"Unfolding" PHENOMENON??
It happened in 1960, the year I came of age to VOTE, in my first Presidential Election. The Candidates were Dick Nixon versus Jack Kennedy. Because Kennedy picked a known Segregationist, Lyndon Johnson of Texas, for his Vice President, I missed, what turned out to be, my ONLY chance to vote for John (Jack) Kennedy! I still think my insight proved to be correct! Events proved that LBJ was the Horror, I sensed!
They blamed it on Television! Kennedy LOOKED better than Nixon! People were witnessing, for the first time, the intersection of Media with Politics. The POWER of the Political Party structure began to weaken, almost immediately, thereafter. In those days, Politicians ran for POWER. The fact that they could get Rich in the Job, like LBJ, was a "given".
The Repoob "Debates" last Wednesday, (28Oct15) revealed the underlying FACT that MEDIA is the reason for the MONEY in Politics; and its the POWER that brings, after all, that matters! The Debates also revealed that the REAL struggle lies between the Politicians and the MEDIA -- over who has POWER (and, ultimate access to the money that follows). We caught "snippets" of it, after the first Debate, when TRUMP "took on" Roger Ailes and Rupert Murdock, over at FOX. That squabble was quickly patched up. It appears that there is no MONEY, for either, if there's no EXPOSURE on MEDIA.
There is a Battle Royal brewing now! The RNC (Republican National Committee) is caught unawares, and may be totally sidelined, as the Candidates of the Clown Car take on the MEDIA organizations for a "settlement" of just who is the Horse, and who is the Cart! Following that, expect to see some serious "guttin" go on amongst the Repoob "Candidates"!!
Stay Vigilant! Both, the Candidate-Clowns, and the Media, however, AGREE on who the CHUMPS are!!
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