Sunday, January 31, 2016

The WHITE "Obama-Voter" ...(who get's them?)

Who were they?? .. anyway!

A lot has been "said" in MEDIA about the "Obama-Voter".  Tomorrow; Iowa, first in the Nation, Caucuses: we may get some answers.  That's assuming we KNOW who voted for Obama in 2008, and 2012.

I remember a Black Woman who called-in to C-Span before the 2008 Caucus in Iowa:  "who's gonna vote for a black guy for President??  What's a name like O-B-A-M-A? ... anyway".  The Iowa Caucus  of 2008 answered HER questions!  Blacks like her quickly changed their tunes and their opinions after Iowa.  Will "lightning strike" in Iowa again??  We should know tomorrow night.  Many are hoping Iowa will enter the Record Books, again; this time, as the State that first-selected a Female Candidate as their winner!

How many white voters chose Obama, thinking that he was only "half-black", and, therefore, more Anti-Black than Clarence or Condi?  The Republicans knew right away that THEY didn't want anything to do with Obama!  They decided on the day of his Election that they would NOT COOPERATE!! ... and did that in a manner never before seen, with any other President, in our History!  In spite of leaving a hole in our economy big enough to scare the Hell out of McCain; Republicans set to work right away opposing every step he took to FIX it, while also denying him just about every Resource they could, to do his job.  These past seven years have been like some Uncle Remus Tale, where Obama "out-foxed" those bastards, at every turn!

Republicans worked themselves into such a "Tizzy", that they DESTROYED their Party; as they tried to pick a Candidate who would be acceptable to the Voting Public, following Obama's 2nd Term!   Their choices have been nothing less than "bizarre".  We'll be scratching our heads for some time, trying to explain TRUMP, CRUZ, and CARSON, in the same Clown Car with a lesser Cuban, named RUBIO!  TRUMP and CARSON proclaim loudly their Non-Politician status; while both Cubans offer us bad and worse choices from their world of Latin Oligarchs and Dictators.

Stay Vigilant!  One more day and we can determine which POLLS were pure "Bull-Sh*t!!

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Saturday, January 30, 2016


BEWARE the TRUMP-"Distraction"

"Piped" to their DOOM, by the likes of TRUMP and CRUZ;  RED Politics "Know-Nothings" in the USA, have no "world view" that extends beyond the nearest Barrio, Reservation, or Ghetto!
They are unconcerned, as well as unaware, of what the Middle East, the Historic "Cradle of Civilization"; portends, for us ALL, as a CRADLE of DEATH!

The Region is led, by the likes of Assad, Netanyahu, the Egyptian Military, and self-invited to that Cradle, Putin! 

Reports broadcast today, are, that Putin is using his position in Syria, to weaken Supply Routes into Turkey!

Is Putin watering the seeds of World War III?  Are we too distracted by ass-hole Politics, and Ass-holes in Politics, to pay proper attention??  Don't expect those Farmers in Iowa to "save" us!!

Set off, on a path that has lead to this circumstance, by Dick and Dubya, in 2003; the entire World is suffering more and more, every day!  TRUMP and CRUZ would have us all believe that ISIS is the cause; and killing them, the CURE??  Only a scared-silly REPOOB would believe that CRAP!!  DickandDubya had the leader of what is now ISIS "locked up"; and released him!!  Elect Incompetence, and you might wind up getting your head handed to you!!

The entire USA is caught "crying in its beer" over the fact that the massive Wealth we were left with at the end of World War II, has been squandered, since!!  You can bet the RICH WHITES in the USA know this!  That's why they provide unlimited funds to keep the American Voters staring at their ass-holes!

Stay Vigilant!  The people who successfully warned: the "British are Coming", were few in number.  No POLL today would give then a glance!  Ain't it funny that the Republicans, and other CONSERVATIVES, would have us all in a sweat over the possibility that Hillary might have mis-handled a few e-mails; YET, they have NO concern over the CERTAINTY that Snowden gave-away, to our Enemies, more Classified Information than ever before in our HISTORY!  Try to explain THAT!!

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All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC

Friday, January 29, 2016

will the USA "Become" SYRIA??

What does the "FOX Affair" Tell us??

Last Night's Affair, on the FOX Channels, exposed more of the "Guts" of the Repoob, "RED"
Politics that is besieging the United States.  Posing as a legitimate Presidential Debate, sans TRUMP and Fiorina, it became a "little boys" nite-out??  We got a closer look at how "little" the boys had to offer.  Even without TRUMP, there was enough HATE spoken; by CRUZ (out of the shadow of "the DONALD"), and, surprisingly, Chris Christie; who was down-right "belligerent"!

What's the parallel with Syria?  PREDATION!!  After years on end, the Syrian People are showing us what a Predatory Government comes to, in extremity.  Ours is a Government, defined by our Founders to be Predatory.  As DeTocqueville found in 1830, unlimited rank and privileges were reserved for the Landed, White, Anglo-Saxon Protestant, Male!  Thirty years later, the UN-Landed, White Males, in our South, revolted against our UNION, and fought a bloody war against UN-Landed, and Un-propertied, mostly white Males who were of every Religion.  Our Government was, then, re-designed, with Un-Propertied, White Males (North and South), of all Religions, except for Jews, in charge.  The PREY remained the same: Blacks, Natives, and a few other people who were not white.

Like our Lottery, players in this type of scheme, are those who expect to WIN, at the expense of other players.  To keep the Prey "in their place" TERROR, in the form of a not-so-secret KLAN, formed the substrate of what became a JIM CROW Nation.  That lasted 100 years -- from 1870 to 1970.
Since 1970, the original PREY has become slowly wiser, and a New Revision (with RED Politics) is emerging.  Curiously, "Red Politics" works best for those who claim they are NOT "Politicians".  CRUZ is the most "driven" in this cause; while TRUMP has the Resources to "Cash In"  Their Followers (LOSERs?), who clamor to their feet, are, like the Lottery Player, convinced that they, as individuals, will WIN; at the expense of everyone else.  "America" in their mind, is no longer the collective of  WHITES; it is devolving to these "Individuals".  The Bundy Capers in Nevada, and, now, Oregon, show us how there minds work.

They actually believed that a few Rednecks with Guns would take Private ownership of our Public Lands!!

Stay Vigilant!  Its obvious those Syrians who thought they were WINNERs under Assad, are now the MIGRANTS storming Europe in search of Bed and Shelter!   It takes a lot of Money to make that trip -- those Syrians without money remain under the bombs of Assad and Putin!  Be Careful who you VOTE for!!

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Thursday, January 28, 2016

How FLINT "exposes" TRUMP and CRUZ??

RED "Politics"

Can you "See" FLINT, and "See" Real-Estate?  Did you "Hear" last night, the PATTERN of Disenfranchisement , that Governor Snyder has pursued? A member of the Legislature, charged Snyder with selectively "taking-over" every municipality or district; in the State of Michigan;  where BLACKs were elected as Leaders!

Do you realize the disconnect between the POLL numbers for TRUMP and CRUZ and the numbers of "Likely Voters"?  

Traditionally, we elect people to office to provide us safe and clean streets, Sewer Service, Fire Protection, CLEAN and SAFE WATER, etc.  Do you think, for a moment, that either CRUZ or TRUMP gives a Damn!, about any of this?  We've switched from electing Politicians to Celebrities!  And we wonder why our Democracy is on its Death-Bed!!

In Germany the Nazi Movement brought on the Holocaust, but we ignore their systematic "looting" of Jewish Wealth!  In the United States Wealth is continually shifted and managed, through our Real Estate Industry; in league with Banks, and often corrupt Government Officials.  We have a Real Estate Mogul as the lead candidate for President, in the Republican Party.

Neither TRUMP, nor CRUZ give a Damn about either the Republican or Democrat Parties!  Their rabid supporters are RED Party Voters, aka "Tea" Party!  They can be found in Gerrymandered Districts in both, the Democrat and Republican Parties.  Look at the spread of RED on our National Map!

