Saturday, October 31, 2015

"Money, and POWER: in MEDIA" ??

"Unfolding" PHENOMENON??

It happened in 1960, the year I came of age to VOTE, in my first Presidential Election.  The Candidates were Dick Nixon versus Jack Kennedy.  Because Kennedy picked a known Segregationist, Lyndon Johnson of Texas, for his Vice President, I missed, what turned out to be, my ONLY chance to vote for John (Jack) Kennedy!  I still think my insight proved to be correct!  Events proved that LBJ was the Horror, I sensed!

They blamed it on Television!  Kennedy LOOKED better than Nixon!  People were witnessing, for the first time, the intersection of Media with Politics.  The POWER of the Political Party structure began to weaken, almost immediately, thereafter.  In those days, Politicians ran for POWER.  The fact that they could get Rich in the Job, like LBJ, was a "given".  

The Repoob "Debates" last Wednesday, (28Oct15) revealed the underlying FACT that MEDIA is the reason for the MONEY in Politics; and its the POWER that brings, after all, that matters!  The Debates also revealed that the REAL struggle lies between the Politicians and the MEDIA -- over who has POWER (and, ultimate access to the money that follows).  We caught "snippets" of it, after the first Debate, when TRUMP "took on" Roger Ailes and Rupert Murdock, over at FOX.  That squabble was quickly patched up.  It appears that there is no MONEY, for either, if there's no EXPOSURE on MEDIA.

There is a Battle Royal brewing now!  The RNC (Republican National Committee) is caught unawares, and may be totally sidelined, as the Candidates of the Clown Car take on the MEDIA organizations for a "settlement" of just who is the Horse, and who is the Cart!  Following that, expect to see some serious "guttin" go on amongst the Repoob "Candidates"!!

Stay Vigilant!  Both, the Candidate-Clowns, and the Media, however,  AGREE on who the CHUMPS are!!

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Friday, October 30, 2015


MASS, or MINI (Processes);  Macro, or Micro (Economics); Micro, or Nano (Manufacturing)?? 

We couldn't possibly WIN World-War-II, if Roosevelt had his hands tied, the way Presidents since
the end of the Cold War have experienced!!  We make a serious MISTAKE, if we assume enough of our "Leaders" outside the Executive Branch, recognize this!  As things unfold in the Middle East, we all need to GET A GRIP!!  We may NEVER see in the future, warfare that engages masses of troops, the way they were in our recent past!  Our Military Planners have known this since the days of "Limited Wars", like Vietnam and Korea.

Our PUBLIC, and our PRESS are living in some kind of Fantasy, as they assume that the methods of WW-II still work.  In the "Old" Days, troops fought in large masses, until one side loses the will to continue.  THEN the Diplomatic Processes kick in.  NO LONGER!  We're learning that Warfare (DOD) and Diplomacy (State Dept) have to WORK TOGETHER, to Serve our President; as he leads our Defenses against Diseases or Physical Threats.

Our PRESS undermines our Nation by failing to recognize this!!  The Retired Military Officers who make a nice living playing roles as Arm-Chair Experts acting as Rear-View Mirror Strategists in our MEDIA, also do us all a Dis-Service!!  This Crap plays into the hands of our Detractors!  We're seeing that from recent behavior of Putin, and Netanyahu.
We need to catch-up to the facts involved in the tremendous power of Technology to collapse the dimensions of just about everything in our lives!! We should have, long ago, gotten rid of the old MASS approach to educating our children.  We don't understand what Technology has done to the way we earn and manage our money!  We think its a game, for MEDIA to purposely mislead us by shading the messages they transmit, to enhance their Ratings.  MEDIA has plugged into our Prejudices, the way TRUMP has, and is busily MANIPULATING us to serve competing agendas! We stupidly wonder why the Politicians we elect turn out to Govern in ways that are very different! 

From just about every Institution, to our personal Relationships, the impact of Technological Changes is significant!  We ignore this message at great cost to our lives and to our Nation.
Stay vigilant!  Political candidates who have to "entertain" you to get your vote; are NOT doing you a favor!
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Thursday, October 29, 2015

MARCO: "Sniveling" BRAT defeats SCOLDING "Parent"?? ...

...before a "Cheering" Audience of BRATS??

Artfully "covering" for his questionable Financial Dealings, and the clear FACT that he is "Stealing" his PAY from Taxpayers, by not showing up for his JOB in the Senate; Marco Rubio, last night, before a nation-wide audience, on T.V., pulled off a "Bart Simpson" Act that may go down in History!  He just might prove Momma Bush to be right:  "We've Had Enough Bush'es)"!! 

There was, however, an "echo"  of that Bush Message, on that stage, in the personage of Governor Kasich, of Ohio.  That DOG is "Barking"; not just  "whistling", like the rest of that pitiful lot!  We may, in time, learn how many voters in the coming Election "heard" his message! 

We awaken today to the passage of Speaker Boehner, into History!!  He has been replaced by the guy who, in 2012,  failed his election bid for the Number 2, power-position (V.P.); and, now, rests firmly in the Number 3, power-position (Speaker of the House of Representatives)!  His words indicate, and his reception by the Members confirm, the possibility that the House will "mend its ways"??

Stay Vigilant!  This extra-long, quirky, Primary Election Season may still yet yield more "surprises" before Election Day in 2016!  Don't expect the "Gossip-Girls" (both genders), who dominate our MEDIA, to "do-diligence" on our behalf!!

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Wednesday, October 28, 2015

"RACE" and "GENDER" : the "Elephantz" in the NATION??

A Two-Party SYSTEM, facing Collapse?

The Democrat Party Front-Runner, suddenly "discovers" GENDER, and, past "Discrimination" Issues, that she has to "explain" to the Electorate!  A Republican Governor openly admits that the "Crazy"-est Candidates are found in the Republican Party.  Yet-another RACE-based travesty , in South Carolina, surfaces on Video; sending all sorts of "professionals" in Education (both Races), SCRAMBLING to cover their back-sides.  All of this on the day the Republican Candidates have to stand, for the third time, before the Nation, to EXPLAIN their Madness; both on the Campaign Trail. and inside the Houses of Government that they control.

Hispanics, who have ramained  OBSEQUIOUS and "Conservative" for years,  inside the Republican Party, finally howled in Protest over the Republican Bashing they are taking over the Immigration Issue.  They pulled their punch, to protect Rubio, probably, by pretending the Democrats are also engaged in the practice.

In a few Hours, the Republican Clown Car reassembles in Colorado to "beat-up" on the Black Guy, who, "maraculously" appeared as Leader of that Pack in the Polls.  This should come naturally for them, given their glee in "trashing" "Illegal" Hispanics!

