Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Heaven in by BMW 635csi

October 25, 2011


A Message from the Owl to These (used to be) United States of America

                This message is from  a 72-years-young Black American who is intrigued by how far this nation has sunk into the Reagan-Bush muck of the past 30 years.  We have permanent street demonstrations representing  the putative 99% of the citizenry who have recently awakened to the fact that their politicians have succeeded in ripping them off big time.  Hooray for them!;  Finally!!;  They must pray it’s not too late!!!

                Because of my advanced age, I’ll probably not be around to see how it all turns out.  I plan to be driving to Heaven in the not too distant future in my black-on-black- in-black , 1986 BMW, 635 csi (or, at least my spirit will be anyway).  It has given me more than a quarter-century of fun travel.

  Oh, about that black issue – in this supposedly “post-black” period that is dawning.  I wish the folks pushing that lie a lot of luck with that.  They probably don’t know squat about  “good vs. evil”; Cain & Abel; Noah’s curse on Ham’s descendants; the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel; modern chattel slavery; Montesquieu;  Thomas Jefferson; and Calvinism.  They should take some time and study Martin Luther instead of blindly  spouting Martin Luther King.  Then they will know the WHOLE WORLD is invested in the “black thing” and will be continually struggling to: “keep dat debbil away”!

                I didn’t need to know about the Sistine Chapel to learn that the white man’s heaven has no room for people who are not white.  (Check out the old Spanish ballad Angelitos Negros).  As for me, I’m not as black as some, and not as white as most.  My ancestry from these United States has bestowed English, French, Irish, Cherokee, Choctaw, Chicasaw, Blackfoot, and one drop of African.  In these 50 states there are at least 50 kinds of blackness (if not the square of that number).

                I learned that my Heaven will be a special place when I was six years old, and my mother died at the hands of the white citizenry of our state.   She could not be buried in the same place where the whites were launched on their way to their heaven.  Icould see then that something was seriously wrong with this world.

                U.S. citizens are suckers who give their money to bankers (white males, mostly) who give that money to other fat-cat whites around the world (Europe, Canada, Australia) in an effort to make Europeans the masters of a market driven global economy.  Our politicians are the hand-maidens to these crooks.  They let this crap go on for 30 years while they foolishly thought they could successfully ride the several bubbles it produced and come out ahead.  Now all but 1% are “ flat on their ass”, I’m told.
So go figure!
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All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Thursday, June 9, 2011


Color Identity
                The Western Hemisphere, comprised of North and South America and the Caribbean, is the consequence of a violent clash between Europeans and Aboriginal peoples that occurred in newly discovered lands more than 500 years ago.  Technological advances in navigation made possible a spread of violence, practiced earlier by Europeans in the Middle East and Asia, to new lands and their aboriginal peoples in the West.  The decimation of the aboriginal peoples in a brutal slave system employed by the Spanish, in search of precious metals, led to the invention of the Tran-Atlantic slave trade.  Key players in the invention were the Catholic (at that time, the only Christian) Church leadership; both in Rome and Mexico, and the crowned heads of Spain.
The French, English, and Dutch were slow to catch up to the technology, but when they did, they used it to steal on the high seas the precious metals mined by the Spaniards, and to spread their agriculture to the new lands.  They profited initially through piracy, looting Spanish gold and silver, and, later, by directly importing to the new lands the free labor they could sell and work to death on Encomiendas and Plantations.  The Christian hierarchy proclaimed they acted to save the Aboriginal peoples from the death, destruction, and degradation under the first slave system, (encomiendas) they established.  They justified enslaving the Africans by their long-held beliefs that Africans were a mala raza, and natural slaves.  The slave system constructed for the African slaves became the most brutal and inhuman form of slavery in human history.
The portrait, so to speak, of the new  races produced by  the mixture of these three “buckets” of colors; European, ( or white), Aboriginal,( or red), and African,( or black),  was  painted,  by the Spaniards.  The famous sixteen paintings can be found in museums in Mexico and depict the evolution of what is referred to today as the Mestizo races that dominate the Western Hemisphere. 
The white “bucket” has maintained its dominance in law, in faith, and in custom for more than five hundred years.   It has used government and religion to maintain superiority in all things legal, economic, religious, and social.
As we enter the twenty-first century, the most enduring power is that of the white group to define the existence, image, voice, and social status of the non-white groups in the Americas.   In the state of Missouri, where I was born in the late 1930’s, I was first designated by law as “Negro”.
By custom, we were described in print media as “Colored”.  In the early 1970’s President Nixon decreed through OMB that all U.S. citizens be “fitted” into 5 boxes, largely by skin color.  Over the span of my lifetime, all matters involving race were legislated and enforced by government.
                The persistence of this evil may be coming finally to an end.  Technology, as in the beginning, is the catalyst for the termination of this curse invented by Europeans.  As a student of Peter Drucker in the 1980’s I learned that governments copied early religion, and controlled the governed by limiting their access to information.  With the invention of the internet (one of many scientific breakthroughs achieved during the process of the “Cold War”), we are witnessing the end of governments’ ability to wield such power.  As people learn to better use this technology to communicate directly, those whose identities were the “property” of white-led governments can break those chains and claim their history.
                By controlling and manipulating the identity of non-white peoples in the Americas, governments have destroyed family links, distorted human images, denied human voice, and perpetuated a sense of inferiority; with its concomitant debilitating behaviors.  Freedom from these legal and psychological chains will become essential for the persons condemned by this system to become fully productive in their own lives and in society.   Hundreds of millions of citizens of the Americas are trapped in a system that assigns the worst attributes to those designated as black and the best to those designated as white.  Those in between are conditioned to be “thankful –they- are -not -black”.  These “non-blacks” are bound by the “non-obtainium” to achieve white status, and the fear of being designated as black.  This limbo, inherited at birth, could be the major cause that ”racism” gets blamed instead of “white supremacy” ;  why individuals bear the brunt of racial strife and not governments or religion; and why “racism” never goes away in  spite of hundreds of years of effort to make it disappear.
                Social networking, appropriately applied, through the technology of the world-wide-web may just be the key to a totally new world full of rich portent far beyond the gold and silver that drove the motivations of the inventors of this Paint Curse.