I have Real-Estate Records of the Properties my Relatives, the Bridgewaters, owned in Tulsa, where a POGROM (not a "Riot") occurred in 1921.  All of those properties were, ultimately seized by the State of Oklahoma, using Eminent Domain Laws.  The records of HUD "policies"; from LBJ to this day; and, of  Mortgage "lending" of our Big BANKS, are replete with selective seizure of properties owned by Blacks, other Non-Whites, and the Poor.

Stay Vigilant!  This Movement we are in the midst of, may be all about the use of Government to keep property wealth on the WHITE Side of the Color Line??  Do we have a perfect storm of Government mis-deeds, mixed with the uncanny ability of the Real Estate Industry to "paint" the face of POVERTY and Racial Discrimination in our Country?  From "Gentlemen's Agreements", to "Restrictive Covenants"; that History is clear to review.  If they FIX FLINT, Real-Estate Values will rise and BIG MONEY will profit from that.  The Poor and the Non-White will be "driven-out"!!

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Wednesday, January 27, 2016

CELIA: the "SWEET" cruz ??

For those of us who PREFER Sanity??

For a "Break" from this never-ending "nightmare", or "Halloween" of TRUMP/CRUZ; might I suggest we turn our attention to CELIA CRUZ

One of my female songstress FAVORITES, I was privileged to catch her Live Performance, in El Paso, in 2001!

Wanna know the History of Cuba?  Don't look to "we-wanna-be-white" Cubans in Miami, that are so beloved by Republicans and Cracker Media; do some research!  You'll be shocked to find the brilliance and unparalleled talent, that Media has hidden from the American Public; because, as Nat King Cole remarked: they're still "afraid of the dark"! Oh, I forgot to mention:  Celia was as Black as Nat King Cole!  And proud to be!  She also was a proud Cuban -- although Castro did not see her that way.  That was his loss, it turns out.  Moms Mabley had Castro pegged correctly, when she told us about him "pluckin' chickens" in the Hotel Teresa, in Harlem!

CELIA provides the shock we all may need, to return to SANITY; and save our Nation from the EVIL threatened by TRUMP and the "white-supremacist" CRUZ (named Ted)!  Iowa has been invaded by Aliens, it appears!  We all know Celia's music, even though the Crackers have managed to keep her image hidden.  She is, after all; The Queen of Latin Music!!

Stay Vigilant!  If the Non-Whites of the World manage to "wake up" from the Curse the Catholic Church placed them under, starting when they expelled the Moors from Spain; they might save themselves from the massive Economic Rape that is in preparation!  The real question:  Will Black Cubans permit the white supremacist "Batista's"  to return to POWER in Cuba??  Check out the BLACK History of Cuba!!

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All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

R U "Playin' Games" with somethin' (or, someone) U HAVE to "LIVE" with??

Ther's-ain't nuthin'
I can do;
Nuthin' I can say; 
That they don't 
Does this "strike a nerve"?  On your job; in your home; all over the T.V.;  with your spouse; with your Kids -- where does it STOP?  It does'nt!!  Its GLOBAL!  It's our NEW AGE!

Thanks to the Federal Reserve, Hedge Fund Ass-holes are roaming the Globe looking for ways to make a fast Buck, with "free", taxpayer's MONEY!  We all should know, by now,  that MONEY is Deaf, Dumb, and Blind!  It wouldn't know a "good idea" if it crawled up "you-know-where"!  Instead, you find Hedge Money on your JOB; figuring out how to get its "investment" back.  In one way or another, it comes down to the employees -- from the top of the Enterprise, to its bottom.  People are the most expensive part of just about any business!  So, been laid-off yet?  How many times?  Are you over 45 years of age?  You should know you are the most expensive worker -- going forward -- regardless of your gender, race, education, special skills, etc.  Your health care and your pension costs are to be avoided at all "costs"??  Why do you think the Fat Cats get a "contract" when they're hired?

At home, you blame your wife; she blames you; the kids hate and fear both of you.  Sound like HELL?? Welcome to 2016!  TRUMP loves all of this.  It's ready made for his brand of Bull-Sh*t!!
Runnin' out of people to hate or fear?  The Repoobs are "Johnny-on-the-spot".  Their Dupes are climbing over themselves to get at TRUMP -- and CRUZ (the real, EVIL one).

Hate Mexicans?  Check out Fremont, Houston, Austin, Eisenhower:  these are guys in our History who successfully got "rid" of Mexicans.  TRUMP and Cruz promise to do it again!

Stay Vigilant!  There ain't no easy answers.  The best I have to offer is to learn, and teach your kids, how to manage TIME and MONEY.  Of the two, TIME has the FIXED budget.  Also learn that what's happening now is NOT YOUR FAULT!   Escape into SPACE is not a viable option!  We'd better learn how to "Get Along" with each other.  Unfortunately, Netanyahu, Assad, Putin, (and TRUMP?) will have to learn it FIRST!

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Monday, January 25, 2016

will BLACKs in the AMERICAs "ever" OVERCOME the "Booker-T Curse" ??

a Time to "Reflect"?

As the Candidacies of TRUMP and CRUZ (and those other "also-rans" among Repoobs) show; the White Right is firmly in Control of our Politics in 2016; thanks to the "Gift that keeps on Giving" -- Booker T. Washington!  They OWN his legacy, as shown by Clarence Thomas (thanks to Daddy Bush); Condi Rice (thanks to "W" Bush), and "Stand Your Ground" aka JEBs LAW (no thanks, to JEB Bush)!  Booker T's gift to Crackerdom was stated in his famous "Five Fingers Speech" at the Atlanta Exposition, in 1895.  Taking from Phillis Wheatley's "On Being Brought to America" to America", Booker T Washington.; the darling of White Industrialist supporters of JIM CROW, and touted Black Leader;  declared that Black People were NOT Human, and, therefore, deserved no Human Rights.  As Wheatley allowed, however, they could be "refined".  Miss Condi stressed her "refinements"; while Thomas hid his; behind Scalia.  Both, have left Blacks in the USA, and throughout all Continents, in psychological servitude to a multitude of White Institutions.  BEHOLD!  The BLACK (ameriken) CONSERVATIVE !!

Eschewing much wiser individuals as Role Models; such as, Frederick Douglass, or Thurgood Marshall, or, Malcolm-X; we've, istead, allowed these Black "Conservatives", whose lack of belief in their own humanity appears permanent; to continue the most egregious impacts of Slavery!!  The facts  -- that the Black victims in the South Carolina church waited patiently for their turn to die; and the Jury in the Trayvon Trial could find no grounds, within "White Justice", to punish his murderer; just about sum-up our current circumstance -- as a People, and, as a Nation!  Are these today's "book-ends" for that History??

In the meantime, the old Ball keeps roll-in' along!  We assert our "achievements" for, what we mistake as "knowledge" that was stuffed into our heads by white sources.   We fail to use  today's unparalleled technological capabilities, to ferret out TRUTH!  The "Baby-Momma" Factories are running today, almost as efficiently as they did on the Plantations,  described by Douglass.  We can now "visit" with newly-freed Slaves, thanks to the writing of W.E.B. Dubois, and his description of their day-to-day lives of in the Hills of Tennessee.

Stay Vigilant!  The price of staying this course grows higher by the day.  Black children were safer in those surroundings, described by Du Bois, than they are on the streets of the United States today!!
What's life like, near YOU?

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Sunday, January 24, 2016

"WHITE-OUT!" ... (??)

What are the "Heavens" Telling Us? (again)

We awaken this morning to the passing of an Historic Snow/Hurricane in the U.S.!
Millions were "blanketed" by a massive snow blizzard that covered much of the Eastern Third of the Country.

I wrote about the last "system" that was a record event in that region:  (SANDY v. KATRINA) in my Blog, dated 31Oct2012 -- days before Obama beat Romney, and, won his Second Term.  Guv'na Christie got "beside himself" and hugged Obama!!  That sunk both careers,  (Romney and Christie ), it seems.  This storm was NOT a "white-out", however, because the wind speeds did not reach high enough to "snow-blind" people..