Stay Vigilant!  It's a tough time ahead for "Dog-Whistlers" like Cruz, Rubio, and Fiorina -- maybe even Christie who is struggling to stay on-board the Clown Car.  After successfully confounding this bunch of "Exceptional" and "White-Supremacist" Politicians; beating them at their ugly pranks,on every front, for the past Seven Years, President Obama will likely "coast" to Victory for the remainder of his Term.  Will the GOP Survive the Collapse of the Speaker of the House?

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Tuesday, October 27, 2015

"JEB" set the "Table": DICK CHENEY came to "Dine"??


We can set aside all of today's "would-a, could'-a, should'-a"!!  Just remember the year 2000, and that horrible Presidential Election we all suffered through!  The "Deal" went-down in FLORIDA.  JEB BUSH was Governor.  We were told that JEB "promised" the Election to his Brother, "W"!

Catherine Harris; "Butter-fly" Ballots; Cops harrassing Black Voters; "Hangin' Chads" Our Supreme Court brought in to "fix" the Grid-Lok;  the Election, "awarded" to the candidate with the minority of votes!!  Remember also, the long wait into December of 2000, before we knew how the "FIX" would go down.

Now, JEB; the culprit in the "thick-of-it-all", is baffled ,that the Voting Public in 2015, Wants No Part of Him in 2016 !!  That's just how STUPID the Republican "Establishment" thinks we all are!

Hold that thought! -- for just a moment longer:

No Iraq WAR
No 9/11 (??)
No Anthrax Attack
No internal "crippling" of our Intelligence Structure
No "Rummie"
No "Dick"
No Global Assault on the ECONOMY

Stay Vigilant!  VOTES Matter!!  You just MIGHT still have your JOB and your HOME!!

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Monday, October 26, 2015

a "CALIFORNIA-CAPER" .. (all along)??

from "Tricky-Dick" --  to Dick Cheney??

Did we "HEAR" what Martha Raddatz was trying to tell us, on "Stephanopolous",  yesterday?
She told us that the troop number announced; to stay on in Afghanistan, did not reflect the real number of "American Boots On The Ground"!  The Difference??  CONTRACTORS!!
Who really "owns" our Military nowadays??

As I entered the Military in 1962, I was, along with my fellow new officers, trained to observe the HATCH ACT, which disallowed the politicization of our Military.  After that great Californian, Dick Nixon, ended the Draft in 1973; in the heat of "White Backlash" activities raging within the armed services; there was a definite swing away from the Hatch Act, and toward a Hard-Right indoctrination of our Military Forces.  With the Rise of Reagan, the Nixon-Book-End,  "Californian"; we were presented with Ollie North, and Iran-Contra.  By the time Dick and Dubya arrived on the scene, and invaded Iraq; we saw our Military Soldiers doffing their Uniforms for the garb, and higher pay of Private Contractors.  They continued to "fight" along our Uniformed Soldiers, but with a lot less risk, and a lot more Money!

Since the arrival of President Obama, we see the "White Backlash" firmly established within our domestic Police Forces, and a much higher number (Raddatz did not give one) of "Contract" Fighters??  Do we now have, thanks to Dick and Dubya, a MERCERNARY Army?  Remember, Cheney was Secretary of Defense from 1989-1993, under Daddy Bush!

Stay Vigilant!  Republicans ALWAYS seek ways to "Make Markets", by "privatizing" Government Jobs.  An additional Duty assigned to me as a Captain, was to conduct a Survey of Commissary Prices as compared to Local Super Markets, to answer Congressional Pressures to "privatize" Military Commissaries.  Government has been a problem, for these guys, for a l-o-n-g TIME!!

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Sunday, October 25, 2015


"Turn off" the PICTURE; "Listen" to the VOICES!!

It's there!  It doesn't matter whether the "talking head" is male or female; the break-neck pace; the high pitch; the gossip-like tone -- all of our "NEWS" is steadily being "delivered " to us this way!

From the Movie: "Harlow" (1965) -- (my all-time favorite rendition can be found on Della Reese's album LIVE, - 1966); this Classic, recorded by just about everybody who is anybody, from Tony Bennett, to Bobby Troup, contains the lyric:

 "But that's a dame
They're all the same
It's just a game
They call it Girl Talk, Girl Talk"

Stay Vigilant!   The techniques of PROPAGANDA (also called Branding, or PR) are varied, and stealthy.  We, all should take time to examine the "swill" dished out by MEDIA members,  so busily "sh*t-stirring" as  High Drama, the events of this Election Season!  Don't be seduced!

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both, ARE "losers"??

in 2012, the Republican "Establishment" (next-in-line) Candidate made a disastrous Primary Election display of "plying" the wacko "base" of their Party; only to LOSE in the General Election!  Ditto in 2008, when McCain, the "heir-apparent", threw a bone to that same "Base", in the person of Sarah Palin!   Again, with disastrous results in the General Election.  Barack Obama, thought to not have a "prayer" to win, because he had NO "apparent" Base; went on to WIN in the General Election.!! Ditto, for Barack in 2012.

What happened?  Barack seems to have "created" his  Base, (both times); from among the young, disaffected, computer savvy, all RACES, portions of our electorate.  

For 2016, TRUMP is using the Republican Party Label, and its Primary Elections, to KILL off any Establishment Picks from that side of our Electorate!  Should Jeb Bush "survive" the TRUMP "Thrashin' Machine", he will probably NO LONGER appear "Presidential"!

To get to Hillary (thanks to their wacko's in the House of Representatives last week), TRUMP will have to "thrash" her, while, simultaneously giving the treatment to Carson, and, maybe, Bernie, while he destroys all of the lesser Republicans running.  Tall order!!  TRUMP is beginning to sag a little in the Polls, and before the cameras, as he tends to "hug" the lectern and "hunch" over it like a dog protecting his bone!  The road ahead looms long and nasty!!

Stay Vigilant!  Could it be?;  that the Winner in 2016, will be, again, someone who can "craft a base" from today's disaffected?  The Cracker Element that unshakably supports TRUMP, poses as  "disaffected", but really is that same old White Supremacist Element; who can't fathom losing their Past Privileges, both at home and abroad!!  They may be the sorry-est, and,  sore-est LOSERS!  Smart Whites know that their FUTURE will not be a good one; IF, they follow these Hyenas who cling so vociferously to their PAST!

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Saturday, October 24, 2015

TRUMP explain's "RACE" ??

Woe is US !

Now that "Uncle Ben" has pulled ahead of TRUMP in the Iowa Polls, "the Donald" feels the urge to respond.  He starts by quoting his "African-American", and "BLACK", friend; and then complains that HE can't use those P.C. terms (knowing that his followers are too stupid to realize that is exactly what he is doing -- on T.V).!!

TRUMP Supporters have special ears, served by especially limited brains.  TRUMP "speaks" of, and through, the languages of style and convention,  or social norms; while his Followers "hear" with the ears of a sixth-grader.  TRUMP has mastered Institutional communication, sanctioned by MEDIA, and "music to the ears" of the White, Superior, Conservatives. TRUMP never say's, what he SAY's!!
That is the art of the "dog whistle"!

