Wednesday, February 8, 2012


This morning's news carried a story of our Congress "waxing clean" by hastily passing, from the depths of gridlock, a bill that will prohibit "themselves" from "insider trading".  Sweet Jesus!; it's about time!  Louise Slaughter has been sojourning in the wilderness over this for years, with no sympathy or support from her fellow legislators.

This story gets better, however, in that House Speaker Boehner and his clique decided to insert a jab at former House Speaker Pelosi.  It is referred to as "the Pelosi provision", to prohibit member participation in IPOs (initial public offerings).  It has been reported that her husband participated in a Visa IPO.

This is use of a spouse to get at one's political enemy.  It rattles the ghost of Pompeia!  That famous spouse was required to be "above suspicion".   Let us be reminded that it was Speaker Boehner, not his spouse, who was reported to have distributed checks from lobbyists on the floor of the House of Representatives!  Oh, the stink of politics.

Louise Slaughter gave credit on the news to Steve Croft and Sixty Minutes for spawning the events cited above.  Churchill is right again, in a way.  He said the "Americans" will do the right thing, but not until they've tried everything else.  It seems here, that we finally are getting something right.

The President, in his State of the Union speech, opened the door to the House action.  It is also reported that the Senate passed its bill first; it did not include what has been called the "Pelosi" provision.  That "Millionaire's Club" will have to swallow hard to keep such a provision in the bill as it goes to the President's desk.  Anybody taking bets?

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Monday, February 6, 2012




Should Law "Trump" Religion in the U.S.?

This question has dogged this nation since it's founding, and returns again to the headlines through efforts by the "religious" right to scuttle the health care bill they derisively call "Obama Care".

The question arises over revolt by Catholic leaders who want federal funding, but do not want any
restrictions on their "teachings" and activities.  When U.S. voters are being barraged about the threat of "Sharia Law", we once again have to think deeply about what religions are doing to us.

Since the "Religious Right" invaded and corrupted our politics in the 1970s, "Separation of Church and State", which prevailed in our politics up to that time, was shoved aside.  Is it time to bring it back?  Whether than being forced to choose between Christian or Moslem rules, we should remember that in this country the answer is "Neither".  The Law prevails.  Unfortunately, during their reign, the right has managed to install five Catholics on the Supreme Court; some of whom clearly bring their religious beliefs and prejudices to their rulings.

In our past, religiously driven action taken, from chattel slavery to the sexual abuses of small children
have found refuge in religious rule or in deference to religion.  A case could be made for the fact that corruption, irresponsibility, lack of accountability, and outright crime have sharply increased since the rise of the religious right.  The return to civil order we all seek may start by restoring law to its rightful place over religious sentiment and practice.  No religion should be allowed to coerce U.S. citizens in any way.

Now might be the time to return to the "common sense" the American voter seemed to exhibit up through the election of Harry Truman; and seems to have lost since.

Dont'cha THINK?

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