Politically, the message is very different, however.  Only days before the first votes are taken in Iowa, our MEDIA, and the Nation are breathless to learn what the chances are that a WHITE MALE will return to the White House; later this year.  The fate of the Republican Party, also, seems to hang in the balance.

White Voters are struggling with the decision; whether to risk their Country, in their Drive to restore White  Male "Leadership" to the United States!  If Voting took place today, it could be TRUMP, or CRUZ, according to our "arm-chair strategists"; posing as Journalists!  They can't hide their Biases, as they cheer for their favorite white male candidate.  The CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE, once again, is all the BUZZ!  In 2012, those voters cast their fate with Romney and the Mormons -- and lost their asses!  The Meanest and Most Racist of these Voters, today, are leaning toward a "Putin-light" -- either TRUMP or CRUZ.

What are the rest of the White Voters thinking?  Hillary would LOVE to know!  Bernie is the next  White Male possibility.  How does the white-voter curve decline; from the "Best"  Whites to their Dregs; who support Cop Killings, Water-Poisoning, and Disenfranchisement of Non-White Voters??  In North Carolina; and in Flint and Detroit, and other Michigan Cities, the Guv'na has imposed "Appointed Boards" to replace elected officials!  The Road to Dictatorship in the USA appears tempting to many of our White Voters in Iowa and New Hampshire.

Stay Vigilant!  Should the Election become a repeat of 2000, the Constitution provides for the House of Representatives to select the next President!  Whoopee!  Would the Repoobs DARE to appeal to Thomas and Scalia again??  Across the Pond, both Poland and Hungary appear to be trod-ding a road back toward their Stalin and Hitler Past!

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Saturday, January 23, 2016

REPUBLICANS: signal the END of "CIVICs"??

It's clear in FLINT!

Public Protection; Public Safety; Sanitation; Clean Water!!  These are the BASICS of  "good government"!  In the USA, as Minorities have always known, "Government" in Towns, Cities, Counties, States, and at the FEDERAL level, have ALWAYS deprived Minorities of these things!
That has provided the mainstay for White economic POWER!  You could always identify the Minority Sections of someplace (Barrios, Reservations, Black-Towns, Tenderloins, etc) -- that's where the paved roads were absent, Health Care, was rarely found, etc.  Now, in Flint, MI, the REPOOB Guv'na has found a way to Poison the Children of his Poor and Minority Populations!  As DeTocqueville found in 1830, the Children of Natives and Blacks were the most consistent targets for Mayhem by Whites.  Their Christian Churches were first used; most often.  Later, the "Christian" Missionaries spear-headed their swing toward Colonialism, near the end to the African Slave Trade.

Today, we're in the throes of a Third Economic Revolution, to match that of the transition from Agriculture to Industrialization.  Unlike those transitions, where the next JOBS were clear, and present; this one is characterized by the Disappearance of JOBS, everywhere on the Planet!  (Check Out Tunisia).  The White and, the Rich, recognize this, and, are grabbing every Nickel they can get their hands on!  (Repoobs want to "trash" Veterans, by "privatizing" the VA)!!

In the last transition, Fat Cats left behind lasting "institutions", like Libraries, Industries, and, Railroads.  Today's "geniuses" leave NOTHING, but short-lived, and crappy Products!  They plundered the basic Technologies (the REAL Golden Goose) for CASH!  Whites have never seen much beyond quick riches.  That's the the "New World" meant to them!  Gates and Jobs may "modify" Libraries, but they've left nothing, lasting, to REPLACE them!  

Whites in the USA spurned "book-knowledge"; treasuring white skin over a bright mind!  After using our Public School System to build today's White Tribe, they abandoned it to use by those whose goals were to confuse, and mis-educate Minority Children.  TRUMP, and Palin, are what we got for that!

Stay Vigilant!  Not ONE of the Repoobs in our House of Representatives have a CLUE, as to where their truculence leads; for the future for their children, and this Nation!  A popular white Historian remarked a couple of nights ago on T.V. that "for the first time, the CENTER may not hold" -- meaning that the KNOW NOTHINGS may rise again to power in 2016!  The "Middle" (undecided voters) who usually swing between the 20% on our Extremes (Right and Left), may stick with TRUMP and the Extreme White Right this year.

HINT: Want to end Gerrymandering and regain a House of Representatives that "works"??  Change your Representatives at every opportunity; the way healthy people change their underwear!!

Copyright © 2016:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC

Friday, January 22, 2016

R these "PERILOUS" Times, for BLACKS?? ...

... and OTHER Non-Whites??

Our "Markets", today,  closed "up", at the end of a very scary week; unlike any in the past several years!  The ELECTION Hysteria in our "Instigating" MEDIA (what HE said, about YO Mama; Makes ME;Mad!!): is operating at Fever Pitch!!  Less than one year from today, President Obama's two terms in office will pass into the History Books!

Election Rhetoric is CLEAR:  Republican Campaigners are seriously attacking each other; in search of WHITE VOTERS!  Blacks and other Non-Whites are virtually ignored by our MEDIA (more than is "normal").  What does this PORTEND?

Everybody refers to a "Black Community"; in a Christian-Dominated, color-coded Social Order; wherein, anyone who has darker skin shades, becomes your social inferior, and is, somehow, kept -distant.  Hollywood is making Damn Sure everybody gets THAT message, this year! So; in that context, how can "Community" even exist?  Is there a place to go to find out who has your "hue"; and there, you can determine how large your "Community" is, and WHO share it?  Kinda sounds Crazy; doesn't it?  Oh, Well, TRUMP makes no sense; and, nobody seems to care about THAT!  Throw in Palin, and we all start babbling like IDIOTS!

BLACKS can't afford this nonsense, however!  Coming on 250 years of this CRAP, the United States appears near to "Blowin' A Gasket".  Don't think, for a moment, we can't experience anything as bad as events in our PAST!  Conditions today, economically, and socially, mirror the period from 1812 through 1850.

Stay Vigilant!  The MEDIA is full of misinformation concerning ENTREPRENEURIAL-ISM!!   They consider any Mom-and-Pop enterprise to fit the jargon/pitch/hustle/PR that they blare at us! Much of the "deals" they offer, are "Cons"!  Your Money, or, Your Life! or, BOTH (when "Health" Care" is the issue)!! 

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All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC 

Thursday, January 21, 2016

One, Big, DYSFUNCTIONAL (usa) "Family"??

reversing the "One-Drop-Rule"??

While Marco, and other "Tea-Colored" Cubans hope (in vain) that they will be considered "white-enough" by their Supremacist Associates; I can show them many BLACK Missourians who are "whiter than Nancy Reagan"!!

Perhaps the best the Cubans can hope for is a reversal of the Supreme Court's "One-Drop" Ruling, handed down under Plessy, a hundred years ago.  Nixon and his fellow Brigands screwed with all of our lives when they "ginned" up their famous 5 Boxes; used by OMB to sort us all out, for the Census every 10 years.  It's amazing how many times they've "tinkered" with the color definitions for who is White, and who ain't white-enough!!   Welcome to the Ameriken Family, where we run our Nut-Cases and, "Affable Dummies" for President!  We don't keep them hidden away!

Under the current One-Drop rule, our Nation is governed by White Males.  They write the LAWS; decide who are "criminals", which LAWS they won't ENFORCE; and, decide which segments of our Financial Markets they will declare WAR on (Cancer, Drugs, that sort of thing).  This is how they've used Politics to become Rich; at least, since the "Elevation" of  LBJ in 1963!  We were put firmly on our Road to Hell by Eisenhower, when he chose our first "white trash" V.P.; and then failed to FIRE the S.O.B., when he was caught stealing!  We're still paying for that!

Whites, by reversing the Drop: ( "everyone with at least one-drop of white ancestry";) can achieve a White Majority approaching 90% -- Overnight!!