Uncle Ben, on the other side of this scenario, is far more "low-energy" than Jeb Bush, and, therefore, not a serious contender.  Those who Suupport Carson, are those less-vicious, and less Dominative Whites, who, never-the-less deeply appreciates Blacks who "Know their place".  Uncle Ben is an artist at hiding his obsequiousness as "humility"!  If you watched the Hillary Inquisition on 11/22/15, you saw what the Hyenas on the Right really believe, and how they communicate, when they are "in their element".  These idiots fear Obama, because he is "too aggressive" for their tastes, while they simultaneously castigate Obama for being too weak!  Broken minds for a Broken Political Party?

Stay Vigilant!  You gotta give it to 'em, though!  Conservatives are MASTERS at finding and using Black Americans like Carson, Condi Rice, Clarence Thomas, and the new, Black "Door-Stop" South Carolina placed in the Senate!

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Thursday, October 22, 2015

"INTELLIGENCE", (when handled by) the "UN-INTELLIGENT" !!

W. T. F.??
In July of 1962, I was assigned, as a fresh 2nd Lieutenant in the United States Air Force, to the NSA.
It was an Inter-Agency, or Joint, assignment within the United States Air Force Security Service (USAFSS).  I learned that each of the Uniformed Services, at that time, similarly assigned members of their Services.  Shortly thereafter (within a very few months) we experienced the Cuban Missile Crisis.  As I remember, that was our most tense national security event, since Pearl Harbor!  It was skillfully resolved, by President Kennedy, and his brother, the Attorney General, Robert Kennedy. They achieved this, in spite of intense pressures for WAR, from our Hard Right!  We were all convinced, at that time, that we faced imminent death!
We were not similarly shaken, as a Nation, thereafter, until September 11, 2001.  We are still living through an aftermath, in many ways, of that event.  Thirty-nine years after the Missile Crisis, we were all shocked to learn that our Defenses were penetrated in ways that none of us thought was possible!

Following these events;  9/11, the Missile Crisis, and, also, the Bay of Pigs, in 1961, intense investigations of our Intelligence Agencies ensued.  The results provided to the Public, were most confusing, and obfuscated my MEDIA; especially those following  the investigations following 9/11.  Our attack on Iraq, in response to 9/11; also was accompanied by confusing stories involving  "Intelligence"!!  Today, our House of Representatives is busy displaying its "intelligence" in a "Water-Gate-Style" political grilling of our former Secretary of State.  If you are confused by all of this, WELCOME to the CLUB!!

It appears that a Political Party has consistently engaged, for more than twelve years,  in playing partisan politics with the Intelligence Agencies of our Government!  The horrific details of Snowden's activities adds yet another dimension to the mounting questions that surround the adequacy and quality of the Intelligence that is so necessary for any President of this Nation to lead us!!  The American People should NEVER tolerate this!  The House of Representatives cannot GOVERN in a way required by our Constitution; but they don't hesitate to spend large sums of our tax dollars, and all of their questionable talents, in these heinous pursuits??

Stay Vigilance!  The Voters of this Nation should see clearly their need to CLEAN HOUSE in 2016!!  We deserve a better State Department, a better Defense Department, and a better Intelligence Capability!!
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Wednesday, October 21, 2015

the PERILs from "LIVING inside FICTIONs"

White America's Dilemma??

History tells us that Europeans have "escaped" to America, for more than 100 years; to "re-invent" themselves!

Institutions have been built around this phenomenon!.  From Minstrels, to Vaudeville, to Hollywood;
our Citizens, of all colors, have had a smorgasbord of choices for socially-sanctioned "self-delusion"!  The LIES that have formed have grown in scope over the years to a point where entire sub-groups in our Nation live comfortably inside them.  Reagan, who became President of the United States, moved inside his his delusions, along with Nancy, and they, apparently, never left that environment!  For several years, our Country was led, based on scraps of old Movie Scripts and Visions from Clairvoyants.

Undoubtedly, Dick-and-Dubya tested the limits for how much abuse a Democracy can take without collapse!

Enter TRUMP!!  Media nin-cum-poops scratch their heads and wag their tongues, worrying why TRUMP cannot be stopped by what used to prevail as "common sense"!  My answer:  TRUMP is uniquely "Suited" to wear the Lies, Pretensions, and other Un-Realities that provide psychic shelter for White America!  He is the Messiah they have longed for, for AGES!!

Stay Vigilant!  The forces that have coalesced in our House of Representatives, have formed, for the first time, as a body with enogh power to DESTROY the great DEMOCRATIC Experiment, created by our Founders, in the late 1700s.  Four States among our 50 have historically shown questionable allegiance to the United States:  Texas, South Carolina, Alabama, and Florida.  Led by an Alabamian, one Media Outlet spends three hours -- in the wee-hours -- each day, undermining the allegiance held by the American People for their Government.  Political Leaders, from other states, have shown frightening tendencies to travel Abroad to undermine the authority of our President, and curry the favor of Foreign Leaders.  This TRANCE of  Non-Reality, so profitable to MEDIA, is well-watered with $Billions of Dollars; from sources that are well-hidden.

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"It's About TIME!!
For the first time, in this horrid Presidential Campaign Season, One; potential Candidate, has clearly chosen Country; over Self!!  Vice-President Joe Biden, this morning, flanked by his wife and the President of the United States, rendered, in the Rose Garden of the White House, his decision NOT to enter the 2016 Presidential race!  He gave us,Clearly, and Concisely, (as if talking to 6-year-olds) his REASONS for that decision.  He outlined the Perils the Country faces, and what he intends to do about it!!  He will fight to keep the progress we've made over the past 7 years to bring our Nation back from the brink of collapse; brought on by 8 years of "Dick and Dubya"!!  Our progress was made in spite of the Congress!

The Vice-President's speech, was followed by a televised interview of Carl Icahn, a prominent Hedge Fund, BIG MONEY guy, who, similarly, cited evidence of our Nation's Peril -- this time on global, financial grounds.

What are both of them talking about??  The list is clear; (in order of occurrence):
(1) Enron; (2) 9/11; (3) Anthrax Attacks; (4) Elective Invasion of Iraq; and  mis-handling of Afghanistan; (5)Katrina; (6) Housing Collapse, and (7) Massive (global) Economic Collapse! 
These are the 7 Deadly Sins of Dick and Dubya!   They are being defended, today, by Dubya's Brother, and partner in those crimes, Jeb ("Stand Your Ground") BUSH!!  Accompanying Jeb are  Political Clowns of varying degrees; but none as dangerous for our Nation as DONALD TRUMP!!  Even the Money Boys are weighing in, on that score!

Both Icahn and Biden speak out, one day before Hillary Clinton is scheduled to appear for her "Crucifixion" by an Investigative Committee in the House of Representatives.  It will be Chaired by what looks like an Alabama escapee from the Movie: "Deliverance"!!  Let's hope it is not too late for our country to be  "Delivered" from a fate being planned by the likes of TRUMP, Carson, Rubio, Cruz, Fiorina, and lesser-ranked drivel on the Republican Slate!