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All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Government Shutdown

Ghosts of Goebbels

Are We Doomed to Repeat This Bit of History?

April 6, 2011

            In my youth, I escaped Misery (Missouri) to San Francisco to complete my college education.  I had to work my way through college, so I held many jobs.  In one of those I met Jenny Gerechter who told me how she and her sister were the sole survivors of her family from the horrors of Germany during the late ‘30s and early ‘40s.  In another of my jobs, I had a student that I tutored in high school geometry.  One night after a tutoring session, her parents served cherry pie and coffee and we got acquainted.  I learned that they were Germans who came here after World War II.  (I later learned from a C-Span phone contact with the Editor of Der Stern (http://www.stern.de/), that many of the Nazi’s came to the United States for asylum).  This chap was simply one of the “dog-faces” in Hitler’s Army.  I was alarmed because they were living in a new housing  addition in Daley City, while I had to get special help from a fair housing organization to rent an apartment in San Francisco.  At that time, Negro and Jewish renters had great difficulty renting in a heavily discriminatory housing market.  In my frustration, I asked how they felt, as former enemies of this country, to have such privileges that our black and Jewish citizens did not have.  They proclaimed through tears that the simply “didn’t know” what was going on there in Germany.  I told them I could not believe that, and never tutored that student again.  More than fifty years later, I understand, seeing what the citizens of this country are doing, that they probably didn’t want to know what was going on.
            Thanks to the internet, Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Goebbels), provides a free compendium on Dr. Joseph Goebbels, a man most responsible for the rise of Adolf Hitler, and his ability to press war upon the world.  Upon reading the article, I became aware that perhaps many in this country have followed every step that Goebbels took in bringing about the rise and reign of Hitler.  Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Rupert Murdoch, the Koch brothers, Glen Beck, Michele Bauchman; all come rushing to mind.  It took Goebbels more than ten years to achieve what became the demise of German Democracy and the rise of Naziism.  Some of our citizens have been busy bringing about our current condition for more that 30 years.
It has been said that Democracies decline toward Fascism, and you have to wonder, with the rise of corporate power, the attack on Organized Labor, the somnolence of the citizens of this country who have to struggle with more than one job to feed their families, if we’re not headed again for that kind of future.
            The conditions of the economy and the society are eerily similar, while today’s tools for propaganda are things that Goebbels probably never thought possible.  He created monumental devastation with the tools he had then (radio, movies, opera, symphonies, books, newspapers, etc.)  We have all these today (on steroids! ); plus the internet. We also have practitioners who are unwilling or unable to accept or deal with facts or truths. 
The voting public has disturbingly shown that Harry Truman was wrong.  Harry (whom I saw speak at a train station in Missouri in 1948) was convinced that no matter their level of education, the citizens of this country would, in the end, vote their pocketbook.  George W. Bush proved him wrong.  Perhaps it was because a master propagandist, Karl Rove worked for him.  Goebbels believed that there was no good propaganda or bad propaganda; only propaganda that gained the desired result.  HELLO!!! 
Joseph Goebbels had a Ph.D., and knew full well what filth he purveyed.  Unlike Goebbels, most of the storm troopers and other followers of Hitler were less educated and motivated mostly by racial and class hatred.  Like Goebbels, their views of race came from their Catholic, Christian up-bringing.
            In our society today, the turn in this direction can be traced back to Ronald Reagan, who was probably a closet sympathizer of the Nazis.  His visit to Bitburg’s Nazi Cemetary (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bitburg) and his visit and speech in support for the racist murders of civil rights workers in Mississippi (http://hungryblues.net/2007/01/30/reagan-recording-found/) are cases in point.  Reagan used an earlier race-baiting propagandist, Lee Atwater, to gain his Presidency of the United States.  It appears that race opened the door and greed strode in.  If the citizens of this country don’t awaken from their deadly slumber, this ugly history might repeat itself.

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