Stay Vigilant!  Oklahoma did this for their Native Population (turned those were at least 25% Native, White; and then continued to exploit them according to the old patterns).  Blacks have to get much better at "reading" the uses of color that Whites rely on as they wield their Power!  So far, only Blacks like Oprah, Clarence, and Condi, seem to have found a few scraps to hoard  under our present system!  (at the expense of all of the rest of us?)  We Believe too much; We Trust too easily; and we Give Away too much!  We stupidly think "others" will PROTECT us!  No wonder we "lose ground"!!

Copyright © 2016:  Williams LLC
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Wednesday, January 20, 2016

the "COMPANY" (Repoobs) "Keep"??

"Angry"?? when will u get "Scared"??

If the Global Economy is "whistlin' past the Graveyard", today; could it be, in part, because TRUMP has brought PALIN (McCain's "Ellie-Mae"),  back into MEDIA prominence?  If it ain't, it ought'a be!!  Why in HELL would any respectable person want to be seen in this "company"??  Exactly!!

The DOW plunged down over 500 points, today.  With all of the REAL trouble in the world, the USA is concerning itself with the likes of TRUMP and PALIN!!  We hear from the British Parliament deep concerns that the "Most Powerful Nation on Earth" is contemplating someone like TRUMP for its President!!  They're SCARED; why in HELL aren't WE??  My Dad warned us when we were Kids:  "You will become known, by the "company" you keep!!"

Obama told us the TRUTH, about our Economy;  BUT, the Red-Neck Republican Rabble, that holds-hostage our House of Representatives, would have us believe that he is "Lying"!  Where are you putting your Money??

Then; there is the Republican Governor of Michigan!  Peculiar activities, that "smell" like Katrina, are going on in that State.  The deliberate lead-poisoning of the water supply for a City that is majority/minority, brings back memories of the horrible pictures of New Orleans in 2005.
Michigan has also borrowed tactics that use Government powers to take Property from Minorities, against their Will!  Will Detroit and Flint, two impacted Cities in Michigan, and Benton Harbor, where Cops have been found to "pocket" seized properties; become the "Norm" when the likes of TRUMP and Palin acquire the POWER they seek?

Stay Vigilant!  Black Lives will MATTER; when they matter enough to BLACKS, for them to pay keen attention to WHO governs them,  and, HOW they're governed!  You won't find the answers to these questions in CHURCH!  TRUMP and Palin represent the type of "Sectarian" Governance" that is spreading Crime and Corruption across our Planet!

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All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC 

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

TRUMP: "JOHN WAYNE" or: "P.T. Barnum"??

U can CHOOSE yer "LIARS"?

Choose TRUMP and get the "trifecta"??  We find "The Donald" posing with a statue of John Wayne, today, in Iowa.  Wayne is the embodiment of those old "Dime Novel" lies, consumed in the 19th Century, by children who read about our Old WEST!  Hollywood came along and stenciled these "myths" on the psyche of a Nation, with the help of the likes of John Wayne and Ronald Reagan.  P.T. Barnum, whom Trump acknowledges emulating, harks back to the Wagon Trains and the traveling "Medicine Men" of old.  They are most famous for the "Snake Oil" they sold.

I rode with Jabar, as a Buffalo Soldier Reenactor at White Mountain, almost twenty years ago.   Blacks, along with other Non-Whites in this world are beginning to realize that we cannot afford to join Whites in perpetuating these LIES!  It was thousands of Black Soldiers, kept hidden from the Public, who made the OLD WEST safe for the Railroads and for Settlers.  They were the ones who converted the "gunslingers" depicted in Grafton's Bar, in the Movie: "Shane", into Texas Rangers!  Check out the Range Wars at Fort Stanton.  New Mexico Territory held almost two dozen Forts that housed these Black Soldiers between the years 1870 and 1920.  Many Congressional Medals of Honor were issued to them.  Don't trust our Museums, or Hollywood to reflect these facts, though!  Just as we are witnessing Republican theft of credit for President Obama's Achievements; a large segment of White Citizens believe they can continue these old Lies.  Trump is their Leader.  It was NOT a war between the "White Hats", and the "Black Hats" -- it was between the White Gunslingers and the Black Cavalry!

Stay Vigilant!  People who are NOT WHITE must learn more Truths, to protect themselves from the LIES this nation lives on!  The recent movements against HOLLYWOOD and their Racist Ways, is just a START! We have to STOP funding their LIES; and learn our History, from those who tell the TRUTH!  Bernard DeVoto is the best White Historian, for this period of History, for the United States.  Lives built on LIES are twisted lives, filled with tragedy, deception, and disappointments.

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Monday, January 18, 2016

my "Independence" Day

This BLOG is for my Grand-Kids

Almost 59 years ago; I remember it like it was yesterday!  I turned 18, and told my Dad, to his face, that I fully expected to NEVER receive any kind of material support from him, again!  I left the house, got on the train to Saint Louis, and headed for Famous and Barr.  I left there with two girls, ELLA (Fitzgerald) and DINAH (Washington).  They have sustained me until this day, along with BETTY (Carter), CARMEN (McCrae), SARAH (Vaughn), LENA (Horne), NINA (Simone), NANCY (Wilson), GLORIA (Lynne), ABBY (Lincoln), EARTHA (Kitt), BILLIE (Holiday) -- the list is too long!  I have my GUYs too; but when I'm low, I rely on my girls to get things back on track.  GUYs, as usual, are there for the GOOD Times(?)

You know you're "grown", when you can take on the responsibility for your own life, come-what-may!  Whatever you "f*ck-up"; you CLEAN-up!!  That insures you WON'T "f*ck-up", much!!
You have to keep your wits and common-sense switched on (24/7)!  If you you're Black and Male, in the USA; you have to be "On Your Game" constantly.  The Formula the Crackers have used to run this Country insures a tough time for males who are not White - "Enough"!  Why is that?
Because, after BED-SWAPPING, for almost 400 years in the USA, and more than 500 years in the Americas; there is hardly a Male of any age without SOME White Lineage, whether it is recognized in Law or not!  Such is the root of the miseries for all of our citizens!

Thus far into the 21st Century, the most strident of our White Supremacists are On the MARCH!  Their aim is to lock down all Government under their control in Perpetuity!

Stay Vigilant!  I have been fortunate to live when these women, also shared this Earth!  I met many of them, personally!   Pick your own sources of sustenance, but MAKE SURE they are Reliable!  From False Gods, to False Prophets -- this Land has always provided more than most others!  No FORTUNE on the Planet is much more secure than those of the Syrians who now trod the Earth in search of food and shelter!  Governments DESTROY more often, and more quickly than they Create!
Except for the skin-color thing, the Founders of the United States came closer than any other to the recognition of the Evils of Concentrated Power!

Copyright © 2016:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC

PROPAGANDA "trumps" NEWS (in the USA)??

TRUMP "Owns" our MEDIA??

Turning away, in disgust, from the "wall-to-wall" TRUMP, (24/7), on CNN and MSNBC (they ought to know better): I fled to AL JAZEERA-America.  There, I learned there is still NEWS happening on this planet!!  I learned that the Londoners are debating whether to BAN Trump's ass from entering Britain!!

Unlike the U.S., where we piss on our History; the Brits VALUE theirs!  They don't trash their Past, leaving it in the dubious hands of Hollywood.  They came within inches of being bombed out of existence at the hands of the last Tyrant striding the World Stage with this style of Propaganda!   He captured the MEDIA in Europe, in the 1930's.  They KNOW how dangerous these Jack-Asses can be!!

We all HAVE TO KNOW it's PROPAGANDA!.  What the Hell?  WE can RECITE his spiel from memory!!  Our Media has become his whore -- for MONEY!  So much for a "free press" in the U.S!

Want to know what this country would look like under TRUMP?  You can start by looking closely at Snyder's MICHIGAN, or Walker's WISCONSIN.  Red-Runners have spewed out from our Sewers in the South and invaded those States, in addition to Iowa, New Hampshire, New Mexico -- just take a look at the Red States on our Map!  They claim to HATE "Washington"; while allowing Washington Think Tanks to write their State's Legislation.