Stay Vigilant!  This Nation has not been this much in Peril,  since the Cuban Missile Crisis(1962).  I remember Nikita Kruschev's remarks, at the time, about the Capitalist who was informed that his nation would be "hanged by the neck until dead".  The Capitalist pleaded for enough time to corner the market on the ROPE that would be used!  Who is paying these people who attack our nation in the name of "Conservatism"??
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Monday, October 19, 2015

FIFTY "Shades" of WHITE!!

Another Definition of MADNESS??

Read the text of the SCOTUS Decision, for Plessy v. Ferguson, and you'll find their evasive answer to Plessy's claim to be "White".  The Taney Court held that the questions: Who is White?; Who is Not?; and Who Decides the Issue?; were questions left by our Constitution,  for the STATE Governments to decide.

Faithful readers of this BLOG know that I have traveled and/or held residency, in just about all of our Fifty States.  I have owned property and established residency in more than half a dozen states.  The most peculiar question of race I encountered, was presented in Oklahoma, in 1962. A person I was sure was Black, convinced me he was White!  He looked very much like every Black American I had known, and was considerably darker in skin color than I was; but he proved he was white!  It was on his Oklahoma Driver's License!  The "whiteness" issue is the burning root, of the movement of those Crackers expressing their rage over Immigration;( in this, the most-immigrant , of all nations)!! 

The Oklahoma riddle was solved, when he explained that the State of Oklahoma ruled that anyone with 25% or more of Native ancestry was legally White (regardless of what your eye-sight might indicate),  Because of myriad Court actions since Plessy, we now have a situation where any white person, with an "ounce" of legal or administrative authority, can decide the race of another person!  The damage this does to the psyche of all of our citizens is immense!  It is also the animus that fuels the members of our Hard Right, found mostly in the Republican Party; and keeps the issue of RACE forever-current,  in the United States.   

During my years in Miami, I learned how desperately their Cubans yearn to be declared White!  The Sewer States are the states that adhere most stringently to the oldest definitions of whiteness,, and ,also produce individuals like Dylaan Roof!!

Stay Vigilant!  A closer study of the places where Cops murder young black males, might show traces back to these old Laws and Social Customs, still prevalent in our Fifty States.  It is well known that Racism is not as strong in some states; but, because of the mobility of our Citizens, the disease can be found everywhere!

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Sunday, October 18, 2015

"Anti-DEMOCRATIC" (america)

The LIES We Tell

The 2016 Campaigns for President of the United States expose, to all, willing to "see", a major LIE we tell ourselves, the World, and, especially, to our Children in School.  We claim to be a DEMOCRACY; when, our Founders actually created a "Democratic Republic" (if we can keep it)!!

Our Declaration cites Equality of Creation, but did not intend Equality of Treatment!.  From the beginning, the Constitution was framed to benefit White, Protestant, Slave Owners.  Their poor trash Overseers and their families were not included.  Not until Andy Jackson, and his Protestant, "Frontier" brethren, who had not much "truck" with the LAW, became President, did white males who were not rich, have a chance to participate in running our country.  It took much longer for non-Protestant white males to gain ascendancy (after the Civil War).  When I was growing up in Missouri, JEWs were discriminated against, and not even accepted as "White"!  Recent shootings at a Synagogue in the region indicates those tensions still exist.

CHOICE and RACE are the two issues that keep this Nation from seriously approaching the Ideals set forth in our Declaration and Constitution.  JIM CROW was a return to antebellum treatment of non-whites of both genders.  It also withdrew the promise of Choice, (Voting) for Black Males.

We have returned to that place, politically and socially.  The Republican Candidates are offering a variety of propositions that will deny CHOICE in a variety of ways: voting, immigration, and family planning -- for minorities, women, and Whites who are no longer Middle Class! 

Under JIM CROW, Black Americans bargained away their claim to Human Rights in exchange for the PROMISE of better economic conditions.  Booker T. Washington led them down the road to the conditions that prevail today, and, along the way,  produced "Conservative" Blacks, like Ben Carson.

Because Rich Whites have decided there is no longer enough Money to share with their less fortunate Whites, they're offering them a similar deal; as proposed by their "Booker T."; who is named DONALD TRUMP!

In Amerika, there's a "Sucker" born, every minute!

Stay Vigilant!     Will we wake up, or stay under the spell of the Reality-Media King?  Give away your freedoms to choose, and we can forget about DEMOCRACY, in any form!

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Saturday, October 17, 2015

Is "Government" (really), the PROBLEM ??

maybe YES; maybe NO!!

T 'was Ronald Reagan who hit on the idea that "GOVERNMENT" was the problem!  Nevertheless, he sought Government Offices (Governor or California, and President of the United States), and, depending on your point of view; set about to make his proposition TRUE!  Whether it is about TAXES, Deficits, Disappearing Middle Classes, or Cops killing Black and Brown Children; a close look at those issues will implicate Policies of  "ol -triple-six"; Ronald Wilson Reagan!

The problem, about this problem; is that the general public is about as simple-minded as Ronnie, and fail to distinguish between the FEDERAL Government (Ronnie's b*tch), and STATE, COUNTY and LOCAL Governments. Cuyahoga County, which includes the City of Cleveland, Ohio, is a case in point.  Law Enforcement in most STATE Governments is principally performed at the County and City Levels.  Sheriffs are County Law Enforcers.  Chiefs of Police are City Law Enforcers.  Most Minority Citizens don't know or understand the difference.  They see Police as Police, .. period!

The Tamir Rice Tragedy has been severely complicated by confusion over police practices and enforcement lines of authority.  MEDIA, through sloppy reporting, has added tremendously to the confusion!  Recent controversy over the handling of the investigation of the murder of the child by a Cop plays into this sad affair!

The COUNTY is the basic unit of government in every STATE of the United States, except for Louisiana (they have Parishes), and Alaska (they have Boroughs).  The Distribution of taxing authority, policing powers, and many other administrative tasks, is determined by State Law.  COUNTIES were the governmental units, from which Congress authorized the formation of our STATE Governments.

Stay Vigilant!  Those, like Reagan, who despise the Federal Government, usually do so because of some practice they which to engage in without OVERSIGHT, or without some POWER to Interrupt!  When you Call the LAW; make sure you KNOW who you are calling,  what power they have, and where their authority comes from??

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Friday, October 16, 2015

whites: "civil war" ?? AGAIN ?? (CAN u SPELL, O-L-I-G-A-R-C-H-Y)?

do U KNOW what it MEANS??

Our Hard Right appears determined to get rid of our DEMOCRACY!  They have BROKEN our House of Representatives, to prove it.  (Reichstag's ghosts?)

Read the latest BARRON's!  The Cover Story should tell you all you need to know about the LEADER of that hard-bitten pack!

