From the City of "Brotherly Love";
Among the many things I learned, during my career as a U.S.A.F. Officer; was the tremendous differences, by place of origin, there were, between White service-members (all Ranks); and, a separate set of differences existed between Black service-members (all Ranks). The most interesting differences, for me, were those exhibited by Blacks from big Northern Cities, like Philadelphia, New York, and Boston. Each, in their way, believed that they were "superior" to other Blacks. There were sharp differences, that were similar, among Whites, but Rural/City was not the Divide: their differences were determined by North/South origins.
Those years, 1962-1982, were inflamed by Racial Tensions and the White Backlash unleashed by Nixon and Hoover (J. Edgar). "Watergate-Journalism", and Broadcast Media arrived, along with technological advances, that spawned our current 24/7MEDIA. In their wake arrived FOX News, Atwater/Ailes, Limbaugh, and, "Archie-Bunker" on Television.
Only fifteen years after our Defense Department was established, and 14 years after President Truman racially-integrated the U.S. Military; racial tensions were keenly felt among the Troops. I documented my early experiences, at the time, in my Master's Thesis, in 1972. McNamara was Sec/Def when I entered Service, and Wineberger was the ninth Sec/Def I served under. Rumsfeld held the job between the years 1975-1977. I am convinced the Military was "politicized" by the impact of "Backlash".
Television fed us "Archie-Bunker" the stereotypical Northern White, Urban-Ethnic, Bigot found among populations that included Chicago, New York, and many other cities in our North, East, and Middle-West. Today, we're presented an "Archie-Bunker Prosecutor" who has pursued a path to "make his bones", politically, by "bagging" Bill Cosby. Our Corrupt "Justice System", topped by Salt-and-Pepper-Twin Bigots on our Supreme Court; is "shot-through" with corrupt Judges, Prosecutors, Police Chiefs, and Mayors.
Their "RACE-CARD" political methods are widely used; and easily recognized.
Stay Vigilant!: Never in our History, has any Police Force been widely recognized as "fair and impartial" in its practices involving our Poor and Non-white persons and/or Communities. All Cities and Towns, perpetually create and maintain areas; variously called Ghettos, Barrios, "Tenderloins" and "Skid-Row"; where City and State Administrators systematically cheat the Residents when they distribute Tax Benefits. From paved roads, zoning enforcement , to other "services", the discrimination is obvious. Our Racist Institutions; from Public Schools to Police Forces, know, and feed off of these practices.. Chief among the Villains: Public PROSECUTORS!! Does this give you some idea how HUGE the task of "Justice Reform" will be??
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