Stay Vigilant!  (those of you who have NOT fallen for TRUMP)  TRUMP has destroyed the Republican Party, and now turns toward the destruction of the Democratic Party; as he consolidates his POWER!  Take note of Rubio; a chihuaua from Miami; drunk on ambition; who wants us to see him as a Pit-Bull, as he copies TRUMP's style of harangue!

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All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC

Sunday, January 17, 2016

r BLACKs "Blinded" by MLK "martyrdom"??

Black Millenials must USE Social Media, more  Wisely?

Martin Luther King, and the Black Southern Preachers, provided  "Emotional Stimulus" for the Civil Rights Movement -- not the BRAINS!!  The Strategies, Tactics, and Construction of the MOVEMENT must be credited to A. Phillip Randolph; W.E.B. du Bois; Bayard Rustin; Thurgood Marshall, Benjamin O. Davis; AND Malcolm-X!  These Black Leaders were shunted out of the spotlight of the Media at the behest of White Liberal "advisers" to the MOVEMENT!

 Many Black "Reverends" moved to "cash-in" on the Movement within hours after King was killed!  It is way past time for Blacks to FREE the Movement for Civil Rights and Human Rights for Marginalized Americans, from the clutches of the Southern Black Church! Cracker Opposition  in the Deep South,knows what is doing; when it centers its Evil Deeds on the Black Church; and so do politicians like the Bushes and Clintons; as they exploit the Black Church for political purposes. 

Do Blacks have to suffer through another period of Booker T. Washington; Clarence Thomas; and Condoleeza Rice "Leadership"; in order to learn the error of their ways??  How long will this "Plantation", owned and operated by the NFL and NBA, last?? 

If Black Millennials continue to ignore  Brains, while clinging to  Emotions, they will be truly LOST in the future that is in preparation by the likes of TRUMP, CRUZ, RUBIO, and CHRISTIE!

These, erstwhile, "whites" are hearkening to a PAST that reaches back before the Tyrannical Governments of Hitler, Stalin, Franco, and Mussolini.  Our REPUBLICANS are reaching all the way back to the INQUISITIONS of Spain and Portugal; and that version of it that was brought to the Americas, to oppress Natives and Black Slaves.  Ferdinand and Isabella wanted a Homogeneous Spain, and used the Inquisition for that purpose.  The Republican Party is in search of a Homogeneous White Government for the United States!

Stay Vigilant!  Wonder why Tavis Smiley, and others, are be-moaning the facts of "Lost Ground"?? 
Don't blame it on President Obama; blame it on our IGNORANT uses of Social Media; and,  chasing the illusion of Riches through SPORTS. We idolize the likes of Oprah and Toure!  The paths to HELL are numerous!!

Copyright © 2016:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC

Saturday, January 16, 2016

let's END "Black Crime"; in HONOR of MLK??


As the MLK Holiday approaches, we're learning more about the roles "Law Enforcement" played in his murder, and, that of Malcolm-X.  Whether in J.Edgar's FBI files, or the Mississippi "Sovereignty" Commission's files, more evidence is "leaking out".

We can't bring him back; but we can do something useful, about the unjust way our Country practices "Law Enforcement"!  The pitiful fact is that our Politicians on the Hard Right are better informed on this subject than anyone else!  Last Thursday's Debate among the Hate-Mongers, shows the varieties of Race-Hatred held by differing types of "whites", from different regions of our Country.  TRUMP, for example, understands, better than any politician on either side of the color line, or political lines, the nuances of Race in America, and how to manipulate them.  Cruz is heavy-handed and obtuse in his Race Views; no doubt, due to Catholic Dominance of Latin America, and the impact of the Inquisition in the Americas.  Montezuma believed, as did most of the Tribes visited by Lewis and Clark, and those African Tribes who met the early Europeans in places like Rhodesia, that GOD is a White Male!  That was imprinted by the Lash, into African Slaves in what is, today, the United States.  The "Enforcement" files show the complicity of Black "Preachers" in the oppression of Blacks by Governments for more than two centuries, in this country.

Blacks are STUCK in failing strategies -- we have to move on -- past MLK; that that style of Leadership; and that style of ORGANIZATION!!   White organization around skin color Racism is Global, and Centuries old -- reaching back to the Collapse of Rome.  Bonding, among Blacks in the USA, was strongest, and most effective, as it began to grow under JIM CROW.  We failed to see the impact of "Brain Drain" on that Leadership; that resulted from "Integration"!

Stay Vigilant!  ALL Citizens who want to avoid what appears to loom as a future involving Racial Gestapo Policing, should consider DEMANDING a new Program, Nationwide, that teaches all Males between the ages of 10 and 16, the FUNDAMENTALS of Policing, for a Free, Democratic Society!
They should be taught the Discipline, the Threats, and the roles ALL Citizens must play in order to achieve true JUSTICE!  This will relieve Whites of the bone-deep fears of "Crime" they believe emanates from persons of Color.  It will save us $Trillion's in tax burdens, at ALL Levels (Federal, State, and Local).  It would be TRANSPARENT to all Communities.  It would rob Politicians from ever again playing their Racial "Three-Card_Monty" Games at election time; AND; it will put an end to GUNS in the hands of inner-city children!  THINK ABOUT IT!  (it might even put the NRA out-of-business)

Copyright © 2016:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC

Friday, January 15, 2016

TRUMP "slump"?? (calling all) "LOSERs"??

It don't PAY; to be STUPID!!

Reading these "Tea" Leaves, ain't hard to do!  In North Charleston, SC, last night, the assembled Republican Hate and Terror Mongers, all railed against President Obama, in the City where he sang "Amazing Grace"!!  Have they NO SHAME??  Maybe, the're still pissed over the lowering of the Stars and Bars??  Nikki Haley was in the audience, and got a friendly "shout-out" from TRUMP;  before he set about carving up CRUZ!! TRUMP pretended to agree with Haley, by admitting to being "Angry" -- he did NOT admit to being "hate-filled", or "loud-mouthed", or "fear-mongering", or, the biggest LIAR among any politician running during my life-time!  Using "humor" to cover his Racism (and that of CRUZ, and Rubio, in the bargain); Trump continues his "act" of destroying this economy; in ways that will benefit the same Rich people that his "Loser" following pretends be angry with!  We awake this morning to a Stock Market Slump of Record Proportions.  It is WORLD-WIDE!!  Maybe smart people outside the United States recognize the DANGER that TRUMP and CRUZ pose to the Global Economy??

REPOOB-Followers continue to define themselves as those WHITES who still believe the World must always be ruled by White Males??  After almost 8 years of weakening our Domestic Economy to gain political foot-holds; they're now threatening the Global Ecomomy!  What's a scared, white, ignorant, male to do -- these days?  How can they continue to exist, after there is no longer a President Obama to hate?  That hatred is the only thing Republicans agree on.

Not all whites are Republicans, Thank God!!  Not all whites believe they cannot survive in a world where people who are not white are respected; and allowed a voice and an image that shows that they
are as much, or more, civilized, as anyone else!  Hollywood has reverted to type on this issue!  Its current Academy Picks show no nominee who is not at least as "White" as Rubio!  Even Rubio lives in Terror that he is not "white-enough" for white Missourians, for example.

Non-whites, the world over, are beginning to catch on to the game.  Brazil may be "in play" if the economic pressures don't let up.  Watch Sub-Saharan Africa!

Stay Vigilant!  Republican Voters who still believe they can "Run" the World, from their various "stink-holes" in our South, may be the LAST to "get-it"??  Sadly, these people have defined themselves as as those "Amerikens", who are "White" on the Outside, "Black" on the inside; and "scrared to death" of anyone who ain't white!!

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All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

the HALEY "Comet" !!

GOP "Shocker"??

Can you imagine?  "Haley v. Hillary"; or: "Bernie v. Haley"??  THAT would surely underscore President Obama's message last night, in his State of the Union Address: we're not STUCK in anybody's PAST!