Our challenge, in 2016, will be to sort those who support Democratic Processes, from those who DON'T!  We have two descendants from Oligarchies in the current Republican Pack -- one from Florida, who wants us to revive Battista; and one from Texas, who likes European Dictators better.  Both are praying to inherit TRUMP's "leavings", whenever he decides he has made as much money as he can from his Caper.

To understand the likelihood of a Civil War for this generation of instigators, ...(found among our  "Sewer State Amerikens"); we have to re-visit their political Predecessors: President James K. Polk, former Speaker of the House of Representatives, under Presidents Jackson and Van Buren. Other unsavory characters in that era were Houston and Austin of Texas.  Revolving around issues of Texas, were those of  California and Oregon, and the issue of extending Slavery to the Pacific.  We find  also issues like the Rape of the Tejanos,  the theft of properties owned by Pico, Sepulveda, and their fellow landowners in California, and the Treaty of Guadalupe Hildalgo that ended our un-provoked invasion of Mexico.  The year after Polk was succeeded by Zachary Taylor, the General in charge of our Invasion of Mexico, we see the Fugitive Slave Act and the California Compromise.
That Civil War came, "baked into" all of these events!!

The likelihood of a Civil War brewing today, will be determined by the fates of TRUMP, JEB, Rubio and Cruz.  Is there enough common sense in the United States to STOP this nonsense??

Stay Vigilant!  We "play dirty" in our Politics, because Whites feel they are secure enough to "afford the entertainment it brings".  Syria, and its rapid devolution may prove otherwise?  We shouldn't continue to under-value the power of the Smart Phone, in world affairs!

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Wednesday, October 14, 2015

MOMMA's BABY !! .. POPPA's ?? ... (maybe) ,,

No longer only a question of PATERNITY

In our pell-mell lunge, toward a sclerotic, MEDIA-driven "Modernity"; the MALES of our species, have been handed measureless new "freedoms" to add the the societal supremacy they have always possessed.  Placed upon the apex of the social order by religions, HUMAN MALES have held sway in LAW, RELIGION, and exercised AUTHORITY in virtually every sphere known.  Now comes the power to completely "Opt-out" of responsibility for child-rearing!  Instituted among the Slaves by Owners, to increase the "yield" of new slaves; indeterminate father-hood is maintained, in 2015, by OWNERS of Organized Sports organizations, to continue and improve their "yield" for Players.  They have to take care, however, to make sure their Brains are not improved,  Otherwise, Players might figure out how to successfully manage their wealth, themselves;  thereby, depriving hundreds of white males of their livelihood!

As women are becoming more "empowered"; nothing is put in place to make males more ANSWERABLE, accountable, or responsible, to the needs of a healthy Social Order!  Racial standards and beliefs, Marital standards and practices, and, now;  increased powers of females to protect themselves from undesirable "access" by males comes at a time when society permits males to "kiss" as well as "kill" their fellow males!

Only in cases where financial interests, and incomes, are available, will DNA evidence be sought to determine fatherhood.  Even then, the LAW and our Judicial System prove inadequate to protect CHILDREN!

Stay Vigilant!  God Bless The Child; who still, must "Hold His/or/Her Own"!!  NONE of us can pre-determine the conditions under which we are born!   This condition can be found across religions, tribes, races, and income classes.

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Tuesday, October 13, 2015

BLACKs (and Brown?) Must "Revisit" CONSERVATISM!!

THIS is the Turning-Point??
In this Halloween Season, we find the Republican Party writhing on a death-bed, of its own making.  We also find the USA down on its knees, tonight, in Vegas, "shootin' craps" for its Post-Obama FUTURE!
On a stage, ALL-WHITE, one female and four males will Debate their visions for that future.  This has been another year for "Bringing In the (politics) Clowns"; and the Republicans, so far, seem to have found them all.  Maybe the Democrats have found a few?  We'll see!

WHATEVER!  Blacks, and Browns have more serious concerns than trying to choose which of these "candidates" are tricking us the most, and how!  Our LIVES are on the line.  The Prairie View, TX, Tasering of a City Councilman by Cracker Cops is proof-positive that "Policing" in this Country is definitely NOT what Government, at all levels, tell us it is!!  Blacks and Browns are the first victims of this phenomenon, it seems.  That Texas town has a "Black" Mayor!  In many, if not most, cities and towns, the Cops are answerable to the Mayor.  But, as most Citizens, and virtually all Blacks and Browns don't realize; there are STRONG Mayors, Weak Mayors, and Mayors with no powers at all !  What you have in your town, is determined by the format set, by LAW, in your State or Locality.  This widespread ignorance about governments at the state and local levels, was relied on by BIG MONEY Whites, in the 1970s, when they introduced the idea of using Black Mayors to keep Blacks "in their places"!!

Most of them, (Mayor Washington, in Chicago, was an exception), were "figureheads".  Conservative Figureheads, of the type spawned by Booker T. Washington, in 1895, when he sacrificed the humanity of persons of color in this country on the "altar" of White Male Supremacy.  Blacks, and Browns, have to read the "Atlanta Compromise", or "Five Fingers" Speech, that made JIM CROW possible!
Reagan, by signing into LAW the War on Drugs, moved Organized Crime (already ensconced in Unions) into our Police Forces.  Everything has been "down-hill" since then.

Stay Vigilant!  Whether its Hillary, TRUMP, Cruz, or somebody even worse; the future for all persons of color, and especially their male children, IS ON THE LINE.  Do we need more Black Conservative "Darlings" like Clarence Thomas, and Condi Rice??  Can we SURVIVE the continuation of this "Booker-T" CRAP??

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Monday, October 12, 2015


do WHITES have the RIGHT to "Dictate" how

Children of Color are REARED by their Parents;

in the name of:  "Assimilation"??

Those who know the History of the USA, also know that the Slave Founders had no trouble with the child-rearing their own children received from their Slave "Baby-sitters"!!  That tradition has been followed in our Sewer States for several hundreds of years!  Fast-forward to 2015, and White Media Talking Heads show no compunction, when dictating the methods a Black NFL Player should use in disciplining his own child!  What gives them the RIGHT??  Are their children raised differently? If so, why, and to what effect??

The turn away from our historic, un-questioning acceptance of Black child rearing, seems to have occurred in the 1960s, when "Integration" of our Public Schools began in earnest.  The Processes in our various States were determined solely by WHITES.  The authority Parents of Color had over their children was swiftly broken, in favor of White School Authorities and White Teachers.  Since then the trend has become generalized, to where any "wagging tongue" in MEDIA can become an "authority" on child-rearing!  It is undoubtedly a factor, not recognized, in our new Prison Industry, fed by Black and Brown Males!!

