like O-B-A-M-A? ... anyway". The Iowa Caucus of 2008 answered HER questions! Blacks like her quickly changed their tunes and their opinions after Iowa. Will "lightning strike" in Iowa again?? We should know tomorrow night. Many are hoping Iowa will enter the Record Books, again; this time, as the State that first-selected a Female Candidate as their winner!
How many white voters chose Obama, thinking that he was only "half-black", and, therefore, more Anti-Black than Clarence or Condi? The Republicans knew right away that THEY didn't want anything to do with Obama! They decided on the day of his Election that they would NOT COOPERATE!! ... and did that in a manner never before seen, with any other President, in our History! In spite of leaving a hole in our economy big enough to scare the Hell out of McCain; Republicans set to work right away opposing every step he took to FIX it, while also denying him just about every Resource they could, to do his job. These past seven years have been like some Uncle Remus Tale, where Obama "out-foxed" those bastards, at every turn!
Republicans worked themselves into such a "Tizzy", that they DESTROYED their Party; as they tried to pick a Candidate who would be acceptable to the Voting Public, following Obama's 2nd Term! Their choices have been nothing less than "bizarre". We'll be scratching our heads for some time, trying to explain TRUMP, CRUZ, and CARSON, in the same Clown Car with a lesser Cuban, named RUBIO! TRUMP and CARSON proclaim loudly their Non-Politician status; while both Cubans offer us bad and worse choices from their world of Latin Oligarchs and Dictators.
Stay Vigilant! One more day and we can determine which POLLS were pure "Bull-Sh*t!!
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