The few SANE members of the Republican Party evidently realize that TRUMP and CRUZ, together, or independently, are set to DESTROY what is left of the Republican Party!  There is precious little time left to SAVE our Two-Party System!!

Haley; Governor of South Carolina, a State with Odious, and Racist, History in our nation's politics; a "product" of Palin and her "Tea Party" Followers; obviously was shaken into sensibility by the cherub-faced Dylan Roof!  Maybe she, unlike Jindal of Louisiana, (both: BORN IN THE USA) represents the GOOD that can come from Immigration!  Jindal represents the India of "Untouchables"; while Haley, obviously does not.

If we want clean, and honest GOVERNMENT at the Federal, State, County, City, Town, or Special District levels, we have to ELECT Good People!! People who cannot be BOUGHT!!  Goldwater was at least right about that, when he challenged LBJ's "get rich through politics" path.  If we follow the path laid out for us by President Obama last night, maybe more people, like Haley will become visible, and new possibilities may lie ahead.  GOD knows the Clintons "stink" of the Politics of OLD!  The Bushies; even more!!  The camera caught Rubio last night, looking like he was uncomfortable with the odor emanating from his diapers!

Haley seems to have more INTEGRITY than all of the Republican Candidates, now in the race, COMBINED!!

Then, there's the FEMINIST thing!  Our country appears to be "itichin' to try a WOMAN next.  Drucker taught that Women are "nesters"; Men are NOT!  A society run by working women and idle men, runs counter to the history of all cultures commonly known.  What do we know?  WOMEN are the "Keepers" of Society's NORMS -- not Men!  When RACE is considered; WOMEN (white) have the biggest voice in keeping succeeding generations of white children the way they are today.

The Clintons have successfully worked both sides of the street, where Black/White Racism is concerned.  WOMEN (white) have, as Feminists, betrayed  Non-white Women, and young females of all colors and income classes.  Feminists have chosen the lowest-common-denominator of Powerful (white) Males, to emulate!  Are we sure we want to go down the road with one of them at our helm!

Stay Vigilant!  It an't over, until it's over!  As Obama should know, after more than seven years facing (alone) the wrath of vile CRACKERS; the hatred of WOMEN runs much deeper (by both Women, and Men -- of all colors)!!

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Tuesday, January 12, 2016

r "We" STUCK in (european) HISTORY??

What will OBAMA "tell us" TONIGHT??

Cracker Historians, the world-over, will be scratching their heads for a long time; trying to decide how to "spin" the Obama Years!  As I write this, only the most severely under-educated people on our planet, will not know that we're all stuck in the unraveling of Europe's past behaviors over the past five centuries!  

We have to forgive the White Southerners in the United States.  Our Civil War left them with a heart full of hate, and no brains!  They have yet to learn that sacrificing everything to keep their boots on the necks of Blacks, will only keep them, and their "kind", ignorant, and poor, and stupid!  Their performance within our Politics, since 2008, is as shameful as it is suicidal.  Either TRUMP, or CRUZ, as President, in 2016, will guarantee the end of what was, once, the (Great?) United States of America!

In spite of their skull-duggery, and Propaganda, President Obama has accomplished AMAZING results, since 2009!  He has even restored our Economy to 5% (full?) Employment!  Thanks to Mitch and John, and Roger and Rupert, the voting Public does not realize that!

Stay Vigilant!  We've known for a long time that you can't keep someone else in the "ditch", unless you're willing to LIVE in that ditch!  That goes for Israel and the Palestinians, the Middle-East and the unraveling of Sykes-Picot; and the heinous history of Europe and Sub-Saharan Africa!  Pope-Too is right to recognize the need of MERCY for the Planet!  It's long overdue that Catholics abandon the psychologies of the Inquisition -- and Protestants abandon the psychologies of "Social Darwinism"!

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Monday, January 11, 2016

has the USA "Failed" its MALE citizens??

Does it "Matter" (to you)??

With two, "morally-challenged", draft-evading, white males "championed" by our Media as "strong-men"; we have to wonder what their "strength" is based on!  Is it their mendacity?; their white skin?; their Money?; their hatred for non-whites?; their "madness" for Power?; or, their macho "media-packaging"?? OR; some, or, ALL of these things?

Ever since Nixon cast the Republican Party into the Sewer (Southern States); our Nation has been on a long path, leading to this sorry predicament.  A much more "reputable" Free Press, in the United States, in the late 1980's and early 1990's made note of the fact that male children (all colors, income classes) were "under-performing" in our school systems.  Some of us blamed video games; others pointed to the fact that the overwhelming majority of "teachers" are traditionally FEMALE!

Regardless of who, or what, it to blame, this trend has grown over the past several decades; to a point where there may be NO solution; either from Government at the State Level (where Legal "education" Mandates rest), or, at the Federal Level (where the likes of TRUMP and CRUZ exercise their powers).

 Nixon put an end to our historical method of "maturing" our male children; when he ended the DRAFT in 1973; he, also, permanently changed our Nation.  The Woodstock Nation became Woodstock Parents!  Their huge cohort of children, passing through our Education System, destroyed all chances of our school systems to accomplish much more than "Babysitting" for parents of children who were "perfect" and must never be be challenged in any way.  Racist teachers and Administrators got their "licks" in; and, by the time the Religious Nuts got done with their special treatments, the Cake was "Baked"!  We have a Nation of Spoiled Males who take responsibility for NOTHING!!  Case in Point: "Dubya" BUSH!  The only survivors were those few lucky children who had parents that recognized what was going on, and took appropriate steps to save them!

Stay Vigilant!  If our Nation survives, it will do so by returning to BASICS.  "Slick Politics" and Gerrymandering have us tied up in knots; while our House of Representatives rests in the hands of disloyal Insurgents!  Trump and Cruz loom as the next round of this madness -- UNLESS-- voters find a way to stop them and "whom-ever" provides their Funding, and other Support!

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Sunday, January 10, 2016

The TRUMP "Cancer" GROWs??

More Malignant?

Feeding off of every EVIL in our History; from the days of President Andrew Jackson, and before, TRUMP, with perfect instincts, feeds back their own fears to the most vulnerable and pathetic portion  of our population.  He is growing and spreading his tentacles, as he goes.  Given the horrific news emanating from all parts of our Globe, TRUMP appears as the world's "perfect nightmare".  He poses a threat that is even greater than Putin, who has to balance his activities against the growing tensions within a Russian Population who sees one picture on the T.V. and, a frightfully different one when they open their Refrigerators and Pantries!

War, and Rumors of Wars seem to call for the message, mixed with  Hate, Greed, and Revenge; wrapped in Religion, that TRUMP commands, and finds ways to make "Entertaining" to those who ought to know better!  The Republican Party has lived to see the maturation of the Rosemary's Baby, that was concocted by Nixon, and fed by Reagan and the Bushes.  It's beginning to look like the GOP may not survive TRUMP.  If TRUMP falters, he can launch  a more dangerous missile, named CRUZ!

Why are the American People considering these guys seriously, to be their President in 2016?
The answer to that question lies in the promise our Founders left us; to make the United States of America a haven for White Males, forever!  Those people whom TRUMP likes to call "Losers" provide the core of his Political Base.

Stay Vigilant!  The Hour is Late, and the Perils for our Nation are HUGE!  Your VOTE (and, an accurate count of our votes) will determine the outcome!

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All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Taking apart "POLICE BRUTALITY"??

It's more Complicated than WHITE vs BLACK!!

The Oath Keepers  believe that Blacks will not own guns; and certainly not "open carry" them -- in spite of the fact that the LAW allows it --because COPS will kill them on sight if they display a firearm.  (White Juries will set those Cops Free)  We all know that is not an unreasonable fear.

The sad outcome, is that Blacks, and other non-whites are not able to defend themselves!  It might also explain why Blacks in the Charleston Church, waited, patiently for a young white kid to shoot them?  Too many Whites take comfort in this twisted psychology.  DEAD is DEAD!! -- we all know it's better to go down trying to save ourselves!  Watch Shane,  (1953); sometime!