Mores of Right and Wrong are Cultural.  They are established by tried-and-true methods discovered over time, as the various Cultures succeeded in overcoming obstacles they faced.  The mindless
interruption of these methods, in the name of "Assimilation" has become a convenient tool for gaining a "wedge" to set children of color against their own parents.  That practice endangers us all!  One-method-for-all, has devolved to a Society in which no one has authority over children.  That confuses and enrages children, while endangering Society as a whole.  This is too high price to pay for White Privileges!

STAY VIGILANT!  Your Child's LIFE may depend on it!

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Sunday, October 11, 2015

"GOD's - Own" - DEFINITION; for "Reality" ??

Many may think that TRUMP, and other, "Reality" - MEDIA-Moguls

might have the POWER OF god (or PUTIN; if you lean that way)

You might, however, pause, to think:

What GOD; (he or she) , would Say ..

.. is REALITY??

I'm willing to BET,


has NEVER Changed


Stay Vigilant!  UP is still UP!  DOWN is still DOWN!  DAY is still DAY!, and NIGHT is still NIGHT!

WRONG, can never be RIGHT!!

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"Jog" YOUR Memories??

This morning, 14 years and one month, to the day, since ""9/11"; Fareed Zacharia raised a subject on his Show, that might "jog" your memories, the way it jogged mine!  The subject was PAKISTAN, and why it plays such a pivotal role in what is now happening in AFGHANISTAN.  The facts exposed brings back memories of our "eerie"  " empty Skies over the US", when NO air-traffic was allowed; after "Dick and Dubya" shut them down in response to "9/11".  What we've been led to forget, is the fact that Dick and Dubya re-Opened those skies, temporarily, to allow the Bin Laden Family to escape from the United States!  

We might also remember the great reluctance shown by those two, to aggressively hunt for Bin Laden!

We might also remember the great sums of money they paid to Pervez Musharraf, for what any third-world Intelligence Operation would know to be LIES!  Throw in the murder of Benazir Bhutto, .. and an ugly picture emerges.  Kinda makes you wonder why ANYONE with BUSH, as a last name would seriously contemplate running for the Presidency of this Country!  Check out Fareed's look at Pakistan, on this morning's show.  Then, hit the History Books, and try to determine the role Pakistan and its "Client State"(?) Afghanistan, will play in the unfolding horrors of the Islamic Middle East.  Wanna bet TRUMP or CARSON have any clue about any of this?

Stay Vigilant!  This week, we get to see the "Grown-Ups" debate their candidacies on T.V.!  It should make us remember all of the Horrors of the 8 years of "Dick and Dubya"; not just those events overseas, but also the "Anthrax Attacks", which were discovered to be connected to home-grown Christians, and then, promptly buried by our MEDIA!!  Devote every breath to keep this Country moving Forward, and not BACK to that "Conservative heaven" we suffered under "Dick and Dubya"!!

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Saturday, October 10, 2015

is PUTIN "winning" (the most) "HEARTS and MINDS" ??

hard HEARTS and weak MINDS, to be precise!
Coming off his "victories"  over the USA and Europe, in Ukraine, PUTIN seems to be "doubling down" in the Middle East!  Our State Department is woefully derelict in explaining to the American People, preicsely, WHAT in HELL is going on!!

It doesn't take a great mind to see that PUTIN "wins" through a DUPLICITY; that is in your face!
He talks Peace, while waging War; in submerged, and plausibly deniable, ways.  He seems to be a genius at knowing precisely WHERE and WHEN to STRIKE!  While the WEST waffles between NEGOTIATING and WAR; PUTIN wages BOTH, simultaneously!!  He has Assad in his pocket, he appears to be getting Netanyahu in his pocket, and he seems convinced that the Arabs would rather make money and fight among themselves, more than anything!  The Bombing in Turkey, reported this morning, smells of this sort of thing!
What are we, average Americans, doing??  Entertaining ourselves with a craven MEDIA that features the loud-mouthed, empty minds of the likes of TRUMP, CARSON, and FIORINA!!

Looking back over my adult career, Eisenhower's warning leaps out!  Where Eisenhower was afraid of the collusion between our Hard Right and the Defense Department, Nixon was NOT.  To get off the Vietnam hook, Nixon ended the DRAFT!  Iraq showed clearly the folly of doing that WITHOUT drastically changing our approach to WAR.  Congress has refused to take this seriously, since the late Fifties.  

The Backlash against Civil Rights found a home inside our "Volunteer" Military, metastasizing into "Abu Ghraib"??  Our State Department was left, after Nixon's resignation, to the designs of Kissinger, who was preoccupied with riches from trade with China and Russia.  Our Diplomatic Talents wafted off into some nether-land!  George Marshall was best, and Dulles, was the last clear-eyed Leader at STATE??

Stay Vigilant!  WE need to meet PUTIN on his playing field, and stop trusting solely in "Diplomacy"!  It's becoming more and more evident that our Hard Right envies Putin!!  Adlai Stevenson proved that BRAINS, alone, don't appeal much to the average American Voter!!  DickandDubya showed us what we get without brains!

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Friday, October 9, 2015

CARSON: "explained" ??

Anyone who believes WHITES are Superior, in any way, is a RACIST!!

Is a NEW PARTY, that seeks to move "beyond Racism", EMERGING, in the USA??
The low-lifes, in our MEDIA, and in our POLITICS, seem to be exposing themselves lately, and many are caught in their own TRAPS!  Murdoch "trapped" himself when he spoke his mind about CARSON.  CARSON revealed himself when he "sucked-up" to Murdoch, in return!  (a friend from London told me some time ago that they called MURDOCH, "the dirty DIGGER", over there).  Could that explain why he and Roger Ailes are" partners in crime"??  Is TRUMP seeking to "cut himself in", on their DEAL?

Just as they did with Herman Cain, in the last Clown Show, our Sewer State "Conservatives" are "biding their time" until they get around to "guttin' " Carson!  Any Fool knows that "guttin' and lynchin' Blacks" is their traditional sport!  Mark Twain named Blacks like Carson, more than a hundred years ago, as "Pudd'n Heads"!  DOCTORS are BRILLIANT (those few who are good doctors) -- they are often greedy, but  rarely also SMART!   AN OLD PHYSICIAN told me when I was a Professor at K.U. -- Medical Schools are for "cutting and sewing", not for "education"!!  A person can be "Brilliant", and a "Fool" at the same time;  remember "Rainman"!!!

The New Party??  The Repoobs have metastasized inside the Republican Party.  With the demise of Cantor, then Boehner, and now, McCarthy; the RATS in the House may have, finally,  trapped themselves!  They may have finally crippled the Country, if a Speaker cannot be found in time to do our "business"!!  Pelosi must be 'lickin' her chops"!!  TRUMP sprang into action quickly, to take their credit away from them; leaving them with our PITY, as they continue to long for a PUTIN that will save them!

The real BIG MONEY; inside, what used to be, the Republican Party, will have none of this!! The BUSHes have "played out"!!  No self-respecting politician in their "bag", will come close to the "stinkin' pile" that our HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES has become!  We need a NEW PARTY -- (W e need a new NAME, though!  Know-Nothings, Whigs, Tea Party, must be expunged from our Political Lexicon.  How about the Common Sense Party??
Stay Vigilant!  If you're white, and need to know what you can  believe about somebody  who is Black;  DON'T believe anything another white person has to say!!  (don't believe Blacks from the Ol' South, either!)
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Wednesday, October 7, 2015

TRUMP: more "CYNICAL" than BUBBA??

Ain't NOBODY, nevah' lost no MONEY; bettin' on the STUPIDITY of White Amerika!!

It looks like BIG MONEY is placing its bets on TRUMP!  We have a classic case of a Democracy poised to Vote itself out of existence!  Both, BIG MONEY, and the "little" (white) People have no PATIENCE for the messiness of Democracy.  They prefer autocrats, or dictators!  BIG MONEY also knows that most whites lack the Intellectual Capacity for Democracy!  That portion of our population will do anything to stay safe, wealthier than non-whites, and in "power"; EXCEPT risk their lives, or those of their loved ones, in DEFENSE of our Democracy!  They learned from watching Europe rely, for decades,  on our blood, guns, and treasure to defend their Democracies.

Whites, for whom this is may not be  true, support either Hillary or Bernie for President in 2016.
TRUMP may be using Carson as a "piggy bank" for proportioned Delegates.  He will collect, when he gets around to "taking down" Carson!  For now, he has his hands full with Jeb, and Marco, and Kasich! 

How did TRUMP pull this off?  He is a Media Darlin', who inherited MONEY, and learned, from Bubba, how to "feel the pain" of the Public.  He sponsors "garbage T.V. shows for the "little people".  The MEDIA we have today is centered on entertainment and ratings.  It is NOT interested in keeping the Public INFORMED!  It is ready-made for a Megalo-maniacal Spellbinder like TRUMP.  TRUMP is also a RINGLEADER; in the classic tradition of the American CIRCUS.  The more "rings', the larger the circus.  The Republicans are committing suicide, as a Party, while sporting a "circus" of more than a dozen "rings".

Stay Vigilant!  The History Books will certainly chronicle the peculiarity of these Times!  TRUMP v. SANDERS, anyone??

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Tuesday, October 6, 2015

women (AND CHILDREN) "first" ??

Not TODAY!! .. If  they ever were!

Down from their "Pedestals" of OLD, women today, are finally being considered for "equality", with MEN??  That sounds about right, somehow, given the NEW LOWs men have sunk to; in terms of RESPONSIBILITY, ACCOUNTABILITY, and INTEGRITY!  (Our Children, all colors, all income classes, wear the evidence, no matter where we look, in these United States).  Why it is NOT a Crime; punishable by DEATH; for anyone who knowingly provides a loaded gun to a child; is beyond me!  Could this be taken as a measure of WHITE FEAR??  Meager evidence available to us, show that even Chattel Slaves cared more deeply for their children, than most parents (mothers AND fathers) do today!  Too many women pursue EQUALITY by copying MEN! (Fiorina??)

The Social Pathologies; such as Poverty, Disease, Dependency, and Other Miseries, meted out, historically, to persons of Color in our Society, are now borne, to some extent, by all!  Driven by the epidemic of Divorce, not even the children of the top 1% can escape some of them!

Grampa used to say: "be careful of the ditch you dig for others; you might also fall into them"!
Whites, who designed laws, and procedures to continue their practices of "educating" non-white children in ways that would destroy them; made a mistake by carrying out these practices under the same roof with their own children!  Decades of this have led to poor performance, academically, by children of all colors and classes!  Ditto for Welfare Programs!  The Real Estate Industry, which assigns and enforces our Housing Patterns, is, still, not held accountable for the Social Pathology those practices have inflicted on us all!  Why are we considering a Real Estate Mogul to lead us in 2016??

Stay Vigilant!  Looking for Terrorists?  Start in your own home!  The Oregon shooting shows that the Terrorist most likely to strike you and yours, LOOKS LIKE YOU, and may live next-door!

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Monday, October 5, 2015

Are we READY for this "FEMINIST" Round??

Look Carefully; BEYOND our MEDIA!!

Before we succumb to MEDIA, and let them waltz us, mesmerized by the antics of TRUMP, toward National Disaster in 2016; let's look carefully at where we are TODAY, and HOW we got here!!

Bernanke's new book shows how close we came to a deep, 1930s style, DEPRESSION, in 2008, when Obama was elected President.  That means the "Conservative" Cheney/Bush Regime DESTROYED our Economy.  Citizens, like those from our "Sewy-Hole" regions, like Arkansas; who first appeared on T.V., as they defied President Eisenhower, over the issue of Little Rock High School, sprang into ACTION!!

Failing to get their Senator, and a "peculiar" female Governor from Alaska, elected in 2008; these people, assisted by fellow-citizens from our Old South, Texas, and Southern California, have united inside the Republican Party, to DEFY, at every turn, President Obama, the first Black President elected in these United States!  That defiance has taken many bizarre twists and turns between both Treachery and Treason!  Over that time, they have deeply divided our Country, and undermined our Safety, aided by BIG MONEY from the Hard Right! 

Using MEDIA tactics that were  first developed in Gernany in the 1930s, these Vermin, with a second  failed run at the Presidency tucked under their belt;  are gearing up to defeat the first Female candidate for the Presidency, in 2016!  Are we ready for another four-to eight years of the Crap that has been thrown at Obama? ? Can our Country survive more of  these Treasonous activities from these people, organized, now, into a highly treacherous group, operating  within the House of Representatives, and fed by several "Think Tanks"??  Can we achieve the organizational strength necessary to defeat their thrust, before 2016?? 

The Psychology of Feminism, as displayed in our MEDIA since the 1970s, reveals serious flaws that should be of deep concern, first, to those  FEMALES; who aren't white, who aren't wealthy or well-connected, and who are below the age of 2!.  Feminism has seriously let down all of these groups of females!!  Palin, clearly, was not qualified to be second-in line to the Presidency of the United States.  Even the Vermin can see that, by now!  (Most of them, anyway).

My greatest concern are those females who obviously believe they "win" when they copy the worst flaws of MEN; like bold disgregard for truth; bullying and ruthlessness; and allowing Wealth to TRUMP everything else.

Stay Vigilant!  If we get a Female President in 2016, we must MAKE SURE that it is the best qualified candidate available, who also happened to be Female!!  Whoever she is, the VERMIN can be expected to continue their current strategies and objectives.  In seven years, President Obama has repaired the most serious DAMAGE that was done by Cheney/BUSH!!

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Sunday, October 4, 2015

PELOSI ! .. for SPEAKER!! ..NOW!!! (?)

Desperate Measures are Needed

Our FOUNDERS feared Political Parties.  They called them FACTIONS.  Nothing in our Constitution requires the Speaker of the House of Representatives, third in succession to the Presidency of the United States, to be a member of any Party, within the House, or, maybe even, within Congress!