While Republican Politicians are busy "repackaging" and "orchestrating" White Fear, in search of VOTES;  the Fear, and HATRED (its First Cousin) among Whites steadily increases, with every TRUMP Klan Gathering shown on T.V.  The "Establishment" Republicans are convened in one of our Sewer States, plotting, with the help of the Black Senator from South Carolina, to re-design  Jim Crow.  They're bringing Nixon's old "Enterprise Zone" promises out of the closet.  

Back to Blacks with Guns; President Lincoln was first to ARM Blacks -- its written in the Emancipation Proclamation.  After Lincoln's Murder, White Southerners, with the help of Northern Carpetbaggers, conspired to destroy Reconstruction, and to institute JIM CROW Laws that would place Blacks back into Economic, and Social Slavery.  Republican Candidates will do just about anything to keep JIM CROW alive!

After Lincoln's death, Armed Black Soldiers were sent, by the thousands into our Inter-Mountain West to bring Law and Order.  They made the Region safe for the Railroads, and ran Outlaws and Gunslingers back to Texas, where they became State Rangers.  Hollywood made several Movies about that Period in our History, but they changed the color of the soldiers's faces!  Check out the complete history of the Buffalo Soldiers in America!

Stay Vigilant!  People who rely on others to defend them, will almost certainly be disappointed.  The Oath Keepers tell us that Police will never turn against their OWN!

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All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC

Friday, January 8, 2016

RUBIO: finds Christie too "DEMOCRATIC"??

REPOOBs don't like "DEMOCRACY"??

Let's cut Marco some slack?  After all, he springs from the Hard-Right, Fascist-leaning, roots of
Batista's Cuba.  CRUZ, also displayss these Historic tendencies; so widespread among Spanish Dictatorial Rulers throughout Mexico and Latin America.  We can see it today in the Dominican Republic, as it engages in its "Skin-Color-Ethnic Cleansing" against its Citizens of Haitian roots.

It's quite amazing to see the revelations that have occurred during these seven years of the Obama Presidency.  Last night, in his Town Hall promoting Sensible Gun Regulation, we saw clearly the Deep-South, and Northern-Ethnic types of Color-Racism, on display.  It is much easier, now, to detect these types of Racism, among different Personalities (of all skin-colors) in our Media !  That Poison runs deep; as Dylaan Roof made us all aware.

After such a gut-wrenching experience of observing Crackers displaying their various responses to President Obama; can the Country take a similar "drubbing" from a Gender Version?  It may help that there are no Non-White Women as Candidates; but, what does that difference really mean??

Those of us, who were there, can recall the Strategy revealed by Southern Segs, as they agreed to include Women as a "minority" in Civil Rights Legislation of the 1960's.  A prominent Female Sports Celebrity stated today,on T.V,. that she wanted young girls in this country to see a Female as President, so that they can feel more empowered.  For me, if that puts an end to Females allowing the Males in their lives to physically abuse them; THAT alone, would make it a good thing to pursue.
But I don't think that will prevent small children, behind closed doors of the Home, from witnessing their Mothers being beaten by their Dads.

Stay Vigilant:  It's as clear as all things TRUMP, that Republicans favor dictatorial, brute force, to settle all issues between Humans.  We're beginning to see pictures of the routine STARVATION in Syria; practiced by ASSAD, and, his Supporters, and, his Enemies?   Has the U.N. been reduced to a role of catalyst for Global War and Corruption; and a "brain-drain" from Emerging Nations??

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Thursday, January 7, 2016

TOUGH TIMES for "WEAK" Minds??

TRUMP TRASH will Gather in Vermont??

Mind-less, "Trump-Trash" flocks to Vermont, to attend a deliberately-chaotic, mee-lee;  designed to embarrass Bernie Sanders!  While the wicked "Trump-Piper" displays his ability to command the Cracker-Mind, the rest of the World has to pay attention to grown-up EVENTs like; Oil Market Collapse; Chinese Economic Collapse; and, Evil Back-stabbing by Netanyahu; our erstwhle Ally!
Frontline -- makes it plain to anyone with a brain functioning above Trump-Level, that the ISRAEL we knew BEFORE Rabin was murdered; was destroyed by Netanyahu!!

Compared to the pitiful group of Republican Candidates, President Obama looks like "Cool-Hand- Luke"!!

Only in "Amerikka" can you find a creature like TRUMP, who has the "salesmanship" to corral our White-Trash, and coax them out into the open in such large numbers!  We saw them flock to Dick and Dubya, in Florida, in 2000.  They got Enron, and 9/11 for their efforts; yet came back for more; in 2004!  Screwing the weak-minded has been the modus-operand i for Trump's Career??

Stay Vigilant!  January, 2016 will probably go down in History as the first, GLOBAL, Financial Re-adjustment.  Was this "triggered" by the North Korean claim to have tested a "Hydrogen Bomb"??  IF the VOTER decides the Republican Party deserves to be driven OUT OF EXISTENCE; we can understand why!  Sanity may lie ahead?

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All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

"Perils" of Playing REPOOB "Politics" (with our) NATIONAL SECURITY??

If they Can't Pronounce "Nu-cle-ar"; What Do they KNOW??

Unlike our Politicians, I have been Test Director for key Systems in our TRIAD.  I was Shocked, angry, and scared, by the failures of our Intelligence Systems that surfaced in the wake of  9/11.  The sleazy Politicians who are guilty for that, were never called to account.  Matters have only grown worse.  Individuals who lack the qualities to be considered for offices held by grown men; like Kennedy, Eisenhower, Truman, FDR, or even NIXON; are running for the Office of President of the United States!!  From 9/11, to Wiki-Leaks, it has become ever-more evident that the Public does not have a CLUE of the dangers they let these crappy Politicians place them in.  Ryan is allowing his Repoobs in the House of Representatives to command our MEDIA with more "Benghazi-to-get-Hillary" Hearings.  What the HELL happened to us?  Could Cheney have caused this much chaos, without help?  They're "fingering" Doug Feith, to take the blame for Iraq.

The NSA of today is NOT the Agency I was assigned to in 1962!  Today, we learn that North Korea
has "surprised" our Intelligence System, and that of Europe, AND China!!  How much damage have Asange and Snowden done??

Take whatever "Cure" that is required to WAKE UP!  Tell the MEDIA "sh*t-stirrers" to GET OFF OF YOUR T.V.!!  Our Nation is like the "frog" in the Hot Tub!!

Find a way to true VIGILANCE; before its is too late!

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Tuesday, January 5, 2016

a Nation "GUNNED-DOWN" (from within)??

"Round-Trip" to 1964??

Once, again, in my long life-time; I see a President of the United States locked in combat with a Defiant Congress!  In 1964, it was Lyndon Johnson against a Racist Congress, over the issues of Race and Poverty.  Today, its President Barack Obama; over the same issues!  They are being "played" differently, today, by the same Criminal Elements in our Nation -- this time the goal is a Criminal Take-over of the Presidency by Elements, both Foreign and Domestic.  GUNS lie at the core of this fight!

Following our President's News of his Plans to combat Lawless Flows of Guns in our Nation; the usual suspects among the White (Republican) Candidates were quick to line-up, and to protect our Criminal Elements and "Crazies": Cruz, Trump, Jeb (stand-your-ground) Bush, little "Master-Marco", and the Jersey Bully, Christie!  Fiorina and the rest of that Pack, can't be far behind.

Although Cracker Historians would have us believe that LBJ had "tremendous powers of persuasion"; it's more likely that the "persuading" came from Hoover's "Blackmail Files", that were used to control Congressional Leaders.  We learn that Hoover and LBJ were allies.

Since his installation as its Head, in 1924, Hoover was never displaced; holding office until he died in 1972.  Nixon, like many other Presidents, admitted to being intimidated by Hoover.  President Truman accused Hoover of establishing Secret Policing in this Country!  