THINK ABOUT IT!!  There are a few sane Republicans left.  They are trapped by the Crazy(s);
aka Tea-Party Insurrections; that hold the entire HOUSE,  hostage.  A return to power for Speaker Pelosi, now, would SAVE OUR NATION, which is under threat from the likes of Trump and Fiorina, and loonies like Carson!  There's nothing "Conservative" about these Fools,  aboard the Republican Bus, all vying for President in 2016!

BENEFITS:  Immigration:  Solved!  Bring up the Senate Bill in the House!
                      Gun Sanity:    Solved!  By-pass the choke-holds of the Looneys in Both Chambers.
                      TRUMP Insanity:  Blown Away!  Get some people with Common Sense in the Race!

Stay Vigilant!  There is still time to save ourselves, while recognizing the wisdom of our Founders.
Icing on the Cake?? Hand Putin his "Walking Papers", and send him back to his Delapidated Haunts.
Constant weakening of the Powers of our Presidency by "Conservatives", have put our Nation in our weakest position since December 7, 1941!

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Saturday, October 3, 2015

why WHITEs "don't nevah See no EVIL" (among their own)!!

Here we go again??

The Sheriff in Oregon, where the latest white male mass "shooter" has shown up; admonishes MEDIA to Never Speak the Name of the Shooter!  C'mon!  Who in HELL believes the guy did what he did because he wanted to be Famous??  The Bastard was SICK, just like all the rest of those guys like him.  Dylaan Roof, and the legion of white males in his generation, who have cluttered our airwaves with their gruesome deeds, are only COPYING HISTORY!  This is just a 2015 attempt to re-invent White-Denial!!  What Whites refuse to recognize, they can pretend doesn't EXIST!  (and they wonder why their kids keep turning up as racist as their Grandparents)

The old Slave Narratives are filled with accounts of ageing Massas, who, facing their deaths due to illness, shuffle down to the Slave Quarters in search of FORGIVENESS!  South Carolina has recently echoed this phenomenon for a white kid, barely old enough to shave!

H. L. Mencken decried the fact that the U.S. of A. had the bad habit of filling itself with Europe's Outcasts (his word for them was worse)!  From the first days, they were promised a haven here, if they were white, male, over 21, owned at least one white shirt, and could speak the English Word: "N*gger"!!  Our Immigration Policies still include this line of thinking!  The BAD GUY(s) are always those foreigners who aren't white.  This thinking has also produced our Prison Industries of 2015!  This latest version of JIM CROW is a haven for Jobs for Whites with limited education.  It replaces the noose, the lash, the dogs, and the "selling down the river" that accompanied Chattel Slavery, and Jim Crow.  Louisiana holds the worlds record for Black Incarceration!

Stay Vigilant!  One Black Senator, from up North, and one from Down South, have teamed up with a slew of white Senators to "loosen the chains" on Blacks who have been incarcerated by our Prison Industries.  The Senate Judiciary Committee has toiled tirelessly, for dedades, to select the Judges and enact the Laws that provide the Foundation for our Prison Industry!

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Friday, October 2, 2015

WE "Grew-Up", HERDING Chickens!

"There ain't NOBODY Here, But Us Chickens" !!

Will it be Hillary, or will it be Jeb?  Probably, NEITHER!!  Why is Janet Yellin, the first FEMALE Head, for the Fed, BETTER than all those white MALEs who came before?  Because Females, and Minorities  have ALWAYS been located in the STAFF part of large Companies and Organizations; NOT in the LINE Jobs.  The OLD (white) BOYS, picked their "fair-haired" YOUNG (white) BOYS, while they were in their 20s, and GROOMED (protected) them as they rose through the ranks.  Not so, for FEMALES!

White Males are content to allow a Woman, or a Minority to  run any organization, only AFTER they have sucked the LIFE out of it!  (That goes for the Presidency of the United States, also?)  When I was confronted by a couple of bright, white, male, Lieutenants in their 20s, in 1969, and told: "We Don't Work for N*ggers",  I had to convince them why they were going to work for ME!!  With every promotion, Management had to struggle with finding tough jobs that white males sought to avoid; because they were "too risky"; and  assign those jobs to me!

Why are the REDNECK Republicans shutting down our Government from the House of Representatives?  Because our Constitution directs that all MONEY Bills, must Originate in the HOUSE!  The same reason Willie Sutton had for robbing BANKS -- that's where the MONEY is!

Why are the Republicans Hell-Bent to destroy the Ex/Im Bank?  Who BENEFITS, if they succeed?
President Obama has done remarkably well in his Job, considering the constant attack from these Insurrectionists, who have forced his Administration to operate in a climate, somewhere between Treason and Treachery, for more than seven years now!  The Insurrectionists, led, so far, by TRUMP, expect ignorant and scared-silly Whites to VOTE for them!

Stay Vigilant!  It's clear that Republicans want to see this ECONOMY FAIL, more than they want to see President Obama Fail!!  We must find out WHY!!  This goes far beyond RACE and GENDER!
Put Pelosi back in charge of the HOUSE!!  We have to find someone who can make Clear, Concise, and Correct DECISIONS, to become our President in 2016!  Neither any Republican, nor Hillary, fit this BILL??  REGISTER AND VOTE, like your LIFE depends on it!!

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Thursday, October 1, 2015


T'was "Bankruptcy"!!

T'was Bankruptcy (of the old Soviet Union); NOT REAGAN!!; that won the Cold War!!   With my fellow members of the USA Military, circa 1957, thru 1989,  on the "front lines"; we developed the weapons and made the technology discoveries that were necessary to beat the Russians in the Arms Race, that spent them into Bankruptcy!  

Reagan, and John Wayne, both;  fed us those old Hollywood  "Macho" myths!  Both, were master story-tellers of those LIES about the OLD WEST, and the COLD WAR!  Both are dead, now, and those of us who are still Living, have to get beyond all those LIES, if we want to find a future that will work for us!! We've been fed too many LIES  by Russian Foreign Minister Laprov's!!  It's time for President Obama to ask for RESIGNATIONS; from BOTH the Defense and the State Departments!

Whether it is Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia, or Israel; the Middle East is where we should Focus and find the real culprits.  We hear too many MEDIA allusions to ISIS, ISIL, DASH, and the old Al-Qaeda, but NOTHING about who  funds and leads these people.  Could it be that we have been shadow-boxing with the wrong enemies?  Could it be that those Generals who told "Dubya" the Truth about his plans to invade Iraq, and were fired for doing so, can still be of use to us??

Stay Vigilant!  If we don't get this right, and escape the choke-hold the Republicans and the "mini-minds" who form their BASE, have us in;  if those of us who have fully-developed adult brains cannot " overcome" the T-Party sludge; then,  WE, the USA,  may be the next to face BANKRUPTCY (financially, spiritually, and morally)!

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