Coming to office at a time when illegal Booze and criminal Gambling ran free, under weak Jim Crow Presidents, and, following the elevation of the KLAN, by Woodrow Wilson; Hoover became allied with bothm the KKK, and Italian Crime Mobs.  His involvement with the Assassinations of both Kennedys, waits for some White Investigator with the courage to do that work.  Hoover's links to the Assassinations of Malcolm X and Martin Luther King are much more visible; for those who will take the time and courage, to look!

Stay Vigilant:  Today, it's the Ballot Box, not the Bullets of Mobsters -- It's Marijuana and other illegal drugs -- it's the encroachment of Foreign Terrorists -- it's sex-trafficking:  ALL, are dependent upon the free flow of firearms -- guaranteed by the NRA; the owners of Congress, in 2016!  The Republican Party stands ready to genuflect, and, to kiss the ass of the NRA , and/or some Foreign Power; at the snap of a finger!  If we FAIL to STOP them at the Polls in November; our Nation's DEMOCRACY will fade into History!  We must be smarter than the Repoobs!  We must recognize that MEXICO is part of North America, and we CANNOT "Wall-it-Off"!!   Don't let a poorly-worded Amendment to our Constitution, be used by the ignorant, the terrorized, and the religiously wicked; to Destroy our Country!

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Monday, January 4, 2016


They're Still With Us!!

Tony Curtis "played" the Red-Neck Role, opposite Sidney Poitier, in The Defiant Ones,  (1958); Rod Steiger played the role of a Red-Neck Mississippi Police Chief in Heat of the Night, (1967).
Bundy, and the Rabble assembling today in Oregon, are real, live, Red-Neck "left-overs" in the United States.  Deeply Racist,  They are virulent haters of the Federal Government; and, are often  "Coddled" by County Governments and County Sheriffs and ignored by weak State-Governors!  Armed to the teeth, they fashion themselves as Insurrectionists, longing to return to our Civil War!  Because Governors provide safe haven to this type of U.S. Citizen,  they remain Outlaws who take pride in stealing from the Federal Government.

David Koresh (1993), and Jim Jones (1978) represent the Religious-Cult Wing of these kinds of American Citizens.  Virulent, and Armed;  Violent in their movements and practices, these Nuts are whipped to a Frenzy by Donald Trump and Ted Cruz.  The Weavers at Ruby Ridge (1992) appear most similar to the Hammonds in Oregon, today.   That incident set off Timothy McVeigh, our Home-Grown Terrorist who bombed Oklahoma City in 1995.
This is similar to the Element who ran "Moon-Shine", illegal alchohol, during Prohibition, and their descendants are determined to repeat that History with Marijuana, today.

Stay Vigilant!  The Aftermath of Dick-and-Dubya's Destruction of our Economy in 2008, provides fertile ground for our own, Home-Grown, Taliban!  The MEDIA will never "connect these dots" for us.  We have to do our own homework, and THINKING!!

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Sunday, January 3, 2016

END "Color-Racism" in 2016??

BREAK the Global Hegemony of GENDER and COLOR??

The Presidential Election in the United States is eleven months ahead!  The WORLD may be on the verge of returning to 1491 -- the year before the Evil alliance between Skin Color and Male Gender, became the scourge of existence for the majority of the planet's inhabitants  We can expect the battle to be fierce, and even uglier, than Trump, Cruz, and the rest of those running as candidates for our WHITE Party, have made it; thus far!  The Divide will be sharp:  between those who think we will have a safer, more sane world when the VOICE of the marginalized finally can break through; and those who strongly believe that all focus should be on using every possible weapon to maintain White/Male Hegemony on our Planet!  This element, found, almost exclusively among Republicans, becomes more frightened, shrill, and unprincipled, every day!

Color Racism did not BEGIN in the United States; neither will it be conquered here.  This Nation is the strongest supporter and distributor of Racist Propaganda and Attitudes on the planet.  It's weapons include Hollywood, historically,  and Television Advertising, today.  Every T.V. and Movie viewer has to become more conscious of ways their racial attitudes, and their attitudes toward women, are being constantly "manipulated" through MEDIA (all forms).  We have to de-program ourselves !  We have to protect young children from this!

We can start by dismissing the Fascist notion that GOD is a White Male!  We then have to learn to truly believe that ALL people are HUMAN, and should be treated with respect.  These two things, alone, would revolutionize our Planet, and end Terror on all fronts.

Stay Vigilant!  In a Democratic Republic, WE, the People, ARE the "Government"!!  Learn to Believe That, and the Republican Party will dissolve like the Wicked Witch in the Wizard of OZ! 
We can start by making sure sound GUN Law is written, and ENFORCED!!

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Saturday, January 2, 2016

USA: (still stuck; in) "COLD, DEAD, HANDS" ??

Obama's "Last-Quarter" ??

Charlton Heston's famous quote, in support of the NRA, seems fitting for President Obama's News Releases stating he will  "take action"; yet, again; against the INSANE attitudes our citizens harbor toward GUNs!  Heston's roles in Hollywood, especially it's BLOCKBUSTERS, like El Cid (1961), Ten Commandments (1956), and Ben-Hur (1959); prepared him for his real-life role as President of the NRA, as it "Conquered" the United States Congress, and provided "free-rein" for GUN-Sales, in the U.S.

Media wondered aloud whether Heston was a "Bigot".

No matter where you "come down", on that question, Heston played well with Classic Hollywood treatments of Color Racism (El Cid) and Jews (Ben-Hur).  Following Ronald Reagan, he switched from the Democratic Party to the Post-Nixon Republican Party; the fore-runner of the Insurgents who pose as the Tea Party.  There is little question that his Leadership of the NRA contributed mightily to the mess we, as a Nation, face with guns!

Stay Vigilant!  It will be interesting to watch, over the coming months; to see whether Ryan's return to "Normal Order" in the House, will scuttle the "Hastert Rule".  That will determine whether the Sane members of the House will find a voice on the subject of GUNS!

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Friday, January 1, 2016

"Maturing" TOO LATE; "Ageing" TOO SOON: "Dying" TOO EARLY??

Nat and his Princess; Re-Joined??

We awake this 1st day of 2016, to the news of the Death of Natalie Cole (1950-2015).  Like her Dad, Nat "King" Cole, she died, "too-young"!  He died in 1965, at the age of 45; one month before his 46th Birthday.  Natalie died last night, at the age of 65, short minutess before the beginning of 2016, and about a month before her 66th Birthday.

Almost no Musician was as important to my generation, and my Community, as Nat "King" Cole: for SEVERAL reasons!  First, and foremost, that VOICE; that Natalie inherited.  Second, "Nat" was the first Black to have his own Television Show, in the 1950's; in Prime Time!  The Show languished, for years; in search of a White Corporate Sponsor.  They refused to do that!  Nat is quoted as stating: "Madison Avenue is afraid of the dark"!!  PhD Theses can be written on the many ways "Advertisers" have managed to re-work their Racist, Pro-White Messaging -- through Advertising, in all of its forms.  Black "Artists" have been foremost in helping that phenomenon!  I remember asking a White Officer colleague in the early 1960's what she thought of what happened to Nat's T.V. Show.  Her reply:  "he was just too Black!  We couldn't stand to look at him"!  I'm not surprised that white children in 2015, in the USA;  are "scared" of people of color.  Cops certainly are!

As "Crooners" of the Fifties, Nat was "ours", and Sinatra was "theirs".  Frank lived to the ripe old age of 82!  I'm, sure nobody believes that Frank had a Professional Life of Low Stress!  When Frank Died, the MEDIA did not lead with the less salient features of his life.  No such kindness is being afforded to Natalie.  MEDIA has managed to dredge up and lead with any features that could be considered "salacious"!  MEDIA is the foremost arbiter of RACE in Amerika in 2016! Still!!

Stay Vigilant:  People of Color may eventually Wake UP to facts surrounding their choices for living their lives, and dealing with RACE!   Will YOU strive to make 2016 BETTER??  How